20 Macbeth: Questions & assignments 1 How does the character of

20 Macbeth: Questions & assignments
How does the character of Lady Macbeth develop throughout the play? In this section we will
look at her behaviour up to the point of Duncan's murder. We will then look at her decline after the
murder, and how she quickly disappears from the play.
The effect of the letter (Act 1, Scene 5)
Before the murder (Act 1, Scene 7)
The morning after the murder (Act 2, Scene 3)- Why does Lady Macbeth faint?
The banquet (Act 3, Scene 4)- How does this scene show Lady Macbeth becoming isolated from
The sleepwalking scene (Act 5, Scene 1)- Why does Lady Macbeth begin to walk and talk in her
What does the sleepwalking scene tell us about Lady Macbeth's part in the play?
How does the character of Macbeth develop throughout the play? Use the timelines to remind
yourself about the key events of the play. We focus first on Macbeth's changing thoughts and feelings up
till the banquet and then move on to the aftermath. We have chosen quotations to support the points
made, but try to find other examples yourself to use in your essays.
The witches (Act 1, Scene 3) - Why do the witches' prophecies have so much power over
Before the murder (Act 1, Scene 7) - Did Macbeth really want to kill Duncan?
The morning after the murder (Act 2, Scene 3)-What state of mind is Macbeth in after the murder?
The banquet (Act 3, Scene 4)- Why is Macbeth so tense and anxious as he enters the banquet?
What is the effect of the ghost on Macbeth?
Lady Macbeth's death (Act 5, Scene 5) - How is Macbeth affected when he learns of his wife's
The first characters we see in Macbeth are the three witches, who are to have a profound
influence over events in the play. You can understand their part in the play and their significance better if
you focus on the key questions explored in this Revision Bite.
Q: How do the witches introduce the play?
'Who's to blame for the tragedy?' is a question which is often asked about Macbeth - and one
which is also helpful to think about for your understanding of the play.
Lady Macbeth
The witches
Extra assignments and essay topics
5. Discuss the role of the supernatural in Macbeth
The supernatural in general
The witches
Weather at Duncan’s death
Weather in general
6. Is Macbeth really a mad butcher/how can he kill the King?
7. What is his biggest mistake
8. Relation Macbeth/Lady Macbeth/change?
9. What is Macbeth motivation? Work towards it, build it up.
10.What motivates Lady Macbeth?
11 The significance of time in the play
12.The importance of sleep (double meaning in this play)
15.The supernatural
16.Macbeth’s view of right and wrong
Suggested Essay Topics
18. The fantastical and grotesque witches are among the most memorable figures in the play.
How does Shakespeare characterize the witches? What is their thematic significance?
19. Compare and contrast Macbeth, Macduff, and Banquo. How are they alike? How are they
different? Is it possible to argue that Macbeth is the play's villain and Macduff or Banquo its
hero, or is the matter more complicated than that?
20. Discuss the role that blood plays in Macbeth, particularly immediately following Duncan's
murder and late in the play. What does it symbolize for Macbeth and his wife?
21. Discuss Macbeth's visions and hallucinations. What role do they play in the development of
his character?
22. Is Macbeth a moral play? Is justice served at the end of the play? Defend your answer.
The most important ones:!!
23. How can Shakes make a murderer into a hero?
24. How bad is M? (are there mitigating circumstances?
25. Macbeth's mistakes / wrong decisions
26. Watch the scene of the murder (Polanski movie)
Why would Shakespeare not ‘show’ the murder?
Why would Polanski?
27. Read II.2 and 3
Discuss ‘unnaturalness’, role of Lady M.
28. Simon Schama’s Shakespeare 0:00 – 2:38 and 29:00 – 44:00
(About James I and
29. About Act IV: (can bet treated as separate assignments)
A. In what way is Macbeth’s resolution to kill all of MacDuff’s offspring the beginning of the end
for him?
B. Why does Malcolm paint such a negative picture of himself? (‘Black Macbeth will seem as
pure as snow’ etc.)
30. About Act V: (can bet treated as separate assignments)
A. The sleepwalking scene: find 5 references to previous happenings in it.
B. What does the “Throw physics to the dogs” signify in terms of the development of MB’s
C. Paraphrase what MB is saying about life in the “Tomorrow” soliloquy.
D. How does Siward react to his son’s death? What does that mean for the concept of
manliness? Does Macbeth live up to that concept?