E-mail Best Practices

Membership Marketing Summit
What We’ll Cover This Afternoon
What’s working in membership marketing
Tactical Best Practices by Channel
How to Promote SHRM Membership
Understanding Your Value Proposition
Tools & Resources Available to You
Membership is an ongoing process…
2014 Membership Marketing
Benchmarking Report
865 participating trade, individual, and hybrid
Tells what is working in membership marketing
Only benchmarking research regularly
conducted to determine the current best
practices for the association industry
Sixth year
FREE at www.marketinggeneral.com/resources
2014 Benchmarking – Top Reasons for Joining an Association
Most Effective Methods for Building Brand Awareness
Recruitment – Top 3 for Individual Membership Organizations
Other top methods include: Promotion to event attendees & personal sales calls
Engagement - Top Methods for Onboarding New Members
SHRM Onboarding E-mail series
Dear Jane,
Welcome to SHRM! Congratulations on choosing a career partner that is one of the largest and most influential
Welcome to SHRM!
professional societies in the world.
Explore the SHRM Website
role .ofSave
& Samples
time and effort with
As a human resources professional, you have accepted the responsible and
resources—free to
organizations and employees succeed. The work of HR professionals helps improve
the fabric
of our online
members only. Download sample forms, policies,
Now, you have made another important decision in achieving those goals—joining SHRM
job descriptions, training presentations,
how-to guides, and more.
We believe that in becoming a member of SHRM, you’ve made a deliberate and thoughtful
choice to invest in your
Ask An HR Advisor. Our most popular resource! Pose
any HR-related
question toand
our staff
of Knowledge
career and to make yourself the best professional you can be. We take your decision
very seriously
Advisors—certified former HR practitioners with an
make your success our highest priority.
average of 15 years’ experience—for quick answers,
personalized research assistance, clarifications, and
second opinions.
SHRM’s commitment to its members has allowed us the privilege of guiding and developing
thousands of
business leaders for the past 65 years.
Legal Issues. Obtain critical compliance resources
covering federal and state employment laws, regulations,
and court cases, organized by HR discipline.
We look forward to continuing that heritage with you. Thank you for adding us to your personal and professional
development team, and best wishes for a successful year ahead.
Dear Jane,
Would you like to get more out of your SHRM membership? Become a
member of your local SHRM chapter.
As a member of your local SHRM chapter, you will be able to:
Belong to a community of your professional peers.
Network and share information.
Lead and participate in hands-on programs not possible on the
national level.
Get involved in rewarding activities that develop skills and grow
your circle of professional contacts.
Check out our website orientation
Maximize your career opportunities by joining a SHRM-affiliated chapter.
Learn more about SHRM chapters and consider joining one in your
Choose Your E-Newsletters
For more information and to join, visit shrm.org/localchapter.
A variety of free SHRM e-newsletters feature informative
articles, practical tips, networking opportunities, and other
professional resources. Opt in now to start getting
regular updates!
Henry G. (Hank) Jackson, CPA
SHRM President and CEO
Employee Relations & Engagement
Staffing Management
HR Week
California Employment Law
Compensation & Benefits
Renewal Programs that Start 3 Months or More Before Expiration Have
Higher Renewal Rates
Which Channels Generate
the Most Membership
What is the ONE Top Reason Members do not Renew Their Membership
Practices Correlating with 80% or Better Renewal Rates
PERSONAL COMMUNICATION WORKS - Few associations are using the “volunteer or staff
welcome calls” or “mailed welcome kits”
LISTEN TO YOUR MEMBERS – Significantly more likely than those associations with a lower
renewal rate to say they added member research.
START EARLY - Start Renewals 3+ Months Prior to Expiration
KEEP COMMUNICATING - Extend Renewal 3+ Months After Expiration
5. DIRECT MAIL WORKS - Significantly more likely than those with lower renewal rates to
say direct mail is the most effective membership renewal channel (59% vs. 50%).
MGI Experience in Testing Member Incentives
Discounts on 1st-year dues work the best
Research reports and surveys
Books - “The Essential HR Desk Set”
Free months of membership (15 months for price of 12)
3rd party gift cards – Starbucks, Amazon, etc.
E-mail Best Practices
Today’s e-mail World:
The total worldwide e-mail traffic will grow to nearly
207 billion e-mails per day by the end of 2017 (The Radicati Group)
Subscribers only spend 3
your email. (Litmus)
- 4 seconds deciding whether or not to open
33% of email recipients open e-mail based on
(Convince & Convert via Salesforce.com)
subject line alone.
The good news is…
E-mail marketing has an ROI
of 4,300% (Direct Marketing Association)
Personalized e-mails had a 29% higher open rate and 41%
unique click-through rate. (Experian)
E-mails that include social sharing
higher click-through rate. (GetResponse)
buttons have a 158%
Email Best Practices: Subject Line
 Character Count (25 or less)
 Short (can be just 1 word)
– Invitation
Emails with 4 to 15 characters in the subject line have the
– Your Status Pending
highest open rate and clickthrough rate (MailerMailer)
– Can we help?
 How About These Long Ones?
– Paid Leave, Overtime, Health Care, Criminal Background Checks and
More subject lines can work too if you use relevant key
– Employee Appreciation Day, New FMLA Poster, Daylight Saving Time
and More
E-mail Best Practices: Subject Line
 Urgent
 Use Actionable Words
– 2-Day Membership Sale
‒ Download I-9 How-To Guide
– Your 3 Recert Credits Expire
‒ Register for Employee Conflict
 Personalize (e.g. Include
your readers’ first name)
– Tracy, Your Invitation
 Avoid SPAM Triggers:
Free, Cash, !!!, $, ALL CAP
Email Best Practices: Call to Action
 Be Clear and Obvious:
Click Here
Submit Now
Register Today
Email Best Practices: Call to Action
 Above the Fold
Remember the 3 seconds rule!
Email Best Practices: Pre-Header Copy
Email Best Practices: Design
Pretty is not always better. Test using a
clean and consistent template and focus
on your offer and messaging.
E-mail Best Practices: Sender
Which one gets the highest open rates from SHRM e-mails?
– Chantal Rotondo, SHRM
– SHRM Membership Team
Test what works for you!
It depends!
Email Best Practices: Offer & Messaging
 Clear Value Proposition:
– What is it that they will get?
– Find different ways to explain ROI:
SHRM Membership is $185 a year
Or $15 a month Or less than 50 cents a day Or $3.75 a week
Email Best Practices: Offer & Messaging
 Short, Limited Time Offer
– Short deadlines make people act quicker
(1 day offer; 48 hour discount, registration ends tomorrow, etc)
 Ask What Your Current Members Think
– Why did they join?
– Why did they renew?
– Use their feedback for your campaigns and pitch
 Use Your Own Personal Experience
– Why did I join? Why do I like being part of this chapter?
CASE – Copy and Steal Everything
Sign up for and learn from others in the same space
Email Best Practices: A/B Testing
1. Decide what component
to test
2. Define success
3. Send test to part of your list
4. Send the winning version to
the rest of your list
Offer Testing
- Choose offers to test (discounts, incentives, etc)
- Number of members or revenue: $10 or $15 discount?
Response Rate
Net Revenue
$165 – $15 Discount
$170 – $10 Discount
E-mail Best Practices: How to Measure Success
Key Metrics:
Nonprofits Email Marketing Benchmarks
Open Rate
Open rate
Click-through rate
Conversion rate
Unsubscribe rate
Clickthrough Rate 4.20%
Unsubscribe Rate
(Source: Silverpop)
Make sure to compare apples to apples!
Let’s practice!
Use a simple template
Tell them why you’re emailing
right away and create urgency
Tell them what’s in it for them.
KISS: Keep it short and simple
Repeat the offer again
Use the right person to sign this
email to give it a personal touch
How to Grow Prospective Member List:
– Run a member-get-a-member promotion
– Encourage current members to bring a colleague
– Get in touch with lapsed members
− Reach out to local universities
How to Grow Prospective Member List: Events and Promotions
– Invite local employment attorneys to speak
– Hold a value-driven webinar
– Partner with other local associations
– List your upcoming events online
– Consider changing the time of an event
How to Grow Prospective Member List: Website and E-mails
– Create an e-mail signup form/box.
– Encourage your current email subscribers to share your emails
– Include a “Subscribe” link
– E-mail Signature
How to Grow Prospective Member List: Social Media
– LinkedIn messages. Search and message local HR professionals directly. Be
professional and be personal.
– Share content on your social media pages and encourage sharing
How to Promote SHRM membership
FROM SHRM: Information and Knowledge, Peace of Mind
– Access to Knowledge Advisors.
– Samples.
– HRWeek & HR Magazine.
– Connections, Community.
– Discussions on Local Challenges.
How to Promote SHRM membership
We’ve run the numbers for you:
10 Issues of HR Magazine
Reading 3 of the more than 50 research reports
Participation in 12 webcasts from other organizations
Savings by not having to pay some consultant fees
Your estimate
Full access to SHRM sample forms, policies, how-to guides and presentations
SHRM Membership Value = $2169.85 or higher
You Pay Only $185 for 1 year full professional membership
Defining a Value Proposition
Understanding Your Value Proposition
What is
Value is a
“The message . . . is that no company can succeed
today by trying to be all things to all people. It
must instead find the unique value it alone can
deliver to a chosen market.”
Treacy and Wiersema, The Discipline of Market Leaders, page xiv
The Things You Have
Continuing Education Programs
Certification Programs
Members-Only Discounts
Newsletter or eNewsletters
Monthly Magazine/Journal
Face-to-face lunches/dinners/meetings
What People Gain
from the Feature
Continuing Education Programs
Keeps you knowledgeable and relevant as
a professional
Certification Programs
Validates your capabilities
Members-Only Discounts
Saves you $$$$$$$
Newsletter or eNewsletters
Easy access to timely information
Monthly Magazine/Journal
Covers the hottest topics and trends
around <your profession> in your area
Convenient learning at your fingertips
Face-to-face lunches/dinners/meetings
Networking with other professionals like
you to discuss and solve common
What People Don’t
Want to Experience
Continuing Education
Keeps you knowledgeable and relevant
as a professional
Missing out on essential knowledge for professionals
Certification Programs
Validates your capabilities
Getting passed over for a higher position
Members-Only Discounts
Saves you $$$$$$$
Paying too much somewhere else!
Newsletter or eNewsletters
Easy access to timely information
Wasting time searching for critical information
Monthly Magazine/Journal
Covers the hottest topics and trends
around <your profession> in your area
Not being on top of major employer concerns
Convenient learning at your fingertips
Costs of travel, room and board for educational needs
Networking with other professionals
like you to discuss and solve common
Working in isolation on key issues that would benefit from
multiple viewpoints
Emotional Drivers:
Speaking to Aspirations
Continuing Education
Keeps you knowledgeable
and relevant as a professional
Missing out on essential knowledge for
Gain confidence in your abilities
Certification Programs
Validates your capabilities
Getting passed over for a higher
Becoming an authority in my field
Members-Only Discounts
Saves you $$$$$$$
Paying too much somewhere else!
Good steward of organization money
Ongoing access to timely
Wasting time searching for critical
Allows you more time to spend on the things
that really matter
Newsletter or eNewsletters information
Monthly Magazine/Journal
Covers the hottest topics and
trends around <your
profession> in your area
Not being on top of major employer
Being on the cutting edge of the profession
Convenient learning at your
Costs of travel, room and board for
educational needs
You can become an expert in a specific area
Networking with other
professionals like you to
discuss and solve common
Working in isolation on key issues that
would benefit from multiple viewpoints
Making professional friendships that last a
Putting It All Together
Monthly Face-to-Face Meetings – You’re not alone! Dozens of
professionals attend our collaborative events designed to meet, learn
and grow alongside other professionals.
Members Only Discounts – Exclusive savings on all your local
professional networking and professional development needs,
lightening the load on your company and your wallet.
Resources Available to You
1. Templates: Win-back calls, Renewal Notice, Acquisition Mailing
2. Membership Dashboard – Excel Tool
3. Free newsletter, webinars, and research from MGI