
Beyond the Chicken Wing:
A Real Buffalo Dining Experience
• exploration of local food culture beyond the
typical stereotype of “the Chicken Wing.”
• We will transport tourist to local nontraditional buffalo restaurants and offering
them tastings.
Business Model
• Our service will have a reciprocal agreement
with different restaurants in the greater
buffalo area.
• The restaurants featured will offer tastings at a
discounted rate in exchange for:
– the business of our clients (i.e. our tourists).
– Free promotional awareness (PR)
– Credibility as one of the top restaurants in Buffalo
• Our platform is based around restaurant
participation and tour credibility.
• Credibility in that our selections are legitimate
and of quality.
• The Restaurants willingness to participation
– Free promotion (PR)
– increase in the volume of traffic to their
establishments during the tour and after
• Restaurant Incentive: Restaurants should
receive an influx in business and PR for their
• Tour incentive: Our incentive is to heighten
and promote local cuisine while making a
• Tourist incentive: To experience a broad
expanse of buffalo’s refined cuisine.
Target Audience
Middle to upper class citizens
Age: 20s and up
disposable income
People who are more conscious about what
they eat, taste wise
• This will generally be a mix between locals as
well as non-locals who are willing to pay the
initial reservation for fee.
• The tone will be based on a casual experience.
– the causal dress code will make the customers
feel comfortable.
– This will reflect Buffalo’s tendency towards casual
dining attire.
• Plaques:
– Plagues will be awarded to participating restaurants
and placed in the foyer of restaurant, stating that they
are part of the tour.
– This is an honorary award of outstanding cuisine
distinguishing them above the rest.
• Also, a complimentary brochure with restaurant listing,
tour route and a description of the notable restaurants
featured will be handed out during the tour as a
keepsake souvenir.
Challenging Mainstream Tourism
• Our tour challenges the philosophy and
semiotic structure of common tourist
• Rather than taking tourist to local
establishments that serve local cliché cuisine,
our tour will take them to the “unmarked”
markers within the dining culture of the city of
Promotional Strategy
• We would apply our services to websites such as Groupon and
Living Social to disperse our tour on a broader scale.
• In addition we would circulate promotional deals in:
entertainment books
Local Newspapers
Radio Broadcasts
Dining Magazines (buffalo spree, buffalo dining, etc.)
Initially this would be a guerrilla marketing strategy but once we
are situated, we will establish a PR budget and a promotional
system (deals on weekdays when business maybe waning).
• We would also create a website and link it to social media (twitter,
facebook, etc.).
• Our tourists (clients) will be broken down in to
small sizes groups
• This will allow for a more intimate
environment and will be less intrusive to the
restaurant environment.
• We will use small commercial quality vehicles
for transportation (revamped short buses or
vans, etc.).
Participating Restaurants
Rue Franklin
Left Bank
Trattoria Aroma
San Marco
Ristorante Lombardo
• An increase in participating restaurant sales from reoccurring visits
by our tourist post tour.
– Now that they have gotten a flavor for the cuisine, they maybe more
incline to revisit the locations on our tour (this will most likely be locals
but could also pertain to revisiting tourists such as businessmen or
relocated Buffalonians).
Social Impact: Our tour will boast the awareness of buffalo’s more
sophisticated food culture to the locals as well as tourists alike.
• Economically Impact: it will boost sales at the particular restaurants
we have on our tour.
• Physically Impact: little to no physical impact, besides
advertisements and an accreditation plaque placed in the
participating restaurants. If tour is successful, we plan on having a
festival highlighting our participating restaurants during the
summer months.
Potential Logo