Age of Imperialism: Imperialism Expanding Empires 1. Define imperialism. 2. When did the age of imperialism occur? 3. What two factors of the industrial revolution led to imperialism? 4. How did imperialists use Darwin’s theory to support what they were doing? Britain’s Indian Empire 1. What did the East India Company do? 2. What is a charter? 3. What were governor-generals and why were they sent to India? 4. Into what groups did the caste system in India divide people? 5. What were untouchables? 6. How did the British use the caste system to justify sending missionaries? 7. Why did the Indians dislike railroads and telegraphs? 8. What are sepoys? 9. Why did the sepoys refuse the new gun cartridges? 10. How did the sepoys treat the Europeans? 11. How did the British respond? 12. What did the British do in 1858? 13. What is sati or suttee? China opens up to foreign powers 1. Why did the Chinese emperor ban (stop) the opium trade? 2. How did the East India Company respond? 3. What did the Chinese do that led to war in 1839? 4. What four things did China have to agree to in the 1842 Treaty of Nanjing? 5. What were the Unequal treaties? 6. What led to the Taiping rebellion? 7. What did Britain demand in order to help the emperor put down the rebellion? 8. What two things resulted from the Treaties of Tientsin? 9. What happened to Auguste Chapdelaine and why? 10. Who were the Boxers and what did they think of foreigners? 11. What did the Boxers do in 1899? 12. What was the Open Door Policy? 13. What is a republic and when did China become one? 14. Explain the cartoon on page 15. Japan’s rise to imperial power 1. What were Shoguns? 2. What were diamyos? 3. What were Samurai? 4. What is sakoku? 5. What did Matthew Perry do in 1854? 6. What influence did the Dutch had during the sakoku period? 7. What happened to the Tokugowa shoguns in 1868? 8. What two changes did Meiji make when he became emperor? 9. What did Japan do to become strong? 10. What was the Iwakura Mission? 11. What ended the era of the samurai? 12. Who did Japan fight in the Sino-Japanese War. 13. What did China have to give up for losing the war? 14. What European country did Japan defeat in war? The African Continent 1. Why did the Europeans suddenly become interested in owning parts of Africa? 2. Who called together the Berlin conference? 3. What did the nations at this meeting do? 4. Who was not invited to the meeting? 5. List three things that King Leopold of Belgium did to the Congolese. 6. How many is it estimated died as a result of Leopold’s rule? 7. What were David Livingstone’s two reasons for going to Africa? 8. What happened in 1869? 9. What two countries did Britain take over? 10. Why was General Kitchener able to defeat the Mahdist rebellion in Sudan? 11. When did slavery begin in Sudan? 12. What was Britain’s goal for slavery in Sudan? 13. What is the current status of slavery in Sudan? 14. What two European nations fought over control of South Africa? 15. What were the Boers? 16. What led to the second Boer War? 17. How were the Boer women and children treated? 18. How were South Africans treated by the British in the union of South Africa? 19. What did Cecil Rhodes do? Toward World War: 1. What were four positive results of European imperialism? 2. What cultural changes occurred? 3. The reading does not list negative results. From what you have read, come up with at least four negative results. 4. What event led to the end of the Age of Imperialism in 1914? 5. How did their imperialism lead the Europeans into war against each other? 6. When did the conquered countries begin to achieve their independence? 7. Explain the two cartoons on page 29. 8. What is globalization? 9. Why do some favor globalization? 10. Why do some oppose globalization?