sjh leopards geo. notes

Notes Quiz #1
_______________ has the fourth most kidnappings of any place in the world.
________________ and tourism are the biggest sources of income in Cambodia.
Water ______________ plants are all over the place in Kuwait.
The first ATM machines didn’t arrive in _______________________ until 2010.
Toxic __________ storms near the Aral Sea cause liver, kidney, and eye problems.
_______________ has the highest gas prices of any place in the world.
India has three of the world’s top 10 _________________.
It is estimated that 20% of all the ___________ in the in the world are located in Dubai.
In _____________, people take off their shoes at the front door and it is a cultural practice.
____________ is cheaper than water in Libya.
In the ____________________, every place is located with 75 miles of the sea.
There are more road deaths in India than anywhere else in the world.
India makes the most movies and produces the most mangoes worldwide.
India has three of the world’s top ten megacities.
Lack of water is a major issue in India.
85% of the population of Dubai is not originally from Dubai.
The temperature in Dubai on summer nights usually stays above 100 degrees.
20% of all the cranes in the world are located in Dubai.
Dubai is one of the fastest growing cities in the world.
The largest indoor snow park is located in Dubai.
Almost all of the people in Japan take off their shoes at the front door and do not ever wear shoes in the
house and this practice is a major part of their culture.
1/3 of Libya has no access to clean water.
Libya is one of the few countries that does not owe money to any other country.
Women do not have any rights in Libya.
Gas is cheaper than water in Libya.
Libya is 2.5 times the size of Texas and almost all of their people live on the northern coast.
United Kingdom
Every place is located within 75 miles of the sea.
Chickens outnumber humans in England.
London created the first underground subway system in the world and has 409 escalators leading down
to it.
This is the birthplace of hot chocolate and over 300 languages are spoken there.
It rains daily and 80,000 umbrellas are left on the subway cars each year.
Aral Sea
Aral Sea is one of the world’s worst environmental disasters.
Aral Sea has had its surface area shrink by 74% and its volume shrink by 85%.
Aral Sea is highly polluted and causes major health problems.
Toxic dust storms cause liver, kidney and eye problems.
75 out of every 1000 children who live near it will die.
It will take 20-30 years and cost 30-50 billion dollars to restore the Aral Sea.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
The great apes (closeset primate links to humans) are endangered due to pollution and deforestation
and may become extinct in a decade (10 years).
Due to civil wars and economic stagnation, the first ATM machines didn’t arrive there until 2010. You
don’t need ATM’s if people don’t have money.
Locals do not like it when tourists take pictures and they view it as being disrespectful.
Highest Gas prices in the world even though gas (petroleum) is one of their main exports (no gas
discounts for locals)
One of the wealthiest and most peaceful countries in the world.
The food prices are so high that people go to Sweden to get groceries
Cambodia (SE Asia)
One of the poorest countries in the world
1/3 of their people live on less than one dollar a day
95% of their people do not have access to a refrigerator
Half of Cambodia’s current population (16 million) is under the age of 15 (8 million people)
Birthdays are not celebrated in Cambodia and some people do not even know their birthdate
Textiles (clothing factories) and tourism are their biggest sources of income
Kuwait (SW ASIA)
Major oil money
95% of their exports is oil
80% of Government funds comes from oil
Kuwait has strong economic ties to the United States.
One of the safest travel countries in SW Asia.
85% of their people are Muslim.
Kuwaiti food is based on the staple product rice.
Pepsi is the most popular soda.
Water desalination plants are all over Kuwait.
Kuwait is one of the smallest countries in the world and 75% of the people are overweight.
France is the most visited country in the world.
The French Government gives medals to citizens who have successfully raised several children with
dignity. (Remember who you are and who you represent)
France was the first country to introduce the license plate on cars.
There are more people speaking French in Africa than in France. (English is very popular in France)
France is the largest country in the EU and 85% of their people live in urban areas.
There are 17 wine regions in France and wine is free with most meals in restaurants there.
33% of their land is used for farming.
France has the 4th most kidnappings of any country in the world. (India/Turkey/Canada are the top 3 and
the United States is not even in the top 10 which is good for us) You have to be careful when you travel
outside of the United States.
The French are an easy going group of people who tend to take long lunch and coffee breaks while only
working a 35 hour week. The majority of them make good money and are in the upper middle class.
35% of children under the age of 5 years old in Somalia die every day due to epidemics and dehydration.
100% Sunni Muslim
Largest refugee camp in the world
Piracy is Somalia’s biggest source of income bringing in nearly $200 million annually
Yemen (SW Asia)
99% Islam
Only 65% can read and write
The operational base for the Al-Qaeda militant terrorist group
Major amounts of natural gas was recently discovered
Depleting natural resources (oil) and population increases are two major issues
Major government corruption
Only 35% employment rate
Developed country that spends a lot of money
50% of land is for farming
20% of the population lives in Istanbul
Istanbul is a very dangerous world city in terms of kidnappings
Turkey connects Europe with Asia and all illegal drugs going from one place to the other goes through
Grilled Lamb and Yogurt is their main diet
99% Muslim
The country is one of the 20 most visited countries in the world with more than 13 million tourists visiting
each year.
The most popular sport in Portugal is soccer, the national team finished 3rd in the 1966 World Cup, 2nd in
Euro 2004, and 4th in 2006 World Cup.
Lisbon is the capital and largest city of Portugal. It is the oldest city in Western Europe and one of the
oldest cities in the world. Lisbon was devastated by a major earthquake in 1755. Portugal is the
westernmost country of the European mainland.
Portugal has a population of just over 10 million people.
81% Catholic
65 years and over: 18. 89%
Poland Notes:
They peel their bananas backwards
The Primeval Forest is home to 800 buffalo (Europe’s heaviest animal)
Home of Europe’s oldest restaurant dating back to 1275
No sauce on their pizzas and instead they add ketchup to the top of it
30% of the land is forest
25% of all the birds that migrate to Europe end up in Poland
Roman Catholic
Low Birthrate
High Life Expectancy
GDP has doubled to $526,000 in just ten years (higher GDP per person than US because they have 90%
less people)
State Test Notes
Physical maps show boundaries
Ancient civilizations started in the fertile river valleys
Religious oppression is a push factor
Rural communities lack access to health care and education
Cash crop economies promote globalization to meeting demands outside the region of production
The areas with the best water resources are the most heavily populated
Wind erosion of topsoil and drought/overfarming are causing desertification in sub-Saharan Africa
People move from developing countries to developed countries for job opportunities/political
freedom/access to education
Chinese food is one of the best examples of the diffusion of cultural food practices
North Africa and Indonesia follow Islam
Dictatorship-Govt controls TV stations/Democracy-TV stations have almost complete power
Overgrazing leads to desertification
The Rhine/Danube/Thames are important rivers in Europe
Importing and exporting leads to major economic interdependence
Rapid population growth leads to increased demand of natural resources
North Korea has strictly limited political rights
People migrate from Somalia due to major food shortages
In a dictatorship, citizens are reluctant to protest against the government
Islam is based on the belief that its founder was the last prophet sent by Allah
Oil is consumed faster than it is replenished by nature
In a dictatorship, one person has complete and unlimited power
China’s overpopulation is their main obstacle to economic development
Deforestation leads to decrease of animal habitats
Globalization within a country leads to economic development which in theory should mean
opportunities for all
“clear cutting” leads to deforestation
Push factors-unemployment/crop failure/natural disasters/political instability
Pull factors-economic opportunities/political security/mild climate/fertile land
English words have different languages of origin because of cultural integration
Goods being sent from country A to country B are called exports
The ancient cultural hearths of Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China all developed because of their
close proximity to river valleys.
Urbanization leads to loss of biodiversity, overcrowded streets, and an issue of waste disposal.
A quality economic system has 3 parts: 1. What goods should be produced? 2. How will goods be
distributed? 3. Who will purchase the goods and services?
The Ural Mountains creates a natural boundary between Europe and Asia.
Japan is spending millions on elderly health care.
People in China have less personal freedom than people in India or Pakistan.
The demographic concept of growth rate is the pace at which a population grows.
Urban equals dense population/commercial hub/cultural center
Clearing forest land leads to increased exposure to wind which leads to increased erosion of soil
Movement of tectonic plates leads to formation of mountain ranges
Early civilizations started in fertile farmlands
A renewable resource can be naturally replaced
600 million in Asia have an unsatisfactory standard of living (slum and squatter settlements)
SW Asia has a strategic location/major oil resources/Birthplace of 3 major religions
Himilaya Mountains separate India and Nepal from China
Western Sahara and Morocco in Africa along with Saudi Arabia are all considered to me a traditional
monarchy (has a king/queen)
Autocracy is rule by a self-chosen leader and this is usually not good for the people because there is no
Natural disasters (earthquake/volcano) contributed to Italians migrating to the United States in the early
The growth rate is the demographic concept that analyzes the number of births and deaths in a specific
area. If you have a negative number then your country is shrinking and that is not good. If you have a
number like 3% like some countries in Africa, then that is a 90% growth in 30 years if you multiply that
out and that is a disaster. (0.3 to .7% growth should be the goal for all countries)
Regional customs are common practices of people of the same cultural group.
Strong winds and high waves make oil drilling difficult in the North Sea.
OPEC was developed to control the production of the oil in the middle east.
India has a high population density and a low level of economic development.
North Africa’s Sahara Desert is continuing to grow each year.
The European Union was formed primarily to provided economic cooperation between members.
Trees, fertile soil, and clean water are natural resources.