
Fantasy World
BY: Emily Branham
Fantasy World is a child’s dream.
Sabrina is an 11-year-old girl; she goes to the local
school and is a normal girl until she goes to her aunt’s
house for her probably 200th time.
Hi, My name is Sabrina my parents travel all around the
country and leave me and me sister Juliana alone,
Juliana is about 16 years old but since they are going to
Europe, they are forcing us to go to our wicked aunts
house, Aunt Amanda. She is really weird she always
trims the bushes to look like her dog, Brownie; she is
obsessed with that thing. She feeds him the most
expensive food from china! And she always tells us not
to open the little velvet red box on the kitchen
counter, she always says there are “weird things” in it,
but we think she’s off her rocker!
But this time we go to Aunt Amanda’s house were
going to “explore” a little. She has a huge house almost
bigger than the White House!
“Unpack you’re bags darlings,” as she opens the front
“ I haven’t seen you in such a long time!”
“ Yeah, I wish it was longer” I whisper into Juliana’s
“Be Polite,” she whispers back
“Hello Aunt Amanda” Juliana says to her.
I think that Aunt Amanda is being nice to us because
Mother is here. When Mother leaves Aunt Amanda
shuts the door really loud after waiving good bye to
our parents, “I told you to unpack you’re bags little
brats don’t you listen to anybody!”
“ Can I just leave?” I say sarcastically to Juliana.
“ Alright then where will you go?”
“Um… well…. Anywhere but here!” I say knowing that
she is right.
As we walk through the kitchen she adjusts her glasses
and says for the one millionth time
“Don’t touch that little velvet box on the window!”
“What happens is I do?” I say just now noticing I
sounded like a brat.
“Nothing you want to get into!”
I look at my sister Juliana and see she is staring at the
box then looks at me and says, “What?”
I practically ignore her while I’m looking at all the old
nick-knacks. I signal Juliana to try to go up stairs with
out Aunt Amanda telling her a long story about her
when she was in high school.
“Um… I have to go unpack my bags now.” Juliana says
in a rush.
When we are up stairs I start unpacking my clothes and
stumble across my IPod and find out that its dead.
“Its Dead,” I say sadly
“ How am I gonna get through this tragic weekend!”
“I don’t know!” Juliana says in an annoyed tone.
“Don’t open the box, don’t do this, don’t do that, do
this, do that!” I mimic
“If she hears you she’s going to kill you!” Juliana says
talking about Aunt Amanda.
Why did my Mom force us here! I would rather be with
my parents on a boring filled trip then be here with the
most paranoid person in the world!
“Mom must hate us.” I say crossly.
“She does not its just one week here than we get to go
back to our house!” Juliana says. Sometimes her words
can be comforting but sometimes you can be 500 miles
away from her and be ticked off at her.
“What if that stupid box has a little ring in it that
would just waist our time worrying about it?” I say.
“Wow little kids have such big imaginations!” Juliana
says sarcastically thinking it is a ring but she knows
that when she calls me a little kid I get really mad.
“You did that on propose!” I yell angrily
We continue to unpack our bags in silence.
When we go down stairs Aunt Amanda has lunch
ready, she made ravioli. While I’m eating my lunch my
eyes are glued to the red velvet box topped off with a
little pink bow. It’s amazing how a little ring box can
catch so much attention. As the sun starts to shine
through the window and into my eyes I notice that
Aunt Amanda is calling my name.
“Yes?” I say acting like I was never looking at the little
“I think I told you enough that little box has nothing to
do with you!” she yelled.
At bedtime we were sent to our room at 9. Aunt
Amanda falls asleep instantly.
We tiptoe down the stairs stepping on the outside of
them so they don’t make noses. We try to find the
kitchen in the dark bumping into the furniture and
“OW!” I say almost enough to consider a scream.
“Be quiet” Juliana whispers.
“I feel like a ninja.”
“Again such big imaginations. Such little kids.”
Juliana annoys me in the worst way!
I bump into the counter.
“Ow. I think I found the kitchen.” I say making it a
little more dramatic than it really is.
“Ok that’s a good sign now we need to find the little
box in pitch black.” Juliana says without hope.
“Oh my gosh,”
“I was about to finish, I found the box!” I say eagerly
“Shh!” Juliana repeats for like the 8th time.
“Sorry.” I reply.
“Alrightie,” Juliana says in a country voice.
“We found the box now what?”
“Um I think we pull this little pink ribbon.” I say
“Alright then pull it!” Juliana says in a hushed but
hurried voice.
I fumble around with the box trying to find the end of
the ribbon twirling the box around and around in my
“3,” I say counting
“2,” Juliana says also counting backwards.
“1!” We both say eager to find out what is in this box
we have been worrying about almost all our life.
“Well this is the stupidest thing in the world,” I say
“There is nothing in here except a ring!”
“It’s adorable!” Juliana says in a hushed but highpitched voice.
As she put on the ring a small wind came rushing
through the house.
“Its cute!” She says admiring the little ring on her hand.
I have to admit it looks pretty cool.
Before we know it winds keep on rushing through the
house, faster, faster, faster!
“What is it?” I say in a scared voice.
“I don’t know!” Juliana says not whispering anymore.
I’m surprised Aunt Amanda has not woken up yet with
all this ruckus.
A huge wind comes in and we start getting smaller and
“Why is all the furniture huge?” I say scared out of my
“ I don’t” before she could finish we were not in Aunt
Amanda’s house.
While we were getting small I fainted from all the
drama going on us getting smaller and winds coming
through the house like a hurricane.
“Aw man I had the worst dream ever!” I say in a tired
voice and see my sister talking to a small man about 2
feet tall, which amazes me.
“Ok so lets get this straight I am in the middle of the
planet Pluto?”
“One yes and two no Pluto is not a planet I thought
earth figured that out a long time ago?”
“Um I haven’t heard about it yet.”
“Oh no, no, no I said too much! I said too much! She is
going to be really mad if she finds out I told a human
of all creatures the future oh man this could screw up
time for all I know!”
“Huh what’s going on, sis where are we?” I say
“Um yeah we are inside the planet Pluto, that man over
there says Pluto is not a planet, that ring is Aunt
Amanda’s wedding ring and our Uncle Mike is trapped
inside this world and is their ruler.”
“Alright this is not too much to take in saying that I’m
only 11.” I say sarcastically with a faint smile.
I stand up and walk towards them.
“Please, please come with me I have something to show
you, you might either be pleased or unhappy but I hope
you are happy about it. But before I take you there
you need to fit in with us,”
I open my mouth to talk but then he answered my
“Here take these outfits and meet me there.” He
points to a rock.
“Wow, a rock, ok?” Juliana says.
“Teenagers have such inactive imaginations!” I mimic
“You guys actually look like one of us he won’t
recognize you!” He says.
“Who won’t recognize who?” I say confused.
He practically ignores us and quietly walks over to a
little shack. Who is “he”? Why can’t he know that we
are “humans” and why is this strange little man acting
“Tea?” He says.
How does this guy have all the things we do his house
is filled with kitchen appliances and poorly built
couches and tables the look stable but ugly!
“Tea?” he repeats sounding a little annoyed.
“Oh yeah umm… sure.” I say not really listening to what
he’s talking about.
I take a small sip of the tea, “OW,” I say with my tongue
burnt, “This tastes just like Aunt Amanda’s!” I whisper
to Juliana. Something strange is going on I don’t know
if I would like to know what is going on but… I’m eager
to find out.
“Get your coat on.” He says with a small pitch change
in his voice again sounding nervous.
“But we only have pajamas! I didn’t know that some
ring that I put on would make us go to some little
world!” Juliana says with sarcasm.
“Here.” He says throwing coats at us.
In downtown there were signs posted everywhere
advertizing some blanket thing.
“All right stay low and,” a very tall man walks by looking
like a cop. He passes and the little man keeps talking,
“Be quiet!” he says nervously pulling at his collar.
We walk into this huge castle on Pluto! A pretty big
gold sign is out front that says, This Castle Belongs To
King Adam. Wait that is our uncles name… this cant
be good!
“Ok call me Mr. Bob. Simple” he said.
“Oh yeah I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself my name is
Juliana and this is my little sis, Sabrina.” She said quite
happily and quietly at the same time.
“Who is there!” a deep voice called.
“Um… its me sir, its your soon shiner, I brought my
children to umm oh yeah watch. He he?” He said
looking very leery at the guards.
“All right but make it quick I have to arrange a town
meeting.” The man said with a booming voice.
“Um… just try to see who he looks like then tap me
once you know who he is.” Mr. Bob said.
“All right?” We both said but not at the same time.
“What are you waiting for… get to work!” he boomed
“Sorry sir.” He said in a sad voice.
He started shining the man’s shoes while my sister and
I stare at him then I realize the man in the photo
albums that Aunt Amanda flipped through oh so
quickly was him… my Uncle Adam. My stomach was
twisting and turning when I saw a small glance at us.
He gasped. My sister and I made no sound, I think he
knows who we are and knows that we know who he is.
This kind of makes sense with the kitchen appliances
and all but still, MY UNCLE! My stomach feels woozy
when I realize that this is all in the ring!
“What is she staring at get out of here my shoes are
shined enough!” Our Uncle ordered. I can’t believe he
can be so cruel.
As we leave I think about when I was little Aunt
Amanda used to be nice and so was Uncle Adam but
this was obviously all changed.
“Sir,” I spoke up loudly to the king.
“Um… do you know Amanda Davis?” I spoke proudly
but a little bit nervous.
“Why what happened to my Mandy?! I mean um… no.”
he said a little bit mad at himself for saying that.
“Oh well she’s my Aunt and.” I said but never finished.
“Ok well lets go now!” Mr. Bob yelled.
We ran out quickly.
“Why! WHY did u do that?” Bob screamed.
“I I’m sorry I didn’t know!” I cried.
“Great, now he knows who you are and he’s out to get
me, ME OVER ALL PEOPLE!” he screamed.
He started walking around with his hand on his
forehead mumbling things to himself.
The next day we did not go outside actually we had to
go to a different town. I’m fed up with this hiding why
is it so bad that I cant reunite with my uncle like in one
of the cute movies, but were stuck hiding for no
apparent reason!
“Alright, stay low were going back into town for some
supplies.” He said with a small voice that cracked every
once in a while.
When will this turn out cute and happy before the end
if this story?
“Yes, Affirmative, Alright. I will find them as soon as
possible I will not stop! Oh one more thing sir can a
have a day off tomorrow. Ok I understand.” A solder
said in a firm voice while talking on a phone.
“Sh. Sh. Shh… one little peep and I could be arrested,
but if you get arrested you can flash out with your
ring.” Mr. Bob said so quietly Juliana and I had to lean
in as close as possible to hear his big voice attempt to
be quiet.
Signs were posted everywhere of little pictures of Mr.
Listen Juliana take off the ring I am going to run to
the store and get supplies take off your ring then after
10 seconds put it back on minuets on your planet is 1
hour on our planet.” Mr. Bob said still in a hushed but
firm voice.
“How about tomorrow I’m very tired.” I said also in a
small voice.
“Fine.” He said with a small whine in his voice.
When we got home Juliana put the ring back as quickly
and quietly as possible. As we ran up stairs millions of
things were running through my mind, the one that was
running through my mind the most was, am I asleep?
Was that real? Whatever I’m just tired.
Those were most of the things going through my mind.
The next day when I woke up I found Juliana in the
bathroom with the biggest dilemma in her life, Aunt
Amanda’s outlet plugs did not work so Juliana could
not use her straightener.
“Who cares?” I cry annoyed.
I start throwing my clothes on and brushing my teeth.
“Aunt Amanda in going out so is Juliana!” I yell from
the upstairs guest room.
Juliana grabs the ring and runs outside after me.
“Got it.” She said panting from running so fast.
She put on the ring and a burst of wind came gushing
through like a hurricane like the last time.
Before I know it I’m in Mr. Bob’s kitchen.
“Hello girls!” he says with both surprise and happiness.
“Hello sir, what are you doing?” Juliana says with
“Cooking dinner getting ready for the huge search out
side looking for us.” He said surprisingly with a happy
tone in his voice.
“And that is good?” I ask.
“Oh yes. Yes. Yes! It is grand! Why is it grand you ask,
because I have disguises!” he says again happy.
“Lets go out to the king and explain again who you are
and if that does not work I have more disguises!” Mr.
Bob has so much enthusiasm about random things.
“Hello Sir,” Mr. Bob said in a passing British voice.
“Who are you?” the king said in a confused voice.
“Um… just moved here and wanted to know do you
know these girls?” Bob said.
“Um… between you and me yes… they are my nieces
and I miss them with all my heart if I saw them one
more time I would want to go home and see my wife.”
He said almost in a crying voice.
“Were them!” I yelled.
“Really?” he said.
I pulled off the disguise and said,
“Juliana take off the ring.”
When we went home I yelled,
“Aunt Amanda I’m home, and I brought someone.”
“Adam?” Aunt Amanda said in a crying voice.
“I’m home.”
From then on our lives were perfect, Aunt Amanda
was not mean anymore and Mom wasn’t traveling
anymore and everything was all happy.
-Cute story huh?