Enterprise-Ozark Community College
Expansion of the 3D
Simulation and
Modeling Technician
Project Title:
Expansion of 3D Simulation and Modeling Technician
(3D SMT) Short Term Certificate Program
Amount of Funds Requested:
$ 1,084,208
Service Provider/Fiscal Agent:
Enterprise-Ozark Community College
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1300, Enterprise, AL 36331
Name of Project Contact:
Dr. Jean Johnson
Chairperson, Division of Fine Arts; Distance Learning
FAX: (334) 393-6223
Phone: (334) 347-2623 x 2316
As the person authorized to act on behalf of the service provider/fiscal agent, I certify that the
information submitted in this proposal is accurate. I also certify that the service provider will
carry out the proposed activities as stated and will follow accountability and reporting
Nancy W. Chandler
Printed or Typed Name -Authorized Official
Signature of Authorized Official
Project title:
Expansion of 3D Simulation and Modeling Technician
(3D SMT) Short Term Certificate Program
Service provider/fiscal agent:
Total funds requested:
Project start and end dates: September 1, 2009 – August 31, 2010
Statement of need or priorities to be addressed by proposed activities:
Enterprise-Ozark Community College
Enterprise-Ozark Community College (EOCC) is the only community college in
southeast Alabama offering training in the development of three-dimensional objects and
environments needed by a wide variety of educational settings, businesses and industries.
Currently, EOCC has funding to purchase only ten computer stations to be used in the 3D
Simulation and Modeling Technician Short Term Certificate Program, which severely hampers
the College’s ability to provide the modeling technicians needed in this growing occupation.
We see the benefit of state-of-the-art computational measurement techniques in 3D
modeling and simulation, and we are committed to ensuring that the highest levels of accuracy
and performance are achieved. In the area of information technology/cybersecurity, we propose
to address subtopic 4: research enabling fundamental advances in computational science and
engineering associated with measurement and standards in visual data analysis. We also will
address subtopic 7: research to develop advanced image analysis techniques and tools relevant
to measurement science. Our faculty members working on this project are educated to the level
of master’s degree or doctorate in their fields and many years of experience in computer science.
Proposed activities:
The College will expand its ability to train 3D Simulation and Modeling Technicians by
purchasing additional computer stations for the laboratory located at the Enterprise Campus,
establishing a laboratory at the Fort Rucker Site, and by creating non-credit offerings in 3D SMT
for existing businesses and industries.
Anticipated outcomes (include target level of performance for each outcome):
1. 50 students will be enrolled in the credit offerings at the Enterprise Campus and Fort
Rucker Site
2. 10 students will be enrolled in non-credit offerings
3. 75% of students in credit / non-credit programs will complete the course of study
4. 80% of completers in the credit program will be placed in related employment
VIII. Performance measures:
1. 60 students will be enrolled in credit and/or non-credit offerings by the end of the
2009-2010 Academic Year
2. 45 students in credit or non-credit programs will complete the course of study by the
end of Fall Semester 2010
3. 80% of students who complete the credit course of study will be placed in related
employment within two semesters of program completion
4. Program will self-sustain with 40 seats per semester, three semesters per year.
Budget Item
Staff Development/Training
Travel In State
Travel Out of State
Public Relations
$ 1,084,208
$ 1,084,208
$165,150: Program Staff Salaries (Position title/function of staff assigned to projectspecific program services activities, salary/wage, percentage of time charged to project.)
2 full-time instructors: Salary Schedule 1A-D-1, Step 5 = $58,575 x 2 = $117,150
3 part-time instructors @ $1,600 per 3 hour class x 10 classes = $48,000
$50,732: Program Staff Benefits (Type and cost of fringe benefits for each position
included in project budget.) FICA Matching (7.65%); Unemployment compensation
(.07%); Retirement Matching (12.07%); PEEHIP @ $9,024 annually
2 full-time instructors = $41,232
FICA = $8,962 Unemployment = $82
Retirement = $14,140
3 part-time instructors = $9,500
FICA = $3,672
Unemployment = $34
PEEHIP = $18,048
Retirement = $5,794
Individual Training (Fees or other training fees; tuition; training materials and other costs
related to training of individuals.)
Not applicable
$4,500: Staff Development/Training (Detail of consultants; tuition/fees, other costs
related to providing and/or attending.)
ArcView and GIS software training: $750/course x 3 courses = $2,250
Auto Desk 3D MAX software training: $750 /course x 3 courses = $2,250
Employer Outreach and Services (Details of outreach activities; other similar employer
Not applicable
$4,000: Travel (Costs of mileage, lodging, meals and other travel-related costs.)
Instate Travel = $950
3 persons travel to Birmingham, AL for training programs
3 days @ $75 per diem x 3 travelers = $675
Mileage to Birmingham: 500 miles @ $0.55 /mile = $275
Out of State Travel = $3,050
3 persons travel to Fayetteville Technical Community College, Fayetteville, NC to visit
the 3D Simulation and Modeling Technician program, Visual Learning Lab, and
Experience and Discovery Lab
Airfare: 3 travelers @ $750 roundtrip = $2,250
Meals for two days @ $50 per person x 3 = $300
Hotel: 2 nights @ $125 / night x 2 rooms = $500
$25,500: Outreach, Public Relations (Details of media advertising and other public
outreach costs, e.g., newspapers, radio/TV, direct mail, etc.)
Radio Advertising [21 thirty-second spots (14 stations)]: $6,000
8 Newspapers: [two 4-column x 4” ads (11 publications)]: $4,000
Billboards: (number TBD): $4,000
Television: (1 station): $500 production cost + $5,000 to air commercial = $5,500
Brochures: (distributable institutional materials): $6,000
VIII. $834,326: Materials & Supplies (Office supplies, training supplies, other supplies
required to carry out project, detailed by type costs.)
Visual Learning Labs at Enterprise Campus and Fort Rucker Site for teaching students
to create 3D objects and environments
SMT Integrated Enterprise Learning Suite consisting of lab
computers and software listed below
30 lab computers w/ cabling @ $3,500 each
30 Computer Stations consisting of Recessed Monitor Tables and
Contoured Task Chairs @ $1,053 each
Installation, testing and integration
5 Instructor computers @ $3,500 each
35 licenses of the following software:
3D Studio Max software @ $395 each
Unity Pro @ $1,500 each
Unity Asset Server license @ $500 each
ArcView/ArcGIS @ $245 each
Autodesk AutoCAD Inventor Professional @ $1,435 each
37 licenses of Immersive Real Time Software Development Suite
(35 for lab & instructor computers, 1 each for 3D
Projection and 3D Wall) @ $5,500 each
3D Wall consisting of
3D configured projector
Stereo filters
Computer platform
Wireless Wand and Keyboard
DVI Extenders / Cabling
16:9 Wide Aspect Screen & Motor
3 days installation, testing and integration
Mobile 3D Visual Learning Lab
Experience and Discovery Lab for use of objects and environments in educational
programs, training for workforce development, etc.
3D Theater Projection System consisting of
Theater Quality Passive Stereo Projectors
Specialized color wheel lens
Dolby 7.2 Surround Theater System
Stereo integration rack
Stereo glasses
Wireless Wand and Keyboard
VR authoring tool for real-time photo realistic features,
advanced physics engine, CAD integration and
realistic human behaviors
DVI Extenders/cabling/ NVidia Quadro Plex with Casing
System and Mounts
16:9 Wide Aspect Screen and 16:9 Wide Aspect Screen
5 days installation, testing and integration
Integrated AMX Solution consisting of
Computer platform
AMX 17’ Monitor
Cabling / Extenders and conduit
Rack system with Cabling
Installation, testing and integration
Integrated Touch and TelePresence Technology consisting of
Computer platform
Touch Interaction Display Screen with Integrated
Projection System for Compact foot Print with
TelePresence HoloPodium for Virtual Presenter
DVI Extenders for Integration
Video Capture Board, Digital Still Camera, Custom
Mounting and Cables
Installation, testing and integration
Statement of Need
This project proposes to expand EOCC’s capacity to teach students to develop interactive
three-dimensional (3D) objects and environments that can satisfy workforce development,
industry and government needs for a wide variety of situations, including training programs,
educational settings, and entertainment venues. Increasing the capacity of the College’s 3DSimulation and Modeling Technician (3D SMT) Short Term Certificate program will offer more
opportunities to train graduates to develop and manipulate virtual objects within a three
dimensional space.
The importance of developing such virtual reality objects can best be shown in some
examples. For instance, using 3D objects created by graduates of this program, flight engineers
may have access to virtual reality models of equipment and could view performance in highly
accurate simulations of real-world environment. Entertainment venues may develop accurate,
scaled environments to showcase new attractions or even develop audience-immersive
experiences. Emergency Medical Services personnel may use 3D objects to learn proper
techniques for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or to evaluate emergency situations.
Given the time and expense involved in the creation and utilization of traditional models
and simulations, the ability to develop virtual reality, 3D objects and environments allows for
rapid design and reconfiguration at relatively low cost and effort. Given the presence of both the
U.S. Army and defense contractors within Region 10 and, in particular, EOCC’s service area, the
need for training 3D simulation technologists is increasing, as their skills allow for the creation
of a wide variety of objects and environments of value to these industries, thereby reducing the
need for traditional cost- and labor-intensive efforts that result in products of limited use.
Currently EOCC is purchasing hardware and software to teach only ten students at a time
on the Enterprise Campus. Funding for this expansion project will increase the capacity by
installing ten more computer stations at the Enterprise Campus, by installing a 20-computer
station laboratory at the Fort Rucker Site, and by providing the training through non-credit as
well as for-credit offerings.
According to 2005 data provided by the U.S. Department of Labor’s O*Net website,
growth in the field of multi-media, which comprises 3D simulation, is projected to occur at a rate
of 26%, a much faster rate compared with other occupations. The website data also projects that
an additional 43,000 employees shall be required by 2016 to provide expertise in the field of
multi-media. In the United States, the median annual salary is $54,600; the annual median wage
in Alabama is $45,100.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics website
lists the top paying industries for this occupation in the following chart.
mean wage
mean wage
Other Information Services
Motion Picture and Video Industries
Specialized Design Services
Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing
Employment Services
Using data for the United States is important in this field because graduates of the 3D
Simulation and Modeling Technician program will be qualified to operate home-based
businesses, located in Region 10, that contract with businesses, industries, and entertainment and
education providers throughout the United States. The objects and environments created will be
sent to the contractor via simple media (compact or digital video disks, flash drives, etc.),
electronic mail, or networked computer systems. The ability to operate as an independent
contractor / small business owner makes this program enticing to such prospective students as
disabled American veterans and military family members.
Simply stated, funding of the proposed project would allow for the expansion of the
College’s capacity to offer the Short Term Certificate program in 3D-SMT to train the
modeling/simulation technologists required to meet local demand. The strengths of this program,
which benefits both students and employers, are many and include the small length of time
required for training -- allowing the majority of students to complete the program within two
semesters. This shall ensure a steady stream of trained professionals to meet growing demand.
Project Activities
October 2009
Appoint Project Advisory Committee comprised of
representatives from business, industry, and
education to provide advice to the Program
Development Team (PDT)1 and to evaluate project
activities and outcomes
Purchase and install computer hardware, software,
peripherals in labs located at Fort Rucker Site and
Enterprise Campus
Develop/implement marketing/recruiting plan
Hire full-time faculty
Identify adjuncts
Review syllabi and competencies
Schedule Classes for Spring Semester 2010
Create 3D objects for training programs
January 2010
Admit/Register students for classes
Coordinate with businesses and industries to identify
needs for customized/specialized training
25 Students begin credit courses
Recruit students for summer semester
Evaluate progress of project
Schedule Classes for Spring Semester 2010
Provide workshop on creating 3D objects to
representatives of business, industries, and education
Evaluate progress of project
Develop customized, non-credit training for
workshop participants and others
Offer customized, non-credit training to 10 students
Responsible Party
EOCC President
Project Director
Public Relations
Project Director
College Recruiters
Dean of Instruction
Project Director
Dean of Instruction
Project Director
Project Director
Division Chairs
Project Director
TEBI Coordinator
Public Relations
Project Director
Division Chairs
TEBI Coordinator
TEBI Coordinator
TEBI Coordinator
Program Development Team: Dr. Jean Johnson, 3D SMT Project Director and Chairperson of the Division of Fine Arts
(Chair); Dr. Judy Miller, Dean of Instruction; Dr. Wanda Flowers, Chairperson of Computer and Information Science Division
and Business Division; Ms. Susan Steck, Associate Dean of Institutional Advancement; Mr. Carl Holbrook, Coordinator of
Training for Existing Business and Industry
25 Students begin credit courses
Evaluate progress of project
Responsible Party
Individuals and Industries Served
Enterprise-Ozark Community College will focus recruiting efforts to on the following
target groups.
Recent high school graduates who have demonstrated a high interest in technology
and have stated a desire to receive specialized training leading to high-wage
employment in this field.
Employees desiring career transitioning due to unemployment or underemployment.
Military service personnel and family members -- active duty U.S. Army personnel
returning home to the EOCC service area preparing for separation from the service
under the auspices of the Fort Rucker Warrior Transition Unit; military family
members (i.e. spouses, children, and other dependents) seeking transportable careers;
disabled American veterans.
Employers of local existing businesses and industries seeking to use 3D objects and
environments in their training programs.
The sixteen-week short-term training program allows more immediate entry into the
workforce. The training program is unique to this area and provides students with highly
specialized, but broadly adaptable and transferable, technical training in the development and
manipulation of advanced 3D virtual simulations of objects and environments. The program of
study is comprised of the following one-course modules.
Advanced Visualization: The successful completion of this module provides
students the ability to use advanced image editing and three-dimensional graphics
software to create photorealistic, animated virtual simulations.
Environment Programming: The ability to develop object-oriented, three
dimensional environments is the goal of this module, which involves instruction in a
general purpose programming language. Mastery of this module’s competencies
allows users to build graphics-intensive applications.
CAD (Computer-Assisted Design): Successful completion of this module, which
focuses on computer-assisted design and drafting, allows students to render complex
objects in two and three dimensions, a necessary prerequisite for the development of
advanced simulations and modeling.
GIS (Geographic Information Systems): Instruction in this module is focused on
the successful analysis and management of data necessary for the construction,
manipulation, and the real-time presentation of geographic information.
Students shall demonstrate their mastery of the concepts and skills obtained in the
classroom through the completion of a Capstone Project. The project, which is intended to serve
as the cornerstone of each student’s portfolio, shall be conducted in collaboration between the
program and industry representatives. The successful completion of the project shall result in the
development of a custom-designed, simulated object or environment intended to meet the needs
of the sponsoring industry representative. The valuable experience and exposure gained by
students in completing this project shall enhance their employability.
The following business and industries have provided letters of support to this project.
Business/Industry Name
Alfab, Inc.
Metal Fabricator
Army Fleet Support, LLC
Aircraft Maintenance
CATI Training Systems
Technology; Aviation
NavTech, LLC
Ronnie Gilley Properties, Inc.
The primary benefit to companies listed above will be the creation of three-dimensional
objects that are specific to their business or industry. The College’s Coordinator of Training for
Existing Business and Industry (TEBI) and the Project Director will collaborate with the above
companies, and identify others, to develop the Capstone Projects previously referenced.
Creating these virtual objects and environments is an emerging occupation in the
College’s service area. However, all of the companies who have given their written support to
this project have also agreed to consider employment opportunities for graduates of the program.
The TEBI Coordinator will develop new partnerships for job placement as the progress of the
project leads to a repository of objects and environments that can be easily reconfigured to meet
the needs of other employers.
Project Goals, Outcomes, and Performance Measures
1. The 3D SMT Short Term
Certificate program will be
offered as the Fort Rucker
Performance Measures
1. 50 students will be enrolled
in the credit offerings at the
Enterprise Campus and Fort
Rucker Site
1. 60 students will be enrolled
in credit and/or non-credit
offerings by the end of the
2009-2010 Academic Year
Performance Measures
2. The capacity to enroll
credit students at the
Enterprise Campus will be
2. 10 students will be enrolled
in non-credit offerings
3. The program will be
adapted for non-credit
3. 75% of students in credit /
non-credit programs will
complete the course of study
2. 45 students in credit or
non-credit programs will
complete the course of study
by the end of Fall Semester
3. 40 students who complete
the credit course of study will
be placed in related
employment within two
semesters of program
4. 80% of completers in the
credit program will be placed
in related employment
Formative evaluation of the project will be conducted during the quarterly meetings of the
Program Development Team and will assist in forming the project and its various programmatic
efforts with necessary changes as it moves to its conclusion. Formative evaluations will allow for
adjustment of schedules, revising of tasks, and revised managerial decisions, based on preliminary
evaluation results. Such regular evaluation by the Team will ensure that the project goals have lead
to the measured outcomes.
Enterprise-Ozark Community College is the only two-year or four-year institution is
southeast Alabama offering the 3D SMT Short Term Certificate.
In the development of this expansion project, the College has worked with the
aforementioned businesses and industries to locate prospective employment and non-credit
training opportunities and has also sought advice and assistance from other stakeholders. For
example, Enterprise CareerLink (a division of Alabama’s Career Cent System), the 4th District of
the Disabled American Veterans, and Enterprise High School have agreed to assist in recruiting
students for this program. Also, the City of Enterprise is planning to install three-dimensional
display equipment in its office to exhibit a 3D model of the city to prospective businesses and
industries and to potential residents. This 3D model could be a Capstone Project.
Other stakeholders not previously mentioned who have assisted in the planning of this
project include the following.
The Enterprise Coffee Geneva Economic Development Corporation has identified
workforce partners for the project.
Troy University has suggested collaboration between their faculty and that of EOCC
to develop and share a repository of learning objects.
Enterprise High School has identified a non-credit training opportunity for high
school teachers to learn how to create objects for use in their curriculum.
CATI Training Systems has identified employees who may be qualified to teach
some of the courses in the program, and they have offered to establish an internship
program so that graduates can get more real-world experience.
NavTech, LLC has identified employees who may be qualified to teach the Capstone
The Chairman of the Region 10 Workforce Development Council and the Associate
Director of Business and Education Services for the Governor’s Office of Workforce
Development have both attended demonstrations on the creation of threedimensional objects and have offered advice on the development of this project.
Leveraged Resources
Enterprise-Ozark Community College will leverage resources in the form of facilities,
recruiters (5% time of annual salaries = $5,246), the development of a marketing plan (Public
Relations Director: 10 hours / semester = $626), and the Project Director’s time (10% of annual
salary = $6,311).
NavTech, LLC has donated to the College for use in this project a Mobile Visual
Learning Lab® valued at $19,777. CATI Training Systems is working with a vendor to get the
software, valued at $30,000 per license, donated or offered at a reduced rate.
VIII. Sustainability
Because of the partnerships with businesses, industries, service providers and other
educational institutions created in the development of this project, EOCC will be able to sustain
the project by recruiting students into the program and establishing non-credit offerings.
Capacity of Service Provider
The College has been awarded and successfully implemented government grants in the
past, including a $1.75 million five-year US Department of Education (USDE) Title III
Strengthening Institutions project with three activities aimed at curriculum development,
professional development, library automation, and student services development. EOCC
administrators successfully administered budgets; implemented assessment and evaluation of
project objectives; recommended employees for hire in the project; maintained open
communication between project staff and other college faculty, staff and administration; ensured
consistent and complete adherence to all federal, state, and institutional policies; monitored
congruence of project objectives with college priorities and goals; prepared and disseminated
project reports; and implemented and supported efforts to integrate project activities into regular
institutional operations.
November 1994 – 1997: EOCC administrators, faculty and staff members planned,
implemented, and evaluated a three-year workplace literary project funded by the USDE
National Workplace Literacy Program that combined educational resources of seven two-year
colleges, two adult education programs, four textile and apparel manufacturing industries, and
four trade associations. The project met or exceeded all eighteen objectives and served more
than 1,000 employees annually in twelve locations in Alabama, South Carolina, and Georgia.
EOCC administrators, faculty and staff ensured implementation of all phases of the project
including needs assessment, curriculum development, instruction, creation of interactive
software program, and evaluation activities.
Fall quarter of 1978, Enterprise State Junior College, which became Enterprise-Ozark
Community College in 2003, began a Student Support Services TRIO Program. The current
grant scheduled to end in August 2010 will complete 32 years of continuous service to our
students. The longevity of repeated funding from the United States Department of Education is a
sound testimony of the ongoing success of our department--which is really a measure of success
of our students.
The Student Support Services (SSS) Program provides opportunities for academic
development, assists students with basic college requirements, and offers services to motivate
students toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education. The goal of SSS is
to increase the college retention and graduation rates of its participants and facilitate the process
of transition from one level of higher education to the next. Services available to eligible
students include: career counseling, academic advisement, tutoring, financial aid
information/assistance, transfer information, referrals to area agencies, escorted visits to senior
universities and self-improvement workshops, diagnostic inventories, and cultural awareness
Special Characteristics of the Project
Measurement science takes on a new dimension in the world of 3D models. In the area
of information technology/cybersecurity, the expanded 3D simulation and modeling technician
project proposed by this college would provide invaluable research and a skilled workforce
(graduates of our program) to develop and use advanced 3D image analysis techniques.
Medicine and health information technology are among the many areas for which image-based
information management and retrieval will become invaluable. In addition, 3D computations
will aid in analysis of environmental conditions that may be applied to energy conservation and
management. A learning object repository will be created to store 3D objects developed by our
faculty and students. These objects then will be available for sharing with other institutions of
higher learning, as well as the business and industry community in what will become an ideal
business-industry-college partnership. This partnership will serve the greater good of the
community, the region, the state, and the nation.
Administrators Assigned to this Project
Dr. Judith G. Miller, Dean of Instruction
B.S., Radford University
M.S., Troy State University
Ed.S., Troy State University
Ed.D., Vanderbilt University
Ms. Susan Steck, Director of Development
B.S., Campbell University
Ed.M., Boston University
Additional Graduate Study
Faculty Members Assigned to this Project
Dr. Jean Johnson, Fine Arts Division Chair and Distance Learning Coordinator
B.A., University of North Alabama
M.M., University of Alabama
D.M.A., University of Alabama
Dr. Wanda Flowers, Business and Computer Information Science Division Chair
A.S., Enterprise State Junior College
B.S., Troy State University
M.B.A., Troy State University
Ed.D., University of Alabama
Professional Staff Member Assigned to this Project
Mr. Carlton Holbrook, Extended Programs Director and Training for Existing Business and
Industry Director
A.A., Enterprise State Junior College
B.S., Troy State University - Dothan