Name: Karissa Scott School: Kilgour Elementary Grade level and subject area: 5th Grade L.A. Stage 1-Desired Results Established Goals: (G) Common Core/Language Arts/5th Grade 5.SL.2 Summarize a written text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. Understandings: (U) Students will understand that… Essential Questions: Q What does it mean to be free? Students will understand that during the era the book is set, there were numerous civil rights movement occurrences taking place. They will also need to have an understanding of segregation. What is segregation? (KWL on this topic) Students will know….(K) Students will be able to…(S) The meaning of the word, “segregation” and of the phrase, “Civil Rights Movement” Students will be able to interpret the text, The Watson’s Go to Birmingham—1963 utilizing their understanding of what segregation is and means. Stage 2-Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: (T) Other Evidence: (OE) Whether or not the students have understood the desired information will be judged based on the premise of the Segregation KWL chart and their summaries of Chapter One. I will know if my students have grasped these understandings through looking over their Chapter One summaries and the L section of their KWL charts. I will also know through discussion of segregation/civil rights prior to reading the text. Stage 3-Learning Plan Learning Activities: (L) Students will first complete the K and W section of their KWL chart regarding the essential question, “What is segregation?” Then, there will be a short discussion on segregation and the Civil Rights Movement, building upon their schema and prior understandings. Next, students will be given a copy of the text, The Watson’s Go to Birmingham—1963 and will be asked to make a 2-3 sentence prediction as to what the book will be about based on the cover, title, and our previous discussion. This will generate interest. Students will make predictions in the Major Works Data Sheet rendition I created for the purposes of 5th grade level students. The teacher will then do a read aloud of Chapter One with the students stopping in various places to ask probing questions and to generate student reflection on the text. The read aloud will serve as a model for fluent reading. Students will also be provided with a blank handout of the U.S. for their own personal reference. As a whole group, the map in front of the class will be used to show the students where Flint, Michigan is located (where the Watsons currently live) and equally where Birmingham, Alabama is (where Momma grew up). This will give them a sense of setting and location while reading the book. They will be expected to mark on their maps the approximate location of each setting. If time allows, teacher will then show a small 1-2 minute clip of “A Christmas Story” where the boy gets his tongue stuck to the flag pole due to cold weather, much like Byron’s case in the book. This will give students a visual as to what the book was discussing and will equally evoke humor, interest out of the book. If time does not allow, video will be shown as a way to reel the students back in at the beginning of the next class. Watch from start to 1.05 and 1.12 to end (skip middle seconds because another student says a derogatory word.)