Blocking P7 Narr.1, 2 enter SR; 4, 3 enter SL. All X to join at CS. P9 Narrators exit SR Prologue enters DSL, X to DSR to stand in front of proscenium Capitulates enter SR; Monotones enter SL Families huddle around mothers, R & J “pop” out After children die, families disperse to appropriate places Lord M & C “hike” offstage at L Samson/Abram X from SL to SR; Gregory/Blathasar X from SR to SL Lady M & C play games from SR to SL Saya and Brandon X on bikes P11 Prologue X to DSC to finish speech Prologues exits SL Narrator 2 enters SR “Just a reminder” Narr 2 exits DSL Narr 1 enters USL Samson and Gregory enter SR Abram and Balth. Enter SL P12? Capitulates enter SR, Monotones enter SL for “Bring me my longsword…” Narrator 1 enters DSR “Enter the prince” Prince enters SL X to CS “”trying to sleep” he exits SL P13 Narrator 1 X to SL to say “Upon hearing the prince…” All exit at side closest to them, curtsey at Lords, Ladies Romeo enters SR “Show me a mistress”, as he speaks he X to DSR proscenium. At “Even the fair will pass rarely but barely.” He stops and leans head against the proscenium (false ending), then he suddently continues. Lord, Lady exit USL Romeo turns upstage to exit SR Narrator 3 enters DSL stands at DSL for sneezle fruit commercial; Narrator 2 runs on from DSR to say “And its nothing…” Narrator 2 pulls Narrator 3 offstage at L. Narrator 1 enter SR, X to DSR for “Meanwhile at the” Capitulate enters SL, followed by Paris and Servant Narrator 1 exits SR. Capitulate and Paris exit SR, leaving Servant at SR P14 Romeo and Benvolio enter SL As Romeo reads he XDSL in front of Servant and Benvolio As he finishes, Benvolio X DS to join him in looking at the list After line, servant exits SR Romeo and Benv exit SR P15 Narrator 4 enters DSR for “Meanwhile back at the Capitulate place” Juliet enters SL, trips, falls Nurse, Lady C enter SR; Lady crosses to DSR to stand at proscenium; Juliet comes down to speak to her Nurse says “want to eat him” and exits SL, Lady C and Nurse chatting excitedly; Juliet follows Narrators enter SR, speak, bounce off SR P17 Romeo, Benvolio enter SL for party Capitulate at SR Party as previously blocked P19 Narrator 4, 3 enter DSR and talk at DSR Romeo enters SL, hides USL Benvo and mercu enter SL They exit SL Juliet enters SR w/ ladder P21 R exits SL, J exits SR Narrator 2 enters DSR Monk enters SR X to CS Romeo enters SL, X to talk to Monk They exit SR P22 Merc & Benv enter SL Romeo enters SR, he X to DSC, MErc and Benv join him at DSC Nurse enters DSL Nurse exits SF Mercutio follows her Benvolio and Romeo exit SL P24 Narrator 1 enters SR Romeo and Monk enter SL After Monk Larry says “I’ll go check” he exits SR Juliet and Nurse enter SL Nurse says “back in a jiffy, never despair” and exits SL. Monk Larry enters SR. After he pronounces them married, Monk exits SR P25 Narrator enters SR and XDSR Romeo and Juliet say “hurray” and exit SL Mercutio and Tybalt enter as previously blocked. NEED TO CHOREOGRAPH FIGHT Romeo enters SL P27 After dead, Romeo exits SL Prince, and Capitulate enter SR,, monotones enter SL. Monotones are on stage reacting to all this. After “slice of bologna” everyone exits at closest exit. Narrator 1, 3 enter SL Narrator 2, 4 enter SR After Ro-sham-bo, narrators 1 & 2 carry bodies off Narrators 3, 4 move to SL as Juiet pushes bed on SR and sits Lady and Lord C enter SR to talk to Juliet Lord and Lady exit SR P28 Monk Larry “magically” enters DSL Juliet X DS to talk with him He exits SR Romeo enters DSL with computer, exits after lines Narrators enter DSR P29 After Romeo exits, Narrators move to CS in a line After “later that night, Juliet ate the nuts” narrators part to reveal her at bed, Narrator 1, 4 at SR and Narrator 2, 3 at SL After “she wouldn’t wake up’, narrators exit respective sides. Nurse enters SL, screams, parents rush in SL, nurse exits SL They scream, they roll her bed out SR. P31 Narrator 1, 2 enters SL w/ Romeo, he sits down to “sun” Benvolio enters SR During his long speech, Romeo moves to DSL Benvolio exits SR Romeo exits SL P32 Juliet’s body rolled on to CS from SR Mourners enter SR and surround her Narrator 3 enters SL Narrator 4 “snacks!” from SR, all rush offstage at SR Romeo enters SL P33 After Romeo doesnn’t die, Narrators enter both sides to stand in front of proscenium at either side. Mercutio and Tybalt X and hi-5 each other Mercutio gets machine from SR On “Feud Fixing Chappie” Monk enters SL, winks at audience, goes USL to watch the following proceedings. Ending as previously blocked, may make some changes when set pieces arrive. Narrators move to CS for final lines. Cast comes in again at “they’ve had the right schoolin”, lined up and ready for curtain call. Will work Optional Ending if the rest of the play is done. If we do it, it will be a very speedy version of the same blocking as the original show.