Lecture 4.1 CIG and Free Ideal World

Cheon Il Guk and Free Ideal World
Cheon Gi Year 3 HC 7/7 (Solar 8/24)
I. Introduction
A. CIG and Identity of Blessed Families
Identity of Christians: Received salvation?
Christian societal salvation: Identity, liberation, freedom
Identity of blessed families: Became God’s children?
What are we doing for God’s hope?
God desires Free Ideal World. (ODP, 88)
World President and Chairman: Strong Korea, Free Ideal World
B. Freedom and responsibility of human beings before the Fall
Freedom means that there is right to choose.
Freedom explained in EDP: Principle, responsibility, achievement
Choice without right to choose: Content related love, life, and lineage
Choice with right to choose: Autonomy and responsibility follow
Freedom: Free within God’s blood lineage.
(Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong, 17)
C. Freedom needed for human beings after the Fall
1. Complete liberation and complete freedom from Archangel
2. Need complete freedom from Archangel
3. Need freedom from politics, economics, and social systems
made by Archangel
4. Freedom from environment made by Archangel
II. CIG and the
Israel Nation
“Cheon Il Guk refers to the “world established by two people
becoming one.” Our mind and body first have to become one.
Furthermore, it refers to the world where complete oneness is
achieved between parent and child, between husband and
wife, among religions, among nations, between SW and PW,
and the entire cosmos lives as one family under God.
(2003.7.13, World Culture and Sports Festival,
Victory celebration banquet remark)
III. Free Ideal World and Creation
Fall Restoration
A. Free Ideal World and purpose of creation
Garden of Eden in the original creation is the Free Ideal World.
Garden of Eden: God, Adam, Eve, 3 archangels (1997.2.13)
God: Embodies Adam and marries substantial wife, Eve
Adam and Eve : Free growth was possible before the Fall. (ODP, 17)
Archangel: Cooperation in Adam and Eve’s perfection, and receives
dominion of perfected Adam and Eve
B. Free Ideal World and Fall due to the Archangel
1. Archangel Lucifer, by tempting and causing Eve to Fall,
2. Became God’s enemy of love. (姦夫)
3. Archangel’s Fall is a challenge to God’s authority and to the Principle of
Creation (decrease)
4. Eve fell because she could not manage Archangel’s temptation.
5. Adam fell because he could not manage fallen Eve’s temptation.
6. Result of Fall: Adam and Eve lost freedom given by God.
C. Free Ideal World and Completion of Restoration (2011.10.14)
1. Liberation and complete freedom from Arhangel
2. Adam and Eve’s returning to position before “Do not eat”
3. Growth to perfection level of perfection stage: Completion of
4. God’s Wedding: Completion of parentship through completion of
Heavenly Family
5. Expansion of Heavenly Family: Completion of kingship through
restoration of realm of Cain
6. Providence after Foundation Day: CIG and Free Ideal world
D. Free Ideal World and Proclamation of 4-D Registration
(2012.6.5., Las Vegas)
All of TP‘s responsibilities are finished.
TP and TP of HEH have completely settled.
Our family has seen completion and perfection.
Gookjin-Hyeongjin became one as Can and Abel.
Blessed families reach perfection through TP‘s 96% responsibility and
4%their responsibility.
6. Free Ideal World is the completion of vertical oneness of 3 generations.
(2005.4.27, Cheong Hae Garden)
E. Understanding through diagram
1. Heavenly Family and TP of HEH (2003.10.25)
2. Blessed families and TP of HEH (2003.10.25)
Heavenly Family
Blessed families
IV. Free Ideal World and ODP
A. Free Ideal World is introduced in the ODP (1951.5.11~1952.5.10)
1. Wrote quickly as soon as pencils were sharpened from left to right on
yellow paper double the size of A4 paper
2. The topic of “All historical problems of historical roll will be solved in
Korea” was transcribed by Mr. Wonpil Kim (1951.11.18)
3. ODP is currently being kept in CJG.
4. Handwritten copies of ODP (4):
Wonpil Kim, Hyeonshil Kang, Hyowon Yoo
5. ODP is composed of 5 books, 690 pages.
B. DOP Book 1~5 Covers
C. “Free Ideal World” as revealed in ODP
1. Free Ideal World is a world centered on God. (p.88)
“Our ideal world is True Free World. In other
words, it is a world unrestricted by distance,
and a world unrestricted by space and time. It
is a free ideal world where the result comes
into existence(現立) at the same time as
thinking takes place. This is the world
centered on God.
2. Free Ideal World is Garden of Eden centered on Adam and Eve.
“`The Garden of Eden centered on Adam and Eve was
the free ideal world and at the same time world of
hope. …After human being fell, the direct
relationship to Heavenly world, the ideal world,
was cut. There became a distance between human
being and Heaven. To close this distance, there
needs to appear a being of Principle. The 2nd Adam
and Eve need to appear.”
3. It was the world to be re-found and established
after Noah’s flood judgment (p.333)
“The era of Adam-Noah-Abraham… because they were
fallen, the social structure was the age of co-existence.
… It was the Age of Communism of group co-production.
God had a judgment to cleanse this age.
That was Noah’s judgment. What was to be found and
established as consequence had its purpose as the original
free ideal world. Noah was chosen to restore, after the
judgment, centering on one tribe that has been selected
after distinguishing.
4. Free Ideal World is the world where the purpose of creation has
been fulfilled. (Wonpil Kim’s manuscript,172)
“In the human world, the progress toward ideal is paused. Due
to action deviating from the Divine Principle, humans cannot
grow. …The ideal family is restored from the love of
Heaven’s Will. God’s purpose of creation was to _ the ideal
Providence in the cosmos. This place is the free ideal world..”
V. Free Ideal World and National System
Adam creates the Free Ideal World (1997.9.14)
1. Believe in TP,
2. Know TP,
3. Live together with TP,
4. Achieve oneness with TF in True Love, and
5. Start the life of Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
B. Free Ideal World centered on Heavenly Family (2007.11.1)
1. Small town family and head of small town family: Town head, village
2. City family and head of family: Mayor, head of borough
3. State family and head of state family: Governor
4. National family and head of national family: Congressman, Parliament
5. Head family and head of head family: TP of HEH
C. Political system of Free Ideal World (1999.8.17 / 2000.6.24)
Cannot decide on policy through political discussion
Politics is not a system to lead but a system to manage.
There is no need to decide on policy. Divine Principle is the policy.
Live for the sake of peace from Principle’s perspective.
D. Constitutional system of Free Ideal World
1. Heavenly Law: 8 GTTM, origin of all CIG law
2. Constitution: Blessed families’ Principle of life
centered on Heavenly Law
3. Constitutional system: Legislative, executive, judicial,
media, finance (1999.6.4~6.6)
4. National system: 5 branches centered on True Love
5. Judicial branch: No judge, prosecutor, lawyer
6. Coronation Ceremony of God’s Kingship and term of
US president (2001.1.13)
E. CIG and World Peace
200 nations × 3 branches = 600 constitutional bodies
World peace is impossible with 600 constitutional bodies.
Only God’s Heavenly Law and 5 constitutional organizations are needed.
World peace is possible centering on one Heavenly Law.
VI. Free Ideal World and Kingdom of Ideal,
Peaceful World
A. Freedom and Peace
FP 4: World of freedom, peace, unification, and happiness
Nation of hope: Nation of freedom, peace, unification, and happiness
Democratic world sought freedom; communist world sought peace.
TP restored through indemnity and re-created the word “peace”
World of freedom, peace, unification, and happiness centered on TP‘s
B. Free Ideal World and Peace Messages
PM1: God's Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the
Peaceful, Ideal World – I (General Introduction)
PM2: God's Model Ideal Family and Nation, and the
Peace Kingdom (Purpose of Creation)
PM3: The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of
Peace and Unity in Heaven and on Earth – I (SW)
PM4: The Mission of the Clan Messiah in the Revolutionary
Era After the Coming of Heaven (Cain Realm)
PM5: Cheon Il Guk is the Ideal Heavenly Kingdom of
Eternal Peace (CIG)
PM6: Address at the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the
Times Aerospace Industrial Complex (Material)
C. Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World must be
connected to God’s blood lineage
“God’s lineage contains the seed of true love. God’s lineage provides
the context and environment for a true life. Hence, for us to become
the Ideal people envisioned by God, that, people of ideal character,
and to create ideal families, we first need to be linked to His lineage.
To take it a step further, only when we are linked to God’s lineage is it
possible to create God’s homeland, the ideal nation. Only when we are
linked to God’s lineage is it possible to establish the kingdom of the
peaceful, ideal world.
(Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong, 17)
VII. Free Ideal World and Abel UN
A. Core of UN Providence
1. Proclaim “Day of TP” through UN resolution
2. TP are the eternal UN Secretary-General (1997.5.1)
3. Manage entire world with one Heavenly Law and Constitution
4. Govern entire world into one family form (2007.11.1)
5. UN’s role is both world counsel and world government
B. UN is organization that leads the Providence of Ideal Creation
1. Proclamation of the end of Era of Indemnity and Providence of Ideal
Creation (2003.7.13 SMU)
2. Inauguration of Interreligious International Peace Counsel (IIPC) :
3. Universal Peace Federation (UPF) : 2005.9.12
4. Inauguration of Abel UN : 2007.9.23
5. Inauguration and Settlement of TP UN: 2009.1.15 / 12.26
6. Inauguration of Women UN: 2012.7.16
C. Free Ideal World and Vatican
Vatican is a nation.
Pope: Head of state and chief officiating priest
Heavenly people (天民) is before Chosen People (選民).
It is Free Ideal World centered on TP’s lineage.
VII. Conclusion
A. Way of TP and Way of blessed families
1. Way of TP: Way of Restoration through Indemnity, Way of Pioneering,
Way that needs to be found
2. Way of BF: Way of the Principle, Way of following the footstep
3. Free Ideal World is a world that no one has experienced.
4. TP walk first and we follow.
5. The person who knows has to go the way of pioneering first. (Joshua
B. Free Ideal World and Cheon Bok Gung
1. CIG: Sovereignty (God’s kingship), Citizens (BF), Territory (Korea)
2. CIG at CBG: Strong Abel, Movement for Free Ideal World
3. Peace Kingdom Police and Peace Kingdom Corp.: Red blood cells and
white blood cells
4. TP’s secret to success (1997.3.10)
5. I am God’s child. I am God’s holy temple.
Thank you!