Français IB lundi, le quatre mai

Français IB
lundi, le quatre mai
Objective: to correctly use –RE verbs
Les devoirs: Socializing Task worksheet
**To earn Informal Speaking checks: conduct one or more speaking tasks
with a partner on Doceri. Make sure that you LABEL the whiteboard with
your name AND the number of the task. Submit it to the assignment called
“Informal Speaking”.
Opening Activity : On peut faire du lèche-vitrine :
 Use Google Earth to visit Les Champs-Élysées in Paris.
 Look for “À Vendre” and “En Solde” signs in shop windows!
Aujourd’hui :
1. Verb conjugation worksheet (open in Notability)
 Review list
 Write sentences (whole-class)
 Apply (whole-class)
2. Begin Socializing Task (finish for homework)
Closing: Submit to assignment. Demos?
**Remedial today = practice proficiency exam.
**I will be at BOCES tomorrow for STLE. Your cooperative and respectful behavior for my substitute is both
expected and appreciated. As I have done in the past, I will ask Mr. Hogan / Mrs. Pourby to stop by and look in
through the door if he / she has the time.
Conjugation of Regular –ER, -IR and –RE Verbs
Nom _________________________
 -ER Verbs
Je parle
Tu parles
Il / Elle parle
Nous parlons
Vous parlez
Ils/Elles parlent
espérer = to hope
préférer = to prefer
dépenser = to spend
aider = to help
rester = to stay
apporter = to bring (items)
amener = to bring (people)
acheter = to buy
chercher = to find
coûter = to cost
gagner = to earn / to win
penser que = to think that
porter = to wear
trouver = to find
Choose THREE of the verbs above and write a sentence for each. Use the subject indicated.
Nous ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Elle _____________________________________________________________________________
3. Ils _______________________________________________________________________________
 -IR Verbs
Je finis
Tu finis
Il/Elle finit
Nous finissons
Vous finissez
Ils / Elles finissent
choisir = to choose
finir = to finish
grossir = to gain weight
maigrir = to lose weight
réussir = to succeed
réussir à un examen = to pass an exam
guérir = to cure
désobéir = to disobey
Choose THREE of the verbs above and write a sentence for each. Use the subject indicated.
Tu ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Vous _____________________________________________________________________________
3. Je _______________________________________________________________________________
 -RE Verbs
Je réponds
Nous répondons
Tu réponds
Vous répondez
Il / Elle répond
Ils / Elles répondent
attendre = to wait for
entendre = to hear
perdre = to lose
render visite à = to visit a person
répondre à = to answer
vendre = to sell
Choose THREE of the verbs above and write a sentence for each. Use the subject indicated.
Nous ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Elles _____________________________________________________________________________
3. Vous _______________________________________________________________________________
Review: Quel / Quelle / Quels / Quelles (which/what)
Examples :
Quel âge a ton père?
Quel temps fait-il?
Dans quel magasin achètes-tu tes sandales?
Quelle est la date?
Quelle heure est-il?
Quels programmes aimes-tu regarder à la télé?
Quelles sandales achètes-tu?
Application : Choose the correct form: quel / quelle / quels / quelles
_____________________ sweat préfères-tu?
_____________________ chaussettes est-ce que tu vas porter au match de football?
3. ______________________ casquette choisis-tu?
4. ______________________ livres est-ce que tu aimes lire?
Situation : Your friend’s French-speaking cousin is visiting from Montreal, and you are all meeting at a
restaurant. You both want to learn more about each other.
Translate the questions, then INVENT the cousin’s answers. You must use complete sentences.
1. What school do you go to?
2. What class do you prefer?
3. Which is your favorite restaurant?
4. In which store do you buy your clothes?
5. In which store do you buy your shoes?
6. Which shows do you watch on TV?
7. What type of music do you listen to?
1. Q: _____________________________________________________________________
A: _____________________________________________________________________
2. Q: _____________________________________________________________________
A: _____________________________________________________________________
3. Q: _____________________________________________________________________
A: _____________________________________________________________________
4. Q: _____________________________________________________________________
A: _____________________________________________________________________
5. Q: _____________________________________________________________________
A: _____________________________________________________________________
6. Q: _____________________________________________________________________
A: _____________________________________________________________________
7. Q: _____________________________________________________________________
A: _____________________________________________________________________