Eating in Space - Castle View School

Year 9
Out of this World
Extended Learning
Write the next part of the script for ‘The Big Bang
Theory’ showing Howard’s reaction to arriving in
Write a script for the first episode of a programme
that is set on a space ship
What problems do you
think you would face
with day to day life in
space with zero gravity?
Eating in Space
The main problem with eating and drinking in
space is that there is no gravity. If you let go of a
piece of food in a space craft, it will drift
around, not fall to the floor. Water won't stay in
a cup, it will float out and hang in the air. Food
crumbs and drops of water could float around
the spacecraft, make a mess or even damage
the space craft itself.
To make sure astronauts are happy while they
are in space, especially if they are going to
spend a long time in space, scientists invest a lot
of effort in working out ways to make their
favourite dishes suitable for zero gravity eating.
They must plan meals that are healthy to ensure
the astronauts stay fit and strong and meals
that provide home comforts when they are far
away for long periods.
Plan a menu for the first week of a
space exhibition.
• Plan for breakfast, lunch and
dinner with occasional snacks
• Ensure all meals are wellbalanced and healthy
• Meals must be suitable for all
• All meals will be eaten from foil
or plastic packets
• They cannot eat anything that
crumbles easily like bread
• If you finish your menu, design
the packaging for some of your
Out of this World
Extended Learning Project
You must try to collect stars.
15 stars = certificate in assembly and 15 Stripe points.
Completion of creative task = entry to prize draw – prizes for top three.
5 star tasks:
Draw a picture of two of the constellations that can be seen
from England at night and briefly outline their stories.
Research NASA. Find out what they do and write a diary
entry imagining you are a NASA astronaut who is about to
blast off into space.
Design a new space craft to be sent on the next mission to
the moon. Think carefully about what you need to include
and label the different parts.
Imagine what you think life on Mars would be like. Write an
account of a typical day on Mars.
Imagine you have been living on the International Space
Station for six months. Write a letter to loved ones at home
describing the things you have seen and done whilst living in
outer space.
10 star tasks:
Research the planets in our solar system and write down at
least two wacky and interesting facts about each.
Write a story that is set on another planet and includes
another species other than humans.
Research the higgs boson and find out why it is such an
important discovery. Create an information factsheet for
secondary students explaining what the higgs boson is.
Research Stephen Hawking, his life, why he is so important to
science and read one of his books from the recommended
reading list.
Read a book from the sci-fi recommended reading list and
write a book review.
15 star tasks:
Design a whole new planet. You should give your new
planet a name, include a map of your planet, a drawing
and/or description of the beings that live there and a
detailed description of what life is like on your planet. You
could even create a model of your planet or write a story
that is set there.
Research the many theories about how the world was
created such as the big bang theory. Choose the theory
you believe in and write a persuasive campaign arguing
for this theory. You will need to consider why your theory
is more believable than the others and make sure that
you have explained it very clearly.
Sci-Fi Recommended Reading List
Time Riders series – Alex Scarrow
Time Riders
Gates of Rome
The Eternal War
The Doomsday Code
Days of the Predator
Uncle Albert series – Russell Stannard
The Time and Space of Uncle Albert
Black Holes and Uncle Albert
Uncle Albert and the Quantum Quest
Stephen Hawking series – Stephen Hawking and Lucy Hawking
George’s Secret Key to the Universe
George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt
George and the Big Bang
The War of the Worlds – H.G Wells
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams
Journey to the Centre of the Earth – Jules Verne