Unit 3 Exploring Gothic Literature Exam criteria: You will be expected to be able to discuss three gothic texts in detail. You should also have a good knowledge of gothic as a genre You can refer to other gothic texts that you have read as a support. For each topic, Section A will have one question on each of the set texts. You will answer one question on one text. For each topic, Section B will have three questions. Each question will require you to compare aspects of your chosen topic across at least three texts that you have studied. You will answer one question. Your exam is 2 hours long and is worth 80 marks. What you need to do over the Easter break: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Reread all texts Watch any versions you can find Make a quote bank which links to all twelve gothic concepts Find links between all texts Be aware of the gothic elements in all texts (and in ALL gothic texts in general) Plan at least five questions Answer at least three questions. Gothic revision 2011 – Miss Ransom Section A example questions How do you respond to the character of Macbeth? In what sense is he ‘gothic’? What do you find interesting about the presentation of Scotland? Discuss in relation to social and historical context. What is the purpose of Lady Macbeth? What is the dramatic significance of the witches in Macbeth? Can Macbeth be called a ‘gothic’ play? What features of the Gothic have you found most effective in Macbeth? The Gothic elements of Macbeth are made credible by its characters and setting. How far do you agree? Explore the dramatic use Shakespeare makes of occult and supernatural elements in Macbeth. Macbeth is merely a butcher. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Oppositions as a gothic concept are used to convey a message in Macbeth. Do you agree? Macbeth is a tragic hero. Yes or no? The murder of Macduff’s family is the first act of Macbeth’s unnecessary cruelty. To what extent do you agree? Macbeth actions are the result of a higher power. How has the idea of fate been used in this play? Section B example questions Discuss the representation of women in three Gothic texts you have studied. Religion, taboo and repressed sexual desire are often features in Gothic Literature. To what extent is this true in the texts you have studied? Which gothic conventions have you found the most striking and how have they been portrayed in your texts? Literature often uses metaphor to express a hidden meaning. How far has metaphor been used in your Gothic texts and what is the significance? ‘Gothic texts show the supernatural intertwined with the ordinary.’ Discuss this view in relation to the texts you have been studying. ‘Gothic literature is concerned with the breaking of normal moral and social codes.’ Discuss. Gothic revision 2011 – Miss Ransom