Lecture 15 Slides rh AMINO ACID CATABOLISM fate of amino nitrogen in mammals fig 18-1 metabolism of amino nitrogen in liver fig 18-2 nitrogen removal molecules… fig 18-2 metabolism of amino nitrogen in liver fig 18-2 transamination reaction pg 677 fig 18-5 chemistry of the PLP aldehyde: Schiff base formation fig 18-5 PLP reactions: decarboxylation, deamination, racemazation fig 18-6 PLP reactions: the transamination two-step... fig 18-6 oxidative deamination: from amino group to ammonia fig 18-7 oxidative deamination: from amino group to ammonia fig 18-7 NOT genetic disorder from loss of GTP allosteric control… metabolism of amino nitrogen in liver fig 18-2 glutamine as a carrier of NH3 from tissue to liver fig 18-8 metabolism of amino nitrogen in liver fig 18-2 shuttling of NH4+ from muscle to liver reminiscent of the Cori cycle, yes? actual fig 18-9 the urea cycle as a method of safely disposing of all that NH3+ fig 18-19 fig 18-10 fig 18-10 logic of the urea cycle: NH4+, aspartate, and CO2 making a transferable carbamoyl group… fig 18-11 transferring that carbamoyl group… transfering that carbamoyl group… ornithine citruline adding a good leaving group… citruline ATP using that good leaving group to do chemistry… using that good leaving group to do chemistry… fig 18-11 production of arginine… arginine + fumarate liberation of urea… arginine H2O urea!! ornithine coupling between the “Krebs cycles” fig 18-12 a signal for increased urea production… fig 18-13 administering a synthetic allosteric regulator pg 689 we must consume amino acids… catabolism of amino acids: (most) roads lead to the Krebs cycle fig 18-15 one-carbon metabolism cofactors fig 18-16 one-carbon metabolism cofactors fig 18-16 fig 18-16 amino acids are used to make many things fig 18-22 diseases of amino acid catabolism fig 18-23 an example: pheylketonurea or PKU fig 18-23 an example: pheylketonurea or PKU aspartame fig 18-23 AMINO ACID ANABOLISM it’s a legume! fixes nitrogen The nitrogen cycle fig 22-1 Annamox Bacteria! Nature’s rocket scientists Box 22-1 Annamox Bacteria! Nature’s rocket scientists Box 22-1 Annamox Bacteria! Nature’s rocket scientists Box 22-1 Hydrazine-proof chamber Usual route of N from atmosphere to mammalian metabolism N2 nitrogen fixation NH4+ nitrifying bacteria NOx plants, some bacteria conversion to needed compounds mammalian diet NH4+ in a.a. nitrogenase at the heart of N2 fixation very sensitive to O2!!!!! fig 22-2 symbiosis of N2 fixing bacteria a protected environment: leghemoglobin fig 22-4 glutamine synthetase glutamate + ATP + NH4+ fig 22-5 glutamine + ADP + Pi allosteric regulation of glutamine synthetase fig 22-6 adenylylation (often “adenylation”) fig 22-7 adenylylation regulates GS, and… fig 22-7 uridylylation regulates adenylylation of GS!! glutamine amidotransferases glu gln S SNH3+ S NH3 + amino acids are synthesize from Krebs, glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathways classic allosteric regulation of amino acid synthesis fig 22-21 interlocking regulation of multiple pathways by allosteric regulation fig 22-22 things from amino acids… fig 22-27 glutathione! things from amino acids… tyrosine epinephrine norepinephrine dopamine glutamate gļaminobuterate (glutamate) tryptophan serotonin arginine NO neurotransmitters! things from amino acids… stop glycine porphyrins glycine arginine creatine