JUVENILE DANCE JUDGE WORKBOOK BC/YK SECTION SEPTEMBER 2013 BC/YK Section Juvenile Workbook- September 2013 1 Table of Contents CANDIDATE INFORMATION- JUVENILE PROMOTION 3. JUVENILE DANCE JUDGE PROMOTION CHECKLIST 4. JUDGING QUALIFICATIONS 5. HOW DO I PROGRESS AS A JUDGE/EVALUATOR? 6. I WANT TO GET MY JUVENILE DANCE JUDGE PROMOTION - WHAT DO I DO? 7. PRIMARY TO JUVENILE PROMOTION COORDINATOR/JUDGES TRAINING REPRESENTATIVES 8. PROMOTION SUMMARY FORM 9-10. JUVENILE TRIAL JUDGING EXPERIENCE 11. JUVENILE DANCE PROMOTION ASSESSMENT FORM 12. RECORD OF TRIAL JUDGING 13. ELEMENT CODES AND ABBREVIATIONS 14. SKATE CANADA JUDGES CPC WORKSHEETS 15-16. (Forms can be found on the www.skatinginbc.com website under Officials/Technical/Forms Reports) BC/YK Section Juvenile Workbook- September 2013 2 Candidate information – Juvenile Dance Promotion Name: Skate Canada#: _____________________________ Address: Date of birth: _________________________ Section: Phone: ___________________ E-mail: ___________________ Skate Canada#: _____________ Skating Background: Please list highest test passed: Free Skate: Comp. Singles: Dance: Comp. Pairs: Skills: Comp. Dance: ______ ______ Juvenile Singles Clinic Attendance: Date: ___________________________ Location: ___________________________ Clinic Leader: ___________________________ BC/YK Section Juvenile Workbook- September 2013 Clinic Leader’s Signature: ___________________ 3 JUVENILE Dance Promotion Checklist This page is your application for Juvenile Dance Promotion. Please ensure that the following areas are completed and signed as necessary. When all tasks are completed, please attach all necessary reports and forward this workbook to your Primary/Juvenile Promotion Coordinator to apply for your promotion. Clinic Leader’s Signature from Juvenile Clinic Clinic Leader________________________________ Date _______________________ Completed SKATE CANADA Juvenile Dance Exam Questions Trial Judging: Must include two Juvenile Trial Judge Reports in Dance (one must be a Free Dance). Please indicate the number of trial judge reports you are including in this workbook: Dance Juvenile Pattern Dance Juvenile Free Dance Judging: No requirements for Dance or Pairs I, Promotion , having completed the above requirements, wish to apply for my Juvenile Dance Signature: ______________________________ Date: _________________ Email/Mail to: Primary/Juvenile Promotion Coordinator Ms. Amie Garras #307-1040 Pacific Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4C1 adgarras@hotmail.com BC/YK Section Juvenile Workbook- September 2013 4 Judging Qualifications Required For Various Skate Canada Events Note: following is an outline of the judging qualifications required by judges for different types of Skate Canada competitive events. This is in accordance with Rules 7402, 7405, 7409, and 7504 Judging Level: Primary/ STAR Can judge the following levels: What level of competition? Preliminary Test events and lower. STAR 1-4 as judge 3, Introductory Interpretive, Prelim Skills, Prelim Dance, Open Pairs events & lower. Club competitions, Invitationals, Interclubs. Not Sectionals. Juvenile STAR 1-4 as Judge 2 or 3, Juvenile events and below. Star 5, Sr. Bronze level events and lower. Bronze Interpretive, Sr Br Skills, Sr Br Dance, Open Pairs events & lower. Pre-Novice Pre-Novice events and below. Judge 2, Judge 3 or Referee on STAR 1-4 Gold level events and lower, including Interpretive, Skills, Biathlon & Triathlon. Novice Novice events and below. Gold level events and lower. Club competitions, Invitationals, Interclubs, Sub-Sectionals, Sectionals Junior Junior events and below. Any level test event. Club competitions, Invitationals, Interclubs, Sub-Sectionals, Sectionals Senior Senior events and below. Any level test event. Club competitions, Invitationals, Interclubs, Sub-Sectionals, Sectionals Challenge Senior events and below. Any level test event. Canadian Senior events and below. Any level test event. Challenge Events and lower – including Sub-Sectionals and Sectionals. Can judge at any level of Canadian competition, up to and including Canadian Championships. Club competitions, Invitationals, Interclubs, Sub-Sectionals, Sectionals Club competitions, Invitationals, Interclubs, Sub-Sectionals, Sectionals These judging qualifications apply for each discipline. For example, in order to judge Pre-Novice Pairs at Sectionals, you must be a Pre-Novice Pair judge. Your level of judging is considered separate for each discipline. The Interpretive evaluator qualification is totally separate from Interpretive judging at competitions. It is obtained after you have your Senior Bronze test level in Free Skate/ Skills or Dance. Being a Gold evaluator in Skills/Free Skate/Dance does not automatically give you Gold qualifications for Interpretive evaluating. You have to complete the Interpretive workbook. BC/YK Section Juvenile Workbook- September 2013 5 HOW DO I PROGRESS AS A JUDGE/EVALUATOR? Judging Qualifications Evaluating Qualifications Primary Clinic Star1-4 Primary Juvenile Clinic Juvenile Sr. Bronze Novice Clinic Pre-Novice Jr. Silver Novice Gold Senior Clinic Junior Senior Challenge Exam Challenge Events Canadian Exam Canadians BC/YK Section Juvenile Workbook- September 2013 6 I WANT TO GET MY JUVENILE DANCE PROMOTION - WHAT DO I DO? Please remember, being a judge does not automatically make you an evaluator. A judge judges events at competitions. An evaluator evaluates tests at test days. The two require quite different training. It is recommended, but not mandatory, that both of these parts be completed before you proceed to the Juvenile Singles promotion. To obtain information on becoming an evaluator, go to www.skatinginbc.com and click on Officials/Become a Judge and Evaluator. The Juvenile Judge For Juvenile Singles/Pairs/Dance: Each discipline is separate. Your clinic will be combined. You may apply for a promotion to all disciplines at once or apply for each one separately. This workbook will cover the Juvenile Dance discipline. What does being a Juvenile Dance level judge mean? Once you have received your promotion to the Juvenile level, it means that you can judge events up to and including the Juvenile level – Juvenile Pattern Dances and Juvenile Free Dances. Clinics are good for 2 years. Please list the date, location and moderator for your clinic on page 3. Requirements for Promotion To receive your Juvenile Dance and/or Pairs promotions, you must complete the following tasks: Attend a Juvenile Singles/Pairs/Dance clinic. Obtain 80% or better on the element identification portion of the clinic if applicable. Complete the SKATE CANADA JUVENILE DANCE written examination. Submit at least two satisfactory Trial Judge reports on Juvenile DANCE events (one must be a Free Dance) For Pairs and Dance, this may include a SUPERVISED Juvenile video event from a clinic plus one other trial judged event. For candidates that successfully complete the first requirement for Juvenile Dance and Pairs promotions, the clinic leader may recommend promotion to the Primary Pairs and Dance level. Primary/Juvenile Promotion Coordinator Ms. Amie Garras #307 1040 Pacific Street Vancouver, B.C. V6E 4C1 adgarras@hotmail.com BC/YK Section Juvenile Workbook- September 2013 7 Region Judges Training Representatives Okanagan Region Helen Eddie bobelen@shaw.ca Kootenay Region Debbie Mandryk debbiemandryk@msn.com BC Coast Region Kortney Story kortneystory@gmail.com CNCR Region Darlene Dorsey dorsey@shaw.ca Vancouver Island Region Judy Burwash jaburwash@shaw.ca Region Judges Representatives Okanagan Region Cheyenne Irvine glenne@telus.net Kootenay Region Debbie Mandryk debbiemandryk@msn.com Vancouver Island Region Karen Mallon vanijb@telus.net BC Coast Region Kortney Story kortneystory@gmail.com CNCR Region Carol Giesbrecht carolg006@gmail.com Region Judges Training/Test Day Coordinators Kootenay Region Debbie Mandryk debbiemandryk@msn.com BC Coast Region Penny Nicholas pennynicholas@telus.net CNCR Region Carol Giesbrecht carolg006@gmail.com Jacinta Marina Jacinta_marina@yahoo.ca Vancouver Island Region North/Mid- Paul Francisty francisty@shaw.ca South- Sandra Noel sandra.noel@shaw.ca Okanagan Region North- Cheyenne Irvine glenne@telus.net Central - Karen Deans kdeans@kpmg.ca South- Helen Eddie bobelen@shaw.ca Check www.skatinginbc.com website for current year test day coordinators and region judges reps BC/YK Section Juvenile Workbook- September 2013 8 Promotion Summary Form: Please fill in ALL the events that you have trial judged, not just the events you are submitting reports for. We want to see all of your experience. 1. You need to attend competitions to trial judge events at the Juvenile Level. You should have two Trial Judge reports for Juvenile Dance. One of these reports must be a Free Dance. You can record any additional events on your Record of Trial Judging form, but you do not need to get reports for the events. For Trial Judge reports, the following documentation must be included: - For trial judging, please include starting order, officials list, detailed skater classifications and satisfactory Trial Judge reports. - For Trial Judge reports, please use the 6 page Trial Judge report that includes a self-assessment. This will be printed off from the Data Specialist. Write down your GOE’s and PC scores on the skater’s detailed report card for each skater. - Please include a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope if you want your package mailed back to you. Please make sure that the overall rating for your report is at minimum satisfactory. Do not include reports that indicate that you require more experience or have a significant weakness in a particular area. Remember – if you would like a completed report to count towards your promotion, be sure to speak to the Referee before an event, to request that they fill out a report for you. 2. Be sure to keep copies of your events for yourself. 3. Complete the Skate Canada Juvenile Dance exam. Exams: Before you complete the written exam, please check that you have the most current version of the exam. Methods of Submitting: Mailing or scanning documents is acceptable. If mailing your package, please include the appropriate amount of postage. If scanning your package, scan each page at a low resolution and either email it or burn your package onto a CD or USB stick and mail it. Emailed packages are easier, quicker and more cost effective to process. Please only include the necessary documents for your application. Questions? Please email Amie Garras at adgarras@hotmail.com 4. Verify all parts of workbook are completed. If you have been unable to trial judge Dance events, contact your Juvenile Promotions Coordinator to see if video events are available. 5. Complete the Juvenile Dance Promotion Checklist sheet ensuring all parts are completed as necessary. 6. Photocopy your workbooks for your records, in case they should be lost in the mail. Forward the entire workbook to your Primary/ Juvenile Promotion Coordinator to apply for your promotion. BC/YK Section Juvenile Workbook- September 2013 9 Remember – your workbook is your record for promotion – be sure to bring it with you when judging so you can record all necessary information in it. Above all – it is your responsibility not to lose your workbook!! Please send all workbooks including exams and Trial Judge reports to the BC/YK Section Primary/Juvenile Officials Development Coordinator: Ms. Amie Garras #307-1040 Pacific Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4C adgarras@hotmail.com BC/YK Section Juvenile Workbook- September 2013 10 JUVENILE TRIAL JUDGING EXPERIENCE Promotion Summary- To be filled in by Candidate Name: Section: Skate Canada Registration Number: Date: BC/YK___ Promotion Sought Juvenile Dance Date of last Promotion: CLINIC ATTENDANCE Location/Leader Level Juvenile Date PRIMARY JUDGING EXPERIENCE (N/A) Championship Name/Location Level # of Entries Date TRIAL JUDGING EXPERIENCE (Minimum 2 Trial Reports -one must be a Free Dance) Championship Name/Location Level/Type (Pattern or Free Dance) # of Entries Date I acknowledge that the above information is correct, and recommend this application Email to Amie Garras _____ Signature of Section Judges/Evaluators' Chair adgarras@hotmail.com BC/YK Section Juvenile Workbook- September 2013 11 JUVENILE DANCE PROMOTION ASSESSMENT Please leave blank: To be completed by Section Assessor Name _________________________________ Skate Canada #__________________________ Please assess this individual’s promotion file carefully with reference to expected competences at the level of promotion requested. This form will be used to assist in determining the individual’s readiness for the promotion stated above. Your honest and independent assessment of the file is an important component of the deliberations of the Section Judges’/Evaluator’ committee and the National Judges Subcommittee. In rating the candidate, please use the four point assessment scale (E = Excellent, G = Good, S = completely Satisfactory, NI = needs improvement). Comments supporting your rating are encouraged, as this feedback may be communicated to the candidate with the decision regarding the promotion. E G S NI Comments Technical Knowledge (i.e., recognition of trends, assessment of quality, knowledge and application of current rules, etc., including exam questions) Marking, Accuracy, Standards (i.e., protocol, range of marks, deductions, separate assessment of GOE’s and PC Marks Decision Making (i.e., Speed, independence, objectivity, decisiveness, etc.) Recording, Comments (i.e., systematic and organized worksheet, accurate comments, etc.) Suitability to Judging (i.e., deportment, ability to defend decisions, open-mindedness, professionalism, etc.) Overall Assessment of Trial Judging Pattern Dance Overall Assessment of Trial Judging Free Dance Overall Assessment: Juvenile Dance Promotion Please provide any additional comments which you feel are pertinent to the review of this candidate’s application for promotion, and/ or to their potential for advancement beyond this level. Name of the Assessor Assessor’s Skate Canada #: Signature Date BC/YK Section Juvenile Workbook- September 2013 12 Record of Juvenile Trial Judging Dance Date Competition Pattern Dance BC/YK Section Juvenile Workbook- September 2013 Free Dance # Dance Couples 13 DANCE ELEMENTS LIFTS STEP SEQUENCES Stationary StaLi Straight Line SlLi Curved CuLi Rotational RoLi CURVED Serpentine SeLi Circular CiSt Reverse Rotational RRoLi Serpentine SeSt Combination Not Touching Circular NtCiSt Steps Both types of lift are called i.e. CuLi+RoLi Choreographic ChLi STRAIGHT LINE Midline in Hold MiSt Diagonal in Hold DiSt Not Touching Midline NtMiSt Synchronized Twizzles STw Steps Not touching Midline per set NtMiTw Sequential Twizzles DANCE SPINS Spin Sp Combination Spin CoSp BC/YK Section Juvenile Workbook- September 2013 14 SKATE CANADA Senior / Junior / Novice / Pre-Novice / Juvenile / Pre-Juvenile Pattern Dance Skater/ Team Name Start # Planned Element Executed Element Comments Jdg# Judge Name GOE SKATING SKILLS 1. 2. Edge control and flow over the ice surface edges, steps, turns, etc), the clarity of technique, effortless power to accelerate and vary speed. 3. PERFORMANCE 4. 5. Translation of the intent of the music and choreography (physically, emotionally, and intellectually); the quality of movement and precision in delivery. P/ID: includes harmony of movement (unison). 6. INTERPRETATION 7. 8. The personal and creative translation of the music to movement on ice, the ability to use the tempos and rhythms of the music in a variety of ways, including use melody, rhythm, harmony, color, texture, and form . 9. TIMING 10. 11. BC/YK Section Juvenile Workbook- September 2013 Sureness of rhythm, tempo, effective movement, rhythmic continuity, awareness of all tempo/rhythm changes in a variety of ways. 15 SKATE CANADA Senior / Junior / Novice / Pre-Novice / Juvenile / Pre-Juvenile Men / Women Pair / Dance Short Program / Free Skate / Short Dance/ Free Dance Skater/ Team Name Start # Planned Element Executed Element Jdg# Judge Name SKATING SKILLS Comments GOE 1. 2. Balance / Flow / Sureness / Speed / Direction 3. TRANSITIONS . 4. 5. 6. Variety / Difficulty / Quality / Intricacy /Footwork / Skating Movements / Body movement / Non-Listed Elements 7. 8. PERFORMANCE/ EXECUTION 9. 10. Physical, Emotional, Intellectual Involvement / Carriage / Style / Clarity of Movement / Variety&Contrast of Movement / Projection / Unison 11. 12. CHOREOGRAPHY/ COMPOSITION . 13. 14. Purpose / Structure & Pattern / Body Design & Dimension / Music & Movement Phrasing 15. Comments: INTERPRETATION Musical Movement / Expressive & Nuance Movement / Effortless Movement BC/YK Section Juvenile Workbook- September 2013 16