Genotype and genotype x environment interaction of some rice grain qualities in Tanzania Nkori J.M. Kibanda1 and Ashura Luzi-Kihupi2 1 Rice Breeder 2 ECARRN Coordinator Genetic and Genotype x environment interaction cont.. Introduction • Genotype x environmental interaction – Is important in plant breeding programs – When is large, testing in several (stratified) environments becomes necessary • to optimize testing environments Introduction cont.. • adequately measure genetic value of a cultivar – Reports on the effect of genotype, genotype x environment interaction on rice grain qualities are available (Resurrecion, 1977, Mackill et al.1996, Unevehr et al, 1992) Objectives This study had the following objectives: • Overall objective – Investigate the response of newly breeding rice genotypes and their interaction on the performance grain quality attributes under varying environments Specific objectives Specific objectives • To assess the contribution and the relative magnitudes of rice variety and variety x environment interaction on physical and biochemical traits under upland and irrigated ecosystems • To estimate and assess correlations and genetic parameters of physical and biochemical grain quality attributes and determine their relative importance on rice improvement under upland and irrigated cultures Materials and Methodology • Location: TAC (Ifakara) and SUA (Morogoro) • Soil and weather data were determined • Rice genotypes – Collected from ARI KATRIN and SUA – Selected based on yield potential – Composed of conventional and mutants Materials and Methodology cont.. – Genotypes: SSD1, SSD3, SSD5, M15A,Line85, Line88, TXD275, TXD220, TXD306 and Supa (control • • • • Design: RCBD; Three replications with 2m x 4m Seeding: 2-3 seeds/hill at 20cm x 20cm Agronomic practices Materials and Methodology cont.. • Data recorded: • Grain size and shape, opacity - (Jennings et al. 1979, IRRI 1988) • AC - Modified simplified assay procedure (Jliano et al. 1981) • GC – (Campagn et al. 1973) Statistical analysis • Statistical Analysis • Analysis of variance (ANOVA) • Single site and combined analysis – SAS software • Estimates of variances of G, E, G x E interactions (AlJibouri et al. 1958) • Estimates of Genetic Coefficient of Variation (Burton 1952) Statistical analysis cont.. • Estimates of Heritability in the broad sense (Hanson et al. 1956) • Estimates of Genetic Advance at 5% intensity (Johnson et al. 1955) • Estimates of Phenotypic and genotypic correlation Table 1a: Performance of rice lines/variety on physical analysis at SUA Variety/lines Grain length (mm) SSD5 7.53ab SSD3 6.70abc e6.93abc Line 85 7M15A 6.20c Supa 7.77a Size Shape Chalkiness Opacity Very long Long Long Long Very long Grain length:bre adth ratio 3.31 2.48 2.87 2.58 3.43 Slender Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Slender 1.52cd 1.41cd 1.99ab 1.80abcd 1.14d Small Small Small Small Small TXD 275 Line 88 TXD 220 SSD1 6.70abc 6.40bc 7.27abc 7.63a Long Medium Long Very long 2.65 2.98 2.38 2.88 Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate 2.31a 1.79abcd 2.16ab 1.41cd Small Small Small Small M55 Mean SE % CV 7.07abc Long 7.02 0.25 5.71 2.88 2.90 Intermediate 2.16ab 1.76 0.14 10.24 Small Small Small Small 16.78 Table 1b: Performance of rice lines/variety on biochemical analysis at SUA Variety/ lines Gelatinization Type temperature Amylose content Type Gel Type consistency SSD5 SSD3 Line 85 7M15A Supa 4.67b 4.67b 1.6c 6.33a 7.00a Intermediate Intermediate High Low Low 24.28de 24.29de 23.33e 30.51b 39.38a Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate High High 53.67f 59.33e 60.33e 124.67b 141.30a Medium Medium Medium Soft Soft TXD 275 88 Line TXD 220 SSD1 6.33a 6.00ab 6.67a 4.67b Low Low Low Intermediate 28.71bc 26.46cd 37.81a 24.58de High High High Intermediate 104.30c 97.67d 127.0b 58.00ef Soft Soft Soft Medium M55 Mean SE % CV 5.67ab 5.37 0.28 9.07 Intermediate 24.57de 28.39 0.57 3.50 Intermediate 55.33ef 88.17 0.99 1.95 Medium Table 2a: Performance of rice lines/variety on physical analysis at TAC Variety/ line Grain length (mm) Size SSD5 SSD3 Line85 7.53ab 6.70abc 6.93abc Long Medium Medium 6.20dc 7.77a 6.70abc 6.40bc TXD220 6.27abc SSD1 7.63a M55 7.07abc Mean 6.72 SE 0.21 % CV 5.36 Medium Long Short Medium Medium Very long Long M15A Supa TXD 275 Line88 Grain length: breadth ratio 3.31 2.48 2.87 Shape Chalkiness Opacity Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate 1.52cd 1.41cd 1.99abc Small Small Small 2.58 3.43 2.65 2.98 2.38 2.88 2.88 2.06 Intermediate Slender Intermediate Intermediate Slender Intermediate Intermediate 1.80abcd 1.14d 2.31a 1.79abcd 2.16ab 1.41cd 2.16ab 1.63 0.45 14.94 Small None Small Small Small Small Small 18.26 Table 2b: Performance of rice varieties/lines on biochemical traits at TAC Variety/ line SSD5 SSD3 Line85 M15A Supa TXD 275 Line88 TXD220 SSD1 M55 Mean SE % CV Gelatinizati on temperature 4.77b 4.67b 1.67c Type Amylose Type content Gel Type consistency Low Low Low 24.28de 24.29de 23.33e High High High 53.66f 59.33e 60.33e 6.33a 7.00a 6.33a 6.00ab 6.67a 6.67a 5.67ab 6.13 Low Low Low Low Low Interme diate Low 30.51b 39.38a 28.71bc 26.46cd 37.81b 24.58de 24.57de 26.89 0.18 6.88 High High High High High Intermediate High 124.67b 141.33a 104.33c 97.67d 127.00b 58.00ef 55.33ef 99.07 1.58 2.76 7.43 Medium Medium Medium soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Medium Hard Table 3a: Performance of rice lines/variety on physical traits combined in two locations (SUA &TAC) Variety/ line Size SSD5 Grain length (mm) 7.38ab SSD3 Line85 M15A Supa TXD275 Line88 TXD220 SSD1 M55 6.62cdef 6.77cde 6.25f 7.60a 6.30ef 6.32def 6.80cd 7.62a 7.03bc Long Long Medium Very long Medium Mean SE % CV 6.87 0.16 5.54 Long Grain Shape length:bre adth ratio 3.14ab Slender 2.56b 2.85ab 2.73ab 3.31a 2.68ab Medium 2.78ab Long 2.94ab Very 2.88ab long Long 2.93ab 2.88 0.21 17.54 Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Slender Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Chalkiness Opacity 1.00cd Small 1.00cd 2.67b 2.50b 0.17d 3.67a 1.50c 3.83a 0.83cd 2.50b Small Small Small Small Small Small Small Small Small 1.97 0.14 14.04 Table 3b: Performance of rice lines/variety on biochemical traits combined in two locations (SUA &TAC) Variety/ Gelatinization line temperature Type Amylose content SSD5 5.17e SSD3 Line85 M15A Supa TXD27 5Line88 TXD22 0SSD1 M55 5.33de 4.00f 6.33bc 7.00a 6.33bc 6.17bc 6.50ab 4.83e 5.83cd Mean SE % CV 5.75 0.19 8.20 Interme 24.66fg diate Interme 24.93fg diate Interme 25.95de diate Low 29.39c Low 33.06b Low 27.09d Low 26.69de Low 35.00a Interme 23.95g diate Interme 25.73defg diate 27.65 0.61 5.38 Type Gel Type consiste ncy Intermed 56.00I Mediu iate Intermed 59.67h m Mediu iate High High High High High High Intermed iate High 67.50g 127.30c 145.30a 113.30d 101.00e 131.02b 58.67hi 76.17f 93.62 0.93 2.44 m Mediu m soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Mediu m Mediu m soft Results and discussion cont.. • Genotypes were significant in all the traits except for grain shape in all the locations an when data were pooled • Performance of genotypes on the traits varied across environments • Grains ranged from very long to medium, slender to intermediate grain shape with small opacity Table 4: Mean squares from combined analysis of variance (ANOVA) for different physical and biochemical characters/traits at SUA and TAC df Grain Grain Chalkiness Gelatini Amylose Gel zation cont. consistenc Source of length length: variations breadth temperat ratio ure Location/(Enviro 2 y 1.04 0.03 6.67** 8.82* 33.56** 1782.15** 6 0.35 0.20 0.77 0.33 1.22 21.13 Genotypes (G) 3 1.65 0.30 9.36** 4.94** 82.81** 6960.27** GxE 6 0.16 0.18 1.15 3.19** 36.87** 217.97** Error 18 -0.15 0.26 0.66 0.22 2.22 5.21 nment) (E) Replications (R/E) Results and discussion cont.. • Location and genotype mean squares were significant on chalkiness, AC, GC and GT • Genotype x Environment interactions were significant on AC, GC and AC Table 5: Genotypic (top) and phenotypic correlations of rice grain qualities from 10 rice genotypes combined from SUA & TAC Trait Grain length Grain length 1.00 Shape -0.28* Shape Chalkiness Gelatinization temperature Gel consistency Amylose content 1.00 (-0.27*) Chalkiness -0.37** -0.13 1.00 (-0.39**) (-0.13) Gelatinization temperature 0.21 -0.25 0.13 (0.24) (-0.24) (0.12) Gel consistency 0.58** 0.21 0.17 0.19 0.65** 0.22 0.21 0.20 Amylose content 0.58** 0.23 -0.05 -0.43** 0.57** (0.50**) (0.25*) (-0.04) (-0.48**) 0.62** * Significant at 5% level ** Significant at 1% level 1.00 1.00 1.00 Results and discussion cont.. • Significant genotypic and phenotypic correlations were positive between AC with GC suggesting that selection for GC would simultaneously improve AC, but with significant negative correlation with GT • Similar result between AC and GC have been reported (Juliano and Villareal, 1993) Table 6: Table Variance components of grain qualities of 10 rice genotypes at SUA and TAC 2g Character Grain length Grain length : breadth ratio Chalkiness Amylose content Gelatinization temperature Gel consistency 2 g =genetic variance 0.25 0.02 0.02 7.66 0.26 1123.72 2 2l 2gl 0.03 0.12 0.18 51.61 0.01 0.01 11.55 0.99 70.92 e =error variance 2l =location (environment) variance 2ph =phenotypic variance 2gl =genotype location variance h2 =heritability 2e 0.15 0.26 0.07 2.21 0.22 5.21 2ph 0.28 0.06 0.17 13.80 0.82 1160.05 h2 89.3 33.3 11.8 55.5 35.4 96.9 Expected genetic advance 14.17 (%of 5.34 mean) 36.4 15.36 17.68 72.60 Results and discussion cont.. • High genetic variance were on chalkiness, GC and AC • High heritability on GL, AC and GC • High genetic advance on GC Conclusion • Grain qualities varied among genotypes and in varying environments • Most lines tested meet most of the market and consumers’ preferences in Tanzania (Long to medium) grain size with slender to intermediate shape, intermediate AC, intermediate GT and soft GC • GC had high heritability and genetic advance and had significant positive phenotypic and genotypic correlations with GL and AC suggesting that GC can be used as a reliable selection criterion for indirect improvement of AC in early generations in specific environments