Level Design Document

A Cog in the Machine LDD
Gears of War
Level Design Document: A Cog in the
Gears of War – Epic Mod
Version 1.0
Document Date:
Intended Level Delivery Date:
Epic Mod
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A Cog in the Machine LDD
Gears of War
Document Revisions Table
Initial Document
Sketch Map for each section
Map Continued, Area Sections
Final Maps, Area Sections, Table Updates
Professor Ouellette
Professor Ouellette
Professor Ouellette
Professor Ouellette
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A Cog in the Machine LDD
Gears of War
Table of Contents
Table of Figures ............................................................................................................................................. 5
DFS Focus ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Quick Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Gameplay Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 7
General Game Flow................................................................................................................................... 8
Major Elements ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Objective Summary ................................................................................................................................... 9
Technical Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Campaign ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Mission Location ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Mission Difficulty .................................................................................................................................... 10
Mission Metrics ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Level Details ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Level Atmosphere/Mood ........................................................................................................................ 12
Major Characters/Vehicles ..................................................................................................................... 12
Story ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Major Areas/Visual Themes .................................................................................................................... 15
Visual Area 1: Highway........................................................................................................................ 15
Visual Area 2: Maintenance Building .................................................................................................. 27
Visual Area 3: Weapon Factory ........................................................................................................... 32
Level Objectives ...................................................................................................................................... 36
Challenge Highlights................................................................................................................................ 36
Water Cooler Moments .......................................................................................................................... 37
Actors ...................................................................................................................................................... 38
User Interface ......................................................................................................................................... 44
Gameplay Details ........................................................................................................................................ 45
Level Progression Chart .......................................................................................................................... 45
Gameplay Mechanics .............................................................................................................................. 46
Level Overview Map and Key .................................................................................................................. 47
Area Walkthroughs/Detailed Map Descriptions ..................................................................................... 48
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Area 1: Highway ...................................................................................................................................... 48
Gameplay ............................................................................................................................................ 48
Dialog .................................................................................................................................................. 49
Visual References ................................................................................................................................ 49
Area 2: Rocket Building ........................................................................................................................... 51
Gameplay ............................................................................................................................................ 51
Dialog .................................................................................................................................................. 52
Visual References ................................................................................................................................ 52
Area 3: Factory ........................................................................................................................................ 53
Gameplay ............................................................................................................................................ 53
Dialog .................................................................................................................................................. 54
Visual References ................................................................................................................................ 54
Area 4: Extraction.................................................................................................................................... 56
Gameplay ............................................................................................................................................ 56
Dialog .................................................................................................................................................. 57
Visual References ................................................................................................................................ 57
References .................................................................................................................................................. 58
Asset List ..................................................................................................................................................... 61
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Table of Figures
Figure 1: Level Flow Map (Pink for Critical Path) .......................................................................................... 8
Figure 2: Major Areas Map ......................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 3: Ground Clutter and Aesthetic ...................................................................................................... 16
Figure 4: Doomed City Concept Art for ground and walls .......................................................................... 16
Figure 5: Balance between green space and brown dirt and/or pavement ............................................... 17
Figure 6: High edged sides of road with low space dotted with greenery ................................................. 17
Figure 7: Colossal Romanesque Architecture ............................................................................................. 18
Figure 8: High Walls to Press in Gameplay ................................................................................................. 18
Figure 9: Security Office .............................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 10: City Block Buildings .................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 11: Level-wide Brown Desaturation................................................................................................. 20
Figure 12: Skybox Cloud Effects and Light Rays .......................................................................................... 21
Figure 13: Haze and Light Rays ................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 14: Dust Particles obscuring long range visibility............................................................................. 22
Figure 15: Marcus Crouched As He Would Be Behind Cover...................................................................... 22
Figure 16: Marcus Fenix Holding Lancer ..................................................................................................... 23
Figure 17: Locust Drone attacking COG soldier (Baird) .............................................................................. 24
Figure 18: Marcus Fenix (Demonstrates Tension, moody lighting) ............................................................ 25
Figure 19: Marcus Fenix in an outdoor environment similar to Monastery courtyard .............................. 26
Figure 20: COG Team .................................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 21: Maintenance Building Exterior (Under Construction) ............................................................... 27
Figure 22: Construction Interior ................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 23: Maintenance Interior (Clutter included) .................................................................................... 29
Figure 24: Spatial Lighting ........................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 25: Wall Lighting .............................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 26: Column Textures and Stairs ....................................................................................................... 32
Figure 27: Factory Exterior .......................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 28: Factory Interior (Clutter and Architecture) ................................................................................ 33
Figure 29: Warehouse cover and architecture ........................................................................................... 34
Figure 30: Factory Shadows (Exterior) ........................................................................................................ 34
Figure 31: Factory Lighting Exterior (Even in daylight) ............................................................................... 35
Figure 32: Factory Interior Lighting (Heavy Sense of Reflection) ............................................................... 35
Figure 33: Marcus Fenix (Player Character) ................................................................................................ 38
Figure 34: Dom ............................................................................................................................................ 39
Figure 35: Baird ........................................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 36: Locust Drones............................................................................................................................. 41
Figure 37: Theron Drones ........................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 38: Anya ........................................................................................................................................... 43
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Figure 39: Level Progression Chart ............................................................................................................ 45
Figure 40: Level Overview Complete .......................................................................................................... 47
Figure 41: Area 1 (To Scale) ........................................................................................................................ 48
Figure 42: Shows highway size and orientation as well as tall nearby buildings........................................ 50
Figure 43: Shows spacing from side of highway to nearby buildings ......................................................... 50
Figure 44: Area 2 (To Scale) ........................................................................................................................ 51
Figure 45: Rocket Building Architectural Style ............................................................................................ 52
Figure 46: Area 3 (To Scale) ........................................................................................................................ 53
Figure 47: Factory Interior (Lighting, Clutter, and Ambience) .................................................................... 54
Figure 48: Factory Exterior (Structure, Architecture, and Ambience) ........................................................ 55
Figure 49: Area 4 (To Scale) ........................................................................................................................ 56
Figure 50: Rooftop Extraction (View, Lighting) ........................................................................................... 57
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Gears of War
DFS Focus
The DFS Focus for A Cog in the Machine focuses on adding to traditional Gears gameplay by integrating
new gameplay mechanics (push-able cover) into a Gears level. The goal is to create a seamless transition
between traditional gameplay and new mechanics while staying within the cinematic feel of the Gears
of War game.
This level attempts to create a unique Gears experience while delivering it in a way that any Gears player
believes A Cog in the Machine represents the quality of the original game. Therefore, the polish and
storytelling must be at the same level of quality as any other Gears level, despite the gameplay tweaks.
Quick Summary
A Cog in the Machine presents a cinematic single player Gears of War level that takes place midway
through the Gears of War campaign. The level occurs in late afternoon along an abandoned downtown
highway and inside a factory off the main road. The level focuses on close-quarters team combat
between a COG strike team and the Locust Horde.
Gameplay Overview
The level revolves around intense gameplay that pits Marcus and his team against several Locust
positions. A Cog in the Machine presents a very tactical experience because the player must balance
advancing to kill the Locust with managing team support. The player must move with the COG team to
protect the Bomb Trawler. By lowering the bomb into the underground munitions storage within the
Weapons Factory the team can prevent the Locust forces from obtaining new weapons.
Along the way the player regularly deviates from the other COGs’ path to complete very short solo
objectives that progress the level forward. At the level midpoint a rocket-equipped Locust fire team
destroys the COG Trawler and the COGs move the bomb onto a junked out car that Marcus must push
into the factory to finish the level while the COGs provide cover. Once the player pushes the bomb onto
the munitions hoist (to lower the bomb into the munitions storage) they must run to the top of the
factory for helicopter extraction before a timer runs out and the bomb goes off.
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Gears of War
General Game Flow
Figure 1: Level Flow Map (Pink for Critical Path)
The player begins next to the rest of their team on the highway. The COGs surround the Trawler which
continually moves forward slowly. An intro cinematic sets up the story background and the importance
of the Trawler. As the cinematic ends the player takes control of Marcus Fenix and moves up the
highway with the rest of the COG team fighting off waves of Locust as they move from cover to cover.
Once the team reaches the front of the Rocket Team Building (unknown to the player) a Locust fire team
pops out on the roof and blasts the Trawler with a series of rockets, disabling the Trawler during an ingame cinematic. While the remaining COGs unload the bomb from the back of the Trawler and relocate
to a junked out car (occurs off-screen) Marcus moves into the Rocket Team Building and clears it out
from the bottom to the top, then takes the elevator back down to the first floor.
At that point the player must push the junked out car with the bomb on it into the factory and move it
onto the hoist while the COG team provides covering fire to pin down the enemy Locust. The player
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leaves the car on the hoist, activates the hoist, and runs for extraction with the rest of the COG team to
escape the factory before the bomb goes off. As the team flies away onboard the King Raven the level
cuts to a cinematic to show the bomb going off as the helicopters fly away.
Major Elements
Major Features
o Push-able cover-based objective
Cool Elements
o Level that focuses on waves of enemies that for the most part pin the player to the
Trawler and the car
o Rocket attack that changes the sense of the level and puts the COGs at an immediate
Gameplay Hooks
o The ability to push the car during the varied combat sequences.
 Balancing combat with forward progression.
o Full COG team to assist the player
WOW Moments
o Rocket Attack
o Escape from the factory as the bomb explodes (End Cinematic)
Story Beats
o Intro Cinematic (Level Setup)
o Player and team move along with the Trawler to protect it from the Locust
o Enemy Rocket Team destroys the Trawler (Cinematic)
o Player moves solo into the Rocket Building to clear out entrenched Locust
o Player returns to the COG team and begins pushing the junked car towards the factory
o Player leaves the junked car on the hoist and activates the hoist by pushing a button
o Player runs towards the King Ravens on the roof
o Player and team extracted by King Raven and they fly off while the factory and
surrounding area explode (Level End Cinematic)
Objective Summary
o Use the Trawler, junked car, and additional cover along the way to stay out of the line of
o Don’t get too far ahead of the COG teammates
Kill all Locust along route
Clear out Rocket Building
Push Bomb onto Factory Hoist
Rendezvous with King Ravens for Extraction
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Gears of War
Technical Overview
Name –Gears of War single-player campaign. Occurs in a war-torn post-apocalyptic world where
humanity fights for survival against the subterranean Locust horde. Set in the future, the Sci-Fi
themed campaign takes place on the planet of Serra.
Level Position in Campaign – A Cog in the Machine takes place midway through the Gears of
War campaign before the events in Act 4 with the Adams family residence. This level sets up the
attempt to map the Hollow because the COG army needs to buy time to initialize the mapping
o A Cog in the Machine occurs as part of a three mission addition in between Act 3 and
Act 4. This level serves as the second level of the three. The first additional level sends
Marcus to reunite with a full strength Delta squad to make contact with COG scouts that
have been mapping enemy movements. That level ends with those scouts giving Marcus
and company information on Locust plans to raid an abandoned weapons factory. A Cog
in the Machine ends with the team flying out towards COG headquarters. The beginning
of the third additional level focuses on a crash landing which leaves Marcus stranded
alone in the woods. Marcus fights to make contact and Anya subsequently informs him
of new developments, leading to the Adams family residence storyline in Act IV.
Mission Location
Theme – Overwhelmed push to buy time for larger army
Mood – Frantic combat
Setting – Inner city along a highway route through the Manufacturing district
Time of Day – Late Afternoon
Season – Summer
Weather – Clear
Mission Difficulty
Scale: 1-10 (1 is Easiest and 10 is Hardest)
Starting – 6, oncoming waves of enemies
Middle – 7, solo fight against enemies within a multi-level maintenance building followed by
pushing the bomb towards the objective alongside other COGs
Ending – 8, solo fight against numerous enemies while lowering bomb into final position. Timed
escape from weapons depot
Mission Metrics
Play Time – 18 minute average
Physical Length/Critical Path (units) – Critical Path: ~8192 uu
Physical Area (units) – Dimensions: 8192 X 8192 uu
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New Characters – N/A
Visual Themes –
o Weapon Factory
o Highway
o Maintenance Building
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A Cog in the Machine LDD
Gears of War
Level Details
Level Atmosphere/Mood
A Cog in the Machine portrays Delta team’s battle to leave a powerful explosive in the weapons factory
the Locust seek to raid. In order to convey that theme the level sets up several “game changing”
moments that take some of the sense of invincibility away from the player by killing off a few COG
soldiers as the level progresses and by destroying the Trawler, forcing the COGs to adjust their game
Destroyed City Block
o Torched and Ruined Building Meshes
o Smashed Concrete and Pavement Meshes, Textures, and Decals
o Overwhelmed with Locust
 Dead COG bodies
 Blood Stains
 Fallen Weapons
 Cacophony of Ambient Sounds from wind to enemy noises
o Extensive City Skybox
Engaging combat in a variety of situations from defending against oncoming waves to assaulting
entrenched Locust positions.
o Push-able cover in the end portion of the level creates new a gameplay experience for
players which forces them to balance forward progression with engaging enemies.
Late Afternoon lighting and environment
o Long shadows to create immersive environment
o In-game cinematics that show plot points as well as epic combat sequences
COG Team
o Numerous COGs including well known characters such as Baird and Cole Train as well as
several “Redshirts” to round out team composition
o Audio and on-screen dialogue to give life to team
o Intelligent AI that moves depending on the location of the bomb along the critical level
Major Characters/Vehicles
Character 1 – Marcus Fenix
o Survive
o Move bomb into position
o Protect fellow COG soldiers
 Character 2 – Augustus Cole (Cole Train)
o Survive
o Move bomb into position
o Protect fellow COG soldiers
 Character 3 – Dom
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o Survive
o Move bomb into position
o Protect fellow COG soldiers
Character 4 – Baird
o Survive
o Move bomb into position
o Protect fellow COG soldiers
Character 5 – Locust Drone
o Kill Marcus Fenix
o Kill COG team
o Prevent Bomb from moving to objective
Character 6 – Theron Guard
o Kill Marcus Fenix
o Kill COG team
o Prevent Bomb from moving to objective
Character 7 – Locust Sniper
o Kill Marcus Fenix
o Kill COG team
o Prevent Bomb from moving to objective
Character 8 – Locust Marauder
o Kill Marcus Fenix
o Kill COG team
o Prevent Bomb from moving to objective
Character 9 – COG Redshirts
o Survive
o Move bomb into position
o Protect fellow COG soldiers
Intro Cinematic that portrays Marcus Fenix and the rest of the COG team walking
alongside the Bomb Trawler discussing the mission (to fill the player in on the
o Occasionally mission command cuts in over the headset to speak about the objective.
o The player learns that the COG team must push the bomb into the factory, hoist it down
into the munitions storage, and reach extraction quickly
o The player moves with the COG team to cover the Trawler as it moves down the
highway towards the factory.
o The level cuts to an in-game cinematic to show the Trawler’s destruction at the hands of
a Locust rocket team.
o The player clears out the Rocket Building and returns to the COG team
o The player pushes the car with the bomb on it into the factory and onto the hoist
o The player activates the hoist, which lowers the bomb into the munitions storage
o The player runs to extraction point on factory roof
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The level ends with a cinematic that shows the King Ravens flying away from the factory
as the bomb goes off
“60 seconds of gameplay”
o “Move up!” screamed Marcus as rounds whipped overhead. The Trawler rumbled on,
oblivious to the small arms fire pinging off its hull, the driver safe from everything
except explosives. Other COGs moved into position behind broken cover, protecting the
Trawler from any Locust that threatened to get too close and lob a grenade under the
treads. Another group of Locust sallied out from a wrecked building near the looming
factory. They raced towards Marcus with weapons raised high. Marcus calmly reloaded
his rifle and waited for the perfect moment to strike. One of the new recruits started
panicking, firing early and emptying his entire clip at the oncoming Locust with no
success. An odd silence descended on the battlefield as the gun emptied, only the
treads of the Trawler humming nearby and the sharp pings of rounds ricocheting off the
hull from distant sniper fire. “Hit them now!” Marcus swung his rifle up onto the
concrete barricade he had taken cover behind and lined up the sights with the nearest
Drone. As Dom and Baird opened fire Marcus joined in, adding his rounds to the storm
of death flying at the Locust horde. Bullets ripped into reptilian flesh, provoking screams
and cries from the enemy. Bodies crumpled to the ground and blood poured freely onto
the pavement. Marcus ejected the clip and pulled a fresh one from the pouch on his hip.
“Move Up!” he commanded as the Trawler rumbled forward.
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Major Areas/Visual Themes
Figure 2: Major Areas Map
Visual Area 1: Highway
Text Description
The opening section of the level takes place along an old abandoned highway that stretches through an
abandoned city in Serra.
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Visual References
Figure 3: Ground Clutter and Aesthetic
Figure 4: Doomed City Concept Art for ground and walls
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Figure 5: Balance between green space and brown dirt and/or pavement
Figure 6: High edged sides of road with low space dotted with greenery
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Figure 7: Colossal Romanesque Architecture
Figure 8: High Walls to Press in Gameplay
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Figure 9: Security Office
Figure 10: City Block Buildings
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Figure 11: Level-wide Brown Desaturation
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Figure 12: Skybox Cloud Effects and Light Rays
Figure 13: Haze and Light Rays
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Figure 14: Dust Particles obscuring long range visibility
Figure 15: Marcus Crouched As He Would Be Behind Cover
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Figure 16: Marcus Fenix Holding Lancer
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Figure 17: Locust Drone attacking COG soldier (Baird)
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Figure 18: Marcus Fenix (Demonstrates Tension, moody lighting)
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Figure 19: Marcus Fenix in an outdoor environment similar to Monastery courtyard
Figure 20: COG Team
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Visual Area 2: Maintenance Building
Text Description
The tall Maintenance Building houses the Locust Rocket Team that takes out the Trawler midway
through the level. Marcus must push into the building alone while the team takes care of the bomb
outside. Marcus only steps outside on the roof of the Maintenance Building, the rest of the fighting
occurs inside.
Visual References
Figure 21: Maintenance Building Exterior (Under Construction)
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Figure 22: Construction Interior
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Figure 23: Maintenance Interior (Clutter included)
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Figure 24: Spatial Lighting
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Figure 25: Wall Lighting
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Figure 26: Column Textures and Stairs
Character List (Same)
Visual Area 3: Weapon Factory
Text Description
The Weapon Factory houses the Munitions Storage that Marcus must hoist the bomb down into. Of all
the visual areas, this area provides the most clutter and shadow.
Visual References
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Figure 27: Factory Exterior
Figure 28: Factory Interior (Clutter and Architecture)
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Figure 29: Warehouse cover and architecture
Figure 30: Factory Shadows (Exterior)
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Figure 31: Factory Lighting Exterior (Even in daylight)
Figure 32: Factory Interior Lighting (Heavy Sense of Reflection)
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Characters (Same)
Level Objectives
o Hoist the bomb into the munitions depot
o Protect the Trawler (Trawler destroyed midway through level but the player does not
know that)
o Escape (Extraction)
o Survive
o Protect Fellow Cogs
o N/A
o N/A
Challenge Highlights
Area 1: Highway
o Survive Locust Waves
o N/A
o N/A
o N/A
Boss Battles
o N/A
Area 2: Rocket Building
o Clear Locust out of Building
o Destroy Rocket Team on Roof
 Stealth
o N/A
 Puzzles
o N/A
 Conversation
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o N/A
Boss Battles
o N/A
Area 3: Factory
o Survive Locust Waves
o Move car into position while enemies fire at the player
o Activate Hoist while under fire
o N/A
o N/A
o N/A
Boss Battles
o N/A
Area 4: Extraction
o Assault entrenched Locust positions
o Move to King Raven within allotted time while under fire
o N/A
o N/A
o N/A
Boss Battles
o N/A
Water Cooler Moments
Area 1: Highway – Moving with COG team to protect Bomb Trawler
Area 2: Rocket Building – Rocket Team destroys Trawler, killing several COGs
Area 3: Weapons Factory – Pushing car through enemy fire
Area 4: Reach King Raven in time for extraction (End Cinematic shows Factory detonating)
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 Model(s):
Figure 33: Marcus Fenix (Player Character)
Inventory: Lancer Assault Rifle, Shotgun, Snub Pistol, 2 Grenades
Start Location: Near the Trawler and the rest of the COG team at one end of the Highway
Motives/Objectives: Destroy everything, kill Locust, hi Professor Ouellette.
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Key Actors
Actor 1: Dom
 Model(s):
Figure 34: Dom
Inventory: Lancer Assault Rifle, Shotgun
Motives/Objectives: Push bomb into Munitions Storage, Survive
Starting Location: Next to Marcus, Trawler, at one end of the highway
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Actor 2: Baird
 Model(s):
Figure 35: Baird
Inventory: Lancer Assault Rifle, Shotgun
Motives/Objectives: Push bomb into Munitions Storage, Survive
Starting Location: Next to Marcus, Trawler, at one end of the highway
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Actor 3: Locust Drone
 Model(s):
Figure 36: Locust Drones
Inventory: Hammerburst
Motives/Objectives: Kill COGs
Starting Location: Everywhere
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Actor 3: Theron Guard
 Model(s):
Figure 37: Theron Drones
Inventory: Torque Bow
Motives/Objectives: Kill COGs
Starting Location: Factory
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Supporting Actors
Actor X: Anya
 Model(s):
Figure 38: Anya
Inventory: N/A
Motives/Objectives: N/A
Uses Within Level: Audio Dialogue over the headset
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Gears of War
User Interface
Pre-Game Information
o N/A
In-Game Information
o Introduction
 Baird and Anya explain the purpose of moving the bomb into the munitions
storage area to deprive the Locust a possible weapons source
 Cinematic shots show COG soldiers moving with the Trawler
o In-Game
 Audio cues to notify player of incoming enemy waves
 Audio cues and a rocket trail point to the rocket building that the player must
clear out to protect the bomb
 Audio instruction that tells the player how to push the bomb into the factory
 Audio instruction and green light highlight to lead the player to the hoist
activation control so they can drop the car into the munitions storage
 Audio instruction (and whirring King Raven blade sounds) that tell the player
that they must run to the roof for extraction
o Objectives
 Protect the Trawler from Locust forces
 Assault the Rocket Team before they can destroy the bomb
 Push the car-bomb onto the factory hoist
 Run to the roof for King Raven extraction
o Conclusion/Debriefing
 Brief machinima that shows the bomb detonating and the factory collapsing
 Audio report by Marcus confirming the explosion to headquarters
Post-Game Information
o N/A
HUD Elements
o Normal Elements Used
 Damage Post Process Effect
 Aiming Reticle
 Ammo Counter
 Weapon Selection
 Pop-up Text
 POI Icons
 Objective Text
 Mission Timer
 Push-able Cover Indicator
o Special Elements Required
 God Mode Select
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Gameplay Details
Level Progression Chart
Figure 39: Level Progression Chart
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Gameplay Mechanics
Prerequisite Skills –
o Movement
o Shooting
o Reloading
o Understanding of Checkpoint System
o Previous encounter with Emergence Hole
o Knowledge of Enemy Types
o Knowledge of how to use cover
o How to use push-able cover
Skills Learned –
o Moving with full COG squad during combat
o Pushing cover-based objective towards goal
o Level Layout
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Level Overview Map and Key
Figure 40: Level Overview Complete
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Area Walkthroughs/Detailed Map Descriptions
Area 1: Highway
Figure 41: Area 1 (To Scale)
 Player moves along with fellow COG team and Bomb Trawler towards the middle of the
 Along the way the team fends off waves of enemy troops (primarily Locust).
 All fellow COG soldiers are invulnerable during this portion of the mission.
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Area 1 ends when the Locust Rocket team appears on the Rocket Building.
Baird: “At the rate this Trawler moves we are never going to reach the target.”
Marcus: “Quit your whining, we’re almost there.”
Marcus: “Anyone see anything?”
Assorted Redshirts: “No, sir!”
Marcus: “Keep your eyes open, they’re not going to let us just push the bomb down their
Anya: “Reports of enemies moving your way, keep sharp!”
Marcus: “You heard the lady! Everyone to your positions! Protect the Trawler at all costs! We
have to make sure we get the bomb into that weapons factory or else we are all going to be in a
world of hurt!”
---- Level Start---Random: “Incoming!”
Random: “I’ve been hit!”
Random: “Locust!”
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Figure 42: Shows highway size and orientation as well as tall nearby buildings
Figure 43: Shows spacing from side of highway to nearby buildings
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Area 2: Rocket Building
Figure 44: Area 2 (To Scale)
 Player assaults Rocket Team Building alone while the rest of the COG team unloads the bomb
from the now destroyed Trawler and moves it to the push-able Car.
 Enemy AI stays in entrenched positions up the three-story Rocket Building, forcing the player to
move carefully point-to-point.
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Gears of War
The Locust Rocket Team on the roof fires rockets at the player until they kill all enemies on top,
allowing them to take the elevator back down to the first floor (Marked by “Continue from
Here” on map).
The player then takes up position behind the push-able car.
Dom: “There’s a rocket team on the roof! Take out the rocket team!”
Random: “Incoming!”
---Trawler Destroyed--Dom: “Marcus, you get to the top of that building and take out that team while they’re
reloading! The bomb wasn’t hit! We’ll move the bomb off the Trawler and put it on one of these
cars so that we can still push it into the factory! You need to get rid of those rockets!”
----Marcus clears out Rocket building--Marcus: “All clear.”
Dom: “We’re almost ready. Come back down and get ready to move the car. You’re going to
have to push it into the factory while we provide covering fire.”
Visual References
Visual References
Figure 45: Rocket Building Architectural Style
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Area 3: Factory
Figure 46: Area 3 (To Scale)
 Player pushes car towards Factory Hoist while remaining COG team provides covering fire
 Player fends off waves of Locust as he/she moves closer to hoist
 Player runs to activate hoist controls once they move car onto the hoist itself
o Meanwhile, friendly COG soldiers move into Factory interior to provide closer covering
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Player activates hoist, which triggers final audio informing the player of premature activation
and the timed extraction
Random: “Incoming!”
Random: “I’m hit!”
Random: “He’s down!”
Random: “Got him!”
Baird: “Keep driving that car forward Marcus! Once you get it on the hoist we can lower it into
the old munitions storage area!”
Dom: “Hook it up quick! We’ll provide as much covering fire as we can!”
Dom: “Good! Now lower it into the munitions hold by activating the hoist. There should be a
button somewhere nearby!”
Visual References
Visual References
Figure 47: Factory Interior (Lighting, Clutter, and Ambience)
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Figure 48: Factory Exterior (Structure, Architecture, and Ambience)
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Area 4: Extraction
Figure 49: Area 4 (To Scale)
 Player receives Anya and Baird audio cues that direct them up the stairs towards the waiting
King Ravens
 Player and accompanying COG soldiers must overcome several small Locust entrenched
positions to reach the extraction point
 Player reaches King Raven before timer runs out
 COG squad flies away during end cinematic (Wow Moment - End Level)
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 Anya: “Hurry Marcus, the bomb detonation sequence has been activated by command! You only
have a few seconds to get out!”
 Baird: “Quick! Run to the roof for extraction before they detonate the bomb!”
 Marcus: “Marcus to base. Bomb detonation confirmed. Delta team outbound.”
Visual References
Visual References
Figure 50: Rooftop Extraction (View, Lighting)
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Anonymous. “Marcus Fenix”. ImageShack.com. http://imageshack.us/photo/myimages/252/gearsofwar42qg0.jpg/sr=1
MovieFanGirl20. “Gears of War”. FanPop.com. http://www.fanpop.com/spots/gears-ofwar/images/23640280/title/gears-war-photo
Anonymous. “Gears of War”. GameWallpapers.com.
Ronquillo, Ulysses. “Gears of War”. SelectStart.com.
Anonymous. “Gears of War Evil”. Youtsparks.com. http://www.layoutsparks.com/1/119207/gears-ofwar-evil.html
Poole, Jonathan. “Gears of War 3 Environment”. GameRant.com. http://cdn.gamerant.com/wpcontent/uploads/Gears-Of-War-3-Environment-2.jpg
Wallin, John. “Gears of War Environment”. Tsumea.com.
Green, L.E. “Fort Environment 2”. LazyReview.com. http://lazyreviewzzz.com/wpcontent/uploads/2010/06/PRESSKIT_Gears3_Screenshot_FortEnvironment2_2010-06-14-1280px50p.jpg
Johnstone, Kevin. “Gridlock”. Polycount.com.
Kong, Davie. “Sunset”. Gamerillaz.com. http://reapergaming.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Gearsof-War-3_H.jpg
Anonymous. “Industrial Architecture Concept Art”. FreakyGaming.com.
Randomnine. “Beautiful Gears of War Architecture”. Wootfu.com. http://wootfu.com/wpcontent/uploads/2011/02/gears-of-war-marcus-beautiful-architecture.jpg
Cocker, Guy. “Mansion”. Gamespot.com. http://www.gamespot.com/features/then-and-now-gears-ofwar-2-6202581/
RandomManiac. “Spotlight on Gears of War III”. RandomManiac.us. http://wearearcade.com/wpcontent/uploads/2011/02/mercy-full.jpg
Anonymous. “Fenix Rising”. Gamer4Eva.com. http://www.gamer4eva.com/2011_12_01_archive.html
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Giddens, Greg. “Gears of War 3 Review”. MidLifeGamer.com. http://www.midlifegamer.net/wpcontent/uploads/2011/09/Gears_of_War_3_4.jpg
Sicarius. “Gears of War”. MobyGames.com. http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/gears-ofwar_/screenshots/gameShotId,261975/
Mudgal, Kartik. “Grab Two Gears of War Gaming Codes Courtesy of Gaming Bolt.” Gaming Bolt.
Dusk. “Day Cityscapes and Ships.” Wallbase.cc. http://wallbase.cc/wallpaper/1557504
Anonymous. “Cityscapes’ Skyline Architecture.” Wallbase.cc. http://wallbase.cc/wallpaper/207020
Anonymous. “Cityscape Apartments.” Wallbase.cc. http://wallbase.cc/wallpaper/1284595
Anonymous. “Tagme.” Wallbase.cc. http://wallbase.cc/wallpaper/203587
Anonymous. “Tagme.” Wallbase.cc. http://wallbase.cc/wallpaper/829188
MichealBoy_7. “Chopper.” Wallbase.cc. http://wallbase.cc/wallpaper/721588
Schroeppel, Ken. “Sugar.” DenverInfill.com. http://denverinfill.com/blog/2007/10/sugarcube-projectconstruction-update.html
Nokki. “The O14 Tower Building Interior Construction.” Zeospot.com. http://zeospot.com/the-o-14tower-by-reiser-umemoto-an-impressive-holey-facade-building-design/the-o-14-tower-building-interiorconstruction/
Anonymous. “Filter Building.” WhiteRockBoathouse.com.
Anonymous. “Building Interior Design.” ModernInteriorTrends.com.
Nokki. “The O14 Tower Building Interior Construction II.” Zeospot.com. http://zeospot.com/the-o-14tower-by-reiser-umemoto-an-impressive-holey-facade-building-design/the-o-14-tower-interiorconstruction/
Shipler, Harry. “Capitol Building Interior, Marble Stairs.” Utah.edu.
Anonymous. “Floor Stage.” DesignHomes.com. http://www.designhomes.com/images/factory-6.jpg
Anonymous. Untitled. Dogboyresearch.tumblr.com. http://dogboyresearch.tumblr.com/
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Anonymous. Untitled. ChestOfBooks.com. http://chestofbooks.com/architecture/Cyclopedia-CarpentryBuilding-4-6/383-Erben-Harding-Company-Building.html
Anonymous. “Industrial Plants.” Wallbase.cc. http://wallbase.cc/wallpaper/1288668
Mustard. “Italian Objects.” Wallbase.cc. http://wallbase.cc/wallpaper/1746174
Prezymlyslav. “Landscape Architecture.” Wallbase.cc. http://wallbase.cc/wallpaper/1859852
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Asset List
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