America: A Narrative History (Ninth Edition)


America: A Narrative History (Ninth Edition) Tindall/Shi

Chapter 28 -

The Second World War

I. From isolationism to interventionism o

A. The Good Neighbor Policy

1. Pan-American Conference of 1933

2. Platt Amendment, with its provisions allowing intervention in Cuba, abrogated in 1934

II. Foreign Crisis o

A. In East Asia

1. Japanese increasingly fell under the control of militarists o

B. In Europe

1. Italy

 a. Mussolini had wide appeal as the leader of Italy’s post-World War I Fascist movement

 b. Mussolini seized power in 1922 and wielded full dictatorial power by 1925

2. Germany

 a. Hitler and National Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) party led Germany’s Fascist movement

 b. Hitler came to power in 1933 and assumed the title of FŸhrer by 1934 o

C. The Expanding Axis

1. Turmoil of 1934–1936

 a. Japan renounced Five-Power Treaty in 1934

 b. German occupation of Rhineland in 1935 violates Versailles Treaty

 c. Italy conquers Ethiopia in 1935 d. Spanish Civil War erupts in 1936

2. Spreading war clouds of 1936–1939

 a. Japan goes to war against China in 1937

 b. Italy, Germany, and Japan united with Anti-Comintern Pact, creating the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo “Axis“ by 1937

 c. Germany united with Austria in 1938

 d. Germany took Czechoslovakian Sudeten territory in 1938 after signing Munich agreement protecting rest of


 e. Germany broke Munich pledge and conquered the rest of Czechoslovakia in 1939

 f. Italy conquered Albania in 1939

 g. Germany (in coordination with the Soviet Union) invaded Poland in September 1939

 h. Britain and France declared war on Germany after invasion of Poland

III. American neutrality o

A. Increasing global turmoil initially strengthened U.S. isolationist sentiment o

B. Nye committee’s “merchants of death“ reflect the isolationist mood o

C. Neutrality Act of 1935

1. Forbade sale of arms or munitions to belligerents

2. Weakness of act became apparent when Italy conquered Ethiopia

3. Provisions added to forbid loans to warring nations in 1936 o

D. America and the Spanish Civil War

1. Roosevelt refused to intervene

2. Germany and Italy help Franco’s Fascist forces to victory by 1939

3. Neutrality laws subsequently extended to cover civil wars o

E. Neutrality Act of 1937

1. Maintained restraints on arms sales and loans

2. Added a cash-and-carry provision that allowed nations at war to carry U.S. goods from U.S. ports on their own ships

3. In Chinese–Japanese confrontation, Roosevelt did not invoke act to ensure China had access to the American munitions trade

 a. A step away from isolationism o

F. Panay incident

1. Japan bombed and sank an American gunboat in China in 1937

2. American animosity toward Japan increased

3. Isolationist sentiment still strong but starting to weaken o

G. United States moves away from neutrality against Germany after the occupation of Czechoslovakia

1. Roosevelt lobbied for public support to oppose the Fascist menace

2. Neutrality Act of 1939 favors Britain and France

3. Americans increasingly supportive of all measures short of war to stop Germany

IV. The storm in Europe o

A. Blitzkrieg (spring 1940)

1. Germany invades Denmark, Belgium, Norway, and the Netherlands

2. France falls to Germany by June o

B. American defense

1. Military build-up

2. Increased defense budget

3. National Defense Research Committee established to coordinate military research o

C. Battle of Britain in 1940

America: A Narrative History (Ninth Edition) Tindall/Shi

 1. Britain’s survival ended threat of German invasion o

D. Increasing American involvement

 1. United States gave fifty “overaged“ destroyers to Britain in return for leases on naval and air bases

2. First peacetime conscription enacted in September 1940

3. Continued debate in America between internationalists who supported aiding Britain and isolationists who opposed risking war to help Britain

V. The election of 1940 o

A. The candidates

1. Republicans chose Wendell Willkie

2. Democrats chose Roosevelt to run for an unprecedented third term o

B. The campaigns

1. Roosevelt presented himself as occupied with urgent defense and diplomatic matters, too busy to campaign

2. Willkie ultimately attacked FDR’s foreign policy as risking war, despite having supported Roosevelt’s foreign policies earlier

3. Roosevelt won third term

VI. The lend-lease bill, March 1941 o

A. Countries deemed essential to American defense—such as Britain—allowed to receive arms and other equipment, even if they could not pay o

B. Act bypassed the legal restrictions against extending loans to countries that defaulted on earlier U.S. loans o

C. Weakening isolationist opposition failed to prevent its passage

VII. The war’s spread in Europe o

A. Italy entered the war in June 1940 but struggled in campaigns against Greece and British-controlled Egypt o

B. German forces joined the Italians and by 1941 secured victories in Egypt, Greece, as well as Yugoslavia o

C. Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria also forced into the Axis fold o

D. Germany invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941

VIII. Increased American support for Britain o

A. Roosevelt and British prime minister Winston Churchill sign the Atlantic Charter in August 1941

1. Called for self-determination and freedom of the seas, among other things o

B. Shooting incidents, some with fatalities, between American and German ships in the North Atlantic increased after September 1941 o

C. U.S. Navy began convoying merchant vessels to Iceland o

D. Congress repealed key restrictions of Neutrality Acts in November 1941

IX. The storm in the Pacific o

A. Japanese expansion and policies after 1940

1. Signed Tripartite Pact with Germany and Italy in 1940

2. Nonaggression pact with Russia signed in 1941 o B. America’s reaction

1. Froze Japanese assets and restricted oil exports to Japan in summer of 1941

2. Organized the armed forces of the Philippines into the U.S. Army in summer 1941 o

C. The Japanese position

1. Japan was dependent on the United States for important supplies, including 80 percent of its fuel

2. Japanese-American negotiations to lift the oil restrictions and asset freeze stalled over U.S. insistence that Japan withdraw from Indochina and China first

3. The American oil embargo triggered plans to invade British and Dutch possessions in Southeast Asia and the Pacific to secure new oil supplies

 4. Attacks on U.S. possessions were included in the plans to ensure U.S. Navy could not threaten Japan’s access to its new supplies o

D. The United States enters World War II

1. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor

2. The same day, Japan attacked the Philippines, Guam, Midway, Hong Kong, and the Malay Peninsula

3. The United States declared war on Japan

4. On December 11, 1941, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States

X. America’s early battles o

A. Setbacks in the Pacific

1. Territories captured by the Japanese in the Pacific

2. Surrender of the Philippines

3. Japanese strategy: push farther into the Pacific

4. American harassment

 a. Tokyo bombing o

B. Turning points in the Pacific

1. Battle of the Coral Sea, 1942

 a. Significant Japanese and American losses

 b. Japanese threat to Australia ended

2. Battle of Midway, 1942

 a. American cryptanalysts break Japanese code

 b. Japan loses its four best aircraft carriers

America: A Narrative History (Ninth Edition) Tindall/Shi

3. Significance of aircraft carriers

XI. Mobilization at home o

A. Mobilization of the armed forces o

B. Economic conversion

1. Agencies for mobilization

 a. War Powers Act

 b. War Production Board

2. Supplying strategic materials

3. Conservation

 a. Scrap metal collection

 b. Rationing o

C. Financing the war

1. Taxation

 a. Revenue Act of 1942

 b. Taxes pay about 45 percent of wartime expenditures o

D. Impact of the war on the economy

1. Overall scarcity of goods and imposition of economic controls

2. Improved standards of living compared to Depression era

3. Rise in wages

4. Price controls by Office of Price Administration

5. Wages and farm prices not controlled

6. Threat of inflation

7. Seizure of industries threatened by strikes

8. Measures were effective

 a. Prices rise only 31 percent by the end of the war

 b. Rise was more than 62 percent during World War I o

E. Domestic conservatism

1. Republicans make gains in 1942 elections

2. Many New Deal agencies cut or abolished

3. Actions against labor

 a. Smith-Connally War Labor Disputes Act

 b. Anti-union state legislation

XII. Social effects of the war o

A. Mobilization and the development of the West and South

1. Population boom

2. Demographic changes

 a. African American migration to the West

3. Economic growth o

B. Women

1. Nearly 200,000 women join the armed forces

2. Over 6 million women enter the civilian workforce

3. Changed attitudes toward gender roles o

C. African Americans

1. Push for equality, face resistance to desegregation

2. Blacks in armed forces—usually in segregated units

3. Blacks in war industries

 a. Threat of A. Philip Randolph’s march on Washington

 b. Executive order prohibits discrimination in companies with federal defense contracts

 c. Revived migration from the South

4. Racial violence

 a. Detroit race riot o

D. Mexicans and Mexican Americans

1. Mexican farmworkers and the bracero program

2. Ethnic tensions and violence in Los Angeles

 a. Zoot-suit riots o

E. Native Americans

1. Generally strong support for war

2. “Code talkers“ o

F. Japanese Americans

 1. Over 112,000 sent to “war relocation camps“

 a. Internees came from western states

 b. Japanese Americans seen as a threat because of their ancestry

2. Most Japanese Americans not disloyal

 a. Victims of war hysteria and racial prejudice

America: A Narrative History (Ninth Edition) Tindall/Shi

3. Federal compensation to internment survivors in 1983

XIII. Allied war strategy in Europe o

A. Decision to move against Germany first o

B. Aspects of the joint conduct of the war

1. Roosevelt-Churchill cooperation

2. Strategy a. Affirm the Atlantic Charter

 a. Americans want to strike directly across the English Channel

 b. British want to wait and build up forces, invade French North Africa instead

 c. Soviets need relief in the East o

C. The North Africa campaign, 1942–1943

1. Eisenhower’s landing

2. Germany defeated there o

D. Agreements at Casablanca, 1943

1. Cross-Channel invasion further postponed

2. Assault on Sicily and Italy to follow North Africa campaign

3. Increased bombing of Germany

4. Increased supply shipments to Soviet Union and China

 5. Agreement to end war only with enemies’ “unconditional surrender“ o

E. The Battle of the Atlantic through May 1943

1. Allied advantages

 a. Convoys and escorts

 b. Radar

 c. Decoding of German messages o

F. Sicily and Italy, 1943–1944

1. Invasion of Sicily, July 1943

 a. Sicily falls to Allies by August

2. Italians negotiate their surrender by September 1943

3. Germany pours in reinforcements to fight Allies in Italy

4. The battle for Rome

 a. Allies finally capture Rome, June 1944 o

G. The strategic bombing of Europe, 1943–1944

1. Anglo-American cooperation

2. Impact

 a. Widespread damage

 b. But bombing does not completely devastate German industrial production

 c. Bombing’s ability to hurt civilian morale is questionable

 d. Berlin hit very hard

 e. Allies control the air o

H. The Tehran meeting, 1943

1. Includes “Big Three“ leaders—Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin

2. Decisions

 a. Planning for the D-day invasion and the Russian offensive

 b. Russia promises to enter war against Japan

 c. Commitment to creation of a postwar international peacekeeping organization (United Nations) o

I. D-day, 1944

1. Eisenhower in command of Operation Overlord

2. The invasion, June 1944

 a. Does not go as planned

 b. Unfavorable weather

 c. Extremely high Allied casualties

3. German reaction

 a. Fooled into thinking invasion would occur elsewhere

 b. Poor defense strategy authorized by Hitler

 c. Resistance to Hitler increasing among officers

 d. Allies have Paris by the end of August 1944

 e. German forces face calamity

4. Slowing momentum of the Allied drive on Germany

 a. Need for more planning and establishment of supply lines to sustain the drive

XIV. Leapfrogging to Tokyo, 1942–1944 o

A. Guadalcanal landing, 1942

1. Japanese had been strengthening their position on Guadalcanal to attack Allied transportation routes

2. First Marine division takes Guadalcanal in August o

B. Strategic planning

America: A Narrative History (Ninth Edition) Tindall/Shi

1. MacArthur wants to target Japanese positions in northern New Guinea

 a. Puts U.S. forces in position to move on Philippines, then Tokyo

2. Nimitz wants to sweep through Pacific islands of the central Pacific

 a. Heading toward Formosa (Taiwan) and China

3. Combined Chiefs of Staff agree to pursue both plans

4. Battle of the Bismarck Sea, March 1943

 a. Significant Japanese losses

5. Japanese naval commander Yamamoto killed in April 1943 o

C. Nimitz in the central Pacific

1. Advance targets Makin and Tarawa (in the Gilbert Islands), November 1943

2. Saipan (in the Marianas), June 1944

XV. The election of 1944 o

A. U.S. climate more politically conservative o

B. Republicans nominate Thomas E. Dewey, governor of New York o

C. Democrats name Truman for vice president who replaced the liberal incumbent Vice President Henry Wallace on the ticket o

D. Victory for Roosevelt

3. The Battle of Leyte Gulf, October 1944

 a. Largest naval engagement in history

 b. Part of effort to reclaim the Philippines from Japanese control

 c. Japanese defeated, lose their ability to defend the Philippines

XVI. Converging military fronts o

A. German counteroffensive

1. Battle of the Bulge, December 1944

2. Airpower critical in effort to push German troops back o

B. Allied moves against Germany

1. Occur against rising tensions among the Allies (the United States and Britain against the Soviet Union)

2. Allies reach the banks of the Rhine, March 1945

3. After reaching the Rhine, encircle the Ruhr Valley

4. Soviets push west through Warsaw in January 1945, reach Vienna by April 1945

XVII. The Yalta Conference, 1945 o

A. Convened to discuss the end of the war, the shape of the postwar world o B. Roosevelt’s goals

1. Ensure that Soviet Union join the war against Japan

2. United States must join postwar international security organization

3. Allies must preserve a united front against the German aggressors after the war o

C. Agree to divide occupation of Germany and Berlin among victorious Allied powers o

D. Soviet Union in position to dominate Eastern Europe

1. Soviet army occupies the region

2. Many of those countries lack strong democratic traditions

3. Russia wants a buffer zone between it and Germany o E. Yalta’s legacy

1. Soviet violations of the agreements

2. Secret agreements concerning the Far East

 a. Soviet control over Outer Mongolia

 b. Return of Kuril Islands and other rights and territory lost in Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905

 c. Necessary to ensure Soviets entered the war against Japan

XVIII. Collapse of Nazi Germany, 1945 o

A. Roosevelt dies just before the defeat of Germany o

B. Collapse of Germany

1. Mussolini and Hitler dead

2. Unconditional surrender o

C. Full extent of the Nazi Holocaust exposed

XIX. A grinding war against Japan o

A. Allied moves toward an invasion of Japan

1. The Philippines

2. Iwo Jima

3. Okinawa

America: A Narrative History (Ninth Edition) Tindall/Shi

 o

B. The atomic bomb

1. Development of the bomb: the Manhattan Project

 a. Two bombs available for use on Japan by mid-1945

2. Dropping the atomic bombs, August 1945

 a. Targets chosen among cities not already devastated by firebombing

 b. Potsdam Declaration threatens bombing if Japan does not surrender immediately

 c. Military considerations pertaining to fighting Japan and desire to avoid invasion paramount in dropping of first bomb on Hiroshima

 d. Concerns over Soviet entry into Pacific war significant in the dropping of the second bomb on Nagasaki

3. Devastation of the bomb

 a. Had been underestimated by scientists

 b. At Hiroshima: 78,000 dead at initial bombing with four square miles of the city destroyed and 70,000 buildings destroyed

 c. Hiroshima death toll increases to 140,000 by the end of 1945, due to effects of radiation burns and infection

4. Japanese surrender

XX. The final ledger o

A. Estimates of death and destruction

1. Between 50 and 60 million total military and civilian dead

2. Soviet Union suffered greatest losses of all o

B. Impact on America and the Soviet Union

1. Depression ends in the United States

2. Dramatic expansion of U.S. federal government and presidential authority

3. United States emerges from war with global, political, and military responsibilities and interests

4. United States emerges as the strongest nation on earth in economic and military terms

5. Despites its losses, Soviet Union emerges from the war with new territory and enhanced influence

 a. Soviets become the strongest power in Europe and Asia
