Analytical Transmissions Electron Microscopy (TEM) Part I: The microscope Sample preparation Imaging Part II: Diffraction Defects Part III Spectroscopy MENA 3100: Diff Repetision: Electron Diffraction: Small wave length Large Ewald sphere -- Perfect crystals plane Very sensitive to changes in the crystal structure Small diffraction Strong intensity – short exposure time Directly observed on the viewing screen Obtained from very small crystals Powder X-ray diffraction: Larger wave length Small Ewald sphere Ring pattern Larger driffrationangle Lower intensity Easier to interpret Electron matter interactions Coherent incident high-kV beam sample Incoherent elastic backscattered electrons (SEM) Second electrons From within the specimen (SEM) Characteristic X-rays (EDS) Auger electrons (XPS) Visible light Sample Incoherent inelastic Bremsstrahlung scattered electrons X-rays (EDS) (EELS) Direct beam Incoherent elastic (imaging, diffraction, forward scattered Coherent elastic EELS) Electrons (STEM, scattered electrons (STEM, diffraction,EELS) Diffraction, EELS) The characteristic energy transitions Observable with EELS and EDS MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Empty states Valence electrons M shell L shell K shell MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Empty states 3d M shell L shell K shell 3p 3s Lα1 L2,3 2p L1 2s 1s Kα1 EDS MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Kβ1 K EELS Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy M L Lα kα K kβ hν MENA 3100: Spectroscopy EELS Eo Eo K-edge (Si) – 1s orbital L-edge (Si) – 2s and 2p orbital M L K Filled bands Conduction band Eb(L)=Eo-Eb( Eb(K)=Eo-E( Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) MENA 3100: Spectroscopy EDS spectrum MENA 3100: Spectroscopy X-ray Spectroscopy EDS: EDXS: X-EDS: EDX: MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy X-ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis Quantification Peak intensities are proportional to concentration and specimen thickness. They removed the effects of variable specimen thickness by taking ratios of intensities for elemental peaks and introduced a “k-factor” to relate the intensity ratio to concentration ratio: πΆπ΄ πΌπ΄ = πΎπ΄π΅ πΆπ΅ πΌπ΅ Each pair of elements requires a different k-factor, which depends on detector efficiency, ionization cross-section and fluorescence yield of the two elements concerned. MENA 3100: Spectroscopy The Detector MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Detection Mechanism MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Oxford MENA 3100: Spectroscopy EDS SEM MENA 3100: Spectroscopy TEM EDS mapping MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Recent advances MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Comparison Low Z element MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Comparison on resolution MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Artefacts in EDS 1. Si escape peak: A small fraction of the energy is lost and not transformed into electronhole pairs 2. Sum peak: Two photons will enter the detector at exactly the same time. The analyzer then registers an energy corresponding to the sum of the two photons. Likely to occur if: - The input count rate is high. - The dead times are > 60%. - There are major characteristic peaks in the spectrum. MENA 3100: Spectroscopy 3. Fluorescence: This is a characteristic peak from the Si (or Ge) in the detector dead layer. 4. - Sample preparation artefacts (ion milling , grids, reaction to solvent) Cu/Ni slot Thickness variations due to milling Contaminants and reaction products MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Omega filter MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Gatan Imaging Filter (GIF) Post column energy filter MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Microscope outline Electron gun Condenser aperture Sample holder Intermediate aperture Projector lenses Objective aperture Objective lens Diffraction lens Intermediate lens Fluorescent screen Gatan Imaging Filter For EELS MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Projector crossover Viewing screen Slit Detector Multipole lenses 90o magnetic prism Beam trap aperture Energy Losses • Zero Loss (includes quasi-elastic scattering) • Intra-/Inter-band transitions (band gap) • Cherenkov losses • Bremsstrahlung • Plasmon losses • Core losses MENA 3100: Spectroscopy EEL Spectral background MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Low-Loss EELS Core-Loss EELS Low-Loss EELS Single electron outer shell excitation Zero Loss Peak Elastic scattering: Coulomb attraction by nucleus Inelastic scattering: Coulomb repulsion (outer shell electrons) The Zero Loss Peak (ZLP) MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Low-Loss EELS: Bulk plasmons Outer-shell inelastic scattering involving many atoms of the solid. Collective effect is known as a plasma resonance An oscillation of the valence electron density πΈπ = β 2π ππ 2 ππ π0 50xalh2_low.dat h: Plasmon peak 50 40 30 20 10 Binding Energy (eV) Planck constant N: n/V : Valence electron density 0 -10 e: Elementary charge me : Electron mass εO: Permittivity of free space Low-Loss EELS: Surface plasmons Surface plasmon (Es): Vacuum/metal interface: πΈπ = πΈπ 2 ZLP Dielectric/metal boundary: πΈπ = πΈπ 1−ε 2100 Slice1 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 Counts 1200 Interface between two metals: πΈπ = πΈπ2 + πΈπ2 2 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Energy-Loss (eV) 30 35 40 45 50 55 A. Thøgersen,et al. Journal of Applied Physics 109, 084329 (2011). Low-Loss EELS: Energy filtering Kundmann M., Introduction to EELS in TEM, EELS course 2005 San Francisco Low-Loss EELS: Energy filtering Kundmann M., Introduction to EELS in TEM, EELS course 2005 San Francisco Low-Loss EELS: Energy filtering EFTEM imaging of Si/aSi/ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) stack sample for REC Si ITO TEM image Low-Loss EELS: Energy filtering EFTEM imaging of Si/aSi/ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) stack sample for REC TEM image EFTEM (16 eV) EFTEM (23 eV) Low-Loss EELS: Thickness πΌπ π‘ = λπ πΌπ t = thickness λp = plasmon mean free path Ip = Intensity of the plasmon peak Io = Intensity of the zero loss peak Core-Loss EELS (Energy-Loss Near-Edge Structure) Eo Eo K-edge (Si) – 1s orbital L-edge (Si) – 2s and 2p orbital M L K Filled bands Conduction band Eb(L)=Eo-Eb( Eb(K)=Eo-E( Core-Loss EELS: Peak shape Shape of the edge is a signature of the transition: • K-edges: 1s states -- typical sawtooth profile • L2,3-edges -- have a delayed maximum but can contain intense narrow peaks at the onset, known as “white lines”, corresponding to transitions to narrow d bands. MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Microanalysis MENA 3100: Spectroscopy EFTEM: MENA 3100: Spectroscopy MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Spectral Imaging (SI) STEM-SI EFTEM-SI B.Chaffer et al. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2008) 390, Issue 6, pp 1439-1445 MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Spectral Imaging (SI) STEM-SI MENA 3100: Spectroscopy EFTEM-SI MENA 3100: Spectroscopy MENA 3100: Spectroscopy EDS vs. EELS MENA 3100: Spectroscopy Applications MENA 3100: Spectroscopy