RHS Weekly Lesson Plan-Essentials of Healthcare Dates 1-5-15 1-6-15 1-7-15 1-8-15 1-9-15 Monday HS-EHS-6-Evaluate the anatomy, physiology, and basic pathophysiology of the muscular and skeletal systems, and perform technical skills related to the systems. Tuesday HS-EHS-6-Evaluate the anatomy, physiology, and basic pathophysiology of the muscular and skeletal systems, and perform technical skills related to the systems. Wednesday HS-EHS-6-Evaluate the anatomy, physiology, and basic pathophysiology of the muscular and skeletal systems, and perform technical skills related to the systems. Friday HS-EHS-6-Evaluate the anatomy, physiology, and basic pathophysiology of the muscular and skeletal systems, and perform technical skills related to the systems. Essential Question/ Key Question Differentiate between the axil and appendicular skeletons. Differentiate between the axil and appendicular skeletons. Differentiate between the axil and appendicular skeletons. Thursday HS-EHS-6-Evaluate the anatomy, physiology, and basic pathophysiology of the muscular and skeletal systems, and perform technical skills related to the systems. Differentiate between the axil and appendicular skeletons Lesson Opener Use Quizlet to write down #16 abbreviations Use Quizlet to practice #16 abbreviations Use Quizlet to practice #16 abbreviations. Test tomorrow! Use Quizlet to study #16 abbreviations. Look over notes on the Axial and Appendicular skeletons. Test today! 1. Answer the following question on Todays MeetHow many bones are in the Axial Skeleton and how many bones are in the Appendicular Skeleton? 2. Abbreviation Test #16 Journal 4 things you learned this week in My Wonderful Days Lite. Standard Time 10 min Procedures/ Strategies Time 30 min Time 5 min Time 5 min Lesson Summary Assessment/ Evaluation Materials Needed 1. Answer the following question on Todays Meet-What is the axial skeleton? 2. We will discuss answers Bones of the Axial Skeleton: 3. Watch educanon video- answer questions and label the bones of the axial skeleton. Handout of the skeleton is located on my OLC as well as link to educanon video. 4. Using the smart board students will locate and name the bones in the axial skeleton. 5. Remind class that bone disease presentation they made from winter break will be presented on Friday. Socrative question-name the bones in the axial skeleton. 1 Answer the following question on Todays Meet-What is the appendicular skeleton? 2 We will discuss answers Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton: 3 Watch educanon video and answer questions and label the bones of the appendicular skeleton. Handout of the skeleton is located on my OLC as well as link to educanon video. 4 Using the smart board students will locate and name the bones in the appendicular skeleton. 5 Test on the axil and appendicular skeletons on Thursday. Socrative question-name the bones in the axial skeleton. Teacher monitoring, educanon video answers, smart board activity, socrative answers. iPad, educacon video website, skeleton handout, pen/pencil, smart board Teacher monitoring, educanon video answers, smart board activity, socrative answers. iPad, educacon video website, skeleton handout, pen/pencil, smart board 1. Answer the following question on Todays MeetWhat is the axil and appendicular skeleton? 2. We will discuss answers Bones of the Axil and Appendicular Skeleton: 3. Play Kahoot to review for axil and appendicular skeletal test on Thursday. Differentiate between the different types of bone diseases. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Answer the following question on Todays MeetAre all bone diseases debilitating? We will discuss answers Class will show bone disease presentations done over the Winter break. Note handout will be given to each student. Students will take notes on 6 diseases that are interesting-this will be part of total grade that will include presentation Socrative question-name the bones in the axial and appendicular skeletons. Quick review of test answers. Review of bone diseases that are common. Teacher monitoring, Kahoot review game and socrative answers. iPad, kahoot axil and Kahoot appendicular skeleton game, smart board Abbreviation Test #16 and Axial and Appendicular skeleton Test. Abbreviation test #16, Axial and Appendicular skeleton Test, pen/pencil Bone disease presentations iPad, smart board, bone disease presentations submitted on assignment board.