PROJECT OVERVIEW Name of Project: Duration: about 6 weeks From Outer Space to Inner Space Subject/Course: Math- scale within body systems, measures of outer space on body systems, graph presentation of body-system data Science- scientific notation, scale within body systems, effects of outer space on human body and Sex Education LA- reading mythology, Comic Book Narrative SS- Ancient Greece and Rome Expository Writing RDG- The Lightning Thief, mythology Teacher(s):Kimberly, Boyd, Andersen, Moore, Leyba, Wolken, Winters, Nault, King, Anderson Grade Level: 7th Other subject areas to be included, if any: Project Idea Summary of the issue, challenge, investigation, scenario, or problem: STEAM Project: Art of the human body on earth and in space LA: Fictional story of key mythological Greek or Roman gods or goddesses using Comiclife SS: Research and biography of key mythological Greek or Roman gods or goddesses – Study of Constellations RDG: Reading of The Lightning Thief with close reading of characterization, setting, plot structure, and motive Math: Graphs of human body systems data Sci: 3D model of human body systems – Bodies in space Driving Question Initial questions: How are the circulatory, skeletal, and muscular system affected by the environment around them? What are the limitations of the human body and how does society amplify or modify that to shape their cultural perspective and morals? Final Draft: Why does society seek to change the natural limitations of the human body? Content and Skills Standards to be addressed: Applying 3rd quarter math skills to 4th quarter science T+A 21st Century Skills to be explicitly taught and assessed (T+A) or that will be encouraged (E) by Collaboration Research myths from past and their purpose - Fact-based research of myths and cultures - Study of myths including story structure, E T+A E Other: © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 1 project work, but not taught or assessed: cultures, characters, human characteristics versus traits of gods/goddesses Creation of character based on study of past myths including story structure, author’s purpose, characterization, setting Human body systems understanding to compare to characters created for a “super-human” purpose Presentation 1. Critical Thinking: Presentation Audience: Group/ Culminating Products and Performances Individual PORTFOLIO: Graphic novel Biography of a key Greek or Roman god/goddess Human body systems graphs Printed photo of their 3D model and 2D poster Class: School: Community: MODEL: 3D model of human body with musculo-skeletal, circulatory, and respiratory systems 2D poster of own body systems 1. Start with opening questions to prime “What super power would you have?” “Why do people have super powers?” “What things are people most afraid of or don’t understand?” 2. Tie it to creation heroes to help understand what we don’t understand and calm our fears 3. Poster of human (and god/goddess) weaknesses to use throughout, including during presentations 4. Return to what weakness they, individually, would change Experts: Web: Other: © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 2 5. Study of actual human body systems to create of realistic frame of reference 6. Scale and graphing skill development to depict personal body system data 7. Research of myths, gods, and goddesses of past to contextualize past humans’ attempts to explain what humans don’t understand and to calm humans’ fears 8. Close reading of fictional novel about mythology to understand author’s craft (characterization, plot structure, stylistic methods, character motive, setting) 9. Creation of own god/goddess with “super-human” power to overcome a human weakness ++Creation of graphic novel to demonstrate writing skills (plot, characterization, setting) and understanding of role of myths and super-human characters to explain what we don’t understand and calm fears PROJECT OVERVIEW Entry event to launch inquiry, engage students: Trip to Mitchell High School 1. Body system measurements in pool-Leslie and Andi M. 2. Heart rate, blood pressure, basketball shots (mean, median, mode) and graphing in gym-Svet and 3. Origin myths/Constellations in planetarium 3 week focus on the three body systems Assessments Quizzes/Tests Formative Assessments (During Project) Practice Presentations Journal/Learning Log X Notes X Preliminary Plans/Outlines/Prototypes X Checklists Rough Drafts X Concept Maps Online Tests/Exams X Other: Rubrics X Written Product(s), with rubric: X Other Product(s) or Performance(s), with rubric: X © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 3 Summative Assessments (End of Project) Oral Presentation, with rubric Peer Evaluation Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test Self-Evaluation Essay Test Other: Rubrics X . Resources Needed Reflection Methods On-site people, facilities: Equipment: 250 seat licenses for Comic Life Materials: Art Supplies, digital cameras, paper, clay (science dept), skeleton models, The Lightning Thief (class sets), 500’ white butcher paper rolls, 180 oneinch binders with clear covers, Production Printing graphing comp books, Production Printing 720 color pages printed and collated, yarn, graph-lined chart paper, 10 sphygmomanometers and blood pressure cuffs, 3 boxes of white copy paper, pencils and erasers, 60 fat Sharpies, 10 sets of 12 multicolored Expo pens, 11x17 ream of paper, Community resources: Lifeguards at MHS Journal/Learning Log (Individual, Group, and/or Whole Class) X Focus Group Whole-Class Discussion Fishbowl Discussion Survey Other: © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 4 PROJECT TEACHING AND LEARNING GUIDE Project: From Outer space to inner space Course/Semester: Math/Science 4th Quarter Knowledge and Skills Needed by Students to successfully complete culminating products and performances, and do well on summative assessments Science: Students will have an understanding of the different body systems. Scaffolding / Materials / Lessons to be Provided by the project teacher, other teachers, experts, mentors, community members - Science: Students will have an understanding of how the different body systems are connected to one another. Science: Students will understand how space affects the different body systems. - Notes, diagrams and experiments that give the students experiences of how the different body systems are connected.; - Mini-labs and experiments that identify the functions of the different body systems and the effects of space on the human body. - Model the procedure for creating graphs in class Class notes and teacher examples. During body system activities students will practice creating graphs(drafts) before producing a final copy. Students will check each other’s graphs for TELL components. Math: TELL (Title, Equal Increments, Label X, Label Y) Reading: 1.2 Oral Expression and Listening: Small and large group discussions rely on active listening and the effective contributions of all participants - Socratic-style discussions of text (The Lightning Thief) to understand the plot structure, characters, and themes of the novel and the myths in the novel - Close study of the literary elements in the novel and author’s purpose / effect on reader Reading: 2.1 Reading for All Purposes: Literary elements, characteristics, and ideas are interrelated and guide the comprehension of literary and fictional texts Mini-labs and experiments that identify the functions of the different body systems Notes and diagrams that identify the parts of the different body systems © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 5 Reading: 2.2 Reading for All Purposes: Informational and persuasive texts are summarized and evaluated - Students summarize myths within novel while reading, as well as summarizing events of novel - Students use novel as model for own writing and source for research of ancient myths Reading: 4.1 Research and Reasoning: Answering a research question logically begins with obtaining and analyzing information from a variety of sources Language Arts: 3.1 write narrative to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences. - Students will write a fictional graphic novel creating a fictional character and have him/her interact with at least two real Greek or Roman gods or goddesses Language Arts: 3.1 write narrative to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences. - Fictional stories will include character development, elements of plot and theme Language Arts: 3.3 Editing writing for proper grammar, usage, mechanics, and clarity improves written work - Graphic Novels will use proper grammar conventions and spelling Social Studies: Describe the history, interactions, and contributions -Research constellations and create a constellation using their own God or Goddess that was created in Language Arts. -Research of chosen Greek or Roman God or Goddess and expository writing and creation of thesis statement. of various peoples and cultures that have lived in or migrated to the Eastern Hemisphere. Topics to include but not limited to world religions (Greek and Roman myths, religious beliefs, and cultural customs, and Archeoastronomy). Social Studies: Students will identify points of view, seek multiple sources, and develop and defend a thesis with evidence throughout life © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 6 21ST CENTURY SKILLS ASSESSMENT RUBRIC: 1. Math NOT PROFICIENT Student's graph does not demonstrate TELL Student's graph does not effectively communicate information PROFICIENT NP- - - - - - - - - Approaching - - - - - - - - -P NP- - - - - - - - - Approaching - - - - - - - - -P NP = Not proficient P = Proficient Notes: Student's graph demonstrates TELL o Graph has Title o Equal Intervals o The x-axis is Labeled o The y-axis is Labeled Student's graph effectively communicates the information o Demonstrates neatness, visual clarity, can be orally explained(by student) or visually understood _____Points earned /_____ Points possible 2. Science NOT PROFICIENT PROFICIENT Student cannot identify the different parts of the body systems they are working with NP- - - - - - - - - Approaching - - - - - - - - -P Student can identify the different parts of the body systems they are working with Student cannot demonstrate how the different body systems are connected to one another. NP- - - - - - - - - Approaching - - - - - - - - -P Student can demonstrate how the different body systems are connected to one another. Student cannot explain how space affects the body systems the student is working with. NP- - - - - - - - - Approaching - - - - - - - - -P Student can explain how space affects the body systems the student is working with. Notes: NP = Not proficient P = Proficient _____Points earned /_____ Points possible © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 7 3. Social Studies NOT PROFICIENT Students cannot create a thesis statement about the historical reason why their mythological character was deemed necessary by the Greeks/Romans. Students cannot appropriately use technology and resources to find information related to their topic research. Notes: PROFICIENT NP- - - - - - - - - Approaching - - - - - - - - -P NP- - - - - - - - - Approaching - - - - - - - - -P Students cannot create a constellation for their mythological character with accuracy and aesthetic quality. Students can create a thesis statement about the historical reason why their mythological character was deemed necessary by the Greeks/Romans. Students can appropriately use technology and resources to find information related to their topic research. Students can create a constellation for their mythological character with accuracy and aesthetic quality. NP- - - - - - - - - Approaching - - - - - - - - -P NP = Not proficient P = Proficient _____Points earned /_____ Points possible © 2008 Buck Institute for Education 8