Workshop on analysis_part 4b_basic data analysis and

Pivot tables in Excel
1. Select the data range from which you want to make pivot tables
Note! Before proceeding with pivot tables, make sure that there is no
empty column, i.e. a column that does not represent any question!
Pivot tables in Excel
2. Go to Insert and choose Pivot table, click OK
Pivot tables in Excel
Pivot tables in Excel
you arrive to this…
Pivot tables in Excel
3. Make your pivot table – just drag and drop fields into the pivot table
grid. In this example I use gender, where “1” stands for males and “2”
stands for females.
Pivot tables in Excel
If I just want to know how many females and males are in the datasets, I use
the respondent ID and drag it into the field Values.
Pivot tables in Excel
Then, click on the Value Field Settings …
Pivot tables in Excel
…. and choose Count
Note: Normally, we are interested in the number of respondents by category and we use
Count, but we may also be interested in, for example, averages, maximum etc. and this
is the place where we can specify it.
Pivot tables in Excel
This is the result – in my dataset, there are 3 females and 4 males.
Pivot tables in Excel
If you prefer to have the results in percentages, e.g. you want to know the share of females and the
share of men in the sample, go back to the Value Field Settings, choose Count, then click on Show
values as… and choose the appropriate %. In my case I want % of column total.
Pivot tables in Excel
…and the results are shown below – in my sample there are 57.14% of men and 42.86%
of women. Once I am happy with my table, I can proceed to the creation of graphs (see
also above).
Pivot tables in Excel – cross-tabulations
If we are interested in the cross-tabulations of two variables, i.e. gender the country of
living, the pivot tables can be used again. Yet, once I arrive to defining the pivot table, I
drag both variables into the appropriate field. In the example below, we want gender to be
in rows and the country of living in columns.
Pivot tables in Excel – cross-tabulations
..and the results are below
Remember that in case of gender “1” stands for males and “2” stands for females. In case of the country of living
“1” stands for Kyrgyz Republic and “2” stands for the Russian Federation. This means that in my sample there
are 4 males living in Kyrgyz republic, 2 females living in Kyrgyz republic and 1 female living in the Russian