1984 Notes - Mr. Jackson's Web-site

1984 Notes
Andrew C. Jackson
How does it affect us today?
Orwellian = regimented and dehumanized
Newspeak, unperson, doublethink and
thoughtcrime are part of language
“Big Brother is Watching You” =
totalitarian state
Published in 1948 (set in future—which
is now our past)
List of characters
Winston Smith
Big Brother
Thought Police
Mr. Charrington
Characters, cont.
Tom Parsons
Mrs. Parsons
Emmanuel Goldstein
Winston’s mother
Who was George Orwell?
Born Eric Blair in India (1903)
Educated in England (poor)
Joined Indian Imperial Police
Became a writer in late 1920’s
Witness to Spanish Civil War (1936)
Animal Farm
Dealt with Tb while writing novel
Died in 1950
Newspeak Principles
Meets the specific needs of Ingsoc
(English Socialism)
When Oldspeak is obsolete, the past
will be destroyed
Inventing new words, eliminating old
words, and stripping existing words of
their finer shades of meaning
Newspeak, cont.
“A”: Every day words
“B”: Political words
“C”: Supplementary (scientific and
technical terms)
Newspeak Study Questions
What is Newspeak?
What is the purpose of Newspeak?
What purpose will be served by
cutting down the choice of words in
the language?
Part 1, Chapter 1 Questions
When does the novel begin?
Where does the novel begin?
Cite the caption on the posters in
Winston’s building.
What are the Party’s three slogans?
Name the four ministries of the
What is the purpose of the 2-minutes
1.1 Quest., cont.
What is thoughtcrime?
What is the penalty for
Part 1, Chapter 2 questions
What form of address has replaced
What game are the Parson’ children
Give the crime the children accuse
Winston of committing.
What popular spectacle took place
that afternoon?
1.2, cont.
What is a “child hero”?
Who speaks in Winston’s dream?
What does the speaker in the dream
tell Winston?
What is the bad news delivered via
the telescreen?
Winston addresses his diary to whom
or to what?
1.2, cont.
Explain why Winston washes his hands
before he returns to work.
1.3 Q and A
How old was Winston when his mother
What is the only thing Winston remembers
about his father?
What does Winston surmise happened to
his parents?
Where are Winston’s mother and sister in
his dream?
Who appears in Winston’s second dream?
1.3, cont.
What is Winston muttering as he
What is Airstrip One?
With whom is Oceania at war?
What is the Party Slogan?
What is Ingsoc?
1.4 and 1.5 Q and A
What is the official phrase for
altering records?
What is the primary job of the
Ministry of Truth?
What is “Pornosec”?
What is Winston’s greatest pleasure
in life?
Who is Comrade Ogilvy?
1.4 and 1.5, cont.
What is Syme’s current project at the
Records Department?
According to Syme, what is the whole aim
of Newspeak?
What does Syme predict will have occurred
by 2050?
Tell why Winston believes Syme will
disappear someday.
Who does Winston believe is following him?
1.6 and 1.7 Q and A
What does Winston believe is the most
deadly danger of all?
What is the unforgivable crime?
What is the only recognized purpose of
Why did Winston call Katharine the “human
Why does Winston believe a real love
affair would be almost unthinkable?
1.6 and 1.7, cont.
What percent of Oceania’s population is
comprised of proles?
What does Winston copy into his diary?
What is Winston’s proof that the
confessions of Jones, Aaronson, and
Rutherford were lies?
What happened to Winston’s proof?
To whom is Winston writing the diary?
1.8 Q and A
Instead of spending a night at the
Community Center, where does Winston go?
What does the Newspeak term “ownlife”
After the bombing, what does Winston see
lying in the street?
What is the one public event to which the
proles pay attention?
What does Winston learn from the old man
in the bar?
1.8, cont.
What does Winston buy at Charrington’s
What is different about the room above
Charrington’s shop?
Why does Winston plan to return to the
Who seems to be spying on Winston as he
leaves Charrington’s shop?
What is Winston’s current interpretation
of the phrase “place where there is no
2.1 Q and A
How much time has passed since Winston
spotted the girl from the Fiction
Department outside the junk shop?
What conflicting emotions does Winston
feel before helping the girl?
Give the possible sources of the note.
Give the message on the note.
Tell why Winston no longer believes the girl
is an enemy.
2.1, cont.
Where do Winston and the girl plan to
Tell what Winston and the girl witness in
the square.
When and where will the couple meet
What emotion prevails when Party
members see foreigners?
What does the girl do right before she
2.2 Q and A
Tell why a person is no safer in the
countryside than in London.
What does Winston confess?
What is Winston’s immediate feeling as he
holds Julia in his arms?
What is Winston’s idea of a love offering?
What is the emblem of the Junior AntiSex League?
2.2, cont.
Where did Julia obtain the chocolate?
What has attracted Julia to Winston?
Why is Winston shocked at the coarseness
of Julia’s language?
What is Julia’s feeling about her many
other lovers?
What is the one act of rebellion that could
ruin the Party?
2.3 Q and A
Tell why Winston does not need to know
Julia’s surname or address.
What does Julia mean by “talking in
How does Julia spend much of her free
What does Julia do at the fiction
What special job was Julia selected for at
2.3, cont.
What is Julia’s only interest in Party
Give Julia’s opinion of revolt against the
What is Julia’s reaction when Winston tells
her the details of his loveless marriage?
According to Julia, what does sexual
privation produce?
What does Julia believe will help Winston
and her to construct a secret world in
which they can live?
2.4 Q and A
What does Winston’s heart keep saying
about the affair?
What does Winston see and hear under the
What is Winston thinking of as he awaits
What has Julia brought?
What does Winston see when he faces
2.4, cont.
Why does Julia throw a shoe into the
What is Winston’s reaction when Julia
describes the rat?
What is Winston’s opinion of the
According to Winston, who might know the
missing line to the nursery rhyme?
What has the paperweight come to
symbolize for Winston?
2.5 Q and A
Who vanishes?
How is Winston preparing for Hate Week
at work?
Who organizes the squads of volunteers?
What is pictured on the new poster
appearing all over London?
What causes the proles to feel increasingly
2.5, cont.
How does Winston regard the room over
Charrington’s shop?
What does Julia take for granted?
What does Julia believe about the stories
of Goldstein and the underground?
What is Julia’s impulse during the Two
Minutes Hate?
What is Julia’s interest in the next
2.6 Q and A
Where is Winston when O’Brien approaches
How does O’Brien compliment Winston?
Why does O’Brien turn Winston into his
What does O’Brien think is an ingenious
development in the tenth edition of the
Newspeak dictionary?
2.6, cont.
What is O’Brien willing to lend Winston?
What happens to the paper with the
What prevents Winston from finding out
O’Brien’s address on his own?
What is the one thing of which Winston is
now certain?
What feeling does Winston experience as
he talks with O’Brien?
2.7 Q and A
What do the arm gestures made by
Winston’s mother in the dreams have in
common with one another?
What does Winston remember in his
What does Winston believe the proles have
retained, but Party members have lost?
How did Winston spend many of his
childhood afternoons?
How did Winston’s mother react to her
husband’s disappearance?
2.7, cont.
What did Winston do with his sister’s
portion of the chocolate ration?
What did Winston find when he returned
What is a Reclamation Center?
In Winston’s mind, what would prove he had
betrayed Julia?
According to Julia what is the one thing
the Party cannot do?
2.8 Q and A
What does Winston fear as he travels to
O’Brien’s apartment?
What is the only evidence that suggests
O’Brien is a political conspirator?
Why can Winston not use the excuse that
he had come for the dictionary?
What privilege is reserved for Party
To whom does the group drink a toast?
2.8 cont.
According to O’Brien, what is the most
Winston will ever know about the
What is Winston prepared to do for the
Why will the Brotherhood never be
What is in the book that O’Brien plans to
send to Winston?
Where will O’Brien and Winston meet
2.9 Q and A
With what power is Oceania now at war?
What has Winston been doing for the past
six days at the Ministry of Truth?
What is the title of Goldstein’s book?
What are Goldstein’s three classes?
What does Goldstein’s book claim is the
primary aim of modern warfare?
2.9, cont.
What is the only possible basis of a
hierarchical society?
What are the two aims of the Party?
What happens to the most gifted
Why must the past be altered?
Define doublethink.
2.10 Q and A
What is the only way that the secret of
the love affair would be passed on?
What occurs to Winston as he thinks of all
What doe Winston conclude is Goldstein’s
final message?
According to Winston, what kind of world
would the proles create?
What makes Winston believe that proles
are immortal?
2.10, cont.
How does Winston think he and Julia can
share in the future?
What is beyond the picture on the wall?
What follows the voice?
What happens to Winston’s paperweight?
What occurs to Winston as he looks at
3.1 Q and A
Where does Winston presume he is when
he awakens?
What difference does Winston observe
between Party prisoners and ordinary
Who does all the dirty jobs in the prisons?
Why does Winston think of O’Brien with
What is the “place with no darkness”?
3.1, cont.
Why has Ampleforth been arrested?
Who has denounced Parsons?
What crime has Parsons committed?
What does the chinless man offer the
skull-faced man?
Who is Winston’s surprise visitor?
3.2 Q and A
What does Winston realize about his
continuous beatings?
What is the aim of the Party torturers?
What becomes Winston’s only concern?
Who is in charge of Winston’s torture?
What does O’Brien think is wrong with
3.2, cont.
What does O’Brien throw down the memory
What happens whenever Winston insists
that O’Brien is holding up four fingers?
What was the purpose in bringing Winston
to the Ministry of Love?
What does O’Brien predict will happen
after Winston’s death?
According to O’Brien, what is the
information Winston will never know?
3.3 Q and A
Give the three stages of Winston’s
What is O’Brien’s opinion of
Goldstein’s book?
Why does the Party seek power?
What power is most important?
Where does O’Brien believe reality
3.3, cont.
How does the Party exert its power over
What is the foundation of the Party’s
What does Winston see when O’Brien
forces him to look into the mirror?
What is the only degradation that has not
yet happened to Winston?
What is the only certainty in Winston’s
3.4 and 3.5 Q and A
What does Winston write on his
What does Winston think of his few
remaining contrary flashbacks?
Define “crimestop”.
What is Winston’s hallucination?
What is Winston’s immediate reaction
after he cries out for Julia?
3.4 and 3.5, cont.
How must Winston change his feelings
toward Big Brother before he can be
Where does Winston’s final torture occur?
What is the worst thing in the world for
What does Winston believe is the only way
to save himself from his torture?
Who is the only person to whom Winston
can transfer his punishment?
3.6 Q and A
What is Winston’s new hangout?
What news is Winston awaiting?
What is Winston’s usual routine?
What does Julia’s body remind
Winston of when they unexpectedly
What do Winston and Julia admit to
each other?
3.6, cont.
Why doesn’t Winston follow Julia
through the streets?
What is Winston’s latest false
What is the telescreen’s
Whose picture hangs in the café?
Whom does Winston now love?