The eclipses are back in October, and this month we have the typical

The eclipses are back in October, and this month we have the typical two: a full moon lunar eclipse on
October 8, and two weeks later, a new moon solar eclipse on October 23. In any given year, we usually
have four eclipses, always coming in pairs, as full moons and new moons. They are special in that they have
the power of three new and full moons rolled into one. Of all the aspects I talk about with you each month, I
would say that eclipses are the most powerful, IF they arrive within five degrees of your Sun, rising sign,
and degree, or within range of one of your natal planets. Do not be concerned that the ones this month are
anything like the monstrous one that appeared April 15 and the less-than-easy one that appeared April 28.
These will be much easier to absorb.
The first eclipse of this month, arriving October 8, will be a total eclipse of the moon in Aries, 15 degrees,
and will land in your third house of travel. You may need to take a quick trip that you had not anticipated, so
get that suitcase out from under the bed so that you can be ready to pack and go, possibly on a moment's
notice. Uranus will conjunct the moon, suggesting you may leave spontaneously. The reason for your trip
seems not to be for your work but rather to see friends or attend a social event such as a wedding or
sporting event or to do a walk / run for a cure, to raise awareness about a charity you support. You may
have problems with travel, so check every detail, from A to Z, before you head out.
Venus will be under siege, and that will accent your home or a member of your family or your romantic,
committed partner / spouse or business partner. If a family member will need you, it will most likely be a
parent or someone you think of as a parent. Something is likely to divert your attention at this eclipse
October 8. It is also possible that you may hear news about your sister or brother, because your siblings are
also ruled by the same third house. This full moon eclipse will be conjunct Uranus, creating a very unstable
situation in your home and work environment. A legal or media project (publishing or broadcasting) may not
proceed according to plan. Of course, not all of these areas will concern you - most likely only one - but you
will have to stay on your toes. You are an intellectual air sign, so if anyone can find a remedy in an instant,
it is you.
At this time you may see something come to a final chapter or end, or present an event that would give you
closure on an episode that has been on your mind. Full moon eclipses bring endings. Whatever occurs may
hark back to discussions you had at the last eclipse, as all are joined together in theme if they occur in the
same series of signs. Look back at your email to see what occupied your attention near April 15.
I will reiterate that the October eclipses are not like the ones in April - these are better and easier to
assimilate. I like that this eclipse will be in perfect angle to Mars in Sagittarius, indicating that you will be
energized and swing into action after it appears, even if initial news seems to rock you a bit. Cardinal signs
will feel this eclipse more directly, and you are a fixed sign, so you may need to be an observer and help
those who need support.
This October 8 eclipse may also find you negotiating an agreement. You will be pressured to sign quickly,
but you must not be rushed. There is something jarring about this eclipse, so in the eleventh hour the other
party may toss in demands that shock you and make you wonder if you should sign these papers at all.
Speak up for yourself, and don't be shy. Your career aspects are shining, and after December 23, your
career will become even more lively, and a big reward may be in the wings, due to arrive in the weeks that
follow year's end, which is when Saturn will leave Scorpio and your tenth house of career. Your testing
appears to be over, and that challenging period occurred two years, since October 2012. You will have paid
your dues by this coming December, and soon you will be rewarded for having given such a fine
performance on the job.
Here is why you will be supremely protected. On October 9 and 10, a golden triangle will appear in the sky,
all made up of friendly planets in fire signs. Lucky you, your air sign element blends beautifully with fire. The
planets involved are very important ones: Jupiter, giver of good fortune, is in Leo, in your partnership
house, indicating that a partner in love or business will be very integral to your success and happiness. Your
agent or manager, publicist, or lawyer who represents you may bring you a breakthrough opportunity.
At the same time, Uranus, your ruler and planet in charge of seeing you do well, will be on the second point
of the triangle, moving in Aries, ruling all the areas we have been discussing, including travel, siblings, and
contracts. The third side of the triangle will be aided by action planet Mars, now in your friendship sector, so
a friend may also be part of your luck. This is a very rare configuration, so even if you were a bit shocked at
the onset, you can turn the tables in your favor if you maintain your optimism and keep moving forward.
Despite some initial news that may make you jittery at the October 8 eclipse, if your birthday falls on
February 3, plus or minus five days, you will benefit the most from this eclipse (even if you have doubts
about my being right about this). The same will be true if you have Aquarius rising 15 degrees, plus or
minus five degrees, or a natal planet in Aquarius, Libra, or Gemini at 15 degrees, plus or minus five
This month, Mercury will be retrograde October 4 to 23, the reason I do not want you to agree to anything
contractually, in writing or verbally, as things are likely to shift later. Mercury retrograde is not tragic, but it
does cause to things to become delayed, postponed, or cancelled, but realize if anything does go this way,
you are being protected. Rather than rail against the delays, you would be best to view them as a sign that
you need to wait, ask more questions, and check assumptions. Do not buy anything expensive, but certainly
not an electronic item, kitchen appliance, car, or any large item that would be hard to tote back to the store
for a refund.
For example, I have been looking at buying a new full-length mirror for my apartment, but even the
smallest mirror is heavy and unwieldy, not to mention breakable. In New York City where I live, no one
drives but rather we take taxi cabs. I kept looking at various types of mirrors online, fully aware I would
have to see how large they were in real life before I bought anything. I had measured carefully, but seeing
scale is important. Every night I changed my mind about which mirror I should buy, and guests were asking,
"Where is a full length mirror?"
Initially, I was going to put the mirror in my guest room, but now I realize a different room would have
more space and make more sense. I had recently changed the doors to each of the rooms in my apartment
when I had my apartment painted, so with the new doors, I no longer could hang the mirror on the back of
the door - there was no smooth surface anymore, but rather indented classic design. My waffling told me to
slow down. I called one of the major retailers whose site was impressive, to see if they had the model I
wanted, but learned, "We don't carry mirrors here, so you'll have to go to another one of our stores, our
flagship store based further downtown. If you want to see the range of floor mirrors we carry, you need to
go there, not here." By calling ahead, I saved time. The bulkiness of the mirror tells me I have to go to view
them when I have time. (Good luck with that.) When you rush during Mercury retrograde, you later wonder,
what was I thinking?
The month's second eclipse, October 23, in Scorpio, 0 degrees, will fall in your tenth house of career and
bring an exciting improvement and superb opportunity to shine there. It will be a new moon, so this
suggests that a new professional path will open, and because it is an eclipse, the news will be very
important and powerful. New moons offer opportunities for fresh starts, and in this case, you are likely to
get an offer for a promotion or a career opportunity in a new company. Think back to what discussions you
had near April 28, an earlier eclipse, in Taurus, the opposite sign to Scorpio. You will likely see a link
between the time near April 28 and October 23.
You may have already received a new, more prestigious job, most likely at the full moon last May 14, and if
you do have a new position, this solar eclipse will help you proclaim a new agenda, or a major product or
service launch. Mars will be in perfect angle to the eclipse from your eleventh house, indicating that a friend
may be instrumental to your success. It is also possible that your new launch may do good for an element of
society overlooked that is suffering, so a portion of the cost of the product / service will go to charity.
There are several dazzling days this month that I would like to circle on your calendar. Remarkably, many
planets are lining up to meet with Jupiter, giver of good fortune and luck. On October 13, Venus, ruling your
home, will receive a brilliant beam from Jupiter in your partnership house. You may get an encouraging call
from your broker if you are looking for a new apartment to rent or buy, as one example. In some way, with
Jupiter in Leo, a middleman will be very instrumental in your success. Your home and family is being
accented on this day, and all the news will be positive.
On October 15, you will have a great day to travel, for the mighty Sun will be in gorgeous angle to Mars.
This day would be better for taking a trip than October 8. International relationships will go well, as will
discussions about the media or about legal matters.
Venus will be in Libra from the start of the month until October 23. Libra, an air sign like yours, is an ideal
place for Venus to be for you, so this means that the first three weeks of October will be your best for love.
Meanwhile, Mars will be in Sagittarius, another perfect placement, until October 25. This is great - attached
or single, your outlook for love is excellent.
Put a big gold star on the weekend of October 18-19, when Venus in Libra will receive loving, sexy beams
from Mars in Sagittarius. This weekend should be golden for you! You may want to travel to a charming bed
and breakfast together, "just us two" for some private time together. If you have children, perhaps your
mother will be willing to babysit. Alternatively, you may be going to an event that is populated by many
friends, like a friend's wedding or birthday party. No matter what you do, this weekend will be a standout.
Once Mars tours Capricorn from October 25 to December 4, you will want to rest and withdraw a little from
the busy social scene you've been in. Mercury will go direct on October 25 too, but don't come up too close
to the start and end dates of the retrograde. For example, don't resume normal activity on October 25, the
date Mercury goes direct - give some space of a few days.
Venus will move into Scorpio on October 25 to stay until November 15. This means Venus in your
prestigious tenth house of career honors, awards, and achievement, will increase your popularity and will
reach out to Neptune in your earned income / salary sector (second house). This will set up a direct link
between your career accomplishments and your compensation, and these two planets will be in ideal sync
on October 27. The Sun will get into the act on October 28, when your agent or business partner can find
accord and get closer to a final deal where you will benefit. Again, if you are in an artistic field, such as if
you are a fashion designer, actor, musician, composer, makeup artist, choreographer, artist, illustrator,
photographer, editor, writer, or do anything else creative yourself (or support creative staff), you stand a
chance of getting a raise, and seeing others applaud your work.
Everyone will feel at sixes and sevens on this crazy quilt of a month, for much will news will emerge.
Fortunately, as an Aquarian, you will be cast in a role of bystander, and not likely as subject of the first
eclipse. That's lucky for you, for the first eclipse will be the most jarring of the two. That full moon lunar
eclipse, October 8, will light your ninth house of academia and higher education, travel and international
relationships, including immigration issues, and also covers the media (publishing and broadcasting) and the
court system and legal matters. One of these areas is likely to light up brighter than Times Square, quite
suddenly. Because your ruling planet, Uranus is involved, you will want to pay attention.
A friend may be instrumental in helping you get out of any jam you might find yourself in as a result of the
October 8 eclipse. Additionally, your agent or marriage partner will prove to be worth his weight in gold, so
listen up when your partner offers an idea, and don't wave it off as not in the realm of possibility. In
October, anything is possible.
Travel is one of the areas that is becoming prominent and it appears your romantic partner or business
partner would come with you, especially if you leave from October 8-11, a very lucky time to go out of town
for either love or for business profit. Speaking of profit, you may get superb financial news when Jupiter and
Mercury reach out to each other October 20.
Keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde from October 4 to 26, so you'll need to keep your options open
and remain non-committal until after October 26. You can have talks, but do not seal anything in stone until
next month, preferably on or after November 10.
Although news of the eclipse of October 8 in Libra will not be anything you'd ever expect to hear, and there
is no use brainstorming to try to prepare what might be coming - with Uranus, you can never tell in
advance. It can that this lunar eclipse will crystallize an answer and finish to a venture or topic that has
been pending for some time. Think back to the previous eclipse, April 15, because discussions you had then
will come into play again, and be advanced to a new level.
The month's second eclipse will light your tenth house of prestigious career success, and because this will be
a solar new moon eclipse on October 23, you may get a very exciting offer that you will want to investigate.
This new eclipse, in Scorpio, is all good, although, admittedly, you may be dismayed to hear that a top male
executive will announce a departure. This person may have protected you, or at the very least, become a
mentor to you, and you may sorely miss this person's presence. Still, there will be other news about your
professional progress at this eclipse, and you will see that you are doing very well indeed. A promotion may
be in the offing, or you may get unusual praise or positive publicity at this time.
It won't be an all-work, no-play month - not at all! Mars will do his best to get you out of the office at a
decent hour to mix and mingle with friends and new contacts. The red planet will zoom through Sagittarius
and your house of pure fun / events / people and friendship, until October 25. You will need the balance that
Mars will provide, so be sure to pick and choose among the best invitations, then dress up and go. This
same house is the house of hopes and wishes, so a dream dear to you may come to fruition this month too keep dreaming big, dear Aquarius.
Dates to note: AQUARIUS
Most important dates for love, meetings, or actions: October 11-12, 13, 15, 16-17, 18-19, 20, 23 (wild
card), 26-28, 30, 31.
Mercury will be retrograde in Scorpio / Libra from October 4 to 26. Expect delays and to have to backtrack a
great deal this month, especially related to travel.
The total eclipse of the moon will be October 8 in Aries and may cause you to travel very suddenly. If asked
to sign a contract, go slowly and wait for Mercury to go direct before making any commitment. The eclipse
will oppose your ruler, Uranus, so it is likely to bring jarring news at first.
One of the happiest days of the month might be October 9 and 10, when Mars will work closely with Jupiter,
and the Sun (highlighting your partner or collaborator) will work with Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. A
golden triangle will appear in the sky and help you make an exciting breakthrough.
If you take a short or long trip in October, it's sure to please you if you go October 10 to 14 when Venus
contacts Jupiter. Your romantic partner will want to come. No partner? This might be a business trip where
your agent or publicist comes along.
The month's second eclipse on October 23 in Scorpio will bring a new opportunity for you in your career. A
new day is dawning, so find out how you can make the changes around you work for you. If launching a new
product or service, this would be the time to do it - just after October 23. Wait for Mercury to go direct first.
Mars in Sagittarius until October 25 practically ensures a lively social life. See friends, have dinner parties,
and go on shopping expeditions and to museum exhibits with a friend - life will be fun.
If attached, you and your one-and-only will enjoy October 18 to 20, when Mercury, the natural ruler of your
house of true love, will signal Jupiter. You may want to go into the countryside to enjoy nature together and
to recharge and relax.
After October 25, plan to rest and to strategize your next move. When Mars enters Aquarius on December 4,
you will be moving at the speed of light through mid-January.