Guided Notes * Ancient Rome - 7


Guided Notes – Ancient


200 years a Kingdom-500 years a republic

– 500 years an empire

King of Macedonia died in 323


His general split the empire into

3 parts – Macedonia, Egypt and


Power shifted from Greece on the Balkan Peninsula to Rome on the Italian Peninsula

Alexander the Great

The “Latin's or Romans” migrated from over the Alps into Italy in about 800 B.C.

- they were herders and farmers

People settled near the Tiber River

◦ An area of 7 hills for defense and nice place to live

◦ Near water but not on the coast

◦ Rome 18 miles from the sea

Peoples of Italy

Another group of people was called the

Etruscans- they ruled much of central


Etruscans brought Greek ideas to Rome

After 100 years of rule- In 509 B.C.

Romans drove the Etruscans out and set up a Republic form of government

Republic means of the people

◦ Forum grew in the center of town for trade and public discussion



◦ Protected by mountains

◦ Apennine Mountains are not hard to travel through for travel

◦ Peninsula –great for trade


◦ Separated from the rest of Europe by


◦ Open for enemy attacks due to coastline and

Apennine Mountains

Rome’s geography

After removing the

Etruscan kings, Rome vowed to never have a king again

A republic gave citizens the right to vote for their leaders

Patricians were the wealthy aristocrats

Plebeians were the merchants and farmers

Slaves were popular but not considered citizens

Roman Class system

The Romans used the three best governments they knew:

 monarchy

 aristocracy

 Democracy

Roman Republic



2 consuls who served one year terms and could veto each other’s decisions

DUTIES: command army, ran government, appoint dictator in times of emergency

LIMITS: only could serve one year terms

Roman Republic



330 member Senate (eventually spread to


DUTIES: controlled budget, proposed and passed laws

LIMITS: could not control army


◦ Took census; upheld laws (courts)


◦ Made laws; served as military commanders




TRIBUNES(35 tribes elected 10 officials) came from all over the Republic to represent the plebs VOICE

DUTIES: could VETO Senate’s laws; decided to declare war or not

LIMITS: could not propose laws

Tribunes (the plebs get power!)

Citizenship extended to:

◦ People born in Roman territories

◦ Through naturalization (petitioning for citizenship by foreigners)

◦ Slaves who are freed by Roman masters

Roman Citizenship

The Forum was a place in the center of town where the temple and government buildings were located.

12 tables posted

Romans in the Forum

First dictator for life

Led the Republic

Assassinated by his Senate

13 years of civil war

Julius’s adopted son gained control

 Augustus Caesar (Octavian)

Julius Caesar

509 BCE Roman Republic founded

450 BCE 12 tables adopted

367 BCE Plebeians are allowed as consuls

264 BCE Rome controls all of the Italian


265-146 BCE Romans conquer the Mediterranean


120 BCE – 44BCE Breakdown of the Republic

44 BCE Julius Caesar rules

27 BCE Octavian Caesar becomes emperor of the




Augustus spread the Roman control far beyond the Italian Peninsula

Empire stretched from Britain to


Roman’s ruled wisely

Used their army for protection and building

Roman Empire
