Summer and Fall 2014 AA Hold Advising Presentation

Academic Advising (AA) Hold Workshop
Department of Chemistry
Summer and Fall 2014
Before we begin!
 You will need an AA Hold Worksheet to fill out while you
watch this presentation.
 Do you meet the requirements for AA Hold group advising?
 Midterm grades of “C”’s or higher; if not, you will need to meet
with an advisor one on one after the presentation
Great! Lets get started!
Thought about changing your major? How to
process a “What If” Degree Sheet
After you Click “Process
What-If” a degree sheet
will appear that shows
what your DegreeWorks
would look like if you
were declared that major.
Begin by filling out the basics…
Now, on to DegreeWorks!
 Sign on at:
Sign on to
with your NetID
and password.
 You will use DegreeWorks to fill
This is the page
DegreeWorks will
open up to.
out the information on your AA Hold worksheet.
 Scroll down and you will see something similar to the screen below.
 What do the different colors mean?
Green means you
have completed
this requirement.
Blue means you are
currently enrolled in a
course that will fulfill this
Red means that
you still have to
complete this
Foundations of Knowledge and
Learning (FKL)
 All students enrolled as an undergraduate student
So what
exactly are
these FKL
at USF are required to complete the FKL
 Here is a list of the requirements. They are also on
your AA worksheet.
Foundations of Knowledge and
Learning (FKL)
Ok, but how do
I know which
classes to take
to complete the
 Great question! There are several places to
find this information, here are 2 of them.
 1. DegreeWorks
 The classes that will fulfill this requirement are listed here
 2. USF Undergraduate Website
Click here for course offerings
Foundations of Knowledge and
Learning (FKL)- Continued
 3. USF OASIS Scheduler Search
Ok, but how do I
know which
classes to take to
complete the FKL
 When you are searching for classes, you can search by the
FKL requirement you want to complete.
You may not have
used OASIS since
Orientation, so if
you need a
refresher you can
click here for a
Now, take time to fill in the FKL Portion
of your AA Worksheet
 Here’s an example of what it may look like:
PSY 2012
Gordon Rule Requirement
Ok, I think I am
everything, but
what about the
Gordon Rule
 2 Components
You will already complete
9 hours through your FKL
requirements (ENC 1101,
ENC 1102 and Writing
Intensive). You only need
to choose 1 additional
course to complete this
 Communication (12 hours)
 ENC 1101
When choosing your last
 ENC 1102
course to meet the Gordon
 Writing Intensive
Rule communication
requirement, you may
 Your Choice!
choose a course that also
meets one of your FKL
 Computation (6 hours)
 Any 2 courses in the Math Dept.
 Will automatically be completed by your
major requirements.
Click here (p.39-41) for more information
or ask your advisor!
FLENT/FLEX Requirements
I know about this
requirement! Let
me explain what
 Foreign Language Entrance (FLENT)
 Can be satisfied by taking 2 consecutive
years of the same language in high school
 By completing 2 semesters of a foreign
language at the university level
 Foreign Language Exit (FLEX)
 For Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) only
 Can be satisfied by taking 2 semesters of a
foreign language at the university level
If you are proficient in a language,
you may take a language test to
see if you test out of the
requirement at CPR 419. For
more information click here
Next, fill in the Gordon Rule, and
FLENT/FLEX requirements
PSY 2012
How to use the OASIS Schedule Search to
fill in your Summer and Fall 2014 Schedule:
How to use DegreeWorks to fill in your
Summer and Fall 2014 Schedule:
You can use your
DegreeWorks to
choose classes that
are listed under the
requirements that
you still need (red
You may also use the
FKLWebsite that we
talked about earlier to
search for your classes to
complete your schedule.
 If you are unsure about
which class to take, this is a
great resource to help you
 Here’s a list of some of the
things you can find on
 Prerequisites for a class
 Class name and
 Requirements the class
meets (e.g. FKL, Gordon Rule)
Lets make it happen!
Fill in your Summer and Fall 2014 Schedule:
 Here is an example of a possible Fall
schedule based on Rocky’s current
grades and past schedule:
We suggest you create a
schedule that consists of
at least 1 Chemistry
course, one or two more
Math/Science Courses,
and 1-2 additional
courses that satisfy a
requirement (FKL,
FLEX, minor, etc.)
Your Summer and Fall
schedule should be based on
the following:
-Your Spring schedule
-Your major/minor
-The FKL requirements you
have left to complete
-Are your midterm grades
good? If so, consider taking
three math/sciences next
So you have done all this work and now
you’re thinking…
When do I
get to
And how do
I find out?
 Don’t fret my friend. You can easily find
all this information and more on OASIS.
 Check OASIS for your registration date and time.
 You can also view your midterm grades in OASIS
and any holds that may be on your account.
Still have questions?
 Come by for a walk in appointment or email
 Please make sure to include your
full name, major, and U # so
that we may assist you
- Thank you!
Great Job!
 Now bring your potential Summer and Fall 2014 schedule to
an advisor in the back of the room.
 If you meet the requirements, we will remove your AA hold.