2010-11 Rowan County Senior High School Mrs. Sorrell Week of: 9

2010-11 Rowan County Senior High School
Mrs. Sorrell
Week of: 9/13/2010
Algebra I Exploration
Independent Work: Mad Minutes-multiplication.
Learning Target: I will be able to find the GCF and
LCM of a set of numbers.
Interactive Instruction: Students will work on
Punchline 58 & 59 to find the GCF and LCM.
Circulate and assist as needed. Finish for HW.
Closure: Click here to enter text.
Independent Work: Mad Minutes-multiplication.
Learning Target: I will be able to add and subtract
Interactive Instruction: Students will hand in their
Punchline pages. Walk students through adding
and subtracting of fractions using the “Flying X”
method. Assign a practice set of problems to be
completed in class.
Closure: Click here to enter text.
Independent Work: Mad Minutes-multiplication
Learning Target: I will be able to add, subtract,
multiply and divide fractions.
Interactive Instruction: Students should compare
their times on the multiplication sheets to
monitor their progress. Chart the progress. Play a
game with fraction math problems.
Closure: Click here to enter text.
Independent Work: Test day.
Learning Target: I will demonstrate my
Interactive Instruction: Unit 1 test.
Closure: Click here to enter text.
Independent Work: Mad minutes addition.
Learning Target: I will be able to use mean,
median, and mode to interpret data.
Interactive Instruction: Students will work in
groups to explore Mean, median and mode.
Closure: Click here to enter text.
Introduction to College Algebra
Independent Work: Review the quadratic
equation used to represent the velocity and
height of a rock being thrown up from Chapter
Learning Target: I will be able to identify the
zeros of various functions and use synthetic
substitution to solve for values of the function.
Interactive Instruction: Review the BW. Check
the homework. Teach students to use synthetic
substitution to find the value of a certain value.
Assign: P56 2-20 Even.
Closure: Exit Slip: synthetic substitution.
Independent Work: ACT Practice Test: ?s 1-10.
Learning Target: I will be able to use synthetic
division and to apply the remainder and factor
Interactive Instruction: Review the BW. Review
the homework. Complete the Class Exercises
together. Assign P61: 4-26 Even.
Closure: Have one student share their solution
to # 6 on the projector.
Independent Work: ACT practice test: 11-20.
Learning Target: I will be able to use synthetic
division and to apply the remainder and factor
Interactive Instruction: Review the BW. Review
the homework. Complete the Class Exercises
together. Assign P61: 4-26 Even.
Closure: Have one student share their solution
to # 6 on the projector.
Independent Work: ACT practice test: 21-30.
Learning Target: I will be able to graph a
polynomial function in the calculator and
determine an equation for a polynomial graph.
Interactive Instruction: Review the bellwork.
Review the homework. Use the computer lab to
graph a series of polynomial functions.
Students will have a step-by-step instruction
page for graphing on the software.
Closure: Students should print their work and
Independent Work: ACT practice test: 31-40.
Learning Target: I will be able to graph
polynomial functions in the calculator and
determine an equation of the graph.
Interactive Instruction: Review the BW. Students
will practice graphing and analyzing
polynomial functions to various degrees.
Closure: Click here to enter text.
2010-11 Rowan County Senior High School
Mrs. Sorrell
Week of: 9-13-2010
Geometry A
Independent Work: Review RB1-P26: 13-27 Odd
Learning Target: I will be able to identify the
reasons that belong in the two-column proof for
congruent segments.
Interactive Instruction: Go over the bellwork ?s.
Review the properties with 2.4Prac B. Students
complete 1-11. Refer students back to Page 19 to
discuss “congruent to” and “equal to.” Teach
students to create congruent segments using the
compass. Demonstrate how to create the proof
statements and the importance of order in the
logical reasons. Use TX P104: 3-5, 8-11, and 16.
Assign Prac 2.5A, 1-11.
Closure: Check answers to 4-9 before they leave.
Independent Work: RB1-P38: 18-21.
Learning Target: I will be able to use angle
congruence properties and prove properties
about special pairs of angles.
Interactive Instruction: Students will complete the
Investigation of Complementary Angles (TX108).
Refer students back to Pages 19 and 26 to
discuss “congruent to” and “equal to.” Students
will complete the 2.6 note-taking guide to study
the theorems and postulates. Discuss with a
partner TX113: 12-17 and 27. Assign 2.6 PracA:
Closure: Click here to enter text.
Independent Work: RB1-P53: 13-15.
Learning Target: I will review all chapter 2
Interactive Instruction: Students will complete the
Practice Test 2 (RB99). Students will put
problems on the board as they complete them.
Closure: Click here to enter text.
Independent Work: Assessment day
Learning Target: I will demonstrate my
knowledge of Chapter 2 concepts.
Interactive Instruction: Chapter 2 test.
Math Testing Skills
Independent Work: ACT Practice test: 11-20.
Learning Target: I will be able to solve
exponents and radical problems with at least
70% accuracy.
Interactive Instruction: Review exponents and
radicals with the students who will test
tomorrow using numbered heads. Students
who have tested already will move onto
Algebraic Operations: P103-110. Give students
Worksheet A of practice problems over add,
subtract, multiply, and divide algebraic
expressions and terms.
Closure: Click here to enter text.
Independent Work: ACT Practice test: 21-30
Learning Target: I will demonstrate my
knowledge of exponents and radicals. I will be
able to factor algebraic expressions.
Interactive Instruction: Exponents and radicals
test. Other students will go over their
homework problems. Model several methods
for factoring algebraic expressions. Assign
Worksheet B.
Closure: Click here to enter text.
Independent Work: ACT Practice test: 31-40
Learning Target: I will be able to simplify basic
algebraic expressions by add, subtract,
multiply and divide. I will be able to factor
algebraic expressions.
Interactive Instruction: Students will take notes
from Algebraic Operations: P103-108. Model
several problems for them and assign
Worksheet A. Review Worksheet B with the
independent group and have them move on to
absolute values. Model a few problems and
discuss absolute value.
Closure: Exit slip: Explain how to multiply
algebraic terms.
Independent Work: No bellwork.
Learning Target: I will take a full length practice
ACT test to use as a baseline test for the future
practice tests.
Interactive Instruction: Students will take the
ACT practice test on page 302-318. Turn in
your bubble sheets at the end of class.
Independent Work: RB1-P69: 5, 6, 14-16.
Learning Target: I will be able to identify
relationships between lines.
Interactive Instruction: Review BW. Discuss
Postulates 13 and 14. Teach students to
construct a perpendicular to a line. Model for
students a transversal and the angles formed by
the transversal and two lines. Assign P132: 1031.
Closure: Continue on Monday.
Closure: Collect test papers.
Independent Work: Everyone grades their own
practice ACT test.
Learning Target: I will be able to use the ACT
Practice test to estimate my future
performance and needs.
Interactive Instruction: Students will analyze
their own performance on the ACT practice
test. Estimate their sub score and determine
the next steps to improve the Math sub score.
Closure: Click here to enter text.