Study Guide #2 KEY

7th Grade Social Studies 4.5 Assessment #2 Study Guide
Name _____________________________
Core ______
1. What are the three main types of economic systems? Command, market, traditional
2. What would you consider a fourth economic system? Mixed
3. Define market economy. Economic systems where decisions are made based on the
4. Define command economy.
All economic decisions are made by the government
5. Define traditional economy.
culture, habit, ancestry, etc.
Economic decisions are made based on traditions, customs,
6. Why do countries have mixed economies? They have characteristics of more than one
economic systems; usually command and market
7. What are the three basic questions that each economic system must answer? What to
produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce
8. What are the three basic questions that each economic system must answer? See above
9. Fishing is the largest industry in which country? This makes up for its lack of natural
resources. Japan
10. The government in North Korea does not focus on agriculture; therefore the lack of food
could possibly lead to? Starvation
11. Define Gross Domestic Product. Total value of goods and services produced in a country
over a year
12. Define Gross Domestic Product per capita. Total value of goods and services produced in
a country over a year divided by the population
13. What are indicators of a high standard of living? High GDP, high GDP per capita, high
literacy rate
14. Japan’s economy could be classified as one of the most ___________________________
advanced in the world. Technologically
15. Which economic system would North Korea be best described as? Command
16. Define entrepreneur. A person who takes a risk to start their own business
17. Nearly half of this country’s land is arable. Which is it? India
18. Define literacy rate. Percentage of the population over the age of 15 that can read and
19. Define tariff. Tax placed on imported goods
20. Define quota. A limit placed on imported goods
21. Define embargo. A stop to trade with a country for political or economic reasons
22. Define human capital. Skills, training, educations workers must have
23. Define capital goods/resources. Factories, machinery, technology
24. What is China’s longest river? Yangtze River (Chang Jiang)
25. Coal burning is a cause of what in China?
Air pollution
26. What are the leading causes of death in China and India? Respiratory disease
27. Which body of water does the Ganges River flow into? Bay of Bengal
28. Which body of water does the Mekong flow into? South China Sea
29. Why is Vietnam ideal for growing rice? What type of climate does it have? Warm and
30. Describe the climate and geography of North Korea. Mountainous and cool
31. Explain what the Shinto believes in. Kami- divine spirits in nature
32. Explain characteristics of Hinduism. Reincarnation, karma, polytheistic
33. Which country is Confucianism significant to? China
Use the map above to label the following physical features.
34. Huang He 7
35. Yangtze River (Chang Jiang) 11
36. Yellow Sea 10
37. Korean Peninsula 8
38. South China Sea 3
39. Ganges River 1
40. Bay of Bengal 15