Tania Rehman Ao1 Promoting Good Health Section A Defining health is a very difficult thing to do as it means different things to different people. Health is a term that is usually to express aspects of well-being. Health is derived from an old English term ‘hael’ meaning ‘whole’ suggest that health deals with the whole person, the entirely of their well-being. Definitions of health include: “A state of complete physical, psychological and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity” (world health organisation 1948) “A satisfactory adjustment of the individual to the environment” (royal college of general practitioners) For me health is viewed positively and negatively depending on the circumstances positive health for me is free from any disease and or illness. Illness is a state of poor health. It is considered a synonym for disease They are three main concepts of health, the negative positive and holistic concepts. In today’s society health is viewed positively or negatively. The positive meaning of health can be achieving mental stability, health that is viewed negative means absence of disease and illness. There are many ways people view their health as they don’t know what the real cause is until the find out. Ways in which people view their health: Body as machine this has a strong links to the medical model of health in that it see illness as a matter of biological fact and scientific medicine as the natural type of treatment for any illness. Inequality of access the perspective is rooted in a reliance on modern medicine to cure illness but is less accepting than body as machine because of awareness that there are great inequalities of access to treatment Health promotions account this model emphasis the important of a healthy lifestyle and personal responsibility: for example if you are overweight is a simply a matter of your own choice of diet and lack of exercise that has led to this. God’s power in this model health is viewed as a part of spirituality i.e. a feature of righteous living in spiritual wholeness Body under siege the view perceives the world to be a see of challenges to their health, be they communicable diseases such as colds and flu, stress at work and so on Cultural critique of medicine the view sees science and the medical model on which health care is based as oppressive to certain group. Robust individualism a view best summarised as ‘it’s my life and I will do with it as I choose’ Will power this model considers that we all have a moral responsibility to remain healthy this relies on strong will power to manage our health For me will power is to have the will to look after myself and have the courage to fight for the illness Tania Rehman Ao1 I believe that you should take responsibility toward your own health so I agree with Rodgers from Katz and Perberdy 1997. They summarised the way a person takes views their health and how they take responsibility for their health people’s nation on what is being healthy differs according to their experience knowledge values and expectations of their health. If a person does not care about their health the only thing health professions can do is to support and advice them on how important being health is. For people to remain healthy the government has got information on health living with sub heading Inc maintain healthy weight, fitness and much more also there have been campaigns regarding health. There are many different health organisation that cover different parts of health or overall health E.g. NHS. The Government has a major part to play in promoting health, as illustrated through the many policy initiatives such as: 1. The national health strategy which was published in 1992 it stated aim was to ensure that ‘action is taken whether through the NHS or otherwise, to improve and protect health’. 2. Another policy the government published was the NHS plan 2000. The NHS plan is a government policy paper that outlines the modernisation of the NHS this includes tackling the health inequalities and supporting investment such as 500 million expansion of ‘sure start’ projects and 3. Through to the most recent, choosing health (2004). Choosing health was a public health white paper which the government published in November 2004; this was for the benefit of the public and their health including everybody. The strategy set out in the document had three underpinning principles: The first principle was informed choice which had two important qualifications which where to protect children and do not allow one person’s choice to adversely affect another example: passive smoking the second principle was personalisation: support tailored to the needs of individuals and finally working together: real progress depends on effective partnerships across communities. Health can also be seen as physical, Intellectual, emotional and social which is also known can also be known as the P.I.E.S. The P.I.E.S is important factors that can tell someone about their health and define what health is and the types of health problem they’ve got also a person fitness can be tested by their speed skill stamina and strength. Physical health is the mechanical ability of the body. Physical health is good if the body is functioning properly and if it is fit and healthy from any kind of disease. People may choose to look after their physical health by eating a balanced diet and taken regular exercise. intellectual health is when achieving peace to the mind or where religious beliefs and practise have to be met with health needs however it could also be able to make decisions, learn, think and judge situations, The things we do in our everyday life maintain our intellectual health. All the things we watch, read and listen to have an effect on the health of our minds. We can affect our memory and thinking skills by Tania Rehman Ao1 making sure that we keep active whilst thinking, leaning and judging we could do this by doing a number of activities such as puzzles like Sudoku. Emotional health is the ability to recognise emotions and express them appropriately it also has the ability to cope with potentially damaging aspect. We need to be able to understand our feelings and to be aware of when we are feeling happy, angry and afraid. The things that happen around us directly affect how we feel. Emotional health is very closely linked with mental health. It is important to be able to cope with such things as stress, depression, anxiety and tension. In all life stages, our emotional health can be challenged in many ways. We can view our emotion by the way we react to things Social health is to maintain and make relationships with others. Socialising and sharing values, social health also depends on the way we make relations with other people. The way we think and feel is often influenced by our friends and family, we learn and believe different things, our aspects of life change as we grow. Well-being is another important factor of having a healthy lifestyle. Well-being meant to be the concept combining an individual’s health, their quality of life, and their satisfaction. If you say to a teacher, ‘how are you?’ the chances are that the reply will be, ‘very well, thank you’ this means that they are feeling well in them self. Human beings, all have a number of needs, which they need to stay healthy. Most people manage to meet their own needs through work, home life and leisure pursuits. There are 4 main needs which human beings need to consider for a healthy lifestyle, if human beings consider the below needs they would have a healthy lifestyle and a easy life, which will help them take or consider anything The need to give and receive attention: human beings are social creatures designed to live in groups and interact with each other forming intimate relationships and social connections The need to take care of the body includes the need to provide the body with healthy food to enable it to prevent diseases grow new cells and repair excising cells The need for simulation and challenge this is a constant throughout life, as humans we need to exercise if intellectual functions are insufficiently simulated by external stimuli, such as new information The need for meaning and purpose people need to have goals to aim for, in order to feel a sense of achievement the sense of achievement is linked to the feeling of value and self worth, particularly if these goals involve helping other people Also keeping in mind the above factors there are many other factors that can have an impact on health such as lifestyle choices environment issues social factors financial factors and physical factors. Tania Rehman Ao1 Section B The two factors that I am going to use are lifestyle choices and social factors; I am going to explain the affect they have on health and well being. Lifestyle Lifestyle is simply a product of attitudes towards our health. Lifestyle choices can affect a person’s health in different ways. A person health depends on their way of living, a perfect lifestyle may include balance exercise, eat drink sensibly, practise safe sex and don’t smoke. However for individuals motivation, opportunity and support all mater. People who are disabled or suffer from mental ill health stretched for money, out of work, poorly qualified or who live in an area of crime are likely to experience less control over their lives than others. Also, different groups suggest that people in lower social economic, socially excluded or black and minority ethnic group may see health as being further beyond their individual control over their lives than others health. However are sometimes inconsistent or uncoordinated and out of step with the way people actually live their lives. The complex nature of the environment and its impact on health choices is also important. Lifestyle choices are often a complex mix of issues including diet and nutrition, smoking and substance use. Some people’s lifestyle could be different to where they live or how the brought up. Many people make their own lifestyle choices as they don’t care about what people say. Lifestyle is a very important factor toward having a good health. Some people’s lifestyle may be based on their culture, some people lifestyle may be based on the way they parents live they may get influenced. Lifestyle is generally perceived to be outside cultural norms. lifestyle can also be the identification of someone for example hippies, Goths and punks. Diet and nutrition In the early parts of the 20th century the focus of the national food policy that to secure enough food as opposed to improve the diet of the population. Malnourishment in terms of insufficient fat and protein in diet, Malnourishment in the form of consumption that now characterises the major dietary problems of the developed world. Nutrition has recently become a high profile health issue particularly in where obesity has risen up, if trends of obesity continue it would be a major concern if not already to the public as contributing substantially to: Type to diabetes, Coronary heart disease, Hypertension, Depression, Cancers, High blood pressure and Strokes. As well as its role in tackling obesity diet also has a major part to play in managing the current trends in cancers. However the dietary message remains the same for years Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables Eat plenty of cereal foods Eat red meats and processed foods in moderation Avoid high doses of vitamin supplements Avoid high salted foods Drink alcohol in moderation Tania Rehman Ao1 The message remains straight forward but there is still a 4% of young people aged 4-18 still eat no vegetables at all and an average 10 year old will eat his or her own weight in chips over 9 month period, a reason why people fail to act is widely known information is that healthy eating message carry too many negative and constricting associations. The public view healthy eating as being part of a boring lifestyle, in 2004 white paper ‘alcohol and fast food are portrayed as offering excitement escape and instant gratification. Public health issues such as obesity, in simplistic ways; nutrition inequalities mirror those of other issues for example: Poorer groups eat less quantity of fresh fruit and vegetables Dental caries are often common in children from lower socio economic groups due to higher level of sweet consumption. Shopping patterns show that less income households have limited cash flow and storage. Stores that remain in deprived areas are frequently high cost and often offer poorer quality produce. The message to eat the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables a day will succeed in reversing the steady increase in the numbers of people who are overweight and obese People tend not to eat the right portions of food which can make people overweight however some people don’t think that by eating the right amount of food could affect a person’s health A balanced diet is made up by the 7 essential compounds The Pyramid recommends eating a variety of foods in order to get the nutrients and calories needed for healthy weight maintenance. The pyramid also tells us how many portions of what type of food is recommended and portions Tania Rehman Ao1 Smoking Smoking has a very important link with health. Smoking is the only factor and important modifiable risk factor for CHD in young and old. Lifetime non smokers are less likely to have CHD and 30% less likely to have a stroke. By the mid 30’s 50%of young people from higher social class have stooped opposed to only 25% from the lowest income groups. Facts: Tobacco smoking causes most lung cancers It is implicated in a wide range of other cancers including those of the nose and throat but also cervical cancer Overall, about one third of cancer deaths can be attributed to smoking. Smoking also contributes to CHD and stroke rates Some campaigners can compound health inequalities where the government responded and released a white paper ‘smoking kills’ in 1998. Smoking kills but people addicted to smoking can’t help but the government tries the best. People who are addicts are most likely to waste all their money on smoking rather than buying appropriate foods which could help with their health. The government has now launched slogan and posters on cigarette boxes, the main one that bee’s on most cigarette boxes is smoking kills. Substance use In the recent years there has been a growing public concern on the level of illegal drug use amongst young people. Most of the use is cannabis or amphetamine, much of this use is clearly not very regular. Drug use rises to be most widespread in the 16-25 range before gradually declining. The cost of society of drug misuse is well documented. The half amount money for drugs is approximately to be raised by acquisitive crime, burglary, shoplifting and muggings. In 1995 the government introduced the first national drug strategy ‘tackling drugs together’ which had 3 key aims: Increase the safety of communities from drug related crime Reduce the acceptability of drugs to young people Reduce the health risk and damage related to drug misuse Also they help other organisations such as drug action team and drug reference counterparts to plan their drug strategies. Partnerships in these groups were taken by agencies like the police force probation service prisoners and the NHS. All the above factors relate to promoting health and well being as they are the main reason of how the health changes if we have a poor lifestyle we could have a very poor health, as listed above our health can change through a number of reasons. One main reason a person health become very poor is due to the way they eat, depending on their diet and nutrition. If they do not have the right nutrient at a regular bases their health becomes very bad. Tania Rehman Ao1 Social factors Social class has long been used as the method of measuring and monitoring health inequalities however, it has been accepted more recently that these groupings are no longer representative of the population, the unemployed are amongst the most socially disadvantaged and as a consequence experience significant in equalities in health. For a small minority, unemployment actually leads to an improvement in health but the vast majority being unemployed leads to significantly poorer health. Unemployment has higher levels of depression, suicide and self harm and significantly increased risk of morbidity and mortality across all causes. Adverse effects associated with unemployment include: Increased smoking at the onset of unemployment Increase alcohol especially in young men More weight gain for those who are unemployed Reduced physical activity and exercise Use of illicit drugs in the young who are without wok Increased sexual risk taking among young unemployed young men Reduced psychological well-being with a greater incidence of self harm depression and anxiety Social class is defied on what type of job you got there are 8 analytic classes: 1. Higher managerial and professional occupations 1.1. large employers and higher managerial occupations-chief executives 1.2. Higher professional occupations – doctors, layers 2. Lower managerial and professional occupations – teachers, customer service 3. Intermediate occupations-bank workers 4. Small employers and own account workers-painters decorators 5. Lower supervisory and technical occupations-builders joiners 6. Semi-routine occupations- unskilled labouring jobs 7. Routine occupations –assembly line workers 8. Never worked and long term unemployment Race is another factor to affect life expectancy particularly because of the differences in cultural this may bring black and minority ethnic groups have higher risks of mortality from a range of disease such as diabetes, liver cancer stroke and heart diseases however establishing the cause of these variations has proved difficult. Medical interventions have tended to concentrate on cultural practises but this does not acknowledge the compounding factors of poverty and low employment levels. However we choose to classify the different social strata. Where income differences remain great as in this country, health inequality will persist for example: Children in the lowest social class are five times more likely to die from an accident than choose in the top social class Infant mortality rate are highest amongst the lower social group who are either unemployed or have routine occupations the reasons of this due to stress associated with poverty; poorer diets; lower standard of living. Social factors is another way a person’s health can be affected, the way a person lives depends how good or bad their health is, if there health is bad they might have Tania Rehman Ao1 social difficulties such as unemployment and the above factors. A person can get ill due to the way they live, their social circumstances and their social lifestyle Section c Medical model and social model Medical model a view of illness that see’s the patient as on passive recipient of treatment it also often focuses on dealing with the symptoms rather than seeing the root cause of the problem Example: a doctor will give a treatment using injections/medicine The medical model believes: health is the absence of disease health services are together to treat the sick specially trained medical services are valued highly doctors and other qualified experts diagnose and agree treatment focuses on dealing with the symptoms and not the cause Based on how the disease arise emphasising risk factors Scientific methodology is highly valued in research Medical model can also be defined as an imprecise and widely used term. The characteristics of the medical model are rarely specified. The term sometimes refers to the framework of assumptions underpinning the relationship between doctor and patient The biomedical model comes from the medical model originally. The medical model is used by health care professionals especially the medical science. It is the cure doctors focus on as it shows what is normal and abnormal in how the body works most effective with short term or an acute illness because the cause is identified and it is cured by treatment Examples of how medical models treat illness Operations: Operations are important as sometimes it concerns life and death and operations are done in emergencies also sometimes to get of rid of the whole problem from the starting Vacancies: vacancies are given so that no problem starts. Vacancies are normally given to children so as they grow they don’t get know illness. Medicines such as tablets are given so the pain goes, or you don’t feel any pain. Social model this emphasis that to improve health as it is necessary to address the origin of ill-health which make it more prevalent in some groups than others Example: the council may change a person environment and change the way their live Social model of health that have contributed most to decline in mortality Emphasis to improve health it is necessary to address the origins of ill health Public health measures based on the social model of health Strong links to lay models of health because it recognises that people often have firmly held views. Tania Rehman Ao1 In underlying philosophy health differs between individuals and social groups are the results of a complex mixture of behaviour structural material and cultural factors which. For and against the social and medical model Social model focuses on root of the problem so it stops the problem from reoccurring whereas the medical model only gives treatment but also the doctors know what is better for you. Over the years the Social model has contributed to the decline of mortality rate and also by helping to stop the problem from getting worse. Medical model is least effective with chronic illness but it also saves lives through treatment cure, transplants etc also the Medical model helps you to adjust the situation and focuses on the symptoms not the cause which also can be a problem as it could be painful by repeatedly getting the same problem. Medical model is generally a focus to cure rather than prevention however social model finds the problem and deals with it. I think that the social model is as important as the medical model even though the medical model gives treatment the social model finds the root cause of the problem, without the social model you would not know what cause the problem except from the symptoms which you would have diagnosed and they could have come back. The medical model tries and reduces or removes the problem but the social model tries and change the environment on the other hand some people might say that the medical model is important and the social model is not needed as people only need medical treatment rather that moving houses or living in a different environment. Tania Rehman Ao1 Section D Definition of illness and disease Illness a subjective sensation of being unwell illness is used to identify that a condition exists that causes a person harm and pain Illness is a state of poor health. Illness is sometimes considered a synonym for disease Illness is the term give to the effects that a person feels when they have a disease. They may complain that they are unwell. The people with chicken pox will want to scratch because of their spots itch, in Folens GSCE in health and social care book it says, ‘that the people suffering can only explain the problem, the symptoms cannot always be seen by others’. There are many different types of illness: Diarrhoea, Aches and pains, Headache, Flu, Diabetes and Blood pressure In Collins health and social care A2 it say that research in the area oh health psychological suggest that there are five questions we ask ourselves when we think we become ill are What might be wrong with us? What has caused me to feel like this? How long will this last? How will it affect me? Can it be cured? Some people might think about these questions and say I am ill I’m dealing OK with it whereas other people will say I need to see my doctor, I need medicine. The way a person thinks Disease Illness resulting from infection with specific symptoms and signs Disease is derived from the middle English term ‘desaise’ meaning discomfort A disease or medical condition is an abnormal condition of an organism that impairs bodily functions, associated with specific symptoms and signs. It may be caused by external factors, such as infectious disease, or it may be caused by internal dysfunctions, such as autoimmune diseases. In the in Folens GSCE in health and social care book, ‘disease has been described as an observable physical change in the body’s structure or something that causes a change in the way the body functions’. This means that you can often see the effects and the symptoms of the disease. If someone has chicken pox you can see the spots, if they have a cold then you will hear them sneeze as well as seen there nose red. These are known as symptoms and draw you attention too the disease. Preventing disease is a way of helping us to stay healthy for longer. Some disease is not always visible and can be difficult to detect, its possible for people to have a disease without be aware of it. Tania Rehman Ao1 Disease like tuberculosis may not show any symptoms for the first six months for this reason health profession have a different way to detect and prevent any kind of disease. Health profession can take blood test and x-rays to help detect the illness or the disease; these show the changes that are caused by the disease. Some disease are so dangerous that they need to find a method to prevent them occurring. Vacation programmes have been running in the U.k for over 50 years. People who have a risk of catching certain illness can have medical help to prevent them the vaccine is usually given by injection. Some people disease can be passed down the family life by harmful or nonfunctioning disease. There are many physical problems and diseases that can be inherited genetically such as heart conditions, eye conditions, haemophilia, high cholesterol and many more. Diseases can be treated by several of people such as a local health practise, local hospital. Specialist national centre as well as the person them self The effect of illness and disease some illnesses have short term physical effects whilst others are long term more serious effects which could take a long term to recover from. Illness and disease can be linked to our diet lack of iron in our diet can cause tiredness. During a lifetime we can experience different types of disease and illness. Illness and disease can affect a person’s quality of life. This depends on how serious the illness or disease is. When the illness or disease exceeds the patient’s endurance, it may start to affect their lives severely. If the person is young it will affect them in school or in higher education, which may result in severe disruption, whereas in the working population, employment becomes impossible. When ill for many people social life and family life becomes restricted and sometimes severely strained. If the condition is very bad, the person may be housebound or confined to a bed for months or years. Today, more than ever, personal health responsibility or taking charge of one's own health is an essential step in disease prevention as well as protocols for healing and recovery from disease. Personal health responsibility involves active participation in one's own health and healing plan through education and lifestyle changes. And although the concept of personal health responsibility seems simple, it's often overlooked when people are diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder and seeking a quick fix Because of its importance to good health. The difference between illness and disease is that when someone has an illness they feel unwell some illnesses have the same symptoms so the doctor cannot diagnose the problem whereas when someone has a disease the symptoms show and the doctor can diagnose the symptoms quickly. To have a disease there must be an illness of a kind because without an illness there cannot be there. However some people think that they have an illness and they repeat going to doctors but whereas they don’t, they just think that they are ill but they are not. Tania Rehman Ao1 Bibliography AS level OCR Health and social care Neil Moonie Collins Health and social care A2 Folens GSCE in health and social care en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disease (definition of disease) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illness (definition of illness) http://info.wirral.nhs.uk/glossary (definition of well-being) http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1O88-medicalmodel.html (medical modal)