Test 2 - Today • 9:30 am in CNH-104 • Class begins at 11am Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Wave Motion • Sinusoidal waves • Standing Waves Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Sine Waves For sinusoidal waves, the shape is a sine function, eg., f(x) = y(x,0) = A sin(kx) A (A and k are constants) y x -A Then, at any time: y (x,t) = f(x – vt) = A sin[k(x – vt)] Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Sine wave: y (x,t) = A sin[kx – wt] A y since kv=ω l v x -A l (“lambda”) is the wavelength (length of one complete wave); and so (kx) must increase by 2π radians (one complete cycle) when x increases by l. So kl = 2p, or k = 2π / λ Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Rewrite: y = A sin [kx – kvt]=A sin [kx – wt] The displacement of a particle at location x is a sinusoidal function of time – i.e., simple harmonic motion: y = A sin [ constant – wt] The “angular frequency” of the particle motion is w=kv; the initial phase is kx (different for different particles). Review: SHM is described by functions of the form y(t) = A cos(wt+f) = A sin(p/2 –f –wt), etc., with ω = 2πf “angular frequency” radians/sec frequency: cycles/sec (=hertz) Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Example y A a e b -A c x d Shown is a picture of a wave, y=A sin(kx- wt), at time t=0 . i) Which particle moves according to y=A cos(wt) ? AB CDE ii) Which particle moves according to y=A sin(wt) ? ABCDE iii ) Sketch a graph of y(t) for particle e. Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 The most general form of sine wave is y = Asin(kx ± ωt – f) amplitude “phase” y(x,t) = A sin (kx ± wt –f ) angular wave number k = 2π / λ (radians/metre) phase constant f angular frequency ω = 2πf (radians/second) The wave speed is v = 1 wavelength / 1 period, so v = fλ = ω / k Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Wave Velocity The wave velocity is determined by the properties of the medium: Transverse waves on a string: v wave FT tension mass/unit length (proof from Newton’s second law – Pg.625) Electromagnetic wave (light, radio, etc.): v = c 2.998108 m/s (in vacuum) v = c/n (in a material with refractive index n) (proof from Maxwell’s Equations for E-M fields ) Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Quiz You double the diameter of a string. How will the speed of the waves on the string be affected? A) it will decrease by 4 B) it will decrease by 2 C) it will decrease by √2 D) it will stay the same E) it will increase by √2 Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Exercise (Wave Equation) What are w and k for a 99.7 MHz FM radio wave? Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Particle Velocities Particle displacement, y (x,t) Particle velocity, vy = dy/dt (x held constant) (Note that vy is not the wave speed v – different directions! ) Acceleration, d2y ay 2 dt dt dv y This is for the particles (move in y), not wave (moves in x) ! Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 “Standard” sine wave: y A sin( kx wt - ) dy vy wA cos( kx wt - ) dt dv y ay -w 2 A sin( kx wt - ) dt -w 2 y maximum displacement, ymax = A Same as before maximum velocity, vmax = w A for SHM ! 2 maximum acceleration, amax = w A Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Example y x string: 1 gram/m; 2.5 N tension vwave Oscillator: 50 Hz, amplitude 5 mm Find: y (x, t) vy (x, t) and maximum speed ay (x, t) and maximum acceleration Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 10 min rest Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Superposition of Waves 1) Identical waves in opposite directions: “standing waves” 2) 2 waves at slightly different frequencies: “beats” 3) 2 identical waves, but not in phase: “interference” Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Practical Setup: Fix the ends, use reflections. We can think of travelling waves reflecting back and forth from the boundaries, and creating a standing wave. The resulting standing wave must have a node at each fixed end. Only certain wavelengths can meet this condition, so only certain particular frequencies of standing wave will be possible. fl v example: FT L 1 2 l1 L l1 2 L v f1 2L node node (“fundamental mode”) Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 λ2 l2 L v f 2 2 f1 L Second Harmonic λ3 3 2 l3 L l3 23 L v v f3 3 l3 2L 3 f1 Third Harmonic . . . . Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 In this case (a one-dimensional wave, on a string with both ends fixed) the possible standing-wave frequencies are multiples of the fundamental: f1, 2f1, 3f1, etc. This pattern of frequencies depends on the shape of the medium, and the nature of the boundary (fixed end or free end, etc.). Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Sine Waves In Opposite Directions: y1 = Aosin(kx – ωt) y2 = Aosin(kx + ωt) Total displacement, y(x,t) = y1 + y2 a b a -b Trigonometry : sin a sin b 2 sin cos 2 2 kx wt " a" kx - wt " b" Then: y( x, t ) 2 A0 sin kx cos wt Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Example wave at t=0 8mm y x 1.2 m f = 150 Hz a) Write out y(x,t) for the standing wave. b) Write out y1(x,t) and y2(x,t) for two travelling waves which would produce this standing wave. Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Example m When the mass m is doubled, what happens to a) the wavelength, and b) the frequency of the fundamental standing-wave mode? What if a thicker (thus heavier) string were used? Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Example 120 cm m a) m = 150g, f1 = 30 Hz. Find μ (mass per unit length) b) Find m needed to give f2 = 30 Hz c) m = 150g. Find f1 for a string twice as thick, made of the same material. Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Solution Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Standing sound waves Sound in fluids is a wave composed of longitudinal vibrations of molecules. The speed of sound in a gas depends on the temperature. For air at room temperature, the speed of sound is about 340 m/s. At a solid boundary, the vibration amplitude must be zero (a standing wave node). Physical picture of particle motions (sound wave in a closed tube) node antinode node antinode node graphical picture Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Standing sound waves in tubes – Boundary Conditions -there is a node at a closed end -less obviously, there is an antinode at an open end (this is only approximately true) antinode node antinode graphical picture Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Air Columns: column with one closed end, one open end L 14 l1 L L 34 l3 L 54 l5 Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9 Exercise: Sketch the first three standing-wave patterns for a pipe of length L, and find the wavelengths and frequencies if: a) both ends are closed b) both ends are open Physics 1B03summer-Lecture 9