Drugs in Pregnancy

Drug Therapy in the Pregnant
Dental Patient
Doreen Matsui MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics
Children’s Hospital of Western Ontario
• To review general principles
regarding drugs in pregnancy
• To describe effects of drugs
commonly used in dentistry
• To briefly overview use of drugs
during breastfeeding
Drug Use in Pregnancy
(Larimore WL et al. Prim Care 2000;27:35-53)
• 1991 WHO International Survey of Drug
Utilization in Pregnancy
• 86% of women took medication during
• Average of 2.9 prescriptions
• Despite this high rate of medication intake,
most drugs are not labeled for use during
Inadvertent Exposure
• 1/2 of pregnancies unplanned
• Teratogenic potential should be
considered and explained to women of
childbearing age at time drug is
– <50% of women know they are pregnant by 4th
week and ~20% still don’t know by 8th week
Drug Use in Pregnancy
(Van Trigt AM et al. Pharm World Sci 1994;16:254-9)
• Women interviewed within 2 weeks after
•  40% had had one or more questions about
drugs during their pregnancy
• Similar proportion said that during pregnancy
important to consult a health professional
before using any medication
• Safety was issue that raised the most questions
• Pregnant women tend to comply
less than optimally with drug
• Misinformation
• 39% of women reported
noncompliance predominantly due
to hesitation to use drugs during
pregnancy (Van Trigt AM et al.
Pharm World Sci1994;16:254-9)
Perception of Teratogenic Risk
(Am J Obstet Gynecol 1989;160;1190-4)
• Women exposed to nonteratogens
assigned a risk of 24% for major
• Risk in general population 5.6%
• May be important factor in
decision to terminate pregnancy
Perception of Teratogenic Risk
(Sanz E et al. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol
• Perception of risk related to medication used in
pregnancy higher than the recognized risk in a
group of 15 GPs, 10 gynaecologists, 106 preclinical medical students, 150 medical students
in clinical training, 81 pregnant women and 63
non-pregnant women
General Considerations
• Almost all drugs cross the
placenta to some extent
• Majority of drugs have not
been associated with
adverse effects when taken
during pregnancy
• Weigh therapeutic benefits
of drug to mother against
its risk potential to
developing fetus
Adverse Effects
Spontaneous abortion
Fetal growth retardation
Direct drug toxicity
Neonatal drug withdrawal
Long term effects on neurobehavioral
• Carcinogenesis
Teratogenic Risk
(Lo et al. Obstet Gynecol 2002;100:465-73)
• Standard clinical teratology databases
• 485 drugs approved by FDA 1980 - 2000
• Treatment with only small fraction (2.4%)
has been associated with substantial
teratogenic risk
• Took on average 6.0 ± 4.1 years after
approval to determine risk
Known Teratogens
• Alcohol (Ethanol)
• Carbamazepine
• Cytotoxic
• Isotretinoin and
• Lithium
Valproic Acid
Baseline Risk
• Risk of major malformation (cosmetic or
functional significance) = 3% at birth
• Assessment of magnitude of increase in
risk above baseline is important
• Need to put risk in perspective
Important Factors
• Timing of exposure (sensitive period)
– “All-or-none” period
– *Organogenesis*
• “Avoid drug administration, if at all possible
during 1st trimester”
– Brain development
• Dose of drug (threshold, doseresponse)
• Genetic susceptibility
Associated Factors
• Role of underlying maternal
• Other exposures such as
alcohol and cigarette
General Recommendations
• Minimize use of medications to those
which are necessary and for shortest
duration possible
• Effective drugs that have been in use
for long periods preferable to newer
Evaluating Risk - Drug Studies
• Manufacturer almost never tests
product in pregnant women prior to
• Evidence from large clinical trials does
not exist
• Reproductive toxicology studies in
animals - extrapolation?
Animals vs Humans
• 40-50 chemical and physical agents probably
human developmental toxicants
• >1200 produce developmental defects in
experimental animals
• >80% of agents known to produce defects in
humans also cause defects in at least one
test animal
• Majority of drugs not labeled for use
during pregnancy
• “Safety of Drug X in pregnancy has not
been established. Drug X should not be
used during pregnancy unless the
potential benefit to the patient outweighs
the possible risk to the fetus.”
FDA Classification
• X, D, C, B, A
• Little correlation with risk
Sources of Information
• Reference Textbooks
– Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation (Briggs)
– Maternal-Fetal Toxicology (Koren)
• Computer Databases
– Reprotox
• Teratogen Information Services
– Motherisk Program
– FRAME Program
The Pregnant Dental Patient
Elective vs urgent
2nd trimester
Eliminate source of infection or pain
Usually short-term drug therapy
• Collaborative Perinatal Project
• Frequency of congenital anomalies no
greater than expected among children
of 4,356 women treated with penicillin
(or one of its derivatives) during 1st 4
lunar months of pregnancy
Penicillins and Cephalosporins
• Amoxicillin and cephalosporins also
considered safe to use during pregnancy
• No increased risk of malformations with
amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (Clavulin) in 2
studies (Br J Clin Pharmacol 2004;58:298302 and Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol
• Surveillance study of Michigan Medicaid
recipients (1985-1992)
• No association between drug and
congenital malformations in 6,972
newborns exposed during 1st trimester
• Avoid estolate form (cholestatic hepatitis)
• Less but reassuring data with
clarithromycin and azithromycin
(Scand J Infect Dis 2000;32:579-80)
• Hungarian Case-Control Surveillance
of Congenital Abnormalities (19801996)
• OR (95% CI) for clindamycin 1.2 (0.43.8) and for lincomycin 1.3 (0.3-5.1)
• Limited numbers
• Mutagenic in bacteria and
carcinogenic in animals
• Small number of reports raised
suspicion of teratogenic effect
(Am J Obstet Gynecol 1995;172:525-9)
• Outcome of interest = occurrence of
birth defects in live-born infants
• Overall weighted OR during the 1st
trimester calculated by meta-analysis
of 7 studies was 0.93 (95% CI 0.731.18)
(Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1998;42:1336-9)
• Arthropathy in weight-bearing joints of animals
• 200 women exposed to fluoroquinolones during
• Rates of major malformations did not differ
between groups exposed to quinolones during
1st trimester (2.2%) and control group (2.6%)
• Gross motor milestones did not differ between
children in 2 groups
• Main risk is yellow-brown discoloration
of teeth
• Risk only later than 4-5 months
gestation when deciduous teeth begin
to calcify
• No staining from doxycycline
• Effects on bone minimal
Local Anesthetics - Lidocaine
• Considered relatively safe for
use during pregnancy
• Potential to compromise
uterine blood flow
• Studies have failed to
demonstrate adverse fetal
• Low doses used in dentistry
• Avoid inadvertent
intravascular injection
• “Analgesic of choice”
• Occasional use at
therapeutic doses
• Chronic use or overdose
NSAIDS (including Aspirin)
• Increased risk of miscarriage? (BMJ
• Gastroschisis (abdominal wall defect) ???
• Avoid use during late pregnancy (3rd
–  Bleeding
– Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis
• Prolonged labour
• Constriction of ductus arteriosus
New COX-2 Inhibitors
(Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2000;278:R1496-505)
• Studies in fetal lambs demonstrated
– Celecoxib constricted isolated ductus in
– Celecoxib produced both an increase in
pressure gradient and resistance across
the ductus in vivo
(Codeine, Oxycodone, etc.)
• Don’t appear to  risk of birth defects
• Low dose short-term regimens
• Respiratory depression
• Neonatal withdrawal
• Unlikely to pose substantial teratogenic risk but
data insufficient to state no risk (TERIS, 2002)
• Associations between 1st trimester use and
congenital anomalies in case-control studies
although others have not confirmed
• Absence of consistent pattern and criticisms of
possible bias in data make it unjustified to
consider codeine as causative of these
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) with O2
• Use during pregnancy somewhat controversial
• Inhibits methionine synthetase which can affect
DNA synthesis
• Teratogenic in animals
• Single brief maternal exposure during
pregnancy unlikely to pose a substantial
teratogenic risk
• Minimize prolonged use (< 30 minutes, at least
50% O2)
Occupational Exposure to N2O
•  risk of spontaneous
• Importance of scavenging
(BMJ 1998;317:839-43)
• Meta-analysis
• Cohort studies showed no association
between fetal exposure to BZDs and risk for
major malformations or oral cleft
• Case-control studies showed that risk for
major malformations or oral cleft alone was
• Use around delivery - “floppy infant”
• In most cases of diagnostic x-rays
the fetal radiation exposure is
much below the threshold dose of
5 to 10 rad
Average Fetal Exposure Dose
• Fetal exposure dose from a full mouth series (18 films) or
panoramic radiograph is <1/1000 value of concern
• 40-fold < naturally occurring background radiation
Antepartum Dental Radiography and Infant
Low Birth Weight
(JAMA 2004;291:1987-93)
• Population-based casecontrol study
• Dental utilization data from
Washington Dental Service
• Vital record birth
certificates from
Washington state
Antepartum Dental Radiography and Infant
Low Birth Weight
(JAMA 2004;291:1987-93)
• When thyroid radiation dose was >0.4
mGy (40 mrad), adjusted OR for a term
low birth weight infant was 3.61 (95% CI
1.46-8.92) when compared with women
with no known dental radiograph
Dose to thyroid of dental radiograph 0.08 mGy
Antepartum Dental Radiography and Infant
Low Birth Weight
(JAMA 2004;291:1987-93)
• Weaknesses of study including chance finding
and missing data
• Criticisms (JAMA 2004;292:1019-21)
– Confounding factors
– Dental pathology
– Radiation dose was related to maternal smoking and
late prenatal care
– Large # of statistical tests (Type 1 error)
– Overestimation of radiation doses
American Dental Association
• Abdominal exposure during dental
radiography is negligible
• Recommend that pregnant women
postpone elective dental x-rays until after
delivery; however, there are times when
an x-ray may be required during
pregnancy to help diagnose and treat oral
disease (thyroid collar and apron)
Drugs and Pregnancy - Summary
• List of drugs which have been associated
with adverse effects when taken during
pregnancy is relatively short
• Teratogenic potential should be explained
to women of childbearing age at time drug
is prescribed
• Lack of information but important to avoid
• Importance of baseline risk
What is Baby Drinking?
Drugs and the Nursing Mother
Risk-Benefit Ratio
• Benefits of continuing breastfeeding
• Convincing reason to justify cessation
of breastfeeding required
Clinical Implications
• Majority of drugs cross from maternal
plasma into breast milk
• Most medications found in very small
amounts in breast milk (<1% of maternal
• Risk of adverse effects in nursing infants
is negligible for most drugs
Clinical Implications
• Reluctance to encourage
continuation of breastfeeding
– Pharmacological action of drug
suggests that a toxic effect may occur
– Adverse effects have previously been
noted in nursing infants
Clinical Implications
• Experience with direct use of drug in
infants for therapy may provide
• Infant’s age (< 6 months), clinical status
and frequency of feeding may be
Clinical Implications
- Risk Assessment
• Arbitrarily define as safe a value of
<10% of the therapeutic dose for
infants (or the adult dose standardized
by weight)
Sources of Information
Peer-reviewed literature
Committee on Drugs (AAP)
Computer Databases
Teratogen Information Services
– FRAME Program (London)
– Motherisk Program (Toronto)
• Use during lactation controversial
• Excreted into breast milk in relatively large amounts
• Concern expressed with respect to possible
mutagenic effects
• No reports of adverse effects in nursing infants
• In conventional doses compatible with
• If taken in single large dose breastfeeding may be
temporarily withheld for 12 to 24 hours
(Lancet 2006;368:704)
• Full term healthy male infant
• Intermittent difficulty
breastfeeding and lethargy starting
Day 7 and died Day 13
• Blood morphine concentration
very high
(Lancet 2006;368:704)
• Mother
Taking acetaminophen/codeine preparation
 dose due to somnolence and constipation
Morphine [ ] of stored milk was very high
Ultra-rapid metabolizer
• Picture consistent with opioid toxicity
• Careful follow-up of breastfeeding mothers
using codeine and their infants (somnolence,
poor feeding, etc.)
• Milk levels of benzodiazepines not
excessive but rarely sedation has been
reported in breastfed infants
• If sedative required, shorter half-life drugs
such as lorazepam and midazolam
• Long term exposure not recommended
Drugs and Breastfeeding Summary
• Most medications found in very small
amounts in breast milk
• Risk of adverse effects in nursing infants is
negligible for most drugs
• Consequences of misinformation
(medication noncompliance, breastfeeding
cessation)  NB to consult appropriate
available sources