E__8th grade language arts_HERO QUOTES ONLY

Analyze/Interpret the quote either by comparing the quote to the
photo, comparing to our discussion on heroism or by discussing
what you think the quote means.
“I don't run away from a challenge
because I am afraid. Instead, I run
toward it because the only way to
escape fear is to trample it
beneath your feet.” Nadia
Nadia Comaneci was a famous
Olympic gymnast who became an
overnight sensation after scoring a
perfect 10 and winning gold at the
1976 Olympics at age 14. She
went on to win a total of 9
Olympic medals over two Olympic.
(1976 and 1980).
Analyze the quotes below by either comparing and contrasting
the quotes to each other, applying the quotes to your first week
of school or to your life. Be sure to explain and provide specific
examples with your reasoning.
“It is time for us all to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever
- the one who recognizes the challenge and does something
about it.” Vince Lombardi famous football coach
“We would accomplish many more things if we did not
think of them as impossible.” Vince Lombardi
Analyze/Interpret the quote, either by comparing the quote
to the picture, comparing the quotes to our study on heroes
or simply by explaining how you interpret the speaker’s
“Associate with men of
good quality, if you
esteem your own
reputation; for it is better
to be alone than in bad
George Washington
George Washington was one
of our nations founding
fathers and the first president
of the US
Analyze/Interpret the quote, either by comparing the
quote to the picture, comparing the quote to our
discussions on heroism or simply by explaining how you
interpret the speaker’s words.
"When everything
seems to be going
against you,
remember that the
airplane takes off
against the wind,
not with it." Henry
Henry Ford was the
founder of the Ford
Motor Company; the
picture was just a cool
picture I found
Analyze/Interpret the quote either by comparing the quotes to
the photos or by discussing what you think the quote means. Can
you guess what week this is based on the pictures?
“There are worse crimes
than burning books. One
of them is not reading
them.” Joseph Brodsky
“Not all readers are
leaders, but all leaders
are readers.” Harry S.
Analyze/Interpret the quote, either comparing to
the picture, your own life, or our theme of
“Dreams can often become challenging, but
challenges are what we live for.” Travis White
Travis White was a famous architect. This is a picture of the Cincinnati
Reds clinching their division last September.
Analyze/Interpret either by
comparing to the various pictures
or by applying to your own life.
“Attitude is a little thing that
makes a big difference.” Winston
Winston Churchill was a famous
historical and political figure.
Analyze/Interpret the quote either by comparing the quote to the photo,
comparing to our theme of challenges or heroism or by discussing what
you think the quote means.
“Life’s challenges
are not suppose to
paralyze you,
they’re suppose to
help you discover
who you are.” –
Bernice Johnson Reagon
Analyze/Interpret the quote,
by comparing the quote to
our discussion on heroism or
simply by explaining how
you interpret the speaker’s
“Accept the challenges so
that you can feel the
exhilaration of victory.” George S. Patton – U.S. Army
Analyze/Interpret the quote, by comparing the quote to our
discussion on heroism or simply by explaining how you interpret the
speaker’s words.
“The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of
comfort and convenience, but how he stands at times of
controversy and challenges”. - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Analyze/Interpret the quote, by comparing the quote to our
discussion on heroism or simply by explaining how you
interpret the speaker’s words.
“The black of granite which was an obstacle in the pathway of
the weak became a stepping-stone in the pathway of the
strong.” – Thomas Carlyle (writer, essayist, historian)
Analyze/Interpret either by comparing to the pictures below
(some of which are heroes we discussed yesterday), the
heroes we discussed yesterday or by applying to heroes in
YOU LIKE.” MIKE GAFKA Mike Gafka was a Systems Engineer for Hewlett Packard
September 11, 2012
This is a picture that was taken on 9/11 at the site of the World Trade
Center attacks. The 9/11 attacks took almost 3, 000 lives and
hundreds injured. The picture from New York, is very similar to a
historical picture from WWII and the battle of Iwo Jima, an island off
Japan’s coast. In the picture from Iwo Jima, there are six brave
Marines raising the American flag on enemy soil to solidify a victory.
In the battle of Iwo Jima, the United States lost almost 7,000 U.S.
Marines and another 19,000 injured. I want you to compare and
contrast these two photos. What is the significant of the flag raising
in both events? Which photos is more powerful to you? Why?
Wednesday, September 12, 2012:
Analyze/interpret the quote, either by comparing the quote to the
picture or the quote to 9/11 or just writing about what the quote
means to you. YOU MUST WRITE the quote in your composition
Heroes never die. They live on forever in the hearts
and minds of those who would follow in their
Emily Potter
Emily is the founder of a non-profit organization, “The Million Kisses Foundation”
Analyze/interpret the quote, either
by comparing the quote to the
picture or the quote to 9/11 or just
writing about what the quote or
picture means to you. This is a
picture of the World Trade Center
Memorial in New York City. This is
where the twin towers once stood.
The names of all those that died
are engraved in the stone around
the fountain. YOU MUST WRITE the
quote in your composition book.
“A hero is someone who
has given his or her life to
someone bigger than
oneself.” Joseph
Analyze or Interpret the quote either by comparing to the
military picture above or by comparing to what we have been
learning about heroes.
“The basic difference between an ordinary man and a
warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge
while an ordinary man takes everything either as a
blessing or a curse.”
Carlos Casteneda – was an American Anthropologist
“My own heroes are the dreamers, those men and
women who tried to make the world a better
place than when they found it, whether in small
ways or great ones. Some succeeded, some
failed, most had mixed results…but it is the effort
that’s heroic, as I see it. Win or lose, I admire those
who fight the good fight.” - George R. Martin
Write this quote in your hero quote section. Then
answer the following: How do you think this
speaker would define a hero? How is this view
similar or different to your own view of what a hero
is? Be specific.
Analyze/Interpret the quote either
by comparing the quote to the
photo or by discussing what you
think the quote means.
“Hard times don’t create
heroes. It is during the hard
times when the ‘hero’ within us
is revealed.” Bob Riley
Photo: Mark Krebs – walk on UK
Basketball player – in this picture
he is at senior day with his family
including his mom who was
battling cancer. Bob Riley was a
politician and former Gov.
Analyze/Interpret the quote either
by comparing to one of the three
pictures related to improving
yourself or by applying to your
own life or our theme on heroism.
“There is no challenge more
challenging than the challenge to
improve yourself.”
Michael F. Staley is a retired Florida Fire
Fighter and a Motivational Speaker
Analyze/Interpret the quote
either by comparing the quote
to the photo or by discussing
what you think the quote means.
If you want to achieve some
really big and interesting
goals, you have to learn to
fall in love with hard work.”
Steve Pavlina
Analyze/Interpret the quote, either comparing to your
own life or our theme of heroes and challenges.
“To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the
best therapist.”
Gail Sheehy was an American Journalist
Analyze/Interpret one of the quotes either by comparing to
the variety of pictures of historical events or to historical
heroes (i.e. Martin Luther King Jr., Christopher Columbus,
George Washington, John F. Kennedy, etc.)
“Ideas shape the course of history.” John Maynard Keynes
“Nearly all men can stand adversity but if you want to test a
man’s character, give him power.” Abe Lincoln
Analyze/Interpret the quote as it applies to the movie clips
and Homer’s journey from October Sky: “Your father always
has to be the big hero. I swear if he dies I won't shed a
Homer’s mom to Homer after mining accident in
October Sky. Above a scene from October Sky. Homer’s
dad scolding him for building and setting off a rocket.
Analyze/Interpret the quote either
applying the quote to Mr.
Bradshaw or to your own life.
“When you've got
something to prove,
there's nothing
greater than a
Terry Bradshaw
Terry Bradshaw was a Hall of
Fame Quarterback for the
Pittsburgh Steelers and is
currently a sports announcer.
Learning Target: I can define words that identify heroic traits. I can practice multiple
strategies of definition.
Core 1, 2 & 6:
1. Write a SOLID (not too broad or narrow) thesis statement for the following
a. You must write a paper convincing Mrs. Beier that you should have
less homework.
b. You will be writing a paper convincing Ms. Obermeyer to allow your
class to take a field trip to ________________________(insert the place).
c. You will be writing an objective narrative about the federal
shut down, how it affects your family and community.
d. You will be writing an objective narrative about year round
school, including how it affects the students emotionally,
academically and socially.
2. Write the function/example and negation of the following items:
a. microwave
b. TextBook
c. Basketball
Friday, October 18, 2013:
Learning Target: I can understand the archetype of a hero’s journey. I can
distinguish between archetype and stereotype. I can identify concrete examples
of the hero’s journey.
What is archetype? What is stereotype? What is the
difference (yes you answered this yesterday but many of
you still don’t understand.
Write down an example of the following:
Archetype heroes
Archetype sidekick
Archetype villain
Stereotype of a musician
Stereotype of a NASCAR fan
Stereotype of a professor
Analyze/Interpret the quote either by comparing the quote to
our theme of challenges or discussion on heroism; or by
discussing what you think the quote means.
“Be your own hero, it’s cheaper than a
movie ticket.”
Douglas Horton - was a American Religious and Academic Leader
Analyze/Interpret one of the quotes either by applying to
one of the pictures above from the movie Toy Story 3 and
the steps of the heroes journey or by applying to your life; or
comparing to each other.
“The key to change is to let go of fear.” Rosanne Cash
“ We change whether we like it or not.” Ralph Waldo
“Things do not change, we change.” Henry David Thoreau
Analyze/Interpret one of the quotes either by applying to
one of the pictures below from the movie Toy Story 3 and
the steps/stages of the heroes journey.
“The test of character is having the ability to meet
challenges.” Walter Annenberg
“We are the hero of our own story.” Mary McCarthy.