INTERNAL CITATIONS: (First word of the citation in your source list) 1. First, create your Source List in Easy Bib. Type in the URL (copy and paste the web address from the top bar of the source website) Follow the instructions. For a book or film, follow those instructions. Click “Copy and Paste” – then highlight, copy, paste the citations onto your Source List 2. Inside each body paragraph of your paper, find the source you used the most. Look at that source in your Source List. In parentheses, type the FIRST WORD of the Easy Bib citation and put it inside your paragraph. For example, from a student’s 2nd draft: Look in the middle of the paragraph for (“Asian…”) and (Johnson). They refer to the Source List below. …1 million Indians were captured during Apartheid. It’s said that during the 80’s about 7,000 Indians settled in East Africa when the others died of Blackwater fever. (“Asian…”) There is one famous Indian who was involved in Apartheid when it first started in the 1940’s. He worked with Nelson Mandela himself. His name is Mohatma Gandhi… More Indians moved to South Africa after apartheid ended. I think that Gandhi inspired the Indians that it was okay after Apartheid was over, to stay in South Africa. Especially after he got the Indian Relief Bill nearly demolished. Oddly enough, Indians are still the most of the population that is Asian. Indians and Chinese together total 1,274,867 (Johnson). That’s 2.5% of the whole country. Even if the population of the Asians, it’s still pretty large, considering where I’m talking about. I mean, the Asians aren’t all that known for inhabiting Africa. It was shocking to find more than one million people in Southern Africa who were considered Asian… (“Asian…”) and (Johnson) are your internal citations. Sample Source List (in alphabetical order), created in "Asian South African." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 2007. Web. 09 Nov. 2011. <>. "Biography : Gandhi in South Africa - (1893 - 1914)." Mani Bhavan - Gandhi Sangrahalaya: Mahatma Gandhi Museum & Reference Library. Web. 17 Nov. 2011. <>. Johnson, Ronald. "Asians of Africa." Countries and Their Cultures. Web. 09 Nov. 2011 <>. (Another non-internet source is needed.) ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF AN INFORMATIVE RESEARCH PAPER WITH INTERNAL CITATIONS AND SOURCE LIST: If you would like another example of an informational essay, with the parts labeled, go to this website: "Writer's Model." Interactive Informational Essay from Elements of Literature. Holt Publishing. Web. 17 Nov. 2011. <>. SOME THINGS TO INCLUDE IN YOUR CONCLUSION: TRANSITION PHRASE from the last body paragraph: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ RESTATE YOUR THESIS and DISCUSS HOW YOUR PAPER HAS SHOW READERS THIS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ REVIEW THE MOST IMPORTANT OR INTERESTING THINGS YOU FOUND OUT AND EXPLAIN: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ PUT A LITTLE OF YOURSELF IN (not all teacher’s encourage this) – WHAT DID YOU LEARN FROM THIS RESEARCH THAT CHANGES YOU OR YOUR MIND – WHAT SHOULD WE CARE ABOUT AND WHY? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ END OR BEGIN YOUR CONCLUSION WITH A STRONG STATEMENT – A STORY OR A QUOTE OR AN INSPIRING RESTATEMENT ABOUT YOUR THESIS. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________