What is FHIR?


Introduction to


Grahame Grieve

March 25, 2015

© 2013 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Today / Tomorrow

 Versions for today/tomorrow:

 FHIR is a rolling target right now (>100 commits/day)

 Server: http://fhir-dev.healthintersections.com.au/open

 Stable version of spec: http://fhir-dev.healthintersections.com.au/index.html

 HAPI: http://fhirtest.uhn.ca/baseDstu2/

 .Net RI: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Hl7.Fhir/0.11.1-alpha4


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Answer: An instigator of bad puns

 FHIR is the hottest thing since . . .

 This spec is spreading like . . .

 Committee X is really on FHIR

 Feel free to come up with your own

 (but please, not here  )


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

The acronym

 F – Fast (to design & to implement)

 Relative – No technology can make integration as fast as we’d like

 H – Health

That’s why we’re here

 I – Interoperable


 Ditto

 R – Resources

 Building blocks – more on these to follow

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


 FHIR is a draft standard

A ‘ beta ’ standard

 subject to ongoing change

 In spite of this, it is being adopted quickly

Cited in US MU3 regulations (implicitly)

Argonaut / HSPC projects – large US vendors

 National EHRs going live this year


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


 Enables information exchange to support the provision of healthcare

 Standard industry RESTful practices

 But more than just REST

 Scope of FHIR is broad

 human and veterinary

 clinical care, public health, clinical trials

 administration and financial aspects

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


Common features of all resources:

 A URL that identifies it

 Common metadata

 A human-readable XHTML summary

 A set of defined common data elements

 An extensibility framework

Represented as either XML or JSON


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Identity & Metadata

Human Readable


Extension with reference to its definition

Standard Data





Date of Birth


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


Each resource consists of:

 resourceType

 id : The id of the resource

 Meta : Common use/context data

 text : XHTML - human readable

 Extensions : extensibility framework

 data - data elements for each resource type


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


Create = POST https://example.com/path/{resourceType}

Read = GET https://example.com/path/{resourceType}/{id}

Update = PUT https://example.com/path/{resourceType}/{id}

Delete = DELETE https://example.com/path/{resourceType}/{id}

Search = GET https://example.com/path/{resourceType}?search parameters...

History = GET https://example.com/path/{resourceType}/{id}/_history

Transaction = POST https://example.com/path/ (POST a tranasction bundle to the system)

Operation = GET https://example.com/path/{resourceType}/{id}/${opname}

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Creating a resource

POST {some base path}/Patient HTTP/1.1

Authorization: Bearer 37CC0B0E-C15B-4578-


Accept: application/json+fhir

Content-Type: application/json+fhir

Content-Length: 1198


"resourceType": "Patient",




© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Server Response

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Content-Length: 161

Content-Type: application/json+fhir

Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 01:43:30 GMT

ETag: "1"

Location: http://example.com/Patient/347


"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",

"text": {

"status": "generated",

"div": "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">The operation was successful</div>"




© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Server Failure

HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity

Content-Length: 161

Content-Type: application/json+fhir

Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 01:43:30 GMT


"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",

"text": {

"status": "generated",

"div": "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">MRN conflict

- the MRN 123456 is already assigned to a different patient</div>"




© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Reading a Resource

GET /Patient/347?_format=xml HTTP/1.1

Host: example.com

Accept: application/xml+fhir

Cache-Control: no-cache


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Read response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Length: 729

Content-Type: application/xml+fhir

Last-Modified: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 15:43:30 GMT

ETag: "1"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Patient xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">

<id value="347"/>


<versionId value="1"/>

<lastUpdated value="2014-08-18T01:43:30Z"/>


<!-- content as shown above for patient -->



© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Search Request

GET https://example.com/path/{resourceType}?criteria

GET [base]/MedicationPrescription?patient=347


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


"resourceType": "Bundle",

"id" : "eceb4882-5c7e-4ca4-af62-995dfb8cef01"

"meta" : {

"lastUpdated" : "2014-08-19T15:43:30Z"


"type" : "searchSet",

"base": "http://example.com/base",

"total": "3",

"link": [


"relation" : "next",

"url" :



}, {

"relation" : "self",


"url" :




"entry": [


"resource" : {

"resourceType": "MedicationPrescription",

"id" : "3123",

"meta" : {

"versionId" : "1",

"lastUpdated" : "2014-08-16T05:31:17Z"


... content of resource ...



... 2 additional resources ....



© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Update Request

PUT /Patient/347 HTTP/1.1

Host: example.com

Content-Type: application/json+fhir

Content-Length: 1435

Accept: application/json+fhir



"resourceType": "Patient",

"id" : "347",

"meta" : {

"versionId" : "1",

"lastUpdated" : "2014-08-18T01:43:30Z"


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Update Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Length: 161

Content-Type: application/json+fhir

Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 01:43:30 GMT

ETag: "2"


"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",

"text": {

"status": "generated",

"div": "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">The operation was successful</div>"



© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


Base Resource


"resourceType" : "X",

"id" : "12",

"meta" : {

"versionId" : "12",

"lastUpdated" : "2014-08-18T01:43:30Z",

"profile" : ["http://example-consortium.org/fhir/profile/patient"],

"security" : [{

"system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/ActCode",

"code" : "EMP"


"tag" : [{

"system" : "http://example.com/codes/workflow",


"code" : "needs-review"


"implicitRules" : "http://example-consortium.org/fhir/ehr-plugins",

"language" : "X"



© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


“Resources” are:

 Small logically discrete units of exchange

 Defined behaviour and meaning

 Known identity / location

Smallest unit of transaction

“of interest” to healthcare

 V2: Sort of like Segments

 V3: Sort of like CMETs


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

What’s a Resource?

Examples Non-examples

 Administrative  Gender

 Patient, Practitioner,

Organization, Location,

Coverage, Invoice

 Too small

Electronic Health Record

 Too big

 Clinical Concepts

 Allergy, Condition, Family

History, Care Plan

 Blood Pressure

 Too specific

 Intervention

 Infrastructure

 Too broad

 Document, Message,

Profile, Conformance

100-150 total


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

DSTU Resource List

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Identity & Metadata

Human Readable


Extension with reference to its definition

Standard Data





Date of Birth


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Resource Documentation


For each Resource:

 Scope and Usage Notes

 Resource Content (UML and XML)

 Terminology Bindings

 Constraints

 Implementation Issues

 Search Parameters

 Examples, Profiles, Formal Definitions

 Mappings to RIM, CDA, v2, etc

Resource Definitions

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Resource Definitions

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Resource Definitions

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


Resource Definitions


Example Resource


Web of resources








© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


 Resources are independent – don’t need to other resources to correctly interpret a resource

 But resources reference each other extensively to form a web of information

 Need to resolve references to fully understand the data

 Reference is relative to server base URL

<Procedure xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">


<reference value="Patient/23"/>


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Rules for references

References can be relative or absolute

References don’t have to be to the same server

 Server does not have to enforce integrity

Clients need to cater for broken links

Targets can be ‘contained’ in the resource:

<Procedure xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">


<Patient id="pat">




<reference value="#pat"/>


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


All resources carry an html representation of their content

It’s a clinical safety issue

 The receiver has a fall back option if the system is not sure it fully understands the content

It is not mandatory, but SHOULD be present

In a closed eco-system, with extremely tight control and strong conformance testing, it may not be necessary

But things often change over time

So using narrative is highly recommended

Saves a lot of money downstream from the author

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Narrative XHTML

 Narrative is XHTML. Formatting allowed:

 Tables, lists, divs, spans

 Bold, Italics, styles etc

 E.g. all static content

 Features not allowed:

Objects, scripts, forms – any active content

Links, Stylesheets, iframes – web context

 Local storage, Microdata (no active content)

 Concerns are security and clinical safety

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.



© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Problems we face

 No central authorities

 Permutation of biological and sociological complexity

 Fractal use cases

 Economics favours balkinization

 Externalizing complexity

 Much confusion about the problem


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Sources of Complexity

Inherent in problem & description

business variability between instances

incompetence / inappropriate solutions

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


Complexity Model


V3 open





HL7 v2





Semantic Depth

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Three Laws of



Interoperability: It’s all about the people


You can hide the complexity, or make it worse, but you can’t make it go away


Cheap, flexible, and interoperable: when developing healthcare software, you can have two of these

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

The Case for Extensions

 Extensions are a problem

 Engineering – not handled by CASE

 Poorly described and carelessly done

 W3C rules: must interoperate without extensions

This is not possible in healthcare

 Choice – design for absolutely everything or allow extensions

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


 FHIR has a standard extension framework

 Every FHIR element can be extended

 Every extension has:

Reference to a computable definition

Value – from a set of known types

 Every system can read, write, store and exchange all legal extensions

 All extensions are valid by schema etc.

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

No pain…

 Extensions are built into the wire format & handled by CASE tools

All conformant systems can “handle” any possible extension Just a bucket of “other stuff”

 Extensions rendered in human readable portion

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Governing Extensions

 Extensions are not a silver bullet

 FHIR has a sliding scale governance for extensions

 Local Projects

 Domain standards (e.g. Best Practice


 National Standards (e.g. Standard Finnish


 HL7 published extensions (corner cases with international scope)

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

What’s the goal here?

 In most areas of healthcare standards, there is wide variability

 Between systems, countries, institutions, clinicians

 Choices:

Specification only supports core – no one can use it

Specification adds everything – no one understands it

Specification picks winners – only they can use it

 Allow extensions that people can use

 Extensions tame the specification

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Example Extension

Eye Colour to patient resource:

 Need to pick a URL

 Need to choose a type

 Have to declare and publish the extension

(at the URL)

<Patient xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">

<extension url="http://acme.org/fhir/patient#eyecolor">

<valueCode value="brown"/>


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Publishing an Extension











Mappings .


The patient resource

Eye Colour

Eye Colour as chosen by clerical staff based on visual inspection

Refer to policy 23B section A.1.2.3



Codes: blue, brown, green, mixed, violet false

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.




© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Conformance Resources

 Conformance – a state of system capabilities

 Profile – a set of rules about a resource is used

 Value set – describes a set of codes that can be used for something

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


There’s a resource for documenting conformance to FHIR

 Can be used for:

 Stating how a specific system instance behaves

 Defining how a software system is capable of behaving

(including configuration options)

 Identifying a desired set of behavior (e.g. RFP)

To declare themselves “FHIR Conformant”, a system must publish a Conformance instance


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


 Document how a resource structure

What is has in it

How it’s used

 Aka Profile, Template, Clinical Model

 Defined as a resource (defines itself)

 Provided as part of the spec


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Profile (cont’d)


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Using Profiles

 You can just go ahead and use a resource

 No need for a profile

 But you can write a profile

 Document your usage in detail for partners

 You can mark a resource with a profile

It’s just a claim – can test conformance with that

 Denormalization for performance


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Value sets

 A list of codes

 Define your own, include codes from other code system (e.g. LOINC)

 Used to define conformance rules, UI functionality, system capabilities

 Functional service built around this

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


 Support for coded data of varying complexity

 Some codes defined as part of resource, others referenced from external vocabularies


 Recognition some will differ by implementation space

 Can use Value Set resource to define more complex code lists


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.



© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

FHIR Manifesto

 Focus on Implementers

 Target support for common scenarios

 Leverage cross-industry web technologies

 Require human readability as base level of interoperability

 Make content freely available

 Support multiple paradigms & architectures

 Demonstrate best practice governance

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Implementer Focus

Specification is written for one target audience: implementers

 Rationale, modeling approaches, etc. kept elsewhere

Multiple reference implementations from day 1 using HL7.Fhir.Instance.Model; using HL7.Fhir.Instance.Parsers; using HL7.Fhir.Instance.Support;

Publicly available test servers XmlReader xr = XmlReader .Create( new StreamRead

IFhirReader r = new XmlFhirReader

Starter APIs published with spec

// JsonTextReader jr = new JsonTe

// new StreamRead

// IFhirReader r = new JsonFhirRe

C#, Java, Pascal, ObjectiveC ErrorList errors = new ErrorList ( – more to come rep = ( LabReport ) Resour

Assert .IsTrue(errors.Count() == 0

Connectathons to verify specification approaches

Instances you can read and understand 

Lots of examples (and they’re valid too)


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Support “Common”


 Focus on scenarios implementers ask for

 Inclusion of content in core specification is based on core content rule

“We only include data elements if we are confident that most normal implementations using that resource will make use of the element”

 Other content in extensions (more on this later)

 Easy to say, governance challenge to achieve

 Resources are simple and easy to

66 understand and use

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Web technologies

 Instances shared using XML & JSON

 Web calls work the same way they do for

Facebook & Twitter

 Rely on HTTPS, OAuth, etc. for security functions


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Human Readable

 Clinical Documents has both narrative and data

 The data / narrative dynamic exists throughout the process

 In FHIR, every resource is required to have a human-readable expression

 Can be direct rendering or human entered


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Freely available

 Unencumbered – free for use, no membership required

 http://hl7.org/fhir


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

FHIR & Cost of


 These factors will drive down the cost of integration and interoperability

 Easier to Develop

 Easier to Troubleshoot

 Easier to Leverage in production

 More people to do the work (less expensive consultants)

 Competing approaches will have to match the cost, or disappear – effect is already being felt

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Future impact of FHIR

 Impact of FHIR on the market:

 Drive interoperability prices down

 Higher Expectations

 Increased spend on integration (N x 2!)

 Overall Market focus

 PHR on the web

 Healthcare repositories (MHD+)

 Device Data management

 Retooling existing connections


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


 Similar to CDA

 Collection of resources bound together

Root is a “Composition” resource

 Just like CDA header

 Sent as a bundle

 One context

 Can be signed, authenticated, etc.



© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


 Similar to v2 and v3 messaging

 Also a collection of resources as a bundle

 Allows request/response behavior with bundles for both request and response

 Event-driven

 E.g. Send lab order, get back result

 Can be asynchronous



© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Service Oriented

Architecture (SOA)

 Do whatever you like

 (based on SOA principles)

 Ultra complex workflows

 Ultra simple workflows

 Individual resources or collections


Use HTTP or use something else

Only constraint is that you’re passing around FHIR resources in some shape or manner


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


Regardless of paradigm the content is the same

This means it’s straight-forward to share content across paradigms

 E.g. Receive a lab result in a message. Package it in a discharge summary document

 It also means constraints can be shared across paradigms

 E.g. Define a profile for Blood Pressure and use it on resources in messages, documents, REST and services


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Where can FHIR be used?

 Classic in-institution interoperability

 Back-end e-business systems (e.g. financial)

 Regional Health Information Organizations


 National EHR systems

 Social Web (Health)

 Mobile Applications




© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


Standalone FHIR Server

A FHIR Server in front of an existing application (e.g.


FHIR as front end to an XDS server (“MHD”)

An interface engine that ‘speaks’ FHIR

A tablet/mobile phone application

Web portal uses FHIR to access other systems

A healthcare application that access information from multiple systems as well as it’s own server

Smart-On-FHIR – an EHR plug-in framework


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.



 Reference Implementations – object models, parsers, serializers, clients, validators, utilities

 Schema, Schematron, Validation Pack

1000’s of examples

 Live Servers to test against

 http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=Publicly_Availabl e_FHIR_Servers_for_testing


 Connectathons

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


 Use the servers to explore how it works

 Write clients that use the test data

 Test that you got your own system right

 Most developers:

 use the servers to learn

 consult the documentation occasionally

 I do recommend to read the specification a little


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Other Free software

 See http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=Open_Sour ce_FHIR_implementations

 Coming shortly:

“Sprinkler” – a conformance test tool for servers

“Forge” – an editor for conformance statements

 A Value set Editor

 Several implementation guide publishers


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.


 Open invitation to any interested party to come and write software that exchanges FHIR resources

 Always hold one before HL7 meetings (last week)

+ Others by invitation

 Mix of skills

Newbies (“where is the spec?”)

Old hands who’ve been to every connectathon


 Experiment with new features

We have a virtual connectathon all the time…

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.



 Stack Overflow – ask implementation questions

 Link from front page

Search for answers first

Don’t ask for changes to the spec (get deleted!) gForge Tracker – ask for changes to the spec

 Link from bottom of every page

 But have discussion somewhere first

Disqus – on every page of the specification

Skype – implementers channel – 105 participants


 FHIR Email list, Connectathons, Tutorials

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

FHIR Manifesto

 Focus on Implementers

 Target support for common scenarios

 Leverage cross-industry web technologies

 Require human readability as base level of interoperability

 Make content freely available

 Support multiple paradigms & architectures

 Demonstrate best practice governance

© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.

Today / Tomorrow

 Versions for today/tomorrow:

 FHIR is a rolling target right now (>100 commits/day)

 Server: http://fhir-dev.healthintersections.com.au/open

 Stable version of spec: http://fhir-dev.healthintersections.com.au/index.html

 HAPI: http://fhirtest.uhn.ca/baseDstu2/

 .Net RI: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Hl7.Fhir/0.11.1-alpha4


© 2014 HL7 ® International. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7 & Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.
