Reading Integrating Social Studies Strategic Lesson Plan Teacher

Reading Integrating Social Studies Strategic Lesson Plan
Teacher: Mrs. Horton & Miss Morris
Date: Monday, September 14, 2015
Lesson and/or Unit Title:
Literary Analysis/ Adversity-Heroes/ The Lightening Thief
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Amount of Time (94):
94 minutes
Common Core Standards:
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact
of a specific word choice on meaning and tone
Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
(Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1-3 above.)
Language Proficiency Level:
Language Proficiency Level: Read fluently and comprehend grade appropriate text by using context clues and analyzing plot, setting, point
of view, and characters.
Essential Questions: (Checking for Understanding)
Student Learning Objective (s):
1) The learner can demonstrate understanding of
figurative language.
2) The learner can use context clues to determine the
meaning of unfamiliar words.
3) The learner can collaborate effectively with others in a
Lesson Outcome (s):
1) What is figurative language?
2) What is the purpose in using figurative language?
3) How does figurative language impact the tone of a story?
Key Vocabulary:
1) Demonstrating an understanding of figurative
2) Determining the meanings of unknown words and
phrases uses different strategies.
3) Describing how a story unfolds and how the character
respond or changes as the plot moves toward a
4) Analyzing how a particular scene contributes to the
development of the theme, setting, or plot.
5) Collaborating effectively with peers.
Unit Vocabulary:
1) Disembark
2) Eons
3) Levitated
4) Predicament
5) Charisma
6) Defy
7) Imped
8) Deflected
9) Evade
10) Contemplating
11) Devising
12) Unanimous
13) Morphed
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task: (created artifact…)
The students will read the last paragraph. Add dialogue, transitions, and figurative language to the last paragraph to make it sound more
interesting. Then, share the revised paragraph with a partner.
Reading Integrating Social Studies Strategic Lesson Plan
Teacher: Mrs. Horton & Miss Morris
Summative Task: (quizzes, tests, prompts)
Summative-The students will complete an assessment on figurative language, character and plot development.
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Anticipatory Set (10):
The students will complete a Part A & B PARCC sample question on figurative language.
Input/Modeling/Crafting (25):
The teacher will unpack the learning targets.
The teacher will read the poem Greek Mythology-War of the Gods to model figurative language, and to discuss theme.
The teacher will supply the students with 4 paragraphs. Each paragraph will not use sensory or descriptive words. The teacher will model
revising the sentences in the first 2 paragraphs using figurative language, dialogue, and transitions to make them sound more interesting.
The teacher will use a word from the paragraph to model and to discuss the Frayer Model graphic organizer- synonym, antonym, context
sentences, context clue, definition, and an illustration of the word. (Visual)
The teacher will have the students to read the poem Greek Mythology-War of the Gods aloud. While the students read aloud, the
teacher will model creating an illustration of the scene described in the text. (Visual & Auditory)
Guided Practice (25):
The teacher will guide the students in revising the next paragraph by adding dialogue, transitions, and figurative language (simile,
metaphors, idiom, personification, hyperbole, and onomatopoeia).
The teacher will guide the students in selecting another word from the paragraph and use the Frayer Model graphic organizer- synonym,
antonym, context sentences, context clue, definition, drawing an illustration- to get a better understanding of the word. (Visual)
Independent Practice (20):
The students will think-pair-share. The students will read the last paragraph. Add dialogue, transitions, and figurative language to the last
paragraph to make it sound more interesting. Then, share the revised paragraph with a partner. (Interpersonal)
Closure (14):
The students will watch a short YouTube video clip on figurative language to wrap up the session. Then, the students will answer the
following questions on index cards to end the session- What did you learn? What did you like about the lesson? What would you change?
(Visual & Auditory)
Alignment Extension (Homework):
Read Chapter 18 “Annabeth Does Obedience School” and identify 4 examples of figurative language. Next, choose one word from
Chapter 18 and use the Frayer Model to analyze the word- synonym, antonym, context sentences, context clue, definition, drawing an
illustration. (Visual)
Differentiation Notes:
Strategic Intervention: Literary Analysis
1) The teacher will supply the students with graphic organizers that
enable them to analyze the text with a clearer understanding.
2) The teacher will provide note cards of questions for struggling
readers to ask during group discussions.
3) Provide smaller chunks of the text and check students’ thinking as
they speak about the text.
Technology Integration:
Word Processing
Power Point
Internet Resources
Internet Research
Interactive Whiteboard
Classroom Performance System
Reading Integrating Social Studies Strategic Lesson Plan
Teacher: Mrs. Horton & Miss Morris
Materials/Items Needed
YouTube Video Clip
Poem- Greek Mythology-War of the Gods
Frayer Model Graphic Organizer
Sample Paragraph
Chapter 18 (The Lightning Thief)
Student Choice
Modeling Reading Strategies
Modeling Writing Strategies/Process
Reading Aloud
Cooperative Learning
Independent Reading
Writing Before and After Reading
Pre and Post Test
Hands-on Learning Manipulatives
Small Group
Higher-Order Thinking Skills
Real-World Connections
Anchor Charts
Research Materials
Writing Workshop Time
Classroom/Content Area Literacy Library
Other (Explanation Needed)
Reading Integrating Social Studies Strategic Lesson Plan
Teacher: Mrs. Horton & Miss Morris
Date: Tuesday-Thursday, September 15-17, 2015
Lesson and/or Unit Title:
Literary Analysis/ Adversity-Heroes/ The Lightening Thief
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Amount of Time (94):
94 minutes
Common Core Standards:
Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of
the theme, setting, or plot..
Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, and description, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters.
Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph; a word's position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a
word or phrase.
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts and issues, building on others’
ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes to a
topic, text, or issue under study.
Language Proficiency Level:
Language Proficiency Level: Read fluently and comprehend grade appropriate text by using context clues and analyzing plot, setting, point
of view, and characters.
Student Learning Objective (s):
Essential Questions: (Checking for Understanding)
The learner can demonstrate understanding of
figurative language.
The learner can analyze how a particular sentence,
chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text
and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot.
The learner can use context clues to determine the
meaning of unfamiliar words.
The learner can produce clear and coherent writing in
which the development, organization, and style are appropriate
to task, purpose, and audience.
The learner can collaborate effectively with others in a
Lesson Outcome (s):
1) Demonstrating an understanding of figurative
2) Determining the meanings of unknown words and
phrases uses different strategies.
3) Describing how a story unfolds and how the
character respond or changes as the plot moves
1) How do the characters respond or change as the plot moves
toward a resolution?
2) How does a scene contribute to the development of the theme,
setting, or plot?
3) How does the setting affect the mood of a story?
4) What are the character traits and how do they contribute to the
development of a character?
Key Vocabulary:
Unit Vocabulary:
Reading Integrating Social Studies Strategic Lesson Plan
Teacher: Mrs. Horton & Miss Morris
toward a resolution.
4) Analyzing how a particular scene contributes to
the development of the theme, setting, or plot.
5) Collaborating effectively with peers.
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task: (created artifact…)
The students will use their graphic organizers to develop the first draft of a narrative writing. Include transitions, dialogue, figurative
language, and 5-7 sentences for each paragraph.
Summative Task: (quizzes, tests, prompts)
The students will complete an assessment on figurative language, character and plot development.
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Anticipatory Set (10):
The students will complete a Part A & B PARCC sample question on plot development.
Input/Modeling/Crafting (25):
The teacher will unpack the learning targets.
The teacher will review assignments and expectations for each literacy center. Give each student a checklist and anchor charts to
Guided Practice (25):
The teacher will use an example from each center to model for the students what is expected of them.
Centers: (Interpersonal)
Guided Reading- The teacher will reread and discuss the poem Greek Mythology-War of the Gods and show how the plot developed.
Discuss the following questions to complete the chart- (Linguistic/Visual)
 How does this scene help develop the plot?
 What are the characters in this scene and how do they develop the plot?
 What are the character traits of the characters?
 What are some themes that are related to these scenes?
Writing- The teacher will use their graphic organizers to develop the beginning of the first draft of a narrative writing. Include transitions,
dialogue, figurative language, and 5-7 sentences for each paragraph.
Listening- The teacher will have the students to read aloud the poem Greek Mythology-War of the Gods. The teacher will draw a
picture to depict the scene in the poem. (Auditory)
Vocabulary Center: The teacher will supply the students with a list of vocabulary. The teacher will model using the Frayer Model to help
students get a better understanding of the chapter’s vocabulary. Complete the graphic organizer by supplying a synonym, antonym,
context sentence, context clue, definition, and an illustration of the word. (Visual)
Language: The teacher will model playing the Figurative Language Classification game. (Interpersonal) The teacher will write one
example of each figurative language-simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, idiom, and onomatopoeia- describing a scene from the
poem Greek Mythology-War of the Gods.
Independent Practice (20):
Guided Reading- The teacher will reread a passage from Chapter 18 pp. 291-298 and discuss the plot development and theme. Use a
Reading Integrating Social Studies Strategic Lesson Plan
Teacher: Mrs. Horton & Miss Morris
graphic organizer to show the plot development. Discuss the following questions to complete the chart- (Linguistic/Visual)
How does this scene help develop the plot?
What are the characters in this scene and how do they develop the plot?
What are the character traits of the characters?
What are some themes that are related to these scenes?
Writing- The students will use their graphic organizers to develop the first draft of narrative writing. Include transitions, dialogue,
figurative language, and 5-7 sentences for each paragraph.
Listening- The students will listen to Chapter 19 from The Lightning Thief and answer the questions while listening to the chapter on
YouTube. (Auditory)
Allow the students to play the Figurative Language Classification game. (Interpersonal) The students will write one example of each
figurative language-simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, idiom, and onomatopoeia- describing the Underworld in The Lightning
Vocabulary Center: The teacher will supply the students with a list of vocabulary. The student will use the Frayer Model to get a better
understanding of the chapter’s vocabulary. They will complete the graphic organizer by supplying a synonym, antonym, context sentence,
context clue, definition, and an illustration of the word. (Visual)
Closure (14):
The students will record the day’s work on their Literacy Centers Checklist. The students will watch a short YouTube video clip on plot
development to wrap up the session. Then, the students will answer the following questions on index cards to end the session- What did
you learn? What did you like about the lesson? What would you change? (Visual & Auditory)
Alignment Extension (Homework):
(Tuesday) Reread Chapter 19“We Find Out the Truth, Sort Of”. Focus on the character and plot development. Use the graphic organizer
and complete the questions for the chapter. (Visual)
(Wednesday) Complete the worksheet on character and plot development.
(Thursday) Complete the worksheet on context clue and figurative language.
Differentiation Notes:
Strategic Intervention: Literary Analysis
1) The teacher will supply the students with graphic organizers that
enable them to analyze the text with a clearer understanding.
2) The teacher will provide note cards of questions for struggling
readers to ask during group discussions.
3) Provide smaller chunks of the text and check students’ thinking
as they speak about the text.
Materials/Items Needed
Vocabulary List
Frayer Model
Literacy Checklist
Figurative Language Classification Game
YouTube Video
Plot Diagram
Chapter 18 (The Lightning Thief)
Technology Integration:
Word Processing
Power Point
Internet Resources
Internet Research
Interactive Whiteboard
Classroom Performance System
Student Choice
Modeling Reading Strategies
Modeling Writing Strategies/Process
Reading Aloud
Cooperative Learning
Independent Reading
Writing Before and After Reading
Pre and Post Test
Hands-on Learning Manipulatives
Small Group
Reading Integrating Social Studies Strategic Lesson Plan
Teacher: Mrs. Horton & Miss Morris
Higher-Order Thinking Skills
Real-World Connections
Anchor Charts
Research Materials
Writing Workshop Time
Classroom/Content Area Literacy Library
Other (Explanation Needed)
Reading Integrating Social Studies Strategic Lesson Plan
Teacher: Mrs. Horton & Miss Morris
Date: Friday, September 18, 2015
Lesson and/or Unit Title:
Literary Analysis/The Lightening Thief
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Amount of Time (94):
94 minutes
Common Core Standards:
Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from
personal opinions or judgments.
Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot
moves toward a resolution.
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact
of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.
Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of
the theme, setting, or plot.
Language Proficiency Level:
Language Proficiency Level: Read fluently and comprehend grade appropriate text by using context clues and analyzing plot, setting, point
of view, and characters.
Student Learning Objective (s):
Essential Questions: (Checking for Understanding)
1) The learner can demonstrate understanding of
figurative language.
2) The learner can describe how a particular story's or
drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as
how the characters respond or change as the plot moves
toward a resolution.
3) The learner can analyze how a particular sentence,
chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure
of a text and contributes to the development of the
theme, setting, or plot.
4) The learner can use context clues to determine the
meaning of unfamiliar words.
5) The learner can produce clear and coherent writing in
which the development, organization, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
6) The learner can collaborate effectively with others in a
Lesson Outcome (s):
1) Demonstrating an understanding of figurative
2) Determining the meanings of unknown words and
phrases uses different strategies.
3) Describing how a story unfolds and how the character
1) How do the characters respond or change as the plot moves
toward a resolution?
How does a scene contribute to the development of the theme,
setting, or plot?
How does the setting affect the mood of a story?
What are the character traits and how do they contribute to the
development of a character
Key Vocabulary:
Reading Integrating Social Studies Strategic Lesson Plan
Teacher: Mrs. Horton & Miss Morris
respond or changes as the plot moves toward a
4) Analyzing how a particular scene contributes to the
development of the theme, setting, or plot.
5) Collaborating effectively with peers.
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task: (created artifact…)
The students will complete the graphic organizer for character and plot development.
Summative Task: (quizzes, tests, prompts)
Summative-The students will complete an assessment on figurative language, character and plot development.
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Anticipatory Set (10):
The students will complete a Part A & B PARCC sample question on plot.
Input/Modeling/Crafting (25):
The teacher will unpack the learning targets.
Guided Practice (25):
The teacher will lead the students in a review of the study guide before testing. Use graphics to review the skills.
The students will complete an assessment covering figurative language, character and plot development. The students will participate in
SSR time after testing. (Linguistic)
Closure (14):
Read Chapter 20 and complete the story development diagram.
Alignment Extension (Homework):
Read your AR book. Be prepared to test on your book.
Differentiation Notes:
Strategic Intervention: Literary Analysis
1) The teacher will supply the students with graphic organizers that
enable them to analyze the text with a clearer understanding.
2) The teacher will provide note cards of questions for struggling
readers to ask during group discussions.
3) Provide smaller chunks of the text and check students’ thinking
as they speak about the text.
Technology Integration:
Word Processing
Power Point
Internet Resources
Internet Research
Interactive Whiteboard
Classroom Performance System
Reading Integrating Social Studies Strategic Lesson Plan
Teacher: Mrs. Horton & Miss Morris
Materials/Items Needed
1) Study Guide
2) Teacher-Made Assessment
10 | P a g e
Student Choice
Modeling Reading Strategies
Modeling Writing Strategies/Process
Reading Aloud
Cooperative Learning
Independent Reading
Writing Before and After Reading
Pre and Post Test
Hands-on Learning Manipulatives
Small Group
Higher-Order Thinking Skills
Real-World Connections
Anchor Charts
Research Materials
Writing Workshop Time
Classroom/Content Area Literacy Library
Weekly Assessment
Other (Explanation Needed)