Berlin Conference - mr

Berlin Conference
Before the Conference
• European powers treated the African people in the
same manner as the Native Americans, forming
trading relationships with tribal chiefs.
• By the mid-19th century (1800’s), Europeans
considered Africa to be a disputed territory ripe for
• With the exception of trading posts along the
coasts, the continent was essentially ignored.
Berlin Conference 1884
• By the early 1880s, due to many factors including European
posturing for power, colonial exploration, and recognition of Africa's
many valuable resources such as gold, timber, land, and labor
power, European interest in the continent had increased
• Slowly but surely the European powers started conquering parts of
the continent. The Belgians conquered what they explored, the
French took over Tunisia as revenge for pirate attacks in the area,
soon all the Europeans were rushing to claim land in the area.
Berlin Conference 1884
• To avoid a war over the land, the European
powers sat down at a conference in Berlin,
Germany (yes it’s Germany now not Prussia).
• It was at this conference that they decided how
to split up Africa amongst themselves, there
were no African leaders invited.