Cloud computing - Currie Colket's Home Page

Sharing Research On-Line with
Dropbox/icloud Technolody
7 Januay 2014
Manatee Genealogical Society- Computer Special Interest Group
Currie Colket
Slides at:
Google Definition
define: cloud computing
noun: cloud computing;
The practice of using a network of remote servers hosted
on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather
than a local server or a personal computer.
Google Definition
What Does This Mean - 1
The practice of using a
network of remote
servers hosted on the
Internet to store,
manage, and process
data, rather than a local
server or a personal
Also Applications
Google Definition
What Does This Mean - 2
The practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on
the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than
a local server or a personal computer.
Data on any server
But assessible as if
In one logical drive
Can put very little data
On cloud or a lot of
Data on cloud
Wikipedia Definition
• Cloud computing is a phrase used to describe a variety
of computing concepts that involve a large number of
computers connected through a real-time communication
network such as the Internet. In science, cloud
computing is a synonym for distributed computing …
• The popularity of the term can be attributed to its use in
marketing to sell hosted services in the sense of
application service provisioning that run client server
software on a remote location.
Apple Definition
• iCloud is a suite of free cloud-based services from Apple
that helps users store and synchronize digital content
across computers and numerous iOS-supported devices
such as iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches. iCloud
serves as the successor to Apple's MobileMe service
and is included free as part of Apple's iOS 5, which first
became available in October 2011. The service provides
users with an initial 5-GB of iCloud storage for free, with
additional storage capacity available for purchase on a
monthly basis.
Advantages of iCloud
• Unlimited Storage – Backup Your Computer; mitigates theft or loss of hard drive
– Store your Genealogy
– Store your Music
• Shared Resources – Sharing genealogy is good - Item in
iCloud can be shared by anyone with internet access
• Current Version – Everyone accesses latest version
• Wireless – Don’t have to use a USB chord to sync
• Dynamically Reallocate Resources Per Demand –
business benefit
[e.g. reallocate European shared resources to US in later part of
day and back to Europe at end of US day]
Disadvantages of iCloud
• Biggest concern about iCloud is security and privacy.
Users might not be comfortable to upload their data to a
third party service and feel that their data might be
accessed by any unauthorized users.
• Purchased Cd songs via iTunes may incur cost - iCloud
sharing of copywrited materials can incur additional cost.
• iCloud service has widespread accessibility issues.
Best Cloud Storage
For Various Purposes
• Google Drive for Documents
Because the interface makes editing easier
• Amazon Cloud Drive for Music
Play stored music on any device with Amazon Cloud Player
• Dropbox for Photos
Creates online galleries and makes album sharing easy
• Microsoft Skydrive for Office Projects done on Multiple Computers
Access to latest version of your files where ever you are
• SugarSync for Documents done in Collaboration
Per Bottom Line, 15 September 2012
Setting Up Dropbox - 1
Setting Up Dropbox - 2
Setting Up Dropbox - 3
Setting Up Dropbox - 4
To put something into Dropbox
Simply Drag it in there
To take something out
Simply Drag it to Trash
To update something
Edit it
To share something
Click on Object & click share
Examples of Sharing - 1
Getting Started
Examples of Sharing - 2
Examples of Sharing - 3
To: .....
Date: 23 September 2013 7:21 PM
Subject: New England Elderhostel Photos:
The photos we took on the New England Train Elderhostel are available
Examples of Sharing - 4
Examples of Sharing - 5
Best 10 Online Backup
Please Ask Questions if you do not Understand Anything
Manatee County
History Fair - 1
Manatee County History Fair is the local affiliate of National
History Day (NHD), a nationwide contest designed to interest
students in history and encourage them to learn about history
through primary research. Instead of reading about a historical
person or event in a textbook, students are asked to do research
in the documents or materials produced during that time period.
Students use such things as newspapers, diaries, letters,
photographs, government records, and oral history interviews to
answer questions about the past. Then, they can choose how
they will present their information. Papers, documentaries, exhibit
boards, web sites and performances are the five kinds of entries
that are accepted for competition. Through research and analysis
of their information, students make the past come alive.
Manatee County
History Fair - 2
History Fair Judges Needed………… Each year in January
and February, more than 400 Manatee County middle and
high school students submit entries into the Manatee County
History Fair. These students spend countless hours research
a topic to fit this years National History Day theme, Rights
and Responsibilities in History.
In order to give each project the attention it deserves, we
require more almost 100 volunteer judges to evaluate the
work being presented. The only requirements are an open
mind, willingness to learn, and an interest in history. If you
would like to receive a judges registration packet, please call
941-741-4075 or email
Manatee County
History Fair - 3
Wednesday 15 January – Training
18 January – Alternative Date for Training
28 January – Websites & Historical Papers
available for judging
6 February – Web Sites and Paper Judging Due
Weekend 7-8 February – Other Judging for
- Exhibit Boards
- Peformances
- Documentaries
University of South Florida
Classes Starting Jan 2014
• USF offers a host of classes for seniors in Life-Long Learning
No tests
103 Courses
No Homework
12 Lecturer
~ 6-8 weeks
7 Locations
No grades
Excellent Instructors
• Low Cost, ~ $75 each
• Different locations
Sarasota Campus (across from airport)
Lakewood Ranch
Anna Marie Island
Everglades University
Westminester Towers & Shores
University of South Florida
Classes Starting Jan 2014
Beginning Genealogy (W14-45) @ USF Jan 8 @ 1:00 PM – 2:20 PM
(6 sessions)
Are you curious about your family tree? Have you wondered if your grandma’s
memories and stories were true? Researching your ancestors, creating a family
tree, and writing a family story are becoming increasingly popular pastimes. Learn
where to find the information you need and how to save and organize the data.
Classes will cover getting started, using computers for research, networking
with other genealogists, and storing data. One of the sessions will be held at Selby
Public Library in downtown Sarasota. Join us to discover your family’s story and
how it fits into America’s history. If you like jigsaw puzzles and collect anything from
stamps to antiques, you will love genealogy.
Course leader Susan Well has been researching her family since 1994. She is a
vice president of the Genealogical Society of Sarasota and co-leader of their United
Kingdom Special Interest Group. After graduating from Cornell University and
getting a master’s in adult education from Springfield (Mass.) College, Susan
taught in secondary schools and adult education programs before embarking on a
career in real estate sales and appraisal. She searched for information about the
neighbors and landlords of President Coolidge for her book, Calvin Coolidge: At26
Home in Northampton.
University of South Florida
Classes Starting Jan 2014
Building your family tree: an introduction to genealogy (W14-SCF-91) @ SCF
Lakewood Ranch Jan 8 @ 1:00 PM – 2:20 PM (6 sessions)
How much do you know about your ancestors? Have bits and pieces of family history piqued
your interest but you don’t know how to find out more? Genealogy research is one of today’s
most popular hobbies. In this course, you’ll learn what kinds of documents are available and
how to access them online, including accessing from home library databases offered free to
the public. We’ll discuss how to avoid being led astray by poorly researched online
information, how best to obtain copies of unpublished family records, and how to use
newspapers as sources of information. Our goal will be completion of a sound genealogical
research project that you will be proud to pass on to future generations. Basic computer skills
are a must; bringing a laptop or tablet to class is not required, but would be a plus.
Course leader Gwen Kodad worked as a public education administrator and university
instructor before retiring as an associate superintendent of schools in Rock Hill, S.C. An avid
genealogist, she developed a small genealogy research company in Fort Mill, S.C., where she
conducted private research and led genealogy workshops. Since moving to Florida, she has
chaired the lineage committee of the Osceola Chapter of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, helping prospective members confirm their ancestry. She has a bachelor’s degree
in psychology and business from Winthrop University (Rock Hill, S.C.), a master’s and Ph.D.
in psychology from the University of South Carolina, and is currently pursuing her Board for
Certification of Genealogists credential.
University of South Florida
Classes Starting Jan 2014
Tips for searching the internet (W14-27) @ USF Jan 7 @ 1:00 PM – 2:20 PM
(7 sessions)
The Internet is a fantastic tool to search for just about anything. This course will address
how to find almost anything on the Web using search engines such as Google and Bing for
static databases and tools such as eBay, Archive Grid, and Ancestry for dynamic databases.
The goal of this course is to make you more effective in using the World Wide Web to find the
information you want, ranging from restaurant queries to planning vacations, to directions, to
virtual worldwide tours, to genealogical information. You will learn how to use filtered searches
to access the information you want without getting tons of useless hits and to access
specialized databases for images, news, maps, and books. You will learn to search and
translate pages in other languages to support travel in foreign countries as well as
genealogical research. This course is not for computer neophytes; participants must have an
email address and be comfortable using a computer.
Course leader Currie Colket has a master’s in computer science from Ohio State University
and an M.B.A. from the University of Southern Mississippi. He flew on AWACS as the airborne
surveillance officer and made a career as a software engineer for the United States Navy. He
has published his family genealogy and is currently the chair of the Manatee Genealogical
Society Computer Special Interest Group (SIG) addressing effective ways to use the Internet
to support genealogical research.
Future Plans
Suggestions for Future MGS Computer SIGs:
Transitioning To Windows 8 & Touchscreen – March 2013
Hints for Organizing Emails for Genealogy – October 2013
Genealogy, Using Facebook to Help!" (Vickie Hall) – November 2013
Sharing Research On-Line with Drop Box/Icloud Technology – January 2014
Experiences With DNA – February 2014
Exploring New York Times Archive - March 2014
Breathing Life into Genealogy (Ed Gaulin) – April 2014
Posting Genealogical Files to Your Home Page (Don Campbell)
Getting Pictures into Family History (Gay Schoenknecht 941-778-8689)
PERSI (PERiodical Source Index)
Library Databases
Exploring New York Times Archive
Exploring First Search
Posting Stuff to WWW
Explore Infoweb
Exploring (not to be confused with Heritage Quest)
Beginning Computer Stuff ???
Using Iphone for Genealogy (Jim???)
Ten Useful Internet Tips for Genealogical Research
Other Useful Programs
What else would you like to have addressed at future Computer SIG Meetings?????