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Latin America and Caribbean
Revolutions follow the American Example
End of Habsburgs in Spain
 War of the Spanish Succession (170114)brought the Bourbon Monarchy to rule Spain
 Bourbons reasserted control of colonies after
years of Habsburg neglect
 Colonial reforms part of a larger effort to
modernize the govt. & econ. of declining Spain
 Bourbon reforms included limiting power of
Catholic church, imposing taxes, maintaining
royal monopolies, adding standing armies,
limiting power of Creole elite and tightening
mercantilist practices
 Caused unrest and seeds of rev. by Creole elite
Bourbon Reorganization
• Administrative Reorganization
– Created two new viceroyalties
• New Granada (1717) based in Bogotá
• La Plata (1776) based in Buenos Aires
– Introduced intendancy system
• Intendants were Peninsulares
• Appointed to oversee military leadership, implement imperial laws
and collect taxes from Creoles and natives
• Directly responsible to the Crown – not viceroys
• Tightened control of colonies but Creoles angered by reduced
standing – looked for opportunities to overturn or circumvent new
tax codes and rules
– System led to outflow of gold and therefore riches to Spain
Bourbon Reorganization
• Economic Reorganization
– 1779 free-trade decree allowed Spanish-American ports
to trade directly with each other & most ports in Spain
– Forbade production of certain goods in colonies to
prevent competition with Spanish goods
– Resources available in Spanish America could not be
traded with other Euros and British colonies in NA &
– Efforts to stop illegal trade were largely futile
– Trade was monopolized by Peninsular traders
• Further cut Creoles out of benefits
Bourbon Reorganization
• Religious Reforms
– Efforts to limit power of Catholic Church
• Force sale of church lands – deprives clergy of income from
rents charged to tenants
• Church deprived of political authority – Bourbons appointed
career military officers to oversee colonies
– Unlike Habsburgs who appointed clergy
• 1767 – Jesuits expelled from Americas to limit their influence
on education
– Expelled priests were Creoles – deprived of homeland and church
• Creole clergy permanently alienated from Crown – they
become ripe for recruitment into insurgency against Spain
Bourbon Reorganization
• Military Defense
– Created a more organized defense force
– Not enough Peninsular officers willing to serve in
Americas – had to rely on colonial-born officers
– Creoles held in secondary levels of command
Tension across the Spectrum
• Creoles most restricted by changes but all sectors of
colonial society resented reforms
• Some open resistance – even riots and revolts
– Perú – Túpac Amaru II rebellion (1781-1793)
• 100,00 deaths and widespread property damage
– Comunero uprising (1781) in New Granada
• Indians and mestizos rose up against Spanish Crown
• Napoleon’s invasion of Spain
– Placed Joseph Bonaparte on Spanish throne (1808)
– American Creoles refused to recognize Bonaparte rule of
Spain – still loyal to crown but sought autonomy
Creole Discontent
Simón Bolívar
Inspiration of American &
French Revolutions
Declaration of the
Rights of Man & of the
Citizen, 1789
Declaration of
Independence, 1776
Preoccupation of Spain &
Portugal In Fighting
Napoleonic Wars
Haitian Revolution – 1791-1804
French colony of Saint Domingue
Sugar producer dependent upon slaves
Population divided by race
Non-whites (gens de coleur) discriminated against
500,000 slaves made up vast majority of population
– Some granted more privileges than others
• During French Revolution – whites divided between
wealthy and middle- to lower-classes
• Inspired gens de coleur to seek and get political
rights from French National Assembly
Haitian Revolution
• Effort to prevent non-white political power
– Results in uprising, riots based on race and class
• Slave revolt developed in 1791 & grew larger than
conflict between whites and non-whites
• By 1793 – French attempted to put down revolt, now
led by Toussaint L’Ouverture
– In turn defeated the French, British, and gens de coleur, then
the French again
– Toussaint was captured and died in prison but his revolution
was successful in the end
– Jean-Jacques Dessalines became the ruthless dictator of Haiti
and massacred any remaining whites
– Dessalines assassinated in 1806 – gens de coleur replaced
whites as dominant group over black masses
– Haitian Revolution was an inspiration to American slaves
Toussaint L’Ouveture
Leads a Revolution
in Haiti
Spanish America
• Creole rebellion began as a push for autonomy rather
than independence
– Creoles in viceroyalties created juntas to rule until the
Spanish monarchy was restored
– Peninsular officials resisted Creole-run governing bodies –
pushed Creoles further to independence
• Many concurrent uprisings but independence wars
varied from place to place
– Own leaders, philosophies, agendas
– When Spanish monarch Ferdinand II was restored he tried to
turn back changes in Spanish America
– Failure to recognize autonomous govts. by King left no resort
but full independence
Mexican Independence
• Revolution started in Sept. 1810 by Father Miguel
– Mass insurrection that was strong with lower classes and
mixed races, Indians, slaves
– Peninsulares and Creoles allied to stop Hidalgo (1811)
• Father José Maria Morelos continued revolution
– 1814 – Constitutional Decree for Liberty of Mexico
• A Mexican Declaration of Independence
• Morelos also captured and executed like Hidalgo
– Followed by years of guerilla warfare
• Mexican élites, Creoles, Catholic hierarchy and
military leaders joined to make independent Mex.
Augustín de Iturbide
• Plan de Iguala
– Three guarantees
• Clear independence from Spain
• Supremacy of Catholic Church
• Equality for Peninsulares and Creoles
• Treaty of Córdoba – Mexican Independence
– August 24, 1821
• Iturbide becomes Emperor of Mexico - 1822
Latin American
Simón Bolivar: The “Brains” of the Revolution
 Creole-led revolution in Venezuela
 Liberal agenda – preserve pwr base
 Independent Republic of Venezuela declared on
July 5, 1811
 Royalists recruited non-whites against creole
patriots – Spanish retook Caracas in May
 Diverse forces united against Spanish occupation
under Simón Bolivar
 Welcomed all races in movement – freed his
own slaves as example
 Army coup in Spain let to negotiations with
patriots in Venezuela.
 Old viceroyalty of Nueva Granada became Gran
Colombia – Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Venezuela
– until 1830 – Venezuela and Ecuador
independent republics
Bolivar coming
from the
The “Muscle” of the
José de St. Martín and
Bernardo O’Higgins cross the
Andes Mountains to fight for
Chilean independence.
Bolivar & San Martin Fight
for Independence!
Bolivar’s Accomplishment
Bolivar’s Failure
 After uniting Venezuela,
Columbia, & Ecuador into Gran
Columbia, he left to help free
the rest of Latin America.
 He died a year later, with his
goal of uniting all of South
America unfulfilled!
After the
Brazil Freed from Portugal
 The Portuguese royal
family escaped
Napoleon by fleeing to
 Pedro I set up a new,
independent kingdom in
1821 when his father
returned to Portugal.
 Pedro II assumed full
power after Pedro I
abdicated his throne.
No Unity!
 Failure of Bolivar’s dream for a united
South America:
$ Many newly independent countries
struggle with civil wars.
 By 1830s, geographic factors (mts.,
the Amazon, etc.) plus cultural
differences defeated attempts at
$ Gran Columbia.
$ United Provinces of Central
Independence Brought
More Poverty
 The wars
disrupted trade.
 The wars
devastated the
cities and the
Left Many Countries in the
Control of Caudillos
$ Mid-19c dictators  military
$ Mostly wealthy creole aristocrats.
$ Immediately followed the fight for
$ Posed as reformers with goals to
improve the economy and better
the lives of the common people.
Left Many Countries in the
Control of Caudillos
$ BUT…Overthrew governments and
took away basic human rights.
$ Some attempted to make
improvements, but most just cared
about themselves and their families
and friends [nepotism].
$ Power changes usually occurred at
bayonet-point [coup d’etats!]