
CSPE Fact Sheet
Note 1:
This revision sheet was produced in 2010. Particularly in terms of political leaders it is
slightly out of date for the 2012 exam. Watch this website – an updated version will be
produced in early 2012.
Note 2:
What follows below is a list of questions, largely based around the past 12 Junior Cert
papers. That’s why certain sections of the course get a great deal more coverage than
others – they suit exam questions better. It is NOT a complete list of every topic on the
CSPE course, and please don’t think that just because you know everything listed here
that you’re guaranteed to know every question that comes up. Keep watching the news,
and keep aware of events in the various areas on the course.
The Seven Key Concepts
CSPE is based on seven concepts. These are?
Rights & Responsibilities
Every human being is entitled to basic rights, but we also have a responsibility to others, and there is a
constant need to safeguard peoples’ rights.
Topics: Children’s rights, prisoners of conscience, torture
Human Dignity
Every human being has the right to live their lives with dignity and to be treated with respect.
Topics: Homelessness, bullying, refugees
Caring responsibly for our environment and the planet on which we live
Topics: Recycling, global warming, the ozone layer
Improvements taking place in local, national or international communities
Topics: Tackling poverty in Africa, Third World Debt problems, regional development in Ireland
Citizens voting to elect people to represent them in government
Topics: Elections, Dail Eireann, Local Government
The rules and laws necessary to protect citizens. How laws are made, upheld, and the consequences of
breaking the law.
Topics: An Garda Siochana, the courts system, the prison system
The way in which we are connected with others in the world
Topics: The European Union, the United Nations, Fair Trade
Rights & Responsibilities
U.D.H.R. stands for?
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
What does Asylum mean?
The right to a safe place to live
What does Freedom of Assembly mean?
The right to meet up
E.U. stands for?
European Union
Within the European Union there are three law-making groups. There are?
 The European Parliament
 The European Commission
 The Council of Ministers
The European Parliament meets in which two cities?
M.E.P. stands for?
Member of the European Parliament
How many Irish MEPs are there?
There are 732 MEPs elected to the?
Name 2 Irish MEPs?
Brussels and Strasbourg
European Parliament
Jim Higgins, Joe Higgins
Who is the President of the European Parliament?
Jerzy Buzek, Poland
How are members of the European Commission chosen?
There are 27 members of the
European Commission – one from each country. Each
member is appointed by the govt of their own country.
Who is the President of the European Commission?
Jose Manuel Barroso, Portugal
Who is the Irish European Commissioner? Maire Geoghegan Quinn
We celebrate being members of the EU on the 9th May every year. This is known as?
Why do we celebrate Europe Day on the 9th May every year?
Europe Day
To celebrate that Ireland is a
member of the EU
In the EU, where are legal cases about human rights heard? The European Court of Human Rights
E.C.H.R. stands for?
I.M.F. stands for?
The European Court of Human Rights
The International Monetary Fund
Why was the IMF in Ireland last year?
To lend money to (“bail out”) the Government which
didn’t have enough funds to run the country
The U.N. stands for? United Nations
The Secretary General of the United Nations is?
Ban Ki-Moon
Where are the United Nations Headquarters?
New York
How can the Irish Army become involved in international conflicts?
The US President is?
Barack Obama
Through United Nations
Peacekeeping operations
Where does the US President live?
The White House, Washington DC
Where does the Queen of England live?
Buckingham Palace
Who is the British Prime Minister?
David Cameron (Conservative Party)
Where does the British Prime Minister live?
Which country joined the Euro in 2011?
10 Downing Street
How many countries are in the European Union?
How many countries are in the Euro?
27 Members of the European Union
22 Members of the Euro
Czech Republic
United Kingdom
Several other small nations use the Euro
(eg. Vatican City, Andorra, etc)
The chief law officer of the Irish State is known as?
The Attorney General
The Childrens’ Court deals with?
Offences committed by young people under the age of 16
The District Court deals with?
Civil and criminal cases at a local level. There are 23 such
courts around the country
The Circuit Court deals with?
More serious civil and criminal matters. There are 8 of such
courts around the country
The Special Criminal Court deals with?
Very serious criminal offences. There is no jury in this
The Court of Criminal Appeal deals with?
Appeals from convicted persons who believe they
haven’t received justice when their case was tried in a
lower court
The High Court deals with?
Appeals from lower courts and some Constitutional cases
The Supreme Court deals with?
Cases about the Constitution and appeals from the High
The highest court in Ireland is known as the?
Supreme Court
The second highest court in Ireland is known as the?
The lowest court in Ireland is known as the?
High Court
District Court
Criminal law involves?
Serious breaches of the law, such as assault, robbery, rape and
Civil law involves?
Disputes between private individuals (eg. compensation claims,
contract law)
What is the name of the lawyer who brings a criminal case to court?
The Irish Constitution is known as?
Bunreacht na hEireann is?
The Director of Public
Bunreacht na hEireann
The name of the Irish Constitution
In Ireland, a law (which is also called a “Bill”) passed by the Oireachtas is called?
In Bunreacht na hEireann the numbered points are called?
A referendum is needed if the Govt wants to change?
An Act
The Constitution
If the Govt wants to change the Constitution it needs to hold?
A referendum
While an arrested person is awaiting trial, the judge may allow them stay at home, rather than in jail.
This is known as?
The voting system in Ireland is known as?
P.R. stands for?
Proportional Representation
Proportional Representation
What two letters sum up the voting system in Ireland?
How often must a General Election must be held in Ireland?
Every five years
How often must a Presidential Election be held in Ireland?
Every seven years
How many terms can an Irish President serve?
Two (ie. 2 x 7 years = 14 years)
How old do you have to be to have a vote in Ireland or European elections?
How old do you have to be to be elected as a TD?
How old do you have to be to be elected President of Ireland?
The place where votes are cast in an election is called a?
The slip of paper filled in by a voter is called a?
Polling Station
Ballot Paper
Someone who stands in an election is known as a?
In an election, what is a “quota”?
The smallest number of votes needed to elect a candidate
The smallest number of votes needed to elect a candidate is called?
What is a spoiled vote?
What is a T.D./Teachta Dala?
Spoiled vote
Teachta Dala
Someone who is elected to represent their constituency in Dail
What is an elected member of a local authority known as?
What is a constituency?
What is a General Election?
A quota
A vote that cannot be counted
A vote that cannot be counted is known as a?
What does T.D. stand for?
A councillor (eg. a county
An electoral area – eg. Wicklow is one constituency and has 5 TDs
When people across in the country vote to elect TD’s in every
constituency, thereby forming a new Dail and new
What is a By-Election?
When people in one constituency vote to elect a TD to replace
someone who has resigned or died.
What is a Local Election?
When people in a local area vote to elect their local county council or
town council
To have a vote in Ireland, a person’s name must appear on?
The Irish Prime Minister is called?
An Taoiseach is?
The Register of Electors
The Taoiseach/An Taoiseach
The Irish Prime Minister
The Deputy Prime Minister (second-in-command) is called?
The name of the President of Ireland is?
The Tanaiste/An Tanaiste
Mary McAleese
The person who keeps order during debates in Dail Eireann is called the? Ceann Comhairle
What is the national symbol of Ireland that appears on all Govt letters and envelopes?
In Ireland, which Govt department is responsible for voting and elections?
The Dept of the
Environment, Heritage and Local Government
What are the names of the two houses of the Oireachtas?
The Irish Parliament is called?
Dail Eireann is?
Dail Eireann
The Irish Parliament
The other “house” in the Irish Parliament is called?
Seanad Eireann is?
Dail Eireann and Seanad Eireann
Seanad Eireann
The Irish senate - The “upper house” in the Irish Parliament
Where do Dail Eireann and Seanad Eireann meet?
Leinster House
How many Dail Constituencies are there at the moment?
Where does the Irish President live?
Aras an Uachtarain is?
Aras an Uachtarain
The home of the Irish President in Phoenix Park, Dublin
Political Parties and their Current Leaders
Fianna Fail
Michael Martin
Green Party
John Gormley
Fine Gael
Enda Kenny
Labour Party
Eamon Gilmore
Sinn Fein
Gerry Adams
Important Organisations
Amnesty International
Draws attention to human rights abuses in different countries – eg. people
who are facing the death penalty, being tortured, child labour, prisoners of
conscience, etc
Age Action Ireland
Looks after the rights of older people
Focus Ireland
Looks after homeless people
Simon Community
Looks after the needs of homeless people in Ireland
St Vincent de Paul
Helps poor people and those who are struggling to afford to live
Helps those who are suffering from depression
Combat Poverty Agency
Helps poor people
Irish Refugee Council
Looks after asylum seekers and refugees
Pavee Point
Helps the travelling community
Comhairle na nOg
Youth councils which allow young people the chance to have a say on
matters that affect them
Dail na nOg
he annual national parliament for young people aged between 12-18
years. Delegates are elected to Dáil na nÓg through their local
Comhairle na nÓg
Ombudsman for Children
An independent organisation that represents children’s rights in Ireland.
The Ombudsman’s name is Emily Logan
represents and supports the interests of voluntary youth
organisations and acts on issues that impact on young people
National Youth Council of Ireland
Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC)
Protects children’s rights
Irish Wheelchair Association
Helps people with disabilities
Helps people and communities in the developing world
Helps people and communities in the developing world
Helps people and communities in the developing world
Provides training and employment schemes
UNICEF = United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
Look after
children’s rights throughout the world
An Taisce
Campaigns for a better environment
Residents’ Association
Looks after the interests of people who live in a particular area
Neighbourhood Watch/Community Alert
Meals on Wheels
Encourages people to report suspicious activity
Brings meals to elderly people in their homes
Government Departments
We will put names for the ministers for each dept and what each dept does later in the year – with a General
Election due in March there’s no point you learning something that is very likely to change significantly by June.
Dept of the Taoiseach
Dept of Education & Skills
Dept of Finance
Dept of Foreign Affairs
Deals with our relations with other countries
Dept of Justice
Dept of Health & Children
Dept of Enterprise, Trade & Innovation
Encourages industry and employment
Dept of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources
Dept of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food
Dept of Defence
Dept of Environment, Heritage and Local Govt
Dept of Transport
Dept of Tourism, Culture & Sport
Dept of Community, Equality & Gaeltacht Affairs
Dept of Social Protection
Photo Call!
The first question on the exam usually involves photos
1. President & Party Leaders
NB: These are virtually certain to change in spring 2011
Mary McAleese, President
Brian Cowen, Fianna Fail
Enda Kenny, Fine Gael
Eamon Gilmore, Labour Party
John Gormley, Green Party
Gerry Adams, Sinn Fein
Test Yourself
Put the name and party beside each politician
2. International Figures
Ban Ki Moon (UN Secretary General)
Jose Manuel Barroso (President, EU Commission)
Aung San Suu Kyi (Burnam Human Rights campaigner)
Nelson Mandela (former South African President
and Human Rights activist)
Barack Obama (US President)
David Cameron (British Prime Minister)
Angela Merkel (German Chancellor)
Nicolas Sarkozy (President of France)
Vladimir Putin (Russian Prime Minister)
Peter Robinson (Northern Ireland First Minister), Democratic Unionist
Martin McGuinness (Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister), Sinn Fein
Mary Robinson (former Irish President and UN Human Rights
3. Other Important People
Adi Roche (Chernobyl Children’s Fund)
Bono (Third World Debt campaigner)
Martin Luther King, Jr (Human Rights activist in 1960’s USA)
Emily Logan (National Ombudsman for Children)
Maire Geoghegan Quinn (Irish EU Commissioner)
Seamus Kirk (Dail Ceann Comhairle)
4. Important Buildings
Leinster House – home of Dail Eireann and Seanad Eireann
Government Buildings, Dublin
The White House (note, the Oval Office is on the other side)
10 Downing Street (home of British Prime Minister)
Buckingham Palace
The Four Courts
The European Parliament Building, Brussels
The European Parliament Building, Strasbourg
The United Nations Building, New York
Aras an Uachtarain (v like White House, but flatter and wider)
The new Criminal Courts of Justice complex, Dublin
Dail Eireann
5. So you think you know your photos? Have a go at naming the photos below…