CRD 412 Improving Reading in Secondary Schools T 5:00-7:50 in GR 213 Fall 2014 A. Instructor: Patricia Elmore Office: 227 Graves Hall E-mail: Class Blog: Office Hours: Mondays 9:30-1:00 and by appointment B. Conceptual Framework of the College of Education The vision of the College of Education (COE) at The University of Alabama is to develop effective, ethical, and reflective professionals who advance the theme of the COE: Unites, Acts, and Leads (UA Leads). By engaging in theoretically informed and intellectually advanced effective practice our graduates will UNITE with the larger community to collaboratively nurture cultural competence, empathy, and a vision of equity and justice for all learners; ACT to develop the full potential of all learners to be excellent professionals in their field; and LEAD through continuous research-based critical inquiry of policy and reflective practice to enable transformative change in our diverse local and global communities. C. Requirements 1. Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP) 2. Educator’s liability insurance before clinical placement D. General Course Information 1. Course descriptions: This course is designed to offer content area pre-service teachers practical explanations of thinking strategies needed by students to acquire and use new information. The major goal of this course is to equip pre-service teachers with a range of tools so they can: (a) facilitate students’ learning of subject matter and content; (b) help students become more effective and critical readers and writers in their content area materials; and (c) make explicit to themselves and their students the discourse expectations within the content areas. 2. Conceptual Framework: The College of Education prepares future practitioners with an understanding of the nature and purposes of education, together with the ability to engage in the ongoing processes of reflection and dialogue that lie at the heart of socially responsible, theoretically-informed, and research based effective practice. 3. Knowledge Base: Current research-based information about students and the recommended practices for teaching at the middle and secondary levels are examined throughout the course. Students use textbooks, journal articles, technology, and classroom experiences to increase their personal knowledge of instructional practice. Emphasis is placed on selection of appropriate teaching strategies and ways to implement recommended practices. Professional behavior that includes ways to establish and maintain learning environments and the need for ethical decision making are addressed throughout the course. 4. Course Designation: CRD 412 is a designated writing (W) course for the University of Alabama’s core curriculum; therefore, satisfactorily completing writing assignments is required for a student to receive a passing grade in this course. A student who does not write with the skill normally required of an upper division student will not earn a passing grade. E. Course Objectives and Student Outcomes: All standards must be met to obtain a passing grade for this class. The following coded objectives are generated from the state rules, 290-3-3-.04 Professional Studies, Basic Programs. Students will: 1. Demonstrate the ability to create a print/language-rich environment that develops/extends students’ desire and ability to read, write, speak, and listen [(2)(c)3.(vii)]. 2. Demonstrate the ability to model appropriate oral and written communication [(2)(c)1.(iv)]. 3. Demonstrate the ability to integrate skill development in oral and written communications into all content areas that one teaches [(2)(c)1.(vii)]. 4. Demonstrate the knowledge of strategies associated with accelerated, highly specialized, explicit instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension that significantly expands and increases students’ pace of learning and competence in reading, writing, speaking, and listening [(3)(c)2.(i)]. 5. Demonstrate the knowledge of assessment tools to monitor the acquisition of reading strategies, to improve reading instruction, and to identify students who require additional instruction [(3)(c)2.(ii)]. 6. Demonstrate the ability to integrate reading instruction into all content areas that one teaches [(3)(c)2.(iii)]. 7. Demonstrate the ability to stimulate interest in and foster appreciation for the written word, promote reading growth, and increase the motivation of students to read widely and independently for information and pleasure [(3)(c)2.(iv)]. 8. With regard to technology, students will demonstrate the ability to design, implement, and assess learner-centered lessons and units that use appropriate and effective practices in teaching and learning with technology. 9. Demonstrate knowledge of group discussion and the role of communication in resolving conflicts [290-3-3-.10 (1)(a)6]. 10. Use peer and teacher conferencing and rubric assessment to help students edit and revise their writing [290-3-3-.10 (1)(b)13]. 11. Teach students to apply discipline-specific reading and writing strategies in all content areas [290-3-3-.10 (1)(b)14]. 12. Select appropriate research-based strategies and materials to meet the needs of struggling readers [290-3-3-.10 (1)(b)15]. 13. Demonstrate knowledge of the writing process, including the stages of prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing [290-3-.10 (1) (a) 2]. 14. Use inquiry-based learning and critical literacy practices in your lessons. F. Course Texts Required Textbook: Daniels, H. & Zemelman, S. (2014). Subjects matter: 2nd Edition. Required Resources: Alabama Common Core Course of Study (to be handed out in class) LiveText available at the Supe Store Recommended Resource: Other readings to be emailed or handed out: Bill, V. L., & Jamar, I. (2010). Disciplinary literacy in the mathematics classroom. In S. M. McConachie & A. R. Petrosky (Eds.), Content matters: A disciplinary literacy approach to improving student learning (pp. 63-85). San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass. (Math only) Gay, G. (2002). Preparing for culturally responsive teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 53(2), 106-116. McConachie, S., Hall, M., Resnick, L., Ravi, A., Bill, V.L., Bintz, J., & Taylor, J.A. (2006). Task, text, and literacy for all subjects. Educational Leadership. Ravi, A. K. (2010). Disciplinary literacy in the history classroom. In S. M. McConachie & A. R. Petrosky (Eds.),Content matters: A disciplinary literacy approach to improving student learning (pp. 33-61). San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass. (Social Studies only) Spiegel, S. A., Bintz, J., Taylor, J. A., Landes, N. M., & Jordan, D. L. (2010). Disciplinary literacy in the science classroom. In S. M. McConachie & A. R. (Science only) G. Attendance, Assignment Policy, and Make-Up Policy: Full and active attendance is expected. This class is scheduled to meet 14 times. You are allowed 1 absence from class. If you have legitimate excuses beyond 1, you will need to meet with me so that we can arrive at a solution. Otherwise, if you miss 2 classes, your grade will be docked ½ a letter; 3 classes, 1 letter, and so forth. Additionally, you will lose 3 participation points for every day missed. Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period for which they are listed on the syllabus. Late assignments will lose ½ of a letter grade for each day late (including weekends and holidays). Assignments turned in more than 1 week late will not earn points, but I will give you feedback. It’s impossible to make up classwork assignments. H. Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism: Academic misconduct by students includes all acts of dishonesty in any academically related matter and any knowing or intentional help or attempt to help, or conspiracy to help, another student commit an act of academic dishonesty. The Academic Misconduct Disciplinary Policy will be followed in the event of academic misconduct. Plagiarism is the act of representing words, data, works, ideas, computer programs or output, or other material not generated by the student as his or her own. Plagiarism may be inadvertent or purposeful; however, plagiarism is not a question of intent. All suspected incidences of plagiarism must be reported by the course instructor to the Assistant Dean of the College of Education. Plagiarism is a serious act of academic misconduct and may result in a student’s receiving an “F” in the course and being suspended form the University. For more information, refer to I. Statement of Equal Treatment and Disabilities: If you are a person with a disability and desire accommodations to complete course requirements, please notify the course instructor in writing as soon as possible to discuss your request. If you are registered with the Office of Disability Services, please make an appointment with the instructor as soon as possible to discuss any course accommodations that may be necessary. If you have a disability but have not contacted the Office of Disability Services, please call 348-5175 or visit Osband Hall to register for services. J. Classroom Decorum 1. The Code of Student Conduct requires that students behave in a manner that is conducive to a teaching/learning environment. Students who engage in disruptive behavior will be subject to disciplinary sanctions outlined by the Code of Student Conduct. Disruptive/obstructive behavior is not limited to but may include the following: verbal abuse, threats, stalking, intimidation, and harassment. 2. I require that students act in a manner conducive to serious, rigorous inquiry. It is a great responsibility to facilitate students in middle schools and high schools; therefore, you must carry a professional disposition in this classroom and in the schools at all times. Be generous in your observations of your cooperating teacher, as someday you will be in their shoes. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be critically reflective. Leave your teacher’s name and your students’ names out of discussions/writing (they deserve privacy). K. Evaluation of Objectives / Grade Determination. Changes may be made by the instructor if warranted: Assignment Due Date 1.Full and Active Participation* Reading Responses (5 x 5 = 25) Class Participation (14 x 3 = 42) Ongoing Points 67 2. Literacy Autobiography 9/23 - due via BlackBoard by midnight 50 3. Clinical Experience Assignment Rich description (10) 10/07 - Rich description due via BlackBoard by midnight 110 Technology-infused, critical literacy, or inquiry-based lesson plan (50) Enacted (20) Critiqued (20) Mentor teacher’s evaluation of it (10) [all scanned together and uploaded to LiveText as one attachment named “last name RLP” (e.g. Smith RLP)] 10/14 - Lesson plan due via BlackBoard by midnight Enacted (as feasible) Critiqued (as feasible) Evaluated (as feasible) 11/29 - All scanned together and uploaded to LiveText 4. Research Paper 1st draft (30) Peer Review (10) 2nd draft (60) 10/9 - 1st draft due via email 10/14 - In-class Peer Review 10/18 - 2nd draft due via BlackBoard by midnight 100 5. Unit Plan Unit Plan (100) Unit Plan Presentation Board (40) 11/4 - 1st draft due In-class 12/02 - 2nd draft and poster due InClass 140 6. Text Set 11/20 - due via BlackBoard by midnight 100 7. Discussion/Activity Leader Sign up 45 8. Final Exam 12/02 - In-class 100 Total Points /712 * It is conceivable that unannounced mini-quizzes and in-class writings will be added (at my discretion), which will result in more total points for this class. How All Written Work Will be Graded: 1. Written work will be evaluated on the basis of clearly articulated understandings of course concepts and their application, adherence to assignment/test guidelines, usefulness in secondary teaching, careful incorporation of literacy research and theoretical perspectives discussed in class, and by the 6 + 1 Traits (Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, Conventions, and Presentation). Writing rubrics will be provided. 2. All papers submitted must be revised and edited. Students are advised to have a peer or peers read their papers before submitting them to the instructor. The quality of the content and writing will always be the focus of the instructor during scoring, but papers are also expected to be proofread and well-edited. 3. A papers will be exceptional in all areas. B papers will meet the requirements. C papers will show clear weaknesses in one area. D papers will show clear weaknesses in two areas. F papers will show weaknesses in many areas. Grading Scale: A+ A A- 97-100% 94-96% 90-93% B+ B B- 87-89% 84-86% 80-83% C+ C C- 77-79% 74-76% 70-73% L. Brief Description of Assignments: 1. Full and Active Participation: (67 total possible points): Class participation means being prepared for class by having done the reading and having completed all homework. It means assuming your share of the responsibility for making our class (and subsequently your own) productive, professional and engaging. Full and active attendance is expected. You are to read all assignments prior to the date they are scheduled to be discussed. Meaningful participation includes attendance, completion of all-in class activities, participating in discussions, etc. Point deduction occurs with the following behaviors: absences; coming unprepared by apparent lack of questions, comments, insights; checking e-mail, text messages, Facebook and/or Twitter and any social networking during class; failing to contribute to group work assigned. Other behaviors may warrant deduction as well. Your participation will be graded holistically at the end of each class. In addition, you will be awarded participation points for completing 12 reading responses over the course of the semester. These brief written responses will correlate to specific assigned readings. I will provide you with more detailed information in class. Rubric for In-Class Participation (14 @ 3 points each = 42 total possible points) Points Description 3 Exhibits both of the following: present the whole time (physically, mentally, emotionally, technologically); active contributions to all whole group, small group, and individual activities. 2 Exhibits one of the following: late to class or early release from class; noncontributing during whole group, small group, or individual activities; e-mailing, texting, tweeting, crossword puzzling; unprofessional behavior (e.g. rudeness, making fun of others, sleeping, and so forth). 0-1 Is absent or exhibits more than one of the following: late to class or early release from class; non-contributing during whole group, small group, or individual activities; e-mailing, texting, tweeting, crossword puzzling, news papers, etc. Rubric for Reading Response Participation (5 @ 5 points each = 25 total possible points) Points Description 4-5 Writing is on topic, demonstrates thoughtfulness, organized, and contains no grammatical, spelling, or mechanical errors. The assignment is turned in on time. The writer uses complete sentences. 2-3 Writing is organized and on topic, but contains one to two grammatical, spelling, or mechanical errors. The writer uses complete sentences. 0-1 Assignment is not completed or incomplete. The writing lacks coherence or has several grammatical, spelling, or mechanical errors. The writer does not use complete sentences. 2. Literacy Autobiography: (50 total possible points) DUE: September 23rd via BlackBoard by midnight. As a teacher, it will benefit you to think about you and your students reading habits. In learning through the reflection process, I want you to write about how you view yourself as a reader. Here are some questions to think about: 1. How often do you read outside of your requirements? 2. How much have you read since high school? 3. What scares you about reading, and have you ever thought about why you love or hate reading? 4. Are there certain books, periodicals, comics/manga, blogs, etc. that have helped you to develop into a certain kind of reader? 5. Do you have goals for being a better reader? Do you think you can be a better reader? 6. What types of genre do you prefer to read? 7. What types of genre or medium do you dislike? This paper should be in APA 6th edition or MLA style (12 point Times New Roman Font, double-spaced) and 3-5 pages in length (but preferably 3). Please include an introduction and conclusion. I will provide examples of this assignment in class well before the due date. Here is the rubric for evaluation: 10 8 6 4 2 (1) Responds fully to the assignment EXCELLENT VERY ADEQUATE WEAK POOR GOOD (2) Expresses its purpose clearly throughout EXCELLENT VERY ADEQUATE WEAK POOR GOOD (3) Provides adequate reasons, evidence, and examples EXCELLENT VERY ADEQUATE WEAK POOR GOOD (4) Is focused, well organized, and unified EXCELLENT VERY ADEQUATE WEAK POOR GOOD (5) Is free of errors in grammar, punctuation, word choice, spelling, and format EXCELLENT VERY ADEQUATE WEAK POOR GOOD EXCELLENT VERY ADEQUATE WEAK POOR GOOD Overall Evaluation Final Score / 50 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: . 3. Clinical Experience Assignment: (110 total possible points) Clinical Placement Reflections and Lesson: The clinical experience component of this course is designed to enable students enrolled in CRD 412 to observe secondary students as they engage in literacy experiences in the content areas. This 10-hour placement is in addition to your 90+ Methods hours. a) Create a 2-page, rich description of the place, people, and pedagogy (especially disciplinary ways of thinking). Due: October 7th via BlackBoard by midnight. b) Design a lesson in your content area that obviously utilizes disciplinary literacies discussed/read about in this class. Also you must include technology in your lesson (PowerPoints and overhead projectors don’t count). Tie your lesson firmly to 2010 Alabama State Common Core Standards and standards from your professional organization (NCTM, NCTE, NCSS, etc.). Due: October 14th via BlackBoard by midnight. c) After getting approval for your lesson from your teacher, schedule a day/time to teach it. i. Ask your supervising teacher to give you feedback on the lesson. Make a copy of that feedback to turn in to me. He/She may use any form of feedback he/she deems appropriate and feasible; however, I ask that the feedback address the items in 3bi-iii above. ii. Write a 1-page reflection on the teaching experience, making sure to take into account your supervising teacher’s feedback. d) Upload a-c as ONE FILE to LiveText by November 29th. Failure to include all parts in one file by the deadline will result in a zero. 4. Research Paper: (100 total possible points) The research paper will explore a self-generated research question related to literacy in your discipline. The question may be as basic as “What is the value of teaching literacy in a math classroom?” or as complex as “How are colleges of education preparing STEM pre-service teachers to incorporate literacy in their future classrooms?” I only require 3-5 documented sources. This paper should be no longer than 5 pages, (but preferably 3). Please double-space and use APA or MLA format, 1” margins all around, and Times New Roman font 12. A rough draft of this paper is due via email by midnight October 9th and the final draft is due via BlackBoard by midnight on October 18th. More details and a rubric will be handed out in a future class. An example of a high quality research paper will be provided. 5. Unit Plan: (140 total possible points) For this project you will create a two-week unit plan for your future classroom. This project may be completed individually or in groups of up to four. You may incorporate materials from the Text Set project and the Lesson Plan from your Clinical Experiences Assignment. For your unit plan, you may choose to focus on any topic relevant to your content area. This project can be based upon something in a content-area textbook (e.g. a short story, a particular event or concept, or a theme of interest, such as social justice or math in the real world). This assignment must either be turned in as a well-organized notebook or a well-organized website (by creating a blog, for example). I will provide examples of this assignment in class well before the due date. More detailed instructions, as well as a rubric, will also be handed out in a future class. In addition to crafting this unit plan, (which adds up to 10 lesson plans), you/your group will create a poster presentation for your unit plan. I will bring examples of both unit plans and poster board presentations to future class meetings. General Requirements: 1. 10 detailed lesson plans that form a two-week unit in your content area 2. Tie your lessons firmly to 2010 Alabama State Common Core Standards and standards from your professional organization (NCTM, NCTE, NCSS, etc.). 3. Literacy must be featured/encouraged as part of your unit plan and the CCSS literacy standards must be utilized (at least one) 4. Citations (or copies if possible) of all texts and supplementary materials, including audio-visual aspects, that you plan to use should be included in your daily lessons 1st draft due in-class November 4th 2nd draft and poster due in-class December 2nd 6. Text Set: (100 total possible points) DUE: November 20th via BlackBoard by midnight. The idea behind this project is that you are creating a resource that might be a component in a large unit plan or standalone unit of study. This project can be based upon something in a content-area textbook (e.g. a short story, a particular event or concept, a person or area of interest). In the past students have chosen to focus their text set project on topics like Math in the real world, Fibonacci, The Great Gatsby, the Civil War, Broadway musicals, French language and culture, and the human body. I will provide examples of this assignment in class well before the due date. Your text set project will enhance your chosen content well beyond the bounds of a textbook treatment by incorporating texts from a variety of different genres, perspectives, and reading levels. You may incorporate this project into your larger unit plan for methods to make connections across your courses as well as your Unit Plan for this class. Your Lesson Plan for the Clinical Experiences Assignment may also be incorporated into this Unit Plan. For this assignment, you may work alone or in groups up to four. In putting your project together, follow these guidelines: I. Introduction to the project (Overview) a. State the content area and topic of study b. Describe the grade, population of students, number of students, etc. c. Provide a brief rationale for the theme/topic addressed II. Content-Area Text Set a. Provide a complete bibliographic citation for each text in APA or MLA format b. Provide a brief 1-2 sentence description of each text, describing how it relates to the topic c. Include a minimum of 5 texts III. Goals for Instructional Unit a. Stated in specific terms of what you want your students to accomplish while engaging in this unit of study (Students will be able to…). IV. Final Reflection a. Discuss how you think these texts will work together to help your students become more critically literate in your content area. Text Set Project Evaluation Rubric Project Component Introduction Criteria Statement containing the area and topic of study, a description of the student population and a rationale for the theme/topic Points possible 20 Text Set Bibliographic citations in APA or MLA format, brief descriptions, 5 or more texts, textual variety. 60 Reflection A discussion of why and how the texts will work together to help a diverse group of students. 20 7. Discussion/Activity Leader (45 points): You will sign up (with a partner) to lead our class discussion of the weekly reading assignments at the beginning of a future class. In addition, you will use at least one of the reading strategies that we are exploring this semester to help facilitate our understanding of a text from your content area that you provide. All discussion activity/leader plans need to be approved by me no later than two days before the assigned date. Activities should last no longer than 10 minutes and should contain the following elements: Teaching Point (what is this supposed to do), Connect (to what we’ve done before), Teach/model (the activity), Active Involvement/ you try it (and get us to do the activity) and of course, you should guide our discussion of the readings. This first come—first serve! I will start bringing a sign-up sheet to class next week. Fall 2014 Semester Schedule A. Expected Course Calendar: Subject to change Date Readings Due 8/26 9/02 Ch. 1 Daniels and Zemelman (p. 1-25). 9/09 Ch. 2 Daniels and Zemelman (p. 27-43). 9/16 Ch. 3 Daniels and Zemelman (p. 45-60). 9/23 Ch. 4 Daniels and Zemelman (p. 63-85). 9/30 Skim read Ch. 5 Daniels and Zemelman (p. 87-174). 10/07 Ch. 6 Daniels and Zemelman (p. 177-201). 10/09 THIS IS NOT A CLASS MEETING 10/14 Ch. 7 Daniels and Zemelman (p. 203-218). Assignments Due Complete One observation, One connection, One surprise, One question for Chapter 1. Email to me and bring to class (it can be in electronic form) Complete One observation, One connection, One surprise, One question for Chapter 2. Email to me and bring to class (it can be in electronic form) Complete One observation, One connection, One surprise, One question for Chapter 3. Email to me and bring to class (it can be in electronic form) Sign up for Discussion/Activity Leader Literacy Autobiography due via BlackBoard by midnight. Complete a 3-2-1for Chapter 4. Email to me and bring to class (it can be in electronic form) Skim read Chapter 5. Email 3 strategies that you are the most interested in learning more about to me and bring to class (it can be in electronic form) Clinical Experience Assignment Rich Description due via BlackBoard by midnight. Textbook Feature Analysis_____________________ 1st Draft of Research Paper due via email by midnight. Clinical Experience Assignment Lesson Plan due via BlackBoard by midnight. Bring a copy of your research paper for in-class peer review. 10/18 THIS IS NOT A CLASS MEETING Anticipation Guide_____________ Final draft of Research Paper due via BlackBoard by midnight. 10/21 Ch. 8 Daniels and Zemelman (p. 221-239). Literature Circles_______________ 10/28 Ch. 9 Daniels and Zemelman (p. 241-255). RAFT_______________________ 11/04 Ch. 10 Daniels and Zemelman (p. 257274). 1st draft of Unit Plan due in class. 11/11 Concept Mapping______________ 11/20 Ch. 11 Daniels and Zemelman (p. 277288). Ch. 12 Daniels and Zemelman (p. 291304). THIS IS NOT A CLASS MEETING 11/25 Thanksgiving – NO CLASS! 11/29 THIS IS NOT A CLASS MEETING Clinical Experiences A-C must be scanned together and uploaded to LiveText by midnight. 12/02 Final Exam - TBA Final Unit Plan and Presentation Posters due in-class. 11/18 SWBS_______________________ Text Set due via BlackBoard by midnight. Final Exam - TBA The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus over the course of the semester upon their discretion.