Welcome PowerPoint - Mr. Beatty's Class

Sign in
Pick up papers
Find a seat (Fill center first)
Login to computer
Wait quietly for class to start
My Name is…
Mr. Beatty
A little about me…
►I grew up in NY
►I was in the ARMY’s 82nd Airborne
►I went to college at NC STATE – Go Pack!
►I majored in Technology Education
►I minored in Graphics Communication
►I have 5 PLTW Engineering Certificates
►This is my 10th year teaching
►I like to have fun while we learn!
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching = Knowledge
Doing = Understanding
Mr. Beatty
Required Supplies
►Engineering Notebook!!!!!!!!!
– Composition book with ¼ inch grid.
– You can NOT pass this class without your engineering
►Something to write with!
(Color Pens, Color Pencils, Highlighters, etc)
►Recommended - Lock (Especially for DE)
Class Procedures
Attendance, Sign in when you enter or during warm-up
Get your notebook off of the shelf and go to your seat.
Warm up, check the board/website and get started.
We will review your warm up answers together.
I will give a short lesson and/or explain your class work
Check for understanding
You will work at a positive pace, whatever you do not
finish in class becomes HOMEWORK, so work smart.
Start On Time
►Students must be INSIDE the classroom
PRIOR to class time
►Once you have entered the classroom you may
not leave for the 1st 10 Mins
►You will not be allowed out of the classroom for
the last 10 mins of class.
If you are TARDY
►Sign in, Place your SOT pass on the teachers
desk and Quietly join in the classroom activities.
►If you do not have a SOT pass when you come
to class, I will complete one for you and put your
name in the computer.
Grading Scale
►100 – 90 = A
► 89 – 80 = B
► 79 – 70 = C
► 69 – 60 = D
► 59 and below = F
Turning in assignments
►Please turn in all assignments to the tray
on your class shelf
►Make sure the you place your assignment
into the shelf marked for your class period!
►Late assignments: I will take 8 points off
for each day it is late.
Quizzes & Unit Exams
We will have an assessment every Friday!
Retake policy:
– Write down each of the questions that were incorrect.
– Use the Unit PowerPoints, Vocabulary and your
Worksheets to find and write down the correct
answers in your engineering notebook.
– Have your Parent sign your corrections
– Schedule time to Retake your Exam
– Higher Grade Counts
Computer Don’ts
►NO Music VIDEOS – (YouTube, Etc)
►NO MUSIC during warm-ups / lessons
►Do not change the setup on the computers
Lanschool – Remember I am watching you!!!
►Bring your own headphones.
►Some warm ups and lessons will require you to
watch videos and voice threads
►You may listen to music while you work ONLY if
you have headphones. Playing music out loud will
result in loss of music for one class period.
►Must have a “Electronic Use Contract” on file
Rules for Printing
► Get teachers permission BEFORE you print
► Select the right printer
RM 311 P2055 = Black & White
► Place scraps in Recycle Bin
►Do not enter the supply room with out
teacher permission.
►Do not go into the wooden supply cabinets
with out teacher permission.
►Do not go in my desk with out permission.
Bathroom Breaks
►Ask permission
►You MUST take the “Potty Pass” with you!
►You can not go in the first 10 mins or the
last 10 mins.
►You have 5 mins to get back
Fire Drills
►Line up quietly at the door
►Remember the “emergency kit”
►Grab the “attendance clipboard”
►We will go as a class