If you need extra help…

Welcome to Biology ~ Syllabus
Course Description
Your teacher will be a guide for the journey, a facilitator, an events planner, and
occasionally a source of information.
 Other sources of information will be the textbook, charts and diagrams, videos, and
many internet sources selected by the guide and by you.
 Always remember, you are the learner here! You are the one who needs to actively
acquire knowledge.
 The biology guide (aka teacher) will provide you some of the ways and means of
acquiring knowledge about the human body but you will also actively construct and
generate your own knowledge by interaction with each other, written text (books,
magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, internet "stuff"), graphs and data charts, numbers,
drawings yours and those of others), pictures and movies, sound, microscopes, test
tubes, stethoscopes, blood pressure monitors, computers, specimens (aka body parts),
EACH OTHER....and the list goes on......
Goals and Objectives:
Conscientiously become more scientifically literate in matters related to human biology
in health and disease
Actively ask, find, determine answers related to biology
Carefully describe, explain, and predict consequences based on knowledge (prior and
that to be acquired in this class) of life on this earth.
Critically analyze articles about biology in the popular press.
Accurately organize, analyze, and communicate information about biology.
Pass the STARR EOC! It is the only science EOC you must pass to graduate.
I have a class web page on the Canyon ISD website that will have all work posted in case you
need to access it if I am not available. Please access this frequently to stay updated. If you
have questions on how to find it, please let me know.
Lab Safety and Scientific Method
Cellular Processes
a. Photosynthesis
b. Cellular Respiration
c. Cell Cycle
d. Protein Synthesis
Genetics and Heredity
Viruses and Bacteria
Human Body Systems
Rat Dissection
Monthly Assignment
You will have one monthly assignment in this class. Biology in the news will be due on the 25th
of each month.
Sensitive Content
Biology requires the learning of what some would consider sensitive content. This would include
structures and functions of the reproductive system, male and female, pregnancy and fetal
development, the pathology of many diseases and dissections. If this is an issue with you or your family,
please contact me as soon as possible to arrange other assignments.
We will be working with live, preserved, and fresh animals and animal specimens. I expect each student
to act ethically when working with the above mentioned.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make up your assignments. If it is a school
related absence, you MUST do your work / tests early and have them finished before you are gone. If
you were not expecting to be absent, you have 2 days for every day you were absent to make up your
To make up tests, quizzes, and labs: You MUST come in the morning at 7:50 or in the afternoon at 3:40
to make these up. If you do not come at these times you will be assigned working lunch to make up
your work. I will not allow you to make these up during class time because of time restraints. If you
absolutely cannot come at these times, it is your responsibility to let me know so that we can arrange
other times.
Classroom Norms
Participate Actively
Take care of yourself as an adult learner
Help your neighbor / Share your learning
Value other styles of learning and needs
Laugh and Learn
Ask question
Classroom Rules
Bring pens, paper, and science notebook to class daily.
Be on time, in your seat, and ready to work when the bell rings. Sit down, stop talking and face
the front with both eyes forward.
Put your backpacks/purses on the floor.
Make quick, smooth transitions; do not distract others, no uninvited talking.
Work hard and do not stop until all your work is complete.
Be courteous and respectful to everyone.
Sleeping is never allowed in class.
Turn your cell phone off and put it away!
This includes earphones / ear buds and music.
Student Learning Intervention
Periodically, students may be assigned a working lunch or activity period tutorials to provide further one
on one instruction to achieve mastery of a specific learning objective. I will also be contacting
parents/guardians throughout the year to keep them informed on your progress.
If you need extra help…I am available before and after school. It is your
responsibility to seek help if you are struggling.
2” – 3 ring binder
Binder tabs
1 box 12-24 count colored pencils (if needed, student can carry these from class to class)
Earphones or ear buds for the google chrome books
1 box of Kleenex
**If you are not able to get any or all
of these supplies, that will be alright.
Please let me know and we will be
able to provide some supplies.**
Your grade will be represented by your homework, lab, and exam grades.
Test and Quiz grades will be weighted 50%
Tests will be counted twice
Daily, homework, and lab grades will be weighted 50%
To be successful on the exams you must successfully complete all work and investigations in the learning
process. I strongly believe that ALL will be successful in the learning process and I will constantly use
formative assessment to ensure learning is taking place. Our goal is to ensure that you learn the
curriculum and are successful in doing so.
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in any work. This includes cheating, plagiarizing, “copy &
paste”, etc. Citations are required! Students will be given a zero for the assignment and disciplinary
action will be taken per CHS handbook.
Contact Information
I have a class web page on the Canyon ISD website that will have all work posted in case
you need to access it if I am not available. Please access this frequently to stay updated. If you
have questions on how to find it, please let me know.
Email: kdressler@canyonisd.net
Room: 1205
Phone: 622-2740 ext 1513
I have read and understand all of the objectives, requirements, and
expectations for the course and will abide by the above.
Student Signature _____________________________ Date _________
Parent Signature ______________________________ Date _________