ECE spectrum of HSX plasma at 0.5 T K.M.Likin, H.J.Lu, D.T.Anderson, F.S.B.Anderson, J.M.Canik, C.Deng1, C.W.Domier2, R.W.Harvey3, J.N.Talmadge, K.Zhai HSX Plasma Laboratory, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA; 1UCLA, CA, USA; 2UC, Davis, CA, USA; 3CompX, Del Mar, CA, USA 1. ECE Radiometer Fc=12.9 GHz F=0.4 GHz 8-way Power Divider Fc=12.6 GHz F=0.2 GHz 20 dB 20 dB Fc=12.2 GHz F=0.4 GHz Fc=11.8 GHz F=0.4 GHz 20 dB 20 dB Fc=11.4 GHz F=0.4 GHz R, m Band-Pass Filters 20 dB Crystal Detectors Video Amplifiers Input Low Field Side Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) Isolator Directional Coupler •Network analyzer is used as a microwave source in CW regime •The frequency is fixed within the band width of each channel Directional Coupler •Calibration has been made for two sets of eight IF filters --- one set is for receiving the electron cyclotron emission from the low magnetic field side and the other one – from the high magnetic field side •Sensitivity of each channel has been measured at different input power, i.e. at 2.5 mW, 5 mW, 7.5 mW, 10 mW and 15 mW, so that the output signal varies from 0.5 V up to about 5 V, respectively •Sensitivity has been measured at various frequencies within the band width of IF filters Frequency (GHz) •20 dB Directional Coupler has been calibrated with a network analyzer, i.e. transmission is measured into the forward and arm sections •8-way power divider followed by IF filters have been calibrated with a network analyzer separately for each channel, i.e. a transmission coefficient is measured in 1 GHz frequency intervals within the corresponding frequency band Coeff. (keV / V) Low Field Side High Field Side DWS Channels UPS Channels •Low frequency (< 70 kHz), narrow bandwidth (< 5 kHz), low amplitude (less than 5%) fluctuations have been measured by the ECE radiometer in QHS •Amplitude is almost independent of •The phase difference between ECE the plasma density signals on the either side of the Low Ne High Ne magnetic axis is about 180 degrees Power Spectrum Density Frequency vs. Ne Frequency (GHz) •The integrated response has been calculated assuming that the plasma is a black body. In these calculations an etendue of the horn antenna is estimated to be 5.84 cm2*sterad •The central frequency has been calculated based upon the measured sensitivity of each channel Frequency (kHz) Frequency (kHz) ECE Data Tece (keV) Frequency (GHz) •Solution of the radiation transport equation is used to find a population and a temperature for energetic electrons •Bulk plasma density and electron temperature are from TS • The best fit is for the following parameters: Ntail = 0.1∙1018 m-3 in QHS, 0.2∙1018 m-3 in Mirror and Ttail = 2.5 keV for both modes 5. CQL3D code 3.3 Plasma Density Fluctuations Channel Number Frequency (GHz) 4.2 Mirror Spectrum Frequency (GHz r/ap r/ap P (a.u.) Power (dB) 2.3 Integrated Response Coeff. (keV / V) Power Meter F (kHz) ECE Part P (a.u.) Scope Network analyzer High Field Side S (V / mW) ECE Radiometer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S (V / mW) +12V -12V +12V #2 #1 2.2 Measured Sensitivity of the Channels •TS and ECE data are shown in the quasi-helically symmetric (QHS) and 10% Mirror magnetic configurations in the case of the central resonance (CR) heating •Plotted ECE data are based on the calibration presented above Te in QHS, CR Ne in QHS, CR •ECE temperature at UPS frequencies is almost the same in QHS and Mirror while there is a clear difference at DWS UPS Channels DWS Channels frequencies between the two configurations Measured ECE Spectrum •Higher ECE DWS Channels UPS Channels Mirror temperature in QHS the Mirror mode r/ap r/ap is due to a lower Ne in Mirror, CR Te in Mirror, CR central plasma Fg density in Mirror UPS Channels as compared to DWS Channels QHS ECE Data Frequency (GHz) 3.2 ECE Spectra in QHS and Mirror configurations 2. Calibration 2.1 Lay-out on the bench 4.1 QHS Spectrum Tece (keV) 20 dB Tece (keV) Fc=13.2 GHz F=0.2 GHz 20 dB Relative Amp. (%) Fc=13.5 GHz F=0.2 GHz Horn Antenna Vacuum Vessel Flux Surfaces 20 dB To Data Acquisition System Z, m Fc=13.8 GHz F=0.2 GHz Tece (keV) Window Relative Amp. (%) 32 dB Te (eV) 22 dB IF Amplifier •ECE channels have been also calibrated against the electron temperature measured by Thomson scattering (TS) diagnostic in the plasma with off-axis heating •In order to minimize a contribution from high energetic electrons to the ECE signals, the resonance is located inboard at r/ap = - 0.2 in case of the down-shifted (DWS) frequency channels while the outboard heating is made at r/ap = + 0.2 for the up-shifted (UPS) channels, respectively ECE Spectrum Plasma Density Electron Temperature •TS and ECE data are averaged over 5 shots ECH @ r/ap = +0.2 ECH @ r/ap = +0.2 •Optical depth is ECH @ r/ap = -0.2 calculated based on the ECH @ r/ap = -0.2 TS profiles •ECE temperature is corrected on the calculated optical depth r/ap r/ap Frequency (GHz) Te (eV) IF Amplifier •The spectrum of the Electron Cyclotron Emission (ECE) from HSX is measured with an eight channel radiometer at a magnetic field of 0.5 T •The central region of the plasma is not accessible because the plasma is heated by the extraordinary wave at the second harmonic •60 dB stop-band filter at 28±0.3 GHz is used to suppress the non-absorbed microwave power •A low-pass filter with 40 dB attenuation in the band of (50-95) GHz reduces pick-up from the heating source at its second harmonic Te (eV) 40 dB @ F > 50 GHz Local Oscillator @ 42.5 GHz P (a.u.) Fc=28 GHz F=0.6 GHz Mixer Diode ne∙1018 (m-3) Pin Switch Diode ne∙1018 (m-3) 1 B 3 Quartz R Waveguide Line LowPass Filter P (a.u.) Mod B 60 dB Band-Stop Filter 3.1 ECE vs. Thomson Scattering ne∙1018 (m-3) 1.2 Block diagram 1.1 HSX Cut 4. Bi-Maxwellian plasma model 3. Results of measurements <Ne>∙1012 (cm-3) Channel Number 5.1 Maxwellian Electron Distribution Function 5.2 Non-Maxwellian Distribution Function •The frequency decreases with plasma density. See the HSX posters by C.Deng & S.Oh 47th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, October 24-28, 2005, Denver, Colorado •CQL3D code is used to simulate the electron cyclotron heating in QHS and to calculate a radiation intensity at the second harmonic of wce •On the left figures the results of two runs are shown •The plasma parameters are as follows: central Te = 0.4 keV, central Ne = 1∙1018 m-3 and input power is 100 kW •On the left bottom figure it is clearly seen that the ECE temperature for the nonMaxwellian electron distribution function is above 4 keV •Further work should be done to understand why CQL3D predicts low ECH absorption in HSX plasmas