2011 Rafał Trzciński Example from enterprise support in Poland Impact Evaluation Seminar Warsaw, 12.12.2011 Purpose of the evaluation Estimation of the impact of grants on growth of SMEs in Poland. Measure covered by the study:Improvement of competitiveness of SMEs through investments (Measure 2.3) implemented within Sectoral Operational Programme Improvement of the Competitiveness of Enterprises, years 2004-2006 (SOP-ICE). Measure 2.3 was aimed at improvement of competitiveness of Polish SMEs through modernisation of their product offer and their technology base. Average value of the subsidy amounted to PLN 532 thousand. Impact evaluation problem Factor x1 Effects SOP-ICE SELECTION Factor x BIAS ? Problem: low competitiveness of enterprises 2 The approach Counterfactual framework -> Q: what would have happened in the absence of the intervention? Quasi-experimental approach was chosen. Control group was selected from unsuccessful applicants. Method used to reduce the selection bias: Propensity Score Matching. Data sets used in the evaluation PARP data sets (databases of all applicants, with employment +9); 19 covariates were controlled, such as: age, revenues, size, legal form, assets, the use of other subsidies, etc. Central Statistical Office data sets (Report on revenues, costs and financial results and the cost of fixed assets); 31 outcome variables were estimated, such as: net revenues from sales, employment, expenditures, profits, etc. Propensity Score Matching (1-1; nearest neighbour) Control group Unsuccessful applicants Beneficiaries ps= 0,8 ps= 0,1 ps= 0,4 ps= 0,5 ps= 0,9 ps= 0,6 ps= 0,2 ps= 0,1 ps= 0,3 ps= 0,2 ps= 0,01 ps= 0,3 ps= 0,8 ps= 0,9 ps= 0,4 Selection bias Variable Treated (mean value) Untreated Control (mean group value) (mean value) The standardized difference in percent (before matching) The standardized difference in percent (after matching) 10,31 10,41 10,13 -1,12 2,28 Revenues (in total) Revenue growth before the programe (comparing 2 periods) 50409,24 74320,05 62275,93 -4,74 -2,35 0,72 0,59 0,73 26,72 -2,35 Assets (in toatal) Assets growth before the programe (comparing 2 periods) 32676,70 75478,18 30319,08 -2,78 0,15 0,70 0,60 0,70 20,12 -0,35 Value of deminimis 13802,67 9826,17 11593,88 5,22 2,90 70,34 44,77 71,15 47,44 -1,50 0,66 0,57 0,66 18,88 -0,46 Difference in employment 7,29 4,20 7,73 17,62 -2,49 Percentage of women 0,27 0,33 0,27 -25,82 0,98 Number of contracts signed in Phare 1,15 0,45 1,06 53,95 6,87 15502,53 5301,36 13934,88 46,73 7,18 Application in SOP-ICE Measure 2.1 0,06 0,02 0,06 21,45 2,77 Contract in SOP-ICE Measure 2.1 0,04 0,01 0,03 20,24 2,60 Contract in SOP-HRD Measure 2.3 0,08 0,04 0,09 15,92 -2,28 Credit 0,70 0,53 0,68 34,68 4,86 Project area … … … … … Region … … … … … Legal form … … … … … PKD code … … … … … Age of the company Total employment Employment growth before the programme Value of signed contracts in Phare Date of measurement 80% 70% 2004 60% 50% 2007 40% 30% 2008 2008 2003 4 years (on average) 2009 2009 1 year 2010 20% 2006 10% 2007 0% PRE POST+1 POST+2 Employment and wages costs Wages costs (in PLN thousand) Average employment (in FTEs) 130 125 -0,6% 125 5,000 124 120 4,000 115 3,500 114 37,8% 110 105 90 85 112 24,4% 100 95 -2,0% 4,374 6,7% 4,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 4,065 3,852 5,5% 80,1% 2,429 4,666 64,7% 2,339 1,500 92 91 1,000 500 80 0 PRE POST+1 beneficiaries (N=763) POST+2 control group (N=763) Impact: +14 FTEs PRE beneficiaries (N=763) POST+1 POST+2 control group (N=763) Impact: +PLN 511thousand Net revenues from sales 45,000 40,000 41,894 3,0% 40,683 35,000 68,5% 30,000 25,000 20,000 24,140 33,195 2,6% 34,073 54,2% 21,530 15,000 PRE beneficiaries (N=763) POST+1 POST+2 control group (N=763) Impact: +PLN 5 211 thousand Operating expenses 45,000 37,844 40,000 39,005 3,1% 35,000 70,4% 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 22,205 20,132 31,927 31,066 2,8% 54,3% 10,000 5,000 0 PRE beneficiaries (N=763) POST+1 POST+2 control group (N=763) Impact: +PLN 5 006 thousand Losses – scale of the phenomenon Loss on sales 25% 24,5% 18.8% 20% 58,7% 20.7% 25% 19.2% 20% 40,2% 13.7% 15% 15.4% 11.9% 10% 23.5% 34,3% 15% 5% Net loss 114,0% 10% 164,9% 5% 5.8% 6.4% 11.9% 15.4% 29,7% 363,9% 2.6% 0% 0% PRE POST+1 beneficiaries (N=763) Impact: +3,3% POST+2 control group (N=763) PRE POST+1 beneficiaries (N=763) Impact: zero POST+2 control group (N=763) Losses Loss on sales (in PLN thousand) Net loss (in PLN thousand) 6,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 534 113,5% 1,141 426 PRE 101,6% 66,5% 1,428 858 3,1% 1,177 POST+1 POST+2 2,000 1,000 0 4,795 40,4% 3,416 565,2% 653 514 PRE 2,416 269,9% POST+1 -33,8% 1,600 POST+2 beneficiaries (NPRE=42; NPOST+1=102; NPOST+2=131) beneficiaries (NPRE=19; NPOST+1=81; NPOST+2=102) control group (NPRE=81; NPOST+1=121; NPOST+2=145) control group (NPRE=46; NPOST+1=92; NPOST+2=123) Impact: +PLN 360 thousand Impact: +PLN 3 335 thousand Profits Profit on sales Net profit 5,000 5,000 4,000 3,409 64,5% 3,000 2,000 1,000 2,073 2,746 11,0% 3,784 6,6% 2,926 68,8% 1,627 4,000 2,000 1,000 0 2,946 2,875 2,5% 72,0% 2,311 3,000 1,672 1,249 84,9% -1,5% 2,275 0 PRE POST+1 POST+2 PRE POST+1 POST+2 beneficiaries (NPRE=721; NPOST+1=661; NPOST+2=632) beneficiaries (NPRE=741; NPOST+1=681; NPOST+2=661) control group (NPRE=682; NPOST+1=642; NPOST+2=618) control group (NPRE=717; NPOST+1=670; NPOST+2=639) Impact: +PLN 412 thousand Impact: +PLN 248 thousand Asset Turnover 2.20 2.00 1.80 1.96 -16,4% 1.92 -21,1% 1.64 -3,5% 1.58 1.60 1.51 1.40 -5,0% 1.44 1.20 1.00 PRE POST+1 beneficiaries (N=763) POST+2 control group (N=763) Impact: -0,10 Total expenditures on tangible fixed assets in use Expenditures of enterprises on machinery and Total expenditures... 2,500 2,274 -2,1% technical equipment 2,226 2,500 2,000 2,000 98,7% 1,500 1,000 500 17,8% 1,144 48,3% 1,516 1,500 500 0 0 beneficiaries (N=763) POST+1 POST+2 control group (N=763) 1,4% 91,3% 1,000 1,287 868 PRE 1,203 629 8,8% 32,7% 442 PRE beneficiaries (N=763) 1,220 587 638 POST+1 POST+2 control group (N=763) Impact: +PLN 434 thousand Impact: +PLN 395 thousand Liabilities Long-term liabilities: credits and loans Short-term liabilities: credits and loans 3,000 3,000 2,500 2,323 2,000 5,2% 1,828 0,0% 115,1% 2,443 1,828 1,500 1,000 500 1,080 2,500 2,000 1,500 98,2% 1,799 1,566 500 1,521 2,9% 171,9% 1,000 923 2,015 12,0% 160,4% 662 584 0 0 PRE beneficiaries (N=763) POST+1 POST+2 control group (N=763) Impact: +PLN 458 thousand PRE beneficiaries (N=763) POST+1 POST+2 control group (N=763) Impact: +PLN 372 thousand Export Net income from sales of products for Net income from sales of goods and export materials for export 8,000 6,965 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 -1,9% 6,830 5,579 90,4% 3,659 8,000 95,6% -18,6% 4,544 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,853 2,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 PRE beneficiaries (N=763) POST+1 POST+2 control group (N=763) 641 95,6% 537 47,9% PRE beneficiaries (N=763) 1,255 35,0% 794 POST+1 1,694 5,3% 837 POST+2 control group (N=763) Impact: +PLN 1 479 thousand Impact: -PLN 753 thousand Value of purchases in total imports 7,000 6,059 6,000 83,5% 5,000 2,000 6,066 4,425 4,000 3,000 0,1% 4,402 -0,5% 3,301 50,3% 2,945 1,000 0 PRE beneficiaries (N=763) POST+1 POST+2 control group (N=763) Impact: +PLN 1 307 thousand Structure of imports Import of raw materials and semifinished 5000 products for production 3965 4000 2000 1000 2290 46,1% 1587 5000 4057 4000 2,3% 73,2% 3000 Import of goods intended for resale 3000 2318 -5,2% 2197 2000 1000 47,2% 1282 9,5% 1662 -6,4% 2067 1556 89,0% 880 0 1888 0 PRE beneficiaries (N=763) POST+1 POST+2 control group (N=763) PRE beneficiaries (N=763) POST+1 POST+2 control group (N=763) Impact: +PLN 1 158 thousand Impact: -PLN 109 thousand Current ratio 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.70 1.60 1.50 1,7% 1.63 1.55 4,2% 1.66 -0,6% 1,4% 1.62 1.65 1.64 1.40 1.30 1.20 1.10 1.00 PRE beneficiaries (N=763) POST+1 POST+2 control group (N=763) Impact: -0,07 Summary Main positive impacts: Employment and wages. Export and import (production activity). Profits. Expenditures on tangible fixed assets in use (machinery and technical equipment). Main negative impacts, or no impact: Productivity of the enterprises. Losses and their amount. Liquidity of the enterprises. More on this… www.parp.gov.pl/index/more/24238 Thank you for your attention! Polish Agency for Enterprise Development 81/83 Pańska Street 00-834 Warsaw, Poland Tel + 48 (22) 432 80 80 Fax + 48 (22) 432 86 20 + 48 (22) 432 84 04 Infoline: + 48 (22) 432 89 91/92/93 www.parp.gov.pl