Weekly Plans 10.6-10.10 Carn & Rock Videos + DBQ

Weekly Plans 10.6-10.10
Carn & Rock Videos + DBQ
AIMS 7-11
Monday | October 6th
Topic/ Focus: JD Rockefeller Biography Video
AIM #7: How did one man create one of the world’s most profitable, yet criticized
businesses, the world/United States has ever seen?
1. Take out HW from Friday and submit to the bin in the back of the room (GRA
2. Answer the questions on today’s handout after you’ve interpreted the
political cartoon:
Possible DO NOW Answers
a. Standard Oil being depicted as an octopus
b. The legs of the octopus appear to be reaching out
and strangling many groups that range from the
federal government, to other industrialists or “men
of wealth,” to oil rigs.
c. The overall message of this cartoon seems to be that
The Standard Oil Company is effecting and perhaps,
even controlling, many spheres of American life.
BIGOGRAPHY VIDEO: The Rockefellers
As a class, we will begin to watch the documentary produced by the BIO
This video will help teach students about JD Rockefeller and his legacy as
the head of the Standard Oil Company, one of the world’s richest men and his
contribution to ongoing philanthropic causes.
Students will be asked to answer guided reading question that follow the
video in chronological order.
Recapping Today
With about 10 minutes left in class, teacher will stop the video and ask
students to recall 3 main ideas they’ve learned or can recall about
Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Company.
Students will list these three main ideas on the back of the guided
question handout they’ve been working on.
Main ideas should revolve around information valuable to our
understanding of Rockefeller and his role as either an industrialist or
Main ideas may also revolve around the creation and operations of the
Standard Oil Company.
Tuesday | October 7th
Topic/ Focus: JD Rockefeller Biography Video (Day 2)
AIM #8: How did one man create one of the world’s most profitable, yet criticized
businesses, the world/United States has ever seen? (Continued)
2. Please sit quietly at your desk with today’s handout in front of you.
3. Listen and watch the video/song about the Ludlow Massacre. Follow
along with the lyrics on your handout.
4. Answer the following questions on your handout based off the song:
“Ludlow Massacre” by Woodie Gutherie (1913)
Possible DO NOW Answer
A. In my opinion, the theme of this song could be “disgust.”
B. Lines from the song that support my claim are the
“Thirteen children died from your guns”
“While your bullets killed us all around”
“I will never forget the looks on the faces”
“And lay the corpses of the dead away”
BIGOGRAPHY VIDEO: The Rockefellers
As a class, we will FINISH the documentary produced by the BIO channel
This video will help teach students about JD Rockefeller and his legacy as
the head of the Standard Oil Company, one of the world’s richest men and his
contribution to ongoing philanthropic causes.
Students will be asked to answer guided reading question that follow the
video in chronological order.
Ludlow Massacre Reading
With partners, read through the Ludlow Massacre Reading
that’s just been given to you. Then answer the two questions
that follow.
1. How is the above account different from the account in The
Rockefellers biography video?
2. What is one possible explanation for the differences in the
Wednesday | October 8th
Topic/ Focus: Robber Barons or Captains of Industry DBQ
AIM #9: Were men like Carnegie and Rockefeller considered to be
Robber Barons or Captains of Industry?
1. Take out last night’s HW (Ida Tarbell Reading) and leave it on your
2. Copy down tonight’s HW – Carnegie & Rockefeller Reading (tasks A
& B)
3. Answer the following question in your notebook or binder, as they pertain to
answering DBQ’s
What are some tips you would give someone before they begin to
answer document based questions?
Possible DO NOW Answer
What is a DBQ? (Document Based Question or
Data Based Question)
It is probably best thought of as a long essay or
a short report for which
Possible DO NOW Answer
First, you will be presented with a question.
The answer to this question is the subject of
your DBQ so,
Make sure you understand what the question
is asking of you.
The DBQ requires you to answer the question
and take a position on the question presented.
Possible DO NOW Answer
Second, the documents required will be provided.
You will use the information from the documents to
assist in answering the question.
The documents contain the evidence you must use
to support the position you have taken on the
Approximately one-third of the grade will be based
upon the use of appropriate evidence to
DBQ – “Captains of Industry? Or
Robber Barons?”
1. Students will be given a DBQ packet comprised of a
historical overview and background essay on the era
and individuals being discussed in the documents.
2. Students will begin to read the “Overview” and
“Background Essay: INDEPENDENTLY.
3. Students will annotate, highlight and use other markings
on the reading to help distinguish main ideas,
vocabulary, etc.
HOOK Exercise
Before starting the documents, you will complete
the “Hook Exercise” on the 3rd page of the packet.
For statements that reflect Carnegie or Rockefeller
being a Robber Baron, plug in RB
For statements that reflect Carnegie or Rockefeller
being a Captain of Industry, plug in COI
Starting the Documents
oAfter students have completed the previous task,
they will begin to assess the documents they’ve
been presented with.
oStudents will have to answer a number of
questions for document in their packet.
oStudents will perform this activity INDEPENDENTLY
for 10 minutes, before joining another classmate to
continue to answer the DBQ’s.
Thursday | October 9th
Topic/ Focus: Robber Barons or Captains of Industry DBQ (Day 2)
AIM #10: Were men like Carnegie and Rockefeller considered to be
Robber Barons or Captains of Industry?
1. Take out last night’s HW (Robber Barons vs. Captains
of Industry) and leave it on your desk.
2. By the time the bell rings, please be working on
Document B in your DBQ packet. Please do this
INDEPENDENTLY…that means silence.
Working on the Documents
oAfter students have completed the previous task, they
will begin to assess the documents they’ve been
presented with.
oStudents will have to answer a number of questions for
document in their packet.
oStudents will perform this activity in small groups for 20
oPlease work efficiently as you will need these answers
for tomorrow’s seminar discussion.
You must answer question #1
You may chose two of the remaining
questions to answer (#’s 2,3,4 &5)
Friday | October 10th
Topic: Seminar Discussion
AIM#11: Do we consider Carnegie & Rockefeller “Robber Barons” or
“Captains of Industry?”
1. Take out last night’s HW (Pre-Seminar Packet) &
DBQ Packet
2. Have a seat and await quietly for instructions
Use all of your close reading to participate in a discussion that helps you
understand the text at a deeper level. Be ready to discuss the text like the
scholar you are!
1. Be prepared to participate and ask good questions. The quality of
the seminar is diminished when participants speak without
2. Show respect for differing ideas, thoughts, and values--no putdowns or sarcasm. (-5 points if you violate)
3. Allow each speaker enough time to begin and finish his or her
thoughts—don’t interrupt. (-5 points if you violate)
4. Involve others in the discussion, and ask others to elaborate on
their responses (use “Pre-Seminar Packet”).
Guided Questions:
1. Do we consider JD Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie to be “Robber
Barons” or “Captains of Industry?”
2. What is Andrew Carnegie’s overall point according to excerpts from
his publishing’s; Wealth and Its Uses (1907) & The Gospel of Wealth
3. What criticisms can be applied to the practices of JD Rockefeller and
Andrew Carnegie in regards to how they conducted business?
4. Do the philanthropic actions of JD Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie
outweigh the criticisms they received while operating their
5. Throughout history, how have political cartoons depicted JD