Broadband Workshop Access to Underserviced Areas/Rural Areas and Licensing Carlos Costa Johannesburg, 11.11.2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Portugal – A Brief Overview 2. Portuguese Telecoms Sector 3. Public Policy Rationale 4. Promoting Access to Fixed Broadband 5. Promoting Access to Mobile Broadband 6. Promoting Access to DTT 7. Wholesale Facilitators 1. Portugal – A Brief Overview Snapshot • Portuguese population: - 10.5 M (living in Portugal); - 4.5 M (living abroad) – 300 K in RSA • Life expectancy: 76,7 82,6 • Working population as proportion of working age population: 79,3% Employment 10% Primary Sector 26% 64% Secondary Sector Tertiary Sector • Very High HDI: Rank 43 • Happiness Index (LPI): Rank 26 • Territory: 92,090 Km2 • PIB Per Capita: 15,702 € 2. The Portuguese Electronic Communications Sector Penetration per 100 inhabitants (100 HH for Pay TV) Evolution of BB Accesses A Hub for World Connectivity and Innovation • Europe’s largest Data Centre • Leading Service Centres (SAP, Altran, AlcatelLucent, Fujitsu, Microsoft) • Participation in ESA projects • Disruptive innovations telecoms services: in First prepaid card in mobile telephony; “TimeWarp” in Pay Tv; Cloud Services SKA 3. Public Policy Rationale Interrelated Social Concerns • PT Population at risk of poverty: 25% (EU average = 24%) • PT rural population: 38% (EU average = 26%) • PT Population above 65 y.o: 19% (EU average = 18%) Disability Rural NGA Specificity Dispersion of the Cost of passed population HH Length of local loop KFS Lower income per capita Penetration Higher proportion rates of senior citizens Lower intensity of competition Demand Side Obstacles in Rural Areas • Look closely at demand side obstacles to understand the nature of the problem 3,5 3 3 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,3 2,1 2,1 2 2 2 2 1,9 1,8 1,7 1,6 1,5 1,5 1,4 1,3 1 1 1 0,5 0 Perceived BB need Low level PC adoption High BB Price NGA initial stage Low literacy rate Low geographic coverage EU27 Country in General Poor QoS Choice BB ISPs Perceived low level contractual safeguards Contents native language Other EU27 Rural Areas Source: BEREC EWG end User Questionnaire Rural NGA Coverage We don´t have Wi-Fi. Speak to each other. Rural Broadband Coverage DSL Total coverage 100% DSL Rural coverage 90% 80%100% HSPA Total coverage NL NL CY UK CY BE LU LU CH LV UK BE CH FR ES CY DK LV FR PT RO NL CY DK EL DK IS MT EL AT CH BE MT SE NL ES PT IE HU UK DK SE AT IS IE AT CZ DE LT CH IT ES CZ DE ES UE27 NO NO IE IT HR HU HR IS FI FI UE27 RO PL EE LT SI 10% 20% LV MT SK 0% 20% 30% BG HU BG LT RO SI HSPA Rural coverage PL LV SK SE Source: ANACOM’s estimations and Point Topic SE FR FR FI LU BG BG FI LU EL EL SI PL IT UK UE27 PL AT RO UE27 SI NO IS BE NO IT HU PT IE EE PT CZ CZ DE HR DE SK MT 0% EE SK 0% 10% HR LT EE 70% 90% 100% 60% 80% 90% 100% 50% 70% 80% 90% 40% 60% 70% 80% 30% 50% 60% 70% 20% 40% 50% 60% 10% 30% 40% 50% 0% 20% 10% 30% 40% The Assessment Process for SGEI What services are absolutely essential for the regional and social cohesion? Are those services ensured by the market, now or in the near future? YES Is Society capable of financing the proposed public policy measures? Cost Benefit Analysis To review the concept of "essential services" Are the proposed public policy measures an effective and efficient solution for the problem? YES What are the net costs for the Society? NO YES Adequate Solutions Proposed public policy measures Alternative and efficient policy instruments NO The Portuguese Digital Agenda Targets • In line with the Digital Agenda for Europe, it established ambitious goals for 2013 (access to basic BB for all) and beyond, namely: 2020 2020 2013 / 2014 (Mainland / Islands) Coverage 100% @ ≥30 Mbps Subscriptions ≥ 50% @ ≥100 Mbps Rural Subscriptions ≥ 50% @ ≥40 Mbps • To promote digital inclusion and usage of the Internet / ICTs by the citizens living in remote areas, with low education levels, with disabilities and by the elderly is also an important target. 4. Promoting Access to Fixed Broadband Superfast Fixed Rural Broadband (1) Areas and Municipalities High Speed networks in Rural Areas Five public tenders for high-speed networks in rural areas launched by the government in 2009 (EU support): a) b) c) d) e) f) 140 municipalities with no retail competition covered (no cable network and no OAO colocated); Minimum 50% population coverage of each municipality (circa 242 K HH with FTTH/GPON); Minimum speed 40 Mbps (downstream) per end-user; Within 24 months; With overall public financing of circa 106€ M. Costing between [651; 1630] € per passed HH with subsidies between [380; 1050] € . Superfast Fixed Rural Broadband (2) • Each high-speed rural network must: a) Be managed as an open network; b) Ensure, during 20 years, an wholesale offer; c) Follow rules of transparency, non discrimination and healthy competition. • The winners of the public tenders were selected in 2010 and 2011. • 4 out of the 5 contracts area already signed and nearing completion. • The R.A. Madeira contract is pending attribution of EU funds. Superfast Fixed Rural Broadband (3) • In the R.A. Azores submarine cable transmission was also included in the project Corvo Graciosa Sta Cruz Graciosa Morro Alto Terceira Sta Cruz Flores Santa Barbara São Jorge Faial Velas Angra Heroísmo C.Gordo Madalena Topo Horta Pico S.Miguel 11 Aggregation Access Points (PAA) Barrosa Ponta Delgada 1 Central Access Point (PAC) PAC Submarine Cable Faial-FloresCorvo-Graciosa (FibroGlobal). Inter-IslandsSubmarine Cable (PTC). Pico Alto Vila do Porto GbE Uplink leased line Santa Maria 5. Promoting Access to Mobile Broadband “e-iniciativas” (1) • In connnection with “Ligar Portugal”, the government launched in mid-2007 the “e.iniciativas”, aiming at massifying access to laptops and Mobile BB, targeting teachers, pupils and trainees. • A laptop with Vista, Office 2007 and mobile BB, priced € 150 with a € 5 discount in the monthly fee was offered to the targeted public. • The program was expanded to primary school children (“e.escolinhas”) in 2008, with a laptop specifically adapted to children being priced at € 50, whilst poor children could get it for free. “e-iniciativas” (2) • Adoption rate to e.iniciativas was higher in the interior regions where adoption was lower (especially for students). BB • e.iniciativas acelerated the adoption of PC and of the Internet. • Most of the adopters, did not quit the BB access that was installed at the HH prior to the adoption of the e.iniciativas. • The intensity of usage of computer and Internet increased after the adoption. • The type of usage of the laptop and of the Internet access is “virtuous”. • The adhesion rate has been circa 40%, with an overall volume of adherents of circa 1.373 millions. BWA 3.4-3.8 GHz Band Auction (1) 9 regions and a total of 36 lots (4 lots/region) GEOGRAPHICAL AREA 2 x 28 MHz A A’ B 3600 MHz 3400 MHz C 3600 MHz B’ D C’ D’ 3800 MHz Zone 1 (Lisbon, Leiria, Santarém and areas of Setúbal) Zone 2 (Porto, Braga, Viana do Castelo) Zone 3 (Coimbra, Aveiro) Zona 4 (Vila Real, Bragança, Viseu, Guarda) Zone 5 (Castelo Branco, Portalegre) Zone 6 (Évora, Beja and areas of Setúbal) Zone 7 (Faro) Zone 8 (Azores) Zona 9 (Madeira) RESERVE PRICE (k €) 300 300 150 100 100 100 150 100 150 Combinatorial sealed bid auction (2 stages of 1 round each) and 2nd price rule (1Q2010) Objetives: promote market entry => mobile operators were not allowed to participate. provide broadband wireless access to underserved areas => regional approach was adopted with a 3 years deadline to start commercial operation. BWA 3.4-3.8 GHz Band Auction (2) Auction’s Result 3 participants; Number of Assigned lots per Region 3 2 2 winners: Onitelecom and Bravesensor; 50% of the lots were assigned; 8 regions (no bids for R.A. Madeira); 2 2 1 4 2 Total Revenue: 3.41 M €; Due to technological and economic evolution, commercial developments are modest. Technical Conditions Service & technology neutrality 2 BEM concept Fixed, mobile or nomadic operations Decision – 2008/411/EC 2011 - Multiband Spectrum Auction (1) ~392 MHz of radio spectrum and 39 lots MHz / band 450 MHz 1% 2.6 GHz 48% 800 MHz 15% 900 MHz 5% 1800 MHz 29% 2,1 GHz 2% Frequency Number of Lots Reserve Price (M€) 450 MHz 1 lot of 2 × 1.25 MHz 2 800 MHz 6 lots of 2 × 5 MHz 45 900 MHz 2 lots of 2 × 5 MHz 30 1800 MHz 9 lots of 2 × 5 MHz 4 1800 MHz 3 lots of 2 × 4 MHz 3 2.1 GHz 2 lots of 5 MHz 2 2.6 GHz 14 lots of 2 × 5 MHz 3 2.6 GHz 1 lots of 25 MHz 3 2.6 GHz 1 lots of 25 MHz 3 SMRA - Simultaneous Multiple Round Ascending Model, Coverage obligations in the 800 MHz band – 480 rural parishes per lot (80 per lot) to be covered by the end of 2014. Set of measures to facilitate market entry: 900 MHz: 20% discount for new entrants, 800/900 MHz: MVNO and roaming agreement (under special conditions), Infrastructure sharing, Spectrum caps with spectrum reservation in 1800 MHz and 2.6 GHz (FDD). 2011 - Multiband Spectrum Auction (2) Result Technical Conditions 3 Winners: TMN, Optimus and Vodafone Total revenue: 372 M € Service & technology neutrality 75% of spectrum assigned 800 MHz: BEM concept – Decision 2010/276/EU. Operation possible after “switch-off” (26/4/2012) and restrictions apply untill Dez. 2014 due to Spanish DTT. 97.5 MHz of available spectrum Band Assigned Spectrum Available Spectrum 450 MHz None 2 x 1,25 MHz 900 MHz 2 x 5 MHz 2 x 5 MHz 1800 MHz 2 x 42 MHz 2 x 15 MHz 2.1 GHz None 10 MHz 2.6 GHz FDD 2 x 60 MHz 2 x 10 MHz 2.6 GHz TDD 25 MHz 25 MHz 900/1800 MHz: GSM/UMTS/LTE and future technologies to be included in Decision 2011/251/EU. 2.6 GHz: BEM concept – Decision 2008/477/EC. 6. Promoting DTT Promoting DTT (1) • TV Law (Law nº 27/2007) was published in July 2007. • The process of DTT implementation was very inclusive and transparent having started in August 2007 and ended in 26.04.2012. • The DTT operator has a legal obligation to ensure coverage via terrestrial means of: a) 90,12% of Portugal mainland population; b) 87,36% of R.A. Azores population; c) 85,97% of R.A. Madeira. • Hence, some areas are covered via satellite (DTH). • Users not covered via terrestrial DTT may receive from the DTT operator a comparticipation for the acquisition of up to two set-top boxes per HH, as long as they do not subscribe to pay tv services. Promoting DTT (2) Public hospitals; Health centers; Libraries; R&D centers; Charities; Public schools Subsidies available to socially disadvantaged groups: Set-Top Box Subsidy Disabled end-users; Low-income users; Retirees and pensioners with monthly income below 500 € 50% of the set-top box price, up to a maximum of 22 € Installation Adaptation Subsidy End users > 65 y.o. in social isolation 61 € 7. Wholesale Facilitators EC Recommendations •NRAs should examine differences in conditions of competition in different geographical areas in order to determine whether the definition of sub-national geographic markets or the imposition of differentiated remedies are warranted. Where divergences in the conditions of competition are stable and substantial, NRAs should define sub-national geographic markets. •NRAs should monitor whether the deployment of NGA networks and the subsequent evolution of competitive conditions within a geographically defined market warrant the imposition of differentiated remedies. EC Recommendantion of 20.09.2010 on regulated access to NGA •Replicability tests in the context of market analysis should take into account differences between geographic areas in terms of the NGA access input used (rural vs densely populated areas) EC Recommendation of 11.09.2013 on consistent non-discrimination obligations and costing methodologies to promote competition and enhance the broadband investment environment. Regulated Access to Ducts of the Historic Operator Elements of the Reference Offer Access Core How Does Duct Access Offer Works? Access to Poles More used in rural areas. Access to Poles Pole Access OLO Responsability Entrance point OLO Responsability Building Tube OLO Pole PTC Poles Transition Visit Chamber Duct access Legend Fixing OLO cable Other Measures Decree-Law 123/2009 Access for telecom operators to ducts and other public infrastructures Simpler and effective rules for the construction of new infrastructures A public geo-referenced information system for all infrastructures ITED/ITUR Open and non discriminatory access to buildings with at least a dual fiber optic cable per dwelling and a point for sharing infrastructure in the building or surroundings At the End of the Day “Stones in the road? I save every single one, and one day I’ll build a castle.” Fernando Pessoa (Lisbon and Durban Poet) Bartolomeu Dias