Unit 1 Study Guide Growing Tension: The Road to Revolution The

Unit 1 Study Guide
Growing Tension: The Road to Revolution
1. The Navigation Acts 1651
2. The French & Indian War 1754-1763
3. The Proclamation of 1763
4. Salutary Neglect
5. A Series of Acts
a. Stamp Act 1765
b. Quartering Act
c. Declaratory Act
d. Townshend Acts
e. Tea Act
f. Coercive/Intolerable Acts
6. Incidents
a. Boston Massacre- Significance?
b. Boston Tea Party- Significance?
The Boiling Point
1. First Continental Congress: Goals /King George’s
2. Battles of Lexington & Concord: Significance?
3. Second Continental Congress: Significance?
4. Thomas Paine’s Common Sense
5. Reason’s for People Remaining Loyalist
1. John Locke
2. Thomas Hobbes
3. Jean-Jacque Rousseau
a. Popular Sovereignty
4. Barron de Montesquieu
5. Social Contract Theory
Declaration of Independence
1. Significance of Declaration of Natural Rights
2. Significance of List of Grievances/ Complaints
3. Significance of the Resolution
Articles of Confederation
1. Weaknesses
2. Federal Gov. Powers under AOC
3. Confederation Congress
4. Problems w/ Debt Under AOC
6. Shays Rebellion
1. What happened?
2. Why is it significant to the AOC?
7. Ordinance of 1785
8. Northwest Ordinance
Constitutional Convention & Compromises
1. Issue of Representation
a. Virginia Plan
b. New Jersey Plan
c. The Great Compromise
2. 3/5ths Compromise
3. Commerce Compromise
4. Slave Trade Compromise
5. Issue of Electing the President
a. Popular Vote
b. Congressional Vote
c. Electoral College Compromise
Federalist v Anti- Federalist (Study the Packet)
1. Federalist view on government and constitution
2. Anti-Federalist view on Constitution
3. Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers
4. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay
5. Bill of Rights
6. Necessary and Proper Clause & Article 6 (AntiFederalist Concern)
7. Republic
8. Federalism
9. Separation of Powers
10. Ratification of the US Constitution
There are notes on my wikipage
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index card! Use only one side, and it must be
A Day Test Monday 9/29
B Day Test Tuesday 9/30