Absolutism and Constitutionalism thesis statements

Spend 15 minutes finishing the chart on absolutism in Eastern Europe.
Finish and hand in Part 1 below by the end of class.
Do a draft of Part 2 on the back for Wednesday.
AP European History
On a separate sheet of paper. For each of the prompts below do the four steps in deconstructing the
prompt. Then please write a thesis statement for each one. Use the sentence frames provided for the
first two and then write your own for the last one. Then for each one make sure to circle the words and
number your categories as prompted.
Deconstructing the prompt:
1. What are the Directive word(s)? Circle or underline these in the prompt
2. Identify key events, places, and people within the prompt
3. Identify if the prompt is asking for change over time
4. Explain what the prompt is explicitly asking you to do. DO NOT simply restate the question.
An effective thesis:
– Fully addresses the question (prompt) asked
– Takes a position with regard to the question asked
– Provides organizational categories that will be used in the essay
1. Identify and analyze the factors that led to the rise of absolutism in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries.
The factors that led to the rise of absolutism in 16th and 17th century Europe included the ____________ of a
________________ monarch to the throne who expanded __________________, developed a _______________
with the nobility, _______________ to expand territorial frontiers and _____________ most aspects of society and
culture including _________________.
Circle the words in the sentence frame that indicate you’re taking a position.
Number your organizational categories.
2. Explain why constitutionalism evolved in England the Netherlands.
Constitutionalism evolved in England the Netherlands because both nations had the traditions of
__________________ the power of the ________________, popular ____________ through _______________
assemblies and a ___________ middle class who _____________________________ their power as their wealth
Circle the words in the sentence frame that indicate you’re taking a position.
Number your organizational categories.
3. Compare and contrast the two theories of absolutism and constitutionalism.
Circle the words in the sentence frame that indicate you’re taking a position.
Number your organizational categories.
PART 2 – for homework – bring a draft to class on Wednesday
. . . absolute monarchy, which originated in early modern Europe and was based on the strong individual leaders of the new
nation-states that were created at the breakup of the medieval order. The power of these states was closely associated with the
power of their rulers; to strengthen both, it was necessary to curtail the restraints on centralized government that had been
exercised by the church, feudal lords, and medieval customary law. By claiming the absolute authority of the state against such
former restraints, the monarch as head of state claimed his own absolute authority.
(Encyclopedia Britannica)
Based on the statement above:
Assess the extent to which France under Louis XIV was truly an absolute monarchy. Examine political,
economic, social and religious policies in your assessment.
Complete the first 3 steps of the Writing Process (refer to your handout)
1. Deconstructing the prompt:
What are the Directive word(s)? Circle or underline these in the prompt
Identify key events, places, and people within the prompt
Identify if the prompt is asking for change over time
Explain what the prompt is explicitly asking you to do. DO NOT simply restate the question.
2. Outline/prepare the essay
- make sure to clearly indicate what each body paragraph is about and what specific evidence and facts you
will use to support your argument(s).
3. Thesis paragraph/introduction
- Write a complete introductory paragraph. Underline your thesis statement.
1. Identify and analyze the factors that led to the rise of absolutism in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries.
The factors that led to the rise of absolutism in 16th and 17th century Europe included the ________ of a ______
monarch to the throne who expanded _____________, developed a _______________ with the nobility,
____________ to expand territorial frontiers and _________ most aspects of society and culture including
The factors that led to the rise of absolutism in 16th and 17th century Europe included the ascent of a strong monarch
to the throne who expanded state structures, developed a strong relationship with the nobility, engaged in wars to
expand territorial frontiers and controlled most aspects of society and culture including religion.
2. Explain why constitutionalism evolved in England the Netherlands.
Constitutionalism evolved in England the Netherlands because both nations had the traditions of _________ the
power of the ____________, popular ______ through __________ assemblies and a _______ middle class who
__________ their power as their wealth ________.
Constitutionalism evolved in England the Netherlands because both nations had the traditions of limiting the
power of the central government, popular rule through representative assemblies and a strong middle class who
pushed to expand their power as their wealth increased.
3. Compare and contrast the two theories of absolutism and constitutionalism.