NEISD – Scope and Sequence Semester Themes and Time Frame Relaciones personales (+/-3 wks.) El mundo del espectáculo (+/-3 wks.) La diversidad humana (+/-3 wks.) Las artes culinarias y la nutrición (+/-3 wks.) Nuestra sociedad en crisis (+/-3 wks.) Instruction Resources CONEXIONES: COMUNICACIÓN Y CULTURA nd 2 Ed. Ancillaries (to include transparencies, CDs and DVDs) Supplemental materials Related rhymes and songs Internet access (,, text companion website, etc). Spanish IV, Semester II Grammar Perfect tenses (all) Past participles as adjectives Adjectives (agreement, form, position) Commands (all forms) Comparisons of equality and inequality Subjunctive vs indicative vs infinitive the uses of the subjunctive in noun clauses, the subjunctive with impersonal expressions, the subjunctive in adverbial clauses, the imperfect subjunctive, pluperfect subjunctive Conditional tenses Uses of se Vocabulary Topics Relaciones personales El mundo del espectáculo Diversidad humana Las artes culinarias y la nutrición Nuestra sociedad en crisis Suggested Chapters/Units Conexiones Chapters 5-9 Assessment Daily speaking/presentation assessment Daily homework assessment Written essays Oral and written quizzes/assessments Unit Tests Projects Listening quizzes/assessments Language of Instruction Teacher will use Spanish exclusively. Students will attempt to exclusively use Spanish. TEKS/Student Expectations 1.A Engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to socialize and to provide and obtain information Examples/Specifications Responding orally, in writing, and through actions/gestures to spoken and written sentences/prompts relating to vocabulary relating to: NEISD – Scope and Sequence Spanish IV, Semester II • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1.B 1.C 2.A Demonstrate understanding of simple, clearly spoken, and written language such as simple stories, high-frequency commands, and brief instructions when dealing with familiar topics Present information using familiar words, phrases, and sentences to listeners and readers Storytelling Debate: Traditional family vs. Modern family Create a video “How to dance”(formal commands) Demonstrate an understanding of the practices (what people do) and how they are related to the perspectives (how people perceive things) of the cultures studies Retell a story from the point of view of another character discuss theater productions describe art work studied in and out of the classroom research and write about various genres of music and dance writing and speaking about past actions, hopes, wishes and emotions retelling story plots interpreting various genres of music, dance, and art interpreting short stories writing short story plots communicating information about music, dance, art and literature recently seen, read, and/or attended use the vocabulary of the culinary arts & nutrition: New World v. Old World products & food diversity use of the vocabulary of social problems: terrorism, & the effect of drugs and alcohol, & gang activity use the vocabulary of personal relations use reflexive constructions use correct agreement, form, and position of adjectives use the past participle and the present perfect tense use the subjunctive and indicative in adjective clauses use the future perfect and pluperfect tenses use comparisons with nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and superlatives • ***Refer to 1A • • Create a love letter to their “ideal” person Research & present about the role of women in Hispanic countries • view a video depicting a cultural celebration and write a short letter in the language describing it and explaining its origin • explore the personal relations especially acts of good will toward others through research in the community and in other countries • explore social relations in Spanish speaking communities • the role of women in the Hispanic society • Read about terrorism, the effect of drugs & alcohol and view a depicting video about the effects of drugs & alcohol and terrorism • NEISD – Scope and Sequence Spanish IV, Semester II 2.B Demonstrate an understanding of the practices (what people create) and how they are related to the perspectives (how people perceive things) of the cultures studies Video production, acting & writing the script Research Debate about age appropriateness of the laws about drinking and going to war. 3.A Use resources (that may include technology) in the language and cultures being studied to gain access to information *Research projects *debates 3.B Use the language to obtain, reinforce, or expand knowledge of other subject areas *Research *Compare/ Contrast –essays &/ or presentations • produce a skit using culturally appropriate verbal and/or non-verbal expressions such as gestures, greetings, and idiomatic expressions • compare the genres of music and dance in Spanishspeaking countries • compare social conventions relating to family and the role of women in Spanish speaking communities • Create a script and represent a drama tic scene • Research the role of women in the Hispanic society and create a presentation • Create a script and represent a drama tic scene • Research the role of women in the Hispanic society and create a presentation • watch a travel video and prepare an oral report in the language about a chosen place of interest (social studies connection) • research personality traits and what makes a good conversationalist (psychology connection) • • • • • • watch a travel video and prepare an oral report in the language about a chosen place of interest (social studies connection) research personality traits and what makes a good conversationalist (psychology connection) compare social conventions relating to family and the role of women (social studies and psychology connections) research various genres of music and dance in a historical/social context (social studies and music connections) discuss arts and the impact that personal experiences and war had on many of their works (fine arts and social studies) compare differences between the present and past perfect tenses (English connection) NEISD – Scope and Sequence Spanish IV, Semester II • • • • • 4.A Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the student's own language and the language studied Compare/contrast essays/presentations about food diversity and New World vs. Old World foods, nutrition • • • • • • 4.B Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the student's own culture and the cultures studied Compare/contrast Debates compare various uses of adjectives (English connection) compare uses of the subjunctive versus the indicative vs the infinitive (English connection) Music- Ritmos – Me enveneno de azules, "La monja enana,” El cine Art- Imágenes – Frida Khalo, Pablo Picasso and María Izquierdo, Amalia Mesa-Bains Literature- Páginas – Julia de Burgos, Isabel Allende, Ernesto Cardenal compare social conventions relating to family and the role of women (social studies and psychology connections) research various genres of music and dance in a historical/social context (social studies and music connections) discuss arts and the impact that personal experiences and war had on many of their works (fine arts and social studies) compare differences between the present and past perfect tenses (English connection) compare various uses of adjectives (English connection) compare uses of the subjunctive versus the indicative vs the infinitive (English connection) examine a short passage to identify language conventions which are different from those of English • cite examples of phrases and idioms that do not translate directly from one language to the other • compare differences between the present and past perfect tenses • compare various uses of adjectives • identify classes in which racial prejudice is a topic. • Identify racism in the Hispanic world • Compare/contrast the role of women in the Spanish speaking countries versus their role in other countries of the world • use regular mail or e-mail to ask and answer questions with a native speaker pen pal to compare human rights/environmental issues from the pen pal's culture with similar issues in the students culture • read an adapted or authentic text and create a derivative word tree for selected verbs • identify U.S. singers/songwriters of political protest • compare and contrast various art works, styles of dance, and genres of music • explore/compare different attitudes toward life and self in different cultures • Music- Ritmos – Me enveneno de azules, "La monja enana,” El cine • Art- Imágenes – Frida Khalo, Pablo Picasso and María Izquierdo, Amalia Mesa-Bains NEISD – Scope and Sequence Spanish IV, Semester II • Literature- Páginas – Julia de Burgos, Isabel Allende, Ernesto Cardenal 4.C Demonstrate an understanding of the influence of one language and culture on another Debates Research projects & presentations about famous female heroes in Latin America , and in the fine arts 5.A Use language both within and beyond the school setting through activities such as participating in cultural events and using technology to communicate Interviews in/out of the classroom Investigate community services on substance abuse, gang graffiti and CASA, • • • Discuss trends in foods and recipes. Discuss hypothetical situations compare and contrast various art works, styles of dance, and genres of music • explore/compare different attitudes toward life and self in different cultures • Compare/contrast the role of women in the Spanish speaking countries versus their role in other countries of the world • identify U.S. singers/songwriters of political protest • Identify classes in which racial prejudice is a topic. • Identify racism in the Hispanic world • Investigate and participate in community service activities in the community in which Spanish is needed write and present for an audience a play representing an original idea • investigate and experience famous films by Spanish speaking directors and actors • • • • • • • create a letter and/or have a short conversation about topics such as entertainment or community with speakers of the language research in the community and in other countries and through participating in a community service activity create a letter to the editor in the target language regarding terrorism or environmental issue in a Spanish Speaking country. Investigate and participate in community service activities in the community in which Spanish is needed write a love letter to who an “ideal” person for them is write and present for an audience a play representing an original idea investigate and experience famous films by Spanish speaking directors and actors