Name:__________________________________ Due Date:_______________ IB Psychology 12 Review Project The IB Psychology exam that you will be taking at the end of this year will have three 8 mark and one 22 mark paper that focus on the material you learned last year. Last year you explored the topics of: biological analysis, cognitive analysis, socio-cultural analysis, and abnormal psychology. In order to help you review those topics you will complete a “review project.” You will be placed in groups of 2 to 3 students. Each group will be assigned a topic, Biological Analysis 1, Biological Analysis 2, Cognitive Analysis 1, Cognitive Analysis 2. Each group will be asked to create a Power-Point Presentation in which they discuss topics that are provided on an outline. You will be taking on the role of the teacher! Each group will “teach” or “review” their information with the rest of the class. If there is a topic that you either don’t remember, or found confusing, takes notes! If at the end of presentations you are still confused about a topic, we will review it in greater detail. You will be allowed to use your notebooks from last year, internet sources, and the textbooks. Each Presentation should include: 1) AT LEAST 10 slides discussing the material (you can include more) 2) A detailed explanation of the material in your section 3) Presentations should be 10-15 minutes in length The Categories Are: 1) 2) 3) 4) Biological Analysis Group 1:________________ Biological Analysis Group 2:_______________ Cognitive Analysis Group 1:________________ Cognitive Analysis Group 2:________________ Biological Analysis Group 1: Biological Analysis is the theory that there are physiological (organic processes or functions in an organism) origins of many behaviors. In other words, biological analysis explores how biology, in conjunction with the environment and cognition, affect a person’s behavior. Biological researchers are often “reductionists.” This means that they conduct “micro-level” research, which breaks down complex human behaviors into its smallest parts, like the role of genes, neurotransmitters, or proteins. In your review presentation, be sure to discuss: 1. The Mechanism of Neurotransmitters a. What are neurons b. Explain neurotransmission c. Effects neurotransmitters have on behavior and an example of research that studied this i. Be sure to discuss specific examples of at least 2 neurotransmitters 2. Localization of Brain Function a. Paul Broca’s research b. Carl Wernicke’s research c. Phineas Gage 3. Hormones – their effects on the brain and behavior a. What are hormones b. Effects hormones have on behavior and an example of research i. Be sure to discuss specific examples of at least 2 hormones 4. Genetics a. What is behavioral genetics b. Genetic research i. Twin study ii. Family Study iii. Adoption Study iv. Intelligence Biological Analysis Group 2: 1. Evolution a. Darwin’s theory of natural selection b. Evolutionary Psychology i. Disgust studies 2. Technology in Brain Research a. Invasive techniques i. Example: Cutting into the brain to study it b. Brain imaging i. EEG ii. PET iii. fMRI 3. Effects of the environment on the brain a. Brain plasticity b. Dendritic branching c. Rosenzweig and Bennett’s study d. Mozart effect study 4. Effect of cognition on physiology a. SAD b. Amnesia –Study of HM and Clive Wearing 5. Ethics a. What are the ethical issues with genetic testing Cognitive Analysis Group 3: Cognitive Psychology studies the structure and functions of the human mind. When you study Cognitive Psychology, you explore how the human mind comes to know things about the world and how it uses this knowledge. Cognitive processes include: thinking, problem solving, memory, language, and attention. Cognition refers to these processes. Cognition is based on one’s mental representations of the world, such as images, words, and concepts. People’s cognition and understanding of the world will be based on their individual experiences. For example, people have different beliefs about what is right and what is wrong based on their life experiences. Cognitive Psychology is based on the theory that our mental processes guide our behaviors. One goal of cognitive research is to discover the principles underlying cognitive processes. One fundamental principle is that the mind can be studied scientifically. A third principle is that cognitive processes are influence by social and cultural factors. Your Presentation Should Include: 1. Definition of what Cognitive Analysis and its main principles 2. How to study the mind a. Different Research Methods 3. What are cognitive processes (At least 3) 4. The Schema Theory a. Bartlett b. Anderson and Pichert 5. The models of memory a. What are the three models of memory b. Explain how they work Cognitive Analysis: Group 4: Your Presentation should include: 1. Social/Cultural factors affect cognition a. This can include learning, remembering, forgetting 2. Reliability of cognitive process a. Loftus-reconstructive memory b. War of Ghosts c. Anderson and Pichart 3. Use of technology in studying the mind a. MRI scans in decision making b. PET scans 4. Cognition and emotion a. LeDoux 2 factor theory (cognitive and biological factors) 5. How emotion affects cognition a. Flashbulb memory